04x26 - Rematch?! Ishida vs. Nemu

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x26 - Rematch?! Ishida vs. Nemu

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamed D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day

Now then… I guess I'll begin.


What the--!

It seems that it's already begun.

Let's go!


Thirteen Court Guards Twelfth Squad Lieutenant,

Nemu Kurotsuchi.

It's been a while.


What do you… I mean, why?


Well? Do you sense any Bounts?

Hmm… I can't really tell.

I can sense people, but…

I get the feeling that this cave is set up so as not to let anyone detect

Spiritual Pressure within it.

I see… No wonder we couldn't find them.

Let's move on!

I wonder if Rangiku and the others are okay.

I sense a bad presence.

There are four high-ranking Soul Reapers here.

I don't think that Rangiku and the others would be defeated.

The appearance of my next target. That's good…

Can you go, Gesell?

Of course. No problem.

Excellent! Now then…


Yeah. Just like before.

Damn! They've come out!

Oh! Let's get out of here!

What is this place?

They're ruins.

Probably an ancient underground capital.

Heh! It's a perfect place for the Bounts to be hiding.

Kurosaki! Look!



Roar! Zabimaru!!

Take this!

Hado !


Santenkesshun! I reject!!

Thank you, Inoue!

Why you…

Damn! What incredible numbers!

There's no end to them, no matter how many I cut!

We can't keep this up!

Let's lead them to a narrower pathway and attack together!


All ri--!

What's wrong, Inoue?





Are you all right?

Yeah. Thanks!


I-I'm all right…


I-Ichigo, behind you!


This is it!


That was very good, Orihime!

Tsubaki! Kotenzanshun!

I reject!


This is peculiar!

I never thought that he would disappear in an instant. Was he spirited away?!

I think not!

What is this?!

Oh, crap!

This is what would be called a round up!

This is no time to be impressed!


Th-This guy…



There are too many of them!

This is bad! At this rate, they're going to be dragged into that shadow!

Do something, Ichigo!

Ah… Is this the end for me?




You've really lost your powers.

So what about it? Why are you doing this?!

Do you want power?


I don't want things to end here without being able to do anything!

I understand.

I shall lend you power.


Now then… Shall we finish this?



Roar… Haineko!



This doll uses the shadows produced by the eyes as a gateway!

Destroy everything that can make a shadow!



Tsubaki, Kotenzanshun! I reject!

All right!

These guys are all that's left!


Curse her! She should have died!

Well, that's fine.

They seem to have taken some damage.

There's still more to come.


I'm all right.

Kuchiki, don't push yourself.

You still haven't recovered from your wounds from the previous battle.

I've heard from Shuhei.

You took direct damage to your soul, didn't you?

Damage to one's soul takes longer to recover from than bodily wounds do!

But I…

Can you hear me?

My name is Ugaki. I'm a Bount.

My doll's name is Gesell. Pleased to meet you.

You bastard! What's the meaning of this?!

Please, listen to what I have to say.

We are absorbing countless souls which have been gathered by Bitto.

And what happened?

We were able to amplify the power of our dolls and ourselves

to an unbelievable degree!

We won't let you leave those strange bugs around!

How insulting to call them "strange bugs"!

They're the new doll that was born from Yoshino's life.

We've gained the concentrated extract of living souls

and have evolved even further.

But even so, we are still sad!

We are human!

We're not monsters, but humans!

Despite that, humans treated us horribly

just because we had slightly different abilities.

Rejection! Persecution!

We have no method of leaving descendants.

The total number of our tribe is decided.

We can only decrease in numbers.

You cannot understand this pain.

I don't understand!


It's not as if we can't sympathize with your situation!

But that gives you no right to take other people's lives!

I can't forgive you!


It seems my words cannot reach you.

Oh, well…

I'll teach you with your body.

I'll be waiting in the back.

Will you be able to reach me?

He's making fun of us!


I'm going, too!


Inoue, sorry…

Take care of Rukia and Rangiku's wounds.

Wait! I can still…



Only Renji and I will be going on from here!

Chad, take care of the back.

Protect everyone if an enemy att*cks while they're being treated!

All right.

Ichigo, I think Shuhei and the others are in the back. But be careful…

I'll catch up to you as soon as I've recovered.

Please do!

What should we do?

That's right! We can only cheer you on once we've come this far.

But it's better than nothing.

Don't say that about yourself.

Lirin, you all stay back here, too.

All right.

All right!

Leave this to me!



And the newly appeared goddess who has godly cleavage!

I'll take care of them all!

Yeah, I'm counting on you, Kon!

Let's go, Renji!


Huh?! H-Hold on a second!

Aren't you going to say anything?!


What is it?

Are you all right?


About that guy's taunt earlier.

Heh! Is that all?!

Well, you were worried about that kid.

I'm all right. Who do you think I am?!

Then that's fine.

According to Rangiku…

Gesell's main body won't come out…

if we destroy all the objects creating shadows.


Not good enough.

What's this?!

This time…


Kira! Hisagi!

Don't think that the same trick will work twice!

You saved us.

Kira, you're all right.

Abarai, you too.



Don't worry…

You, too?

Yeah… Unfortunately, I can't say that I'm completely unharmed.

Sorry you had to go through so much trouble in that condition.

It doesn't matter!

It was our fault for letting our guards down to the likes of Bounts.

They sure are persistent!


Thank you!

He only att*cks from behind. How dirty can he get!

Raise your head! Wabisuke!

What's wrong, Gesell?!

My Wabisuke multiplies the weight of whatever it cuts.

If I cut it twice, it doubles that,

if I cut it once more, it doubles once more.

I've sealed away that arm!


Curse you!

He has one more arm.



You stupid Soul Reapers--!

Looks like I've got to call Gesell back

in order to escape that ability, huh?

Return, Gesell!

We've returned the favor.

Hisagi! Kira!

Are you two okay?!

Abarai! Kurosaki! Go on ahead of us!

Ayasegawa should be there!

We'll find a different route and catch up to you!


That guy was probably the guard dog to this hideout!

If we get past him, we can reach the Bounts we're after!


All right.

What's this?

I heard that this is a battle accessory

which was passed down between some Quincies several hundred years ago.

The Department of Research and Development saved it for research.

It has the power to control reishi!

If you are a true Quincy,

I'm sure it will be of help to you.

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Lying around, dozing as usual Flipping through nothing but manga books

My motto: Funny & Easy

I wanna live life carefree

"On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy"

Underneath the sun, smilin' every day

Being kind to others, and also to myself

But I get things done when I need to (Really?)

Now then, come with me (Can I trust you?)

Trust me or not, you won't really know until you give it a try

I mean, wouldn't you rather trust and laugh together?

(I wanna) Go for walk

Things won't get started if you don't act!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

Don't wanna lose! Don't wanna cry!

'Cuz I wanna keep laughing! MOVIN'! MOVIN'!

I get a big part in the next episode!

Nothing good has happened to me since I came to the World of the Living.

But just watch! I'm going to show you how cool I can be!

Renji! Urahara said to clean the room you used before you leave.

Yes, sir.

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers Golden After These Messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!


We shall begin the regular meeting… of the Female Soul Reaper Association.

But before that…

Why is Captain Kurotsuchi here?

Because Nemu is out. I came as her substitute!

Thank me…

Please leave!

Oh… Don't mind me. Begin the--

Please leave!

Oh… No…

It's not as if I came because I thought it'd be fun.

Leave it to me!
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