04x19 - Ichigo vs. Dalk! Appearance of the Faded Darkness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x19 - Ichigo vs. Dalk! Appearance of the Faded Darkness

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamed D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day

Even though it's a bit too late, they've begun to notice…

What should we do?

This is a good opportunity…

Show them your power.

Kariya, what about you?

Is there a need for me to do anything?

Ugaki, you give out the orders! And call back the Bitto.

That should be enough for now…

He's acting every inch the leader. Don't you think so?

Is there anyone other than Kariya who's fit to lead?

I don't think it would be wise to defy him…

I'll obey Kariya.

Agreed. It would be best to obey him

even if we have problems with him.

Whoops. Not that I have any…

Is it all right to let them go?

It's probably a good chance for them

to test the power of the living souls that the Bitto have given them…

I’ll be returning to my room. Release Mabashi.


Renji's Spiritual Pressure is…

What's the meaning of this…?!

Did something happen to Renji…?!

Hey! Pokey head!

It's completed! It's completed!

Urahara's new Bount sensor, huh?!

Yes. Here you go!

Th-This is…

Ooh. It's sure a strange shape…

What is this?

It's all right. You know what to do!

He said that it's a rush job, so it's not too good…

He said that there's a fifteen-minute time limit once it’s switched on!

Oh yeah, and the switch is the password written over there!

Hey! Why are you hesitating! Use it already!

Do I have to?

What are you talking about?!

We're racing against the clock!

You screamed that once before!

Good luck!

Here I go…

Feel the power of justice!

Equip! Justice Armor, Justice Bandana!

It really is a switch…

I'm surprised you can say something so embarrassing…

You told me to say it… Huh?

What's going on?!

He said that it would lead you in the direction of the Bounts!

Hey! Can I stop this?

It's impossible.

All right. Ichigo, leave Renji to me. You go that way!

All right. Take care of it!


Come to think of it,

I can't sense the Good-For-Nothing's Spiritual Pressure anymore.

Did he die?

You shouldn't say that…

Let's take a look! He's probably that way!

Jinta, are you actually worried about him?


Don't be silly! Who would worry about such a big eater!

Your face is red despite saying that.

Shut up! I just want to see him looking stupid!

Thank you very much.

Why do I feel like eating junk food as soon as night falls?

It sure is strange!


What's that?

Wh-What? k*ller bees? Vampire bats?

CG? Special Effects?

No way!

Help me!

I wonder if I was hallucinating…

I've got to get home and go to sleep…

Th-This can't be happening…

H-Hold on a second…

This is a pretty realistic…dream, isn't it?

They might be nearby!

Someone’s there!


His soul! They're sucking out his soul!



Move aside! You're in the way!

Get away, you bastard!


Get a hold of yourself! Hey!

Who is that?!

It's the Bount from before!

I'm Go Koga,

What in the world did you do to Keigo?

I don't plan on talking… Sorry, but I'm going to crush you!

Zeig Dih, Dalk!


How are you?!

Wonderful! This feeling is enchanting!

Did she always look like that?

Something's a little different about her…

My body's tingling… I'm flushed! Look at me!

You're my type…

I want to chase you rather than be chased…


It's heavy!


Oh my. Are your hands numb?

It seems that I've changed…

This body…

I'll let you have a good taste of it.


Oh my. That bandana matched you. I'm sorry!

She's faster than before…

Not only that, but she's become heavier and tougher…

Are you finished testing him, Dalk?


You're pretty good!

But I don't have the time to be fighting with you!

I've got to save Keigo!

Oh, how wonderful! How manly!

I can't feel his Spiritual Pressure anymore!

What's going on?

He's either fainted or lost his fighting spirit…






Where's Renji?

I don't know… He should be around here…

We suddenly couldn't sense his Spiritual Pressure, but…

Could it be that Renji is…

Where's Kurosaki?

I had him go in the direction of the Bounts.

He's using Store Owner's handmade sensor…

I don't know if he found them…

Lirin went with him.

You should join Ichigo!

What about you?

I'm going to search for Renji.

Something out of the ordinary must have happened!

All right.

Look out!

What's this?!

Aim a little better!

I'm terrible with details!

Isn't it better to k*ll two or three of them at once?

Why not? Whether you slice them or crush them,

it's the same thing so long as you defeat them…

You're right…

Leave this to me and go!


Ururu, go to where Sado is!

Jinta, I'll leave Renji to you!

Huh? Me?

You're his friend, after all!

We're not friends!

Here she comes!


Hado ! Sokatsui!

I'd rather fight a man than a woman…

It's all the same as long as you defeat her…

I thought you'd say that.


Let me help! Two are better than one!


If I may speak out, make that three.

You two…

You're going to tell us where Kariya is!

And what you plan to do!

I wonder about that…

This feels good!

Sorry. Did I hit you?


You have a bad habit of toying with your prey.


We're fighting for our lives.

I should let him taste extreme fear and pain.

It's too tragic not to know when you'll die.

You guys sure like to talk!

Treating me like some minor character…

How manly of you!

Well then!

Accept my feelings!

Get out of the way!

More, more!


Don't touch Keigo!

Are you all right?!

I'll save you soon. Don't worry!



He can see Soul Reapers, huh?

That means that quite a bit of his soul has been sucked out…

He can't be saved.

I'm going to take Keigo with me!

It's pointless. Even if you returned his soul to him,

his body wouldn't be able to take the load.

What do you plan to accomplish by collecting souls

with those strange bugs?

You see it now, don't you?

This is the power that I received from the souls that the Bitto concentrated…

We plan to absorb more of this

And attain the ultimate power to achieve our goal.




Oh my. I guess he didn't have enough.


Keigo…I’ll…get you right away…

That's pretty good…

But not good enough.

That was a good attack…

But it won't work against us.

I'm enjoying this.

This is fun!

She said to join Kurosaki. He went to where the Bounts are.

All right.

All right.

You children…

Run away quickly!

They won't fall for my hallucinations forever!

What's wrong?

I have to save Keigo.


His soul was already sucked out!

We can't save him even if we go…

I can't save anyone if I can't save Keigo right now.

Not even myself!

That's right.

There is no one who can save another…

That's either arrogance or an illusion.


I won't forgive you if you run away before I'm finished…


I'm not letting you get away anymore!

You're not getting away…


You fell for it!

Take this, and this!

Oh my… is that it?

Good bye.


What's this?!

Don't refer to someone as “this,” you idiot!

Who are you?

Who am I?

Don't ask me stupid things! I'm me!

I thought you were just a regular Soul Reaper, but…

Ichigo's the one who's regular!

I'm not soft like he is!

I'd like to say that this doesn't involve me,

but it would be a problem if I'm crushed.

I'm going to crush you!

Oh my. Does that mean that you fight a little better?

Want to test me?

Of course!

Too slow!

Don't treat me like Ichigo!

He doesn't even compare to me!



Again?! You're going to interfere with me again?!

You're weak!

If you chase me out right now, you'll die!

Don't you understand?


You need strong feelings in order to use strong power.

What…did you say?

You don't have enough of that.

That's why you cannot control your power.

Shut up!

Unfortunately, you gained power imperfectly.

Because of that, you will

destroy yourself in the near future…

Before that happens…

Zeig Dih, Dalk!

Oh my, what happened?

Dalk, this is over.

How boring.

Don't make him suffer too much.

All right!

Hey! Freeloader!



Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

The flowers glow and fade away.

The sky falls silent,

as a pair of dreamy fireworks (Hanabi) lit up.

I will sing my piercing love to you.

Can you hear my voice?

Blooming in an instant are fireworks (Hanabi)

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

Blossom away in full bloom, high above

Protect and keep those feelings thriving

Strongly, at least till the very end.

These flowers will glow and fade away

I'm Kon, the best soothing-type character of the Bleach world!

Where have my parts gone lately?!

Let me participate!

The next episode we'll give you three stories:

“Kurodo's Transformation,” “The Secret of the Birth of Dolls,”

and “A Helper Arrives.”

Tune in!

No we’re not!

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!



Why “Baldy,” why are you at a hairdresser's if you're a baldy?

Does it matter?

Say, say, I'm going to draw a line with a marker

to differentiate your head from your face, is that…

It's not okay!

This is called a shaved head…

Thank you very much!

Captain Komamura!

I'm going to mark a line on Komakoma

to differentiate his face from his head as well!


Look at me!
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