04x17 - as*ault from a Formidable Enemy! A Tiny Final Line of Defense?!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x17 - as*ault from a Formidable Enemy! A Tiny Final Line of Defense?!

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamned D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day

Curse you--!

Get away from there!

The place above the bed is for me, the mascot!

I can stay where ever I want!

You think of yourself as a mascot?

There's a limit to how rude you can be!

What did you say?! Population density is high enough as it is.

It's annoying with you all in this house!

What are you talking about? We're currently in stuffed animal form.

We don't take up space in this form. So in terms of Area Occupancy Ratio…

We’re in no one’s way! That's what you'll be told!

Why you… I'll knock you down--!

Shut up!

I told you all to be quiet!

That's not my fault! This old version keeps attacking us!

Old version--?!!


What a troublesome thing to be pushed on me…


Where's Ishida?

He's in the back room…

but he wishes to be left alone for now.

I see…

What about the presence of the Bounts that disappeared?

Nothing at all…

Yes, well, we don't know why, but our sensors are entirely ineffective…

In short…

We detect nothing.


Those strange things that came out back then…

What were they…?

It seems that Bounts gather ki,

or spiritual power existing in the natural world,

and by controlling it, they create dolls.

By that definition,

the strange things that Kurosaki saw were probably dolls.

And it was necessary to create countless dolls…

Even if it meant ending the life of one of their own kind…

This has become troublesome…

Let's gather information and start over.

First, Abarai…


Can you come with me to investigate Kariya's mansion?


Inoue and Sado, go to school from here for a while.


As long as our enemy's Spiritual Pressure cannot be traced,

we're placing ourselves at great risk.

You both live alone.

School is fine, but it would be safer to come here where there's a barrier.


All right.

Kurosaki, return to your house.

Isn't your family worried? You haven't been home in a while.

Also, I want you to think of a plan for when the Bounts make their move…

A plan?

Take Lirin and the others to your house and

keep your eyes peeled for their movements.

We'll be of tremendous help to you!

You can count on us to watch your back!

Not a problem.

Are you serious?

That's what I was told and I took them in, but…

You're my junior. But you're acting big!

What about it, old version?!

Say that once more!

Old version! Old version! Old version!

That stung right at my heart!

– This was a bad idea, after all… – My heart is broken!

Be quiet! You're disturbing my reading!

Right… she's also here…

I just got to the good part!

The part where Caitlin, who has withstood the bullying of Rodriguez…




has turned into


a demon of revenge with her baby in her arms…


It's the climax!

Don't loiter in my closet!

What did you say?!

We decided before that this would be my sleeping quarters!

Sister! Let me in--!

For crying out loud, when will you ever learn…?

Stupidity cannot be cured even by death!

Well, Kon's stupidity is unshakable.

It's kind of impressive--!

You called me stupid, didn't you?!

– You called me stupid, didn't you?! – What about it?!

Oh, no! v*olence is bad!

– Stop… – Stupid! Stupid!

Stop the fighting!

You're driving me crazy!

Hey! Are you listening?!

Big Brother…


Big Brother…

Oh…no…this is…

This is for my next class recreation activity…

Tonight's dinner…will be sukiyaki.

I'll buy some delicious meat, so cheer up!

Oh no… I'm not…

It's fine… Don't worry about it.

If something's worrying you, consult me or Dad.

We're family!

I'll be going shopping!

H-Hey--! That's not…

She's completely misunderstood the situation…

Well she's got good reason to be worried…

It can't be helped. An adult talking to this many dolls…

Seriously, what can she say?

Who's fault is that?


Couldn’t ask for better timing.

I'll become stupid if I hang around here any longer!

I'm going to go out for a change of atmosphere!

Ah! Wait! Don't leave me!

– Now then, we're going to do our own work! – That's so horrible!

– Well, we're of no help against a Hollow. – Don't leave me!

Ichigo! Sister!

Why are you leaving me behind--?!

You're so horrible…so horrible…

How long are you going to keep crying?!

What are you doing?!

Do you understand the current situation?

What's with this all of a sudden?

The Bounts are targeting strong spiritual power.

What about it?

Do we have to tell you everything?

Ichigo's family has strong spiritual power.

So we've got to set up a plan to protect them!

A-All right.

You've sure gotten used to this…

I guess so… All right, let's go back!


What's wrong?

Don't you think something's strange?

What is?

How should I put it…

a strange presence is coming from your house…

A Bount?

No… I don't think so…

All right, I'm finished!

What are you doing?!

That's my line!

What kind of stupid thing are you doing?

I'll explain!


This is an anti-Bount trap.

An anti-Bount trap?

That's right!

It's so we'll be all right no matter when the enemy att*cks!

We've borrowed useful tools from Urahara to create a powerful trap!

Take a look at it now!


This is a tool that uses bait to lure those creatures in and trap them.

If we pull this… the basket drops!

There. We can trap the enemy like this!

Furthermore, in order to keep the enemy from escaping…

This basket is made out of a special bamboo

that seals away spiritual power!

I see.

Don't be impressed--!

And also…

How about this?!

What kind of charm is this?

It's a Bount repellent!

The balloons at the ends gather minute spiritual power in the air and…

use CD shaped reflective panels to release a light that Bounts hate!

They're not birds…

We have a ground type Bount repellent with the same effect.

I placed them!

I call them Kon's Special Bount Repellent!

These are for cats…

We even prepared indoor traps, in case a Bount enters the house!

Look, if an enemy comes over this mark,

he'll trigger the sensor…

and the mortar hanging on the ceiling will come falling!

Yes, this mortar is made of Sekkiseki which seals away spiritual power!

Afterwards, we can g*ng up on our immobilized enemy!

Kon, is there anything special about that trap you were making earlier?


There is a special medicine on the ropes.

It can seal away the spiritual power of whoever's feet touches it!

Did Urahara make all of these?

That's right!

We have ensured your safety for the time being!

Who would fall for these traps?

Oh no!

What's that?!

Why it's Hanataro!

Oh, Rukia!

Wow! It's a big success!

It's a calculated artistic dual trap

that makes whoever trips fall face first into a pie!

What are you doing?

I was on my way to make a delivery…

Oh! The convenience store I work at has a delivery service!

And that's when you got caught by the Bount repellent trap?


Isn't that why you were dispatched to the World of the Living?

Since I came to the World of the Living…

I've been so wrapped up in everyday life

that I don't know what I'm doing…

Come to think of it…

why did I come to the World of the Living?

Jeez. Pull yourself together…

We've proven the usefulness of our traps!

I got it, now clean this up already!

What did you say?!

That's right! I said earlier, these are anti-Bount traps…!

You've had enough fun… Leave it at that…

Hanataro, wash your face here.

Thank you very much!

He really fell for it…

Oh! Sister, wait for me--!

What's with that attitude?!

Everyone is underestimating the Bounts!

It seems we have to hit them with fear!


Just you wait!


Special suits that Kisuke made for us to amplify our powers!

I never thought I would be using them here…

They look like the Bount minions that we saw earlier. How convenient.

We're going to show Ichigo and the others!

We're going to go out like this,

and Ichigo and the others are going to think that Bounts have come…

and will attack us!

I'll amplify my illusion power with the suit and dodge the attack!

I see. Then I'll link my transformation energy…

with the suit's power, and then display my power!

When Ichigo begins to panic, Noba, who will be hiding, will control the traps.

We'll fall into the traps on purpose… and run away.

We'll prove that these traps are useful!

We'll risk our lives to show them how useful our anti-Bount plan is!

Thye're coming.

All right, let's begin our plan!

Let's give it…

our best!

Noba, activate the traps well!

Sorry for borrowing all these things from you…

Don't worry about it.


What is it? You're being noisy!



Hado ! Sotatsui!

Did I do it?!

You over did it!

That surprised me…

Thank you, Noba…

We were saved thanks to your power…

Noba? Can't you hear us?

What's that? Look out! Noba, run away!

Hado ! Shakkaho!

Sorry! Noba, are you all right?!

I'm all right…

Why isn't Rukia surprised?!

If I am to assume, Rukia works as a Soul Reaper.

She's used to life-threatening situations.

That's why she can do things like that instantly…

Let's stop already! This is dangerous!

Oh! Ichigo!

Oh, there's a reason for this look…

Aah! Lirin and Kurodo are being eaten!

What? What?!


Hado ! Byakurai!

Where did they go?!


What is it?

Go in my body.

– Aah, that surprised me… – Rukia!

Where did the Bounts go?

I lost sight of them…but…

They shouldn't be too far away!

All right. I'm all ready to do this!


I just contacted Renji.

Excuse me…

I understand that you feel guilty for letting your friends get eaten.


Noba, take care of things here!

Let us know if something happens!

Oh! Wait, Ichigo!

Lirin, Kurodo…we’ve only known each other for a short time but…

As a fellow mod soul, I will avenge them!

Kon! A-Are you all right?

Sorry… I’ll leave the rest to you…

Did you find them?

No…they're not here…

I'll go over there.

All right.

Are they gone?

Gone. Really, what barbaric people!

Our plan is wasted!

At any rate, we have to clear up this misunderstanding!

Agreed. First, let's take off these suits.

You're right.

Why?! I can't take off this suit!

Has it malfunctioned?!

Huh? Why can I hear your voice?

The external speakers are broken,

but it seems the suit-to-suit radio is all right.

I see! Noba also has a receiver for this radio.

We'll be saved if we go back to where Noba is!

However, there won't be a problem

if Noba tells them about us, would there?

But looking at Rukia's attitude earlier,

it doesn't seem like he's explained yet…

At any rate, let's hurry back!

I agree.

Someone's coming!

Oh, yes!

Curse Big Sis… She's really a sl*ve driver!

Return your own CDs…

Is he gone?

Did he notice us?!

Hey! Afro Man!

What are you playing today?

Shut up! I'm not playing!

What's with that? You could talk to me a little…

Don't talk to me!

How come so many people in this town can see me?!

What's that?

It seems to be the Soul Reaper in charge of this town…

Huh? Then what are Rukia and the others?

Well, I don't think that Rukia, Abarai, and Kurosaki are doing usual work…

In that sense, doesn't he fill that purpose?!

Don't move, you dolls!

Oh no!

Let's run away!

Hado ! Sotatsui!

Wh-What's this?!

You're not getting away!

Oh! Why, if it isn't Lady Kuchiki! Meeting you here is…


That was close!

What?! Stop…

Kuchiki is playing w*r?!

I never knew she was interested in that…

Could it be that I've been left out yet again?!

I can't take it anymore--!

– Now hurry! We're almost there! – I'm finally finished…


Save me…!

Kurodo, I thought of a good plan to get away from here!

We're on the same wavelength… Me too!

Wh-What?! Could this be…

All right, prepare yourself!

You're now our hostage…

Wait just a moment!

This is bad!

Roar! Zabimaru!

Renji, you came!

You bet!

Don't let your guard down!

They may be small, but they're with the Bounts!

It seems that whatever we say is useless…

S-So it seems.

It can't be helped. Let's do that!

What?! That?!

Let's go!


Energy release!



– Konpakumajin! – Konpakumajin!

What's this--?!

What a dopey look!

Here I go! Roar!

Huh?! Wh-What's this?!

Renji, look!

When did he get my Zabimaru?!

– Roar! Zabimaru! – Roar! Zabimaru!

Save me, Big Brother!

Crap… What's going on?!


What's this? Stop it. That tickles! Stop it!


Now to finish you off!

Ichigo! Renji! This is strange!

– There's no way to escape… – It's too late!

Even if you realize that it's an illusion!

What a mistake for some one like me to make--!

Bastard… Using illusions--!

Prepare yourself!

What's this?


Lirin! Kurodo!

What's the meaning of this?

Well, these are…

These are suits that the perverted storeowner made.

Noba said that it strengthens the wearer's fighting power

in stuffed animal form!

What you saw earlier were variations of Lirin's power to show illusions…

And Kurodo's power to transform!



Well, I'm sorry…

Let's not use this suit anymore.

It wouldn't be good if they were mistaken for enemies…

Really! Who knows what would have happened if I wasn't around!

Noba wouldn't have talked by himself!

You might be in your grave right now…

Huh? What's the matter, Lirin?

What's with that look?

You should be more grateful!

After all, I'm the one who saved your--!

You're too pushy! You're a man aren't you?!

What did you say?!

– Shut up! – I'm going to beat you up!

Let's put away the Bount repellent traps as well.

They're useful, but a bit problematic…

You're right…

Hey, did someone clean up the ones planted at home?

No, no, no.


I'm home, Yuzu…

What's this? A new game?

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

The flowers glow and fade away.

The sky falls silent,

as a pair of dreamy fireworks (Hanabi) lit up.

I will sing my piercing love to you.

Can you hear my voice?

Blooming in an instant are fireworks (Hanabi)

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

Blossom away in full bloom, high above

Protect and keep those feelings thriving

Strongly, at least till the very end.

These flowers will glow and fade away

Ichigo! Bad news!

What is it?! Bounts?

Caitlin got her revenge on Rodriguez, and then the true enemy appeared!

And Rodriguez was really a good guy!

Who cares!

What?! I never knew Rodriguez had such a secret!

Inoue…you read this, too?

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!!

– Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers! – Golden!

Hitsugaya is drafting people?

Yes! He wants to dispatch several people to the World of the Living.

Who should we send?

What about Yachiru?

At the sweets room.

What about Ikkaku?

He's sleeping.

What about Yumichika?

He's filing documents.

All right, make Yumichika go!

Huh? But rather than someone who's actually working…

You idiot!

Play is more important!

You can do work whenever you want!

Tune in again!
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