03x25 - The Spies Who Loved Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Loud House". Aired: May 2, 2016 - present.*
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Series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children.
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03x25 - The Spies Who Loved Me

Post by bunniefuu »

[spy music]

♪ ♪

[cars honking]

[computer beeps]

- Hey, Lincoln.
- Hey, Ronnie Anne.

Guess where I am.

- Well, the sign's
right behind you,

so I'm gonna say Flip's.

- Oh, right.
They're unveiling

the new Flippee flavor today.

Gotta make sure
I don't miss out.

- Awesome,
I have a big day too.

I'm going downtown
to check out street murals.

- City life
sounds pretty cool.

Clyde, over here.
Sorry, I gotta go.

- Okay, good luck
with the Flippees.

- Good luck with the murals.

both: Downtown?
- [gasps]

- You were listening
at my door?

- It's a good thing we were.

- We're in charge of you while
your mom's away this weekend.

A--and you can't go downtown
by yourself.

- It's no big deal.

I'm used to going
everywhere by myself.

- Sure, in Royal Woods.
But this is the city.

There's all kinds of danger
you don't know about.

- Especially downtown.
Even I won't go there

without lighting
five candles first.

- I'll be fine.
I have my Metro card.

I've got my route planned out.
If there's any problem,

I'll call you.
- But, mija...

- Bobby's the one you
should be worried about.

You know how he's always
getting stuck

in the dairy case.

- But at least
we know he's safe.

And has plenty to eat.

- Don't worry.
[lips smack]

I got this.

[jazz music]

both: [groaning]

[grunt, groan]

- What's the rush?
Is there a sale on VapoRub?

- They only move this fast if
they're following someone.

Who is it?
- Ronnie Anne.

She's going downtown.
[menacing music]

- [gasps]
- Downtown.

At her age?
- Is she crazy?

- We tried to talk her out of
it, but you know how she is.

Stubborn like an ox.

- Are you sure you're the ones
who should follow her?

You're kind of, um, uh...
- You're old.

- [squawks]
What a burn.

- Hey, why don't I go?
I'll make sure she's safe.

- No, no, all my grandbabies
are too precious.

- Actually,
it's not a bad idea.

Carlota knows downtown
better than any of us.

- And I will go with her.

Ah. She'll need a man
for protection.

- Okay, but you have to
hold your sister's hand.

- No way. How will the ladies
know I'm single?

- I'll tell them.
- [yelps]

[cell phone snaps]

- [munching]

- All right,
she seems okay so far.

- Okay?
She's surrounded by pigeons.

all: [gasp]
- And eating a pretzel.

She has no idea what city
critters will do for food.

- Hey, don't sweat it, fam.
I got this.

[trash rattles]

[tense music]

all: [sigh]

- It's a good thing
I lit my special candle

or Ronnie Anne
could have been bird food.

- [grunts] Hey, pigeons,
come get some lunch.


[spooky music]



♪ ♪

[spy music]

[cell phone snaps]
- [gasps]

Why is she standing in
the middle of the sidewalk?

She may as well wear a sign
that says "country bumpkin."

- Wait, do you hear that?
Carlota, look up.

[tense music]

all: [scream]

- She doesn't know about
city air conditioners.

- They fall on people
all the time.

- Vito Filiponio knows a guy
who read a story about a guy

who almost got hit by one.
The threat is real.

♪ ♪

- Hmm.
all: [sigh]

- It didn't fall because I was
rubbing my lucky wishbone.

Otherwise, she would've been
flattened like a tortilla.

[spy music]

- She's not watching
where she walks.

- Is your phone
really more important

than your life, mija?

[dramatic sting]
- [gasps]

Ay, madre mía, there's an
open cellar door up ahead.

[gasps, exhales]

- Ronnie Anne doesn't know
about city cellars.

- They're death traps.
- Not to worry.

I'll go close it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ah!


[tense music]

all: [sigh]
- [tongue sloshes]

- [grunts]
Is she still alive?

- Yes, but only because
I had my worry beads.

- [grunts]



- Carl, quit horsing around
and go follow Ronnie Anne.

- Wait, look at
that bike messenger.

- She doesn't know
about city cyclists.

- Ah, they're pigeons
on wheels.

- He's headed right for her.

- I'll save her.

[tense music]
[bell rings]

- Hey, slow down.
[tires screech]

- Yikes.

- Carl?

Are you guys following me?

- What--uh, no, no.

What a crazy coincidence
seeing you here.

- What's going on?
We can't see Ronnie Anne.

- So you've all been
spying on me?

- We were worried about you.

- I told you,
I can take care of myself.

You really need
to chill out and trust me.

I'll be home in
a couple of hours.

No one follow me.

- Of course.
- We promise.

- Carlota, follow her.

- What? No, I don't want her
to hate me.

- Relax, your boy Carl has
once again saved the day.

Dad, you know that tracking
chip you sowed into my jacket?

- Busted, Dad.
- Oh, er, huh.

You knew about that?

- Water under the bridge,

I stuck it in
Ronnie Anne's backpack

so you can track her
on your phone.


- Hah! God job, son.

- Looks like I'm the brawn and
the brains of this operation.

- Sweetie, did you find
the booger wipes

I put in your jacket?
- [groans]

- [laughs]

[phone rings]

- Hey, Lincoln,
how's the new Flippee?

- I haven't gotten one yet.
The machine's down.

But Flip says he's
got it under control.

- Well, I hope you
get your Flippee.

- How's it going
with the murals?

- They're great,
but my family's nuts.

They sent Carlota and Carl
to spy on me.

- Been there.
- Anyway, I put a stop to that.


[spy music]

- She's stopped at George
Washington Boulevard

and th street.

- Got it.
- Okay, let's see.

Nearest emergency room
is at St. Anthony's.

There's also a fire station
a block away.

[cell phone snaps]

[backpack zips]

[chip beeping]

- [squeaking, sniffs]


[whirs, panting]


- Why is she moving so fast?
- Ah.

She could skate
right into traffic.

- Hold on, it looks like she's
on th street headed east.

- That street dead-ends
at the river.

And the jail.

- Ay, madre mía.

What if she has
a secret prison pen pal

and she's gonna visit him?

I better look in the cards.

I need to know more
about this creep.

- I... I can't take
all this uncertainty.

We have to call her.

- If we call her, she'll know
we're spying on her.

- That's better than her
falling into the river.

[phone ringing]

- Another phone call?

They are so paranoid.

- She's not picking up.

- Maybe her phone's dead.
- Or some thugs stole it.

[cat yowls]
- Whatever it is,

she's in trouble.
We gotta go get her.

- Wait, we can't all go.
Someone has to stay here

and watch the baby.
- And Bobby.

- I'm on it.
- Thanks, CJ.

Call if you need us.

all: [groan]
- Oh, good, you're home.

Now come on,
we're going back out.

- Okay, let's see.
The dot says she's here.

- This doesn't look so bad.
- Oh, wait.

Actually, she's over here.

- [caws]
all: [gasp]

[door creaks]

[tense music]

- Ronnie Anne, are you here?
- Oh, look.

- [squeaking]

all: [scream]
- Everyone, stand behind me.

- [hisses]
- Mommy.

- [gasps] If the tracker is on
the rat, that means--

- The rat ate Ronnie Anne!

- Don't be ridiculous, Hector.

She was obviously
turned into a rat

by some kind of dark magic.

- Or here's a crazy idea.
Maybe the tracker just fell out

of her backpack,
got stuck to the rat,

and Ronnie Anne
is somewhere else.

- Seems like a stretch.
- [squeaking]

all: [squeaking]

- [whimpers] The rat that ate
Ronnie Anne has friends.

all: [scream]

[bell rings]
- Hey, CJ.

I was just upstairs.
Where is everyone?

- They all went out
to look for you.

- Went out to look for me?
- Yep, except me.

I'm watching Bobby.

[lounge music]

♪ ♪

[phone rings]

- Casagrande Mercado.
- Wait, is this Ronnie Anne?

You're home?
- Yeah.

And why are you guys out
looking for me?

I told you I'd be fine.

- Uh, Tío Carlos
will explain everything.

♪ ♪

- Uh-huh.
Abandoned building?

Rats? [sighs]
I'll be right there.

[rock music]

- The rats are
gonna devour us.

- She needs to come quick.
- Auxilio.

all: [gasps]
- Don't worry.

I got this.
- That's your plan?

A half-eaten pretzel?

- I don't know if you know
this, but city critters

will do anything for food.
- Actually, we did know that.

We didn't know you knew that.

- Didn't know?
Watch this.

all: [snort, growl]

- Wah!

[elevator bell rings]

all: [whimpering]

- Thank you, Ronnie Anne.
- That was amazing.

- I think we've learned
an important lesson today.

- Yes. Next time, Rosa and I

will do all
the spying ourselves.

- [exhales] No, Dad.

I mean, Ronnie Anne can
obviously take care of herself.

- Yeah, maybe even
better than we can.

- Thanks, guys,
I appreciate that.

And if you worry
this much about me,

maybe I can make things
easier for you.

- Oh, good.
So you'll wear the tracker?

- Uh, not quite.

But how about a phone check-in
every couple of hours?

- Agreed. But only if you'll
carry my lucky crystal too.

- Deal.
[elevator bell rings]

Uh, we better get out of here

before that
elevator door opens.

all: Ah!

[dramatic music]

- Well, I'm glad things worked
out with your family.

- Me too. So did you ever
get to try the new Flippee?

- No. Flip couldn't
fix the machine,

but he's giving out
free nachos,

as soon as he fixes
that machine.

- [anguished scream]

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we show
our love in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
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