08x08 - A Wicked Heart Discovered!! Dabura's Great Idea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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08x08 - A Wicked Heart Discovered!! Dabura's Great Idea

Post by bunniefuu »

"Vegeta, Prince of Destruction, Revived!! Intrusion at the Tournament" Dabura someone supposed to be a demonic king, has abandoned the fight!? What on earth could his intention be? It's you whose intention I want to know! How could you fail to take down a guy of his level!? If you were even a paltry member of our fighting race, once you started a fight, you'd make sure to take your opponent's last breath from them!! You're all too soft!! Every one of you, fighting behind the mask of justice, it disgusts me! It's power that commands the fight! The strong are the only ones who survive, while the weak die! Power is everything! But Take a look at Piccolo and them! It's only because they were weak that they were turned to stone! Hmph! They're a disgrace! That's right! If I'd only defeated Dabura, Piccolo-san and Kuririn-san would have been returned to normal Let it stand at that, Vegeta.

Gohan did everything he could, after all.

Like I told you, Kakarrot! I want to put an end to this playing around so I can hurry up and settle my score with you! Dammit, I'm at the limits of my patience! Never mind Babidi, and never mind the Majin! I'm going to vaporize this whole spaceship! - This is where it ends! - That's reckless, Vegeta-san! If you do such a thing, Majin Boo will be revived! Majin Boo is a monster who does nothing but create destruction and slaughter again and again! He is quite literally a demonic being, as four of the Kaioshin were no match for him! Shut up! If Majin Boo is revived, then mankind no, all living things will be put to death, and the Earth will unmistakably be turned into a planet of death! Be silent! How many people are k*lled what may happen to the Earth It's no concern of mine! What kind of person are you? Why don't you cut it out, Vegeta!? Kakarrot! Still, something strange has happened, huh? Yeah.

This should have been the perfect chance for them to obtain the energy they need for Majin Boo's revival.

So why did Dabura? I ain't sure what it means, but I'm certain he said something like "I do not need to fight myself, I've found a good warrior.

" Found a warrior H- he can't mean! You're right! He's different from the others! It's just as you said.

His heart is filled with wickedness! He hasn't come here for any just cause at all! Right.

Bravo, bravo, Dabura! So then, let us have them fight amongst themselves.

The energy we obtain from them will most assuredly revive Majin Boo.

We're going to have you serve us! Vegeta-san! Dammit! I knew it! Kaioshin-sama, what on Earth is? Vegeta-san! Shake it off! Babidi is attempting to use the evil in your heart! Babidi using the evil in his heart? That's right! Madoshi Babidi can manipulate the evil-hearted at will! You can't mean the warrior Dabura found is? Vegeta-san, empty your mind! You must not think of anything! W- worthless fool! that's easy for you to say! Good, good! You're ours now! All right, while we're at it, let's also draw out his hidden power, beyond his limits! W- what's this? Incredible power! Vegeta-san! No, Vegeta-san! Don't let that guy manipulate you! Gohan! Vegeta-san What a Ki! I can't get near it! Babidi, you! Vegeta-san! Vegeta Hey, Vegeta! Please, wait! It's too late! I- it can't be I'm Champion! Way to go, Mister Satan! Yea, Mister Satan! You're so cool! We cannot allow you in the ring! Please go back! Everyone, please return and sit in your seats at once! Sit down, if you please! Vegeta! Vegeta-san, snap out of it! Vegeta-san! I never I never expected Babidi to go about setting us up against each other! Great, great! He is now my servant! Why don't I let them fight somewhere nice? Papparapa! - W- what!? - He's about to move us to another location.

We're at the Tournament grounds.

This is no apparition, this is unmistakably the Tournament grounds! W- what's with them? They just suddenly appeared! Goku! No doubt about it, it's Goku and the others! What's happening here? Goku-sa! And Gohan too! Vegeta! Unbelievable! Now they come back to the Tenkaichi Tournament, when the winner's already been decided! What am I goin' to do about the family budget? I know! Just beat up Mister Satan now and take the prize money! That's preposterous! Preposterous!? If he beats the Champion to a pulp in front of everyone here, no one's goin' to object! I- I suppose that's true Hmm? W-wait a second, there's something strange here.

You're a bit late, aren't you, party of Son-san? Where on Earth have you been? Watch out! So, what was his name again? Er Right, right, right! Vegeta! Take the energy from those guys! Battle with all your might! You can even k*ll them if you want! Silence! My only objective is Kakarrot! I don't care about anyone else! Vegeta you How about that guy? He still isn't completely under my control! This is a first! Well, I guess it's okay.


V- V- Vegeta! Vegeta! What the hell is he thinking? T- th- they're those guys from those guys from that one time Y- you mean t- they survived? H- hey! What? You idiot! Aw, hell! Oh, no! Unbelievable! T- this can't be! It's not true! This is some kind of mistake Vegeta Vegeta Vegeta has been controlled by Babidi! Is this the fateful confrontation at last?
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