07x19 - Now What, Satan!? The Greatest Pinch in History

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x19 - Now What, Satan!? The Greatest Pinch in History

Post by bunniefuu »

"Now What, Satan!? The Greatest Pinch in History" Our Champion, Mister Satan is about to appear.

Just how long will Trunks-kun's power hold out against Mister Satan? Satan! Satan! Satan! You know, he's an incredible little boy, huh? I don't suppose even the great Mister Satan can stand waiting for this! W- what if he decides to get serious on me? Don't be silly! Joking! I'm joking! What can I do? I'm going to die! Would you like to take a little break first? I'm fine.

Really? Then, without further ado, Mister Satan! If you please? Go ahead, Mister Satan! Mister Satan! World's greatest! Who is this youngster, who challenges the world champion, Mister Satan!? Satan! Satan! Satan! It's you, then!? I hope you're ready! W- what should I do? If this is a dream, hurry and wake up! This old guy is the World Champion? I wouldn't believe it for a second.

I wonder if he's stronger than Dad.

Trunks-kun, hang in there! You keep that to yourself! He doesn't have to hang in here! Well, how about we start getting back? I think the preliminaries should be over by now.

You're right, let's go see.

Hold on! That child down there is one of you, right? He's about to fight with Mister Satan! Aren't you going to watch that first? Yeah! Yeah, we are! You never know, it may turn out to be a good match.

Well, we'll head out first, then.

What's this? There's nothing incredible about that.

Could he be acting pathetic on purpose? That must be it.

He's the World Champion, after all.

Okay, let's do it.

H- hey! What are you so worked up about? This match is just an attraction! T- this is supposed to be light fun! So let's take it easy here, okay? Huh? Yeah? No way.

I'm going as hard as I can.

Y- you fool! Let's be grown up about this.

We're just playing around! I'm a child.

Stubborn boy! Give it a break, you're acting like a kid.

I am a kid.

So, are you both ready, then? Let's get this underway.

That kid is uncommonly strong, but overall, Satan has to be even stronger, huh? He's gotta be.

He's the one who beat Cell, after all.

Trunks! Go! Go! What should I do!? I- I know! Oh! Mister Satan, what seems to be the trouble? Mister Satan, what is it? Back when I fought Cell, I hurt my knee, and now.


You hurt your knee during that fight? Y- yeah.

I kept it a secret, but in fact, that's what happened.

What a shame, that at a time like this.


There's a doctor here, we'll have him look at it.

I'll go get him.

No, it's okay.

It seems to be better now.

I should be able to fight.

After all, I am the World Champion.

This is nothing at all.

You're sure it's all right? Of course! It's all right! Mister Satan will fight! W- we're about to start.

What can I do? What can I do? If I lose to a kid, my reputation will be damaged! That's it! My opponent is a kid! I can just pretend to lose to him on purpose! That's good! That's what I'll do! So, then.


T- time out a second! Trunks-kun, listen.

Come to think of it, we never showed you how the special salute for this attraction is to be held.

Salute? That's right! When the match starts, you will first gently, gently now, tap me, the Champion, on the face.

It will be perfect.

Just like this.

Got that? No matter what, you mustn't salute me as hard as you can.

Okay? You got that? I got it.

Just a tap, right? All right.

We can begin now.

The boy just wanted my autograph, and I was telling him we'd do it afterward.

Ah, I see.

This will be interesting.

Well then, the match between the Junior Champion Trunks-kun and Mister Satan! Please begin! All right! So, bring it on! Oh? Mister Satan has stuck out his face, as if to say "Hit me!" Such poise! Such poise, Mister Satan! Way to go! Good luck, kid! P- P- Papa! You idiot! You've got to pull your punch more than that! Papa! You got me! You sure are strong.

The old man has lost! R- Ringout! What's this? Trunks-kun has won! Hey, he did that on purpose! That's our Satan! Nice going, World Champion! That was nicely done.

A very convincing show of losing! W- well, I think I'll take a short nap in the waiting room now.

I- I don't know.

Maybe he was strong after all.

Ow!! I'm going to die!! You stupid brat! And after I said to him "gently!" Worthless dimwit! Congratulations, Trunks-kun! You're even stronger than the World Champion! And now, before we start the Tenkaichi Tournament's Senior Division, we will take a 30-minute intermission.

The Senior Division will convene at 1:40 p.


, so until then, we hope you look forward to it Oh, there's an intermission? I'm hungry, why don't we eat something before then? Ah, excuse me, only contestants who have qualified may proceed past this point.

You mean the results of the preliminaries are out already? In that case, I think each one of us have qualified.

One moment, please.

May I have your names? Son Goku.





Ma Junior.

Ma Junior? There was that business in the past.

It would be unfavorable if I went by "Piccolo.

" I guess so.

Here you are, here you are.

Please excuse me, you have all qualified.

By all means, you may proceed.

At 1:30, there will be a drawing to determine your match order, so until then, you are at your leisure.

Half-past one, huh? That gives us about 20 minutes.

Yeah, but aside from our little membership here and Gohan, there doesn't seem to be anyone worth worrying about.

We'll be taking all the prize money.

I got no way to use it over in the Other World.

How nice for you, Goku, not getting any older in the Other World.

I suppose.

Kuririn, you want to try dying? Now cut that out! I'm extremely happy now, you know.

Right? Idiot.

Congratulations on your victory.

You sure were strong, Trunks-kun.

What kind of training have you been up to, little boy? It's a shame the TV cameras were all broken and we couldn't broadcast, huh? Who would you like to communicate your joy to? What are your impressions, having fought against Mister Satan? Ah! Mister Satan is coming! Goten! Trunks-kun! Can we have a word concerning your impressions of victory? Man, they were persistent.


Say, Trunks-kun, are you really going to give me those toys? Yeah, of course.

But still, there's something still unsatisfying, huh? Say, Goten, Don't you want to try getting in to the adult matches? Mm? Sure I do Ohh! Yum, yum! Hey, you sure you're all right, eating that much before the matches? Since when do the dead get hungry to begin with? Over in the Other World, it doesn't matter whether you eat or not.

But the food here in the lower realm is so yummy! Ah, here you are! Oh, Gohan! How did it go? Trunks-kun won.

Mister Satan-san seemed to lose to him on purpose.

Hmm, right, on purpose.

He thinks of everything.

What do you mean by that? Don't pay it too much mind.

Kuririn-san! Please don't be so indiscreet! Gotcha.

Gohan! We've ordered for you too.

You're eating, ain't you? Yes! I humbly accept! Quite delicious, this food! Ain't it? Another helping! What is it with these people? Unbelievable.

What is it about you Saiyans and your stomachs? Saiyans? Kuririn-san! Gotcha, gotcha! I won't say anything else! I'm full! I'm full! Thanks for the hospitality! The food on This Side is yummy indeed! You didn't eat anything.

Are you dieting? The drawing is just about to begin, isn't it? S- say, that person is floating in mid-air.


Good day.

You are Son Goku-san, are you not? H- how did you know I was? I have heard some rumors concerning you.

I have wanted to try my hand against you in a match.

I too have managed to qualify in the preliminaries.

If things go well, I hope we may end up competing against each other.

Of course, I do not believe I have what it takes to win.

I would just like to know how strong you are.

By all means, if I could shake your hand.

Mm? Ah, good to meet you.

I see.

As the rumors said, you possess a fine soul.

Well, if you will excuse me.


Who was that, Son? I don't know.

But there's no mistaking that we ain't the only ones who will have easy wins anymore.

You sure? He didn't appear all that great.

I mean, to me, he just seemed like a strange-looking fellow.

A strange pair suddenly make an appearance.

Who could these two be? This Tenkaichi Tournament just got a whole lot more interesting!
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