07x13 - Ah, You're Flying!! Videl's Introduction to Bukujutsu

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x13 - Ah, You're Flying!! Videl's Introduction to Bukujutsu

Post by bunniefuu »

I Flew! Videl Learns How to Fly! Okay, I'm here to teach you two the Bukujutsu.

In other words, how to fly.

This is just a matter of ki control, so it is not hard.

However, learning how to fly at high speeds is much harder.

Control your ki? Hey, what's ki? Huh? Oh, I see you call it something else.

It's the hidden energy or power in your body.

Eh? What's hidden power? What's the best way to explain it? It's this.

That's right.

It's that kind of power.

I see.

What do you call it? This kind of power? A trick.

A trick? It's not a trick at all.

You don't need anything to do it.

Why didn't you say this from the beginning? I don't know anything about this kind of magic! Huh? You don't know about ki? Now what am I going to do? Hey, you mean if you don't have any ki, you can't fly in the air? It's okay.

Everyone has ki.

It's just a matter of control.

Really? Really.

Goten, can you wait a bit? I have to teach Videl-san how to use her ki.

I'll teach you later.

Isn't it going to be impossible? She doesn't even know what ki is.

I'll learn.

Go somewhere and play.

Okay, I'll go play.

Hurry and teach her how to fly.


Okay, quiet yourself and relax.

Now slowly draw forth your inner power.

See? Now you try.

Let's see.

Quiet down and relax.

No, not with your strength.

First you have to relax or you can't bring forth your ki.

You have to concentrate.

Time to eat.

Time to eat.

Thank you very much for lunch.

I didn't have a choice.

I couldn't feed everyone but you.

This is excellent! It's much better than what my chef makes! Chef? Does your family own a restaurant? No, we have a chef that works for us at my house.

You have a personal chef? Are you rich? How many rooms does your house have? 10? 20? Let me see About 50 I think You're super rich! This is delicious.

When are you two going to get married? Are Brother and Videl-san going to get married? No! No we're not! That's right! That's perfect! You did it! This is great! Because you're a martial artist, it looks like you have a knack for this, Videl-san.

Can I fly now? No, not yet.

Not until after you have free control over your ki.

What an ancient training technique.

Ah, it's the Southern Kaio.

It's been a while.

Isn't Son Goku the one who was at the Tenkaichi Budoukai several years ago? He got close then.

Hasn't he gotten trained by Dai Kaio-sama yet? Dai Kaio-sama says he's busy.

It'll happen soon enough.

How much do the weights on him weigh? They're not that much.

They're only two tons each.

Two tons!? It looks like that surprised you.

Don't be foolish.

You can't surprise me.

This is Papoi.

He just arrived here.

He's the strongest hero in my area.

He's incredibly strong! It's too bad he wasn't here before.

He would have won.

Tell you what, in my northern area, there is a planet named Earth that's having a martial arts competition there.

Why doesn't that Papoi, who you are so confident in, join too? That's fine by me.

Papoi's sure to win.

Hey Goku, I'm going to increase the size of your weights.

Huh? Okay, but how heavy are you going to make them? How about ten tons each? Ten tons? You're lying! Ten tons? That's too much.

I won't be able to move.

That's right! No matter how good he is, that's impossible! You still like those stupid jokes, don't you? Goku, you can change into a Super Saiyajin.

Oh, then that's no problem.

Hey, do you want to do the honors? I'm going to change them to ten tons each! That's going to be 40 tons total! I'm really going to do it! It's okay, right? I'm really going to do it! Go ahead.

Do it.

Don't blame me if you get hurt.

Incredible, isn't it? The Tenkaichi Budoukai is going to be in 28 days, their time.

Papoi can enter too.

Now that I've thought about it, Papoi doesn't like silly games like that.

Let's take our time to think about it.

This is just a foolish waste of your time.

Now it's time to learn how to fly.

Control your ki like I said Not with your legs.

Float on your ki.

Concentrate your ki.

Like this? You're doing great! I did it.

You're doing fine, Goten.

Goten, don't push yourself too hard.

Don't worry Brother.

Goten! Goten! Goten, that's why I told you not to push yourself too hard.

Don't worry, you'll be able to fly freely soon enough.

But what about your training? After Videl-san goes home.

Then we'll be able to train as hard as we want.

Gohan-kun, have you forgotten about me? Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! It's getting late.

Won't your father worry about you? That's okay.

Learning how to fly is more important! Okay, let's continue.

Okay, ignore your bodily strength more, and concentrate more on your ki.

That's it! You're doing it! You did it! You're floating! You're doing it! Be quiet! I can't concentrate! That's incredible! You were able to do this in just a day! You think so? I did it, Brother! Look! Goten already knew how to control his ki.

You've already gotten the hard part done.

After that, the rest is no problem.

You can learn the rest of what it takes to fly by yourself.

I'll be back tomorrow.

Why? You've gotten the hard part down! You should be able to learn the rest yourself.

I want to learn more about ki.

Or am I getting in the way here? Of course not! Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.



That reminds me.

What? It's about your hair.

I think you should cut your hair short.

Do you like short hair? Is that your type? Huh? It doesn't matter what I like, but short hair is better for competitions.

You see, if it's long, it's easier to grab and it could get in your eyes.

How dare you? Leave me alone! It's my hair! Brother, why did she get angry? I don't know.

But even so I can't train! You can't do this Trunks! You should leave the room.

You can't stand the 150 times gravity in this room.

Last night I got a phone call from Goten.

He's going to the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

So I want to go too.

It's just like a festival.

I can't do it like this.

I'll have to change into a Super Saiyajin.

What? This is easy! Since when has he been able to do that? This isn't funny.

There are too many of what was once called a legendary warrior.


Yes? Can Son Gohan's brother turn into a Super Saiyajin as well? Yes.

This is just like a Super Saiyajin bargain sale.

Come get me.

That's impossible for me.

You're too strong.

Hurry and attack me.

If you hit me on the face even once, I'll take you to the amusement park.

Really? You will, Father? Attack me as hard as you can, okay? Here I go! That's no fair.

You said you wouldn't counterattack.

Don't be foolish! I never said that! But Don't cry.

I'll take you to the amusement park.

So tell me, who is stronger, you or Son Gohan's brother? I'm just a little stronger.

I'm a year older than him, and he can't fly.

Just a little, huh? What's going on here? We'll have to train fast before she comes to bother us.


That was dangerous.

Brother, who's that person? Let's continue from where we left off yesterday! Videl-san I don't understand girls at all.

Trunks and Goten are disappointed that they didn't get their desire.

But the odd thing is that Videl cut her hair.

What in the world is she thinking? Gohan doesn't understand a bit.
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