07x12 - Even Gohan is Surprised! Goten's expl*si*n of Power

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x12 - Even Gohan is Surprised! Goten's expl*si*n of Power

Post by bunniefuu »

Gohan's Surprised too.

Goten's expl*sive Power! What an incredible ki! He's afraid he's weak, but his ki is getting incredibly strong.

It must be because Goku-san is going to the competition.

You don't have to get that serious! It's still early in the morning! I haven't even warmed up yet.

Don't argue back! Can't you be quiet this early in the morning? Thanks.


Let's go Goten.



Goten, don't get in the way of your brother's training, okay.

Your brother has to win and get lots of award money.

We have to fix the roof and that's expensive.

I won't get in the way.

Really? I hope so.

Goten, what are you doing? If you don't hurry, I'll leave you behind.

Just a second.

Be careful Goten.

Goten, where are you? Maybe I ran too fast.

That's ticklish! Stop it.

Brother, this dinosaur has become my friend.

I told you to stop that.

Mother always said that his innocence is just like father.

Hey, I'm going to start training now! What? Goku's going back to the earth? Did you give him permission to do that? Of course.

There wasn't any reason for me not to.

No reason not to? I'm impressed with how strong you've gotten, even without Dai Kaio's training.

I'm looking forward to seeing how good you've gotten at the Tenkaichi Budoukai down on earth.

How about training him now? I can't do that now.

I just remembered I have something important to do.

Well, if Goku says he wants to go back on that day, that's fine with me.

Brother, isn't this cute? What is it now? Look, it's a bug.

Brother, Brother, look I found a lizard.

Goten, what are you doing? We didn't come here to play! We came to train! Why don't you go somewhere and train or something? If you keep bothering me, I won't be able to train.

I can't believe you.

Brother! Brother! What is it this time, Goten? Brother, I caught a big dinosaur.

Watch out! Are you okay, Goten? Oops.

What are you doing? That's dangerous.

Don't do anything.

Just sit there.

Okay brother.

Goten, will you help me train? What are you going to do with all these rocks Brother? I'm going to rebuild up my reflexes.

What's that, Brother? You'll see.

Goten, you stand there and throw these rocks at me as hard as you can.

Do it for real.


Okay, I'm ready, Goten.

Throw! What? This close? It would be okay even if you were closer.

But let's start off like this.

Really? You won't get hurt? It's okay.

Throw it as hard as you can.

Okay, here I go Brother.

Alright! Go! Here I.

GO! You're right! That was great! You're great! Okay, I'm going to start going faster! Wa-Wait just a second! I think you should start throwing from this line, okay Goten? Okay Brother.

Okay, I'm used to this! Goten, come a little closer! Can't you go any faster than that? What's wrong, Goten? Hey, can I change like you Brother? Huh? What do you mean like me? You know, change into a Super Saiyajin.

That's fine by me, but I don't think that you can do it yet.

You can only become a Super Saiyajin after a lot of training.

It was only after I overcame a lot of hard training that I was Goten, since when have you been able to do that? I don't remember.

I don't believe this.

Our dead father and I took a lot of hard work and training to do this Do you want to spar with me? You know how to do that, don't you? Yeah, when you were studying, Mom taught me a lot.

Mother? Mother has changed a bit since Father died.

She said it was okay for me to quit school and train.

Hey Goten, does Mother know that you can change into a Super Saiyajin? What's wrong Goten? Can't you do any better than that? Mother, I'm sorry.

Gok Gok Goten has turned into a punk! I showed her once, but she got angry and said it made me look like a bad kid.

Mother doesn't like Super Saiyajins very much.

I'm ready, Goten.

Come get me! That's no fair, Brother! It's no fair flying into the sky like that.

Why? Because it's unfair.

You can't fly even though you can change into a Super Saiyajin? I can't fly.

That has made it out of order.

Brother, if you're going to fly, teach me how to too.

Okay, don't get angry, Goten.

I'll teach you how to fly.

-Really? -Yes! Yahoo! Alright! That It can't be It's Videl-san.

That's right.

I promised Videl-san that I'd teach her how to fly too.

Brother, what's wrong? It looks like you've got a new friend.

A new friend? A girl from the same high school that I go to is coming here.

But you shouldn't show her how strong you really are.

You especially can't change into a Super Saiyajin.

Because she'll think I'm a bad kid? Yeah, something like that.

Let's go back quickly.

But you're great Brother.

I wasn't able to hit you once.

You're amazing too Goten.

You have great martial arts potential yourself! You really surprised me! I didn't know you were that good! If you train hard, you might be able to go to the Tenkaichi Budoukai yourself.

Really? But Trunks-kun is even stronger than I am.

We play fight a lot! Really? Is that how you play around? Yeah, it's fun.

These little kids are going to catch up and pass me if I'm not careful.

Tell me the truth! You really came here to ask him on a date, didn't you? I told you that's not it! We're home Mother.

Welcome back.

Videl-san, I'm glad you found this place.

It was easy to find after I looked at the name board.

I see But how dare you skip school like that? You promised that you would teach me how to fly.

Of course I'll teach you.

Gohan-chan, is it true that this girl is going to the competition? Yes Mother.

The reason I'm going to the competition is because of her.

If that's it, I guess it's okay.

Don't flirt with Gohan-chan to show your thanks.

There's no way I would do that! Ah! I know what you're up to! You're hoping to get lucky at the Tenkaichi Budoukai and trick Gohan-chan into marrying you! I'm not planning that! Why would I want to get married at the Tenkaichi Budoukai? Because Mother and Father got married at the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Goten-chan, you've embarrassed me! What a weird person.

Goku-sa was so handsome fighting at that Tenkaichi Budoukai.

And then we got married.

These are such good memories.

But that's different! Don't do anything like that to Gohan-chan! I told you I wouldn't do anything like that! How can you say something so stupid? What? -I can! -No you can't! There is only one more month until the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Now Gohan's got to face Videl.

It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to train in peace for a while.

But Goten's really powerful.

Even though Goten's small, he hides tremendous fighting potential.

I can't sit back on my laurels now.
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