07x11 - Goku Returning to Life!? Entry into the Tenkaichi Tournament!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x11 - Goku Returning to Life!? Entry into the Tenkaichi Tournament!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Goku'll resurrect as well? He's coming to the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

The airplane with engine trouble was able to land safely at Satan Airport.

-What is happening? The Great Saiyaman saved a great number of lives again today.

Great Saiyaman, please say something! Please! Anything! Saiyaman-san, what do you think about making a super hero group with Mr.

Satan? Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share? Please, say anything.

I guess I'll have to.

From vandalism to m*rder and hijacking, from small things to the very large, I get indignant over even a little evil.

A holder of love and justice, the Great Saiyaman! That's me! That's too disgusting.

You're going to enter in the next Tenkaichi Budoukai? Yes.

Why'd you decide to enter? Uh, there's a classmate of mine who's the daughter of Mr.



Satan? Wasn't he the guy that popped up out of nowhere and got in the way when you fought Cell? He's the martial arts champion.

That martial arts champion's daughter is your classmate? Yeah, but she's a good kid.

She's like me and can't stand evil doers.

But she figured out who I am by my voice and stuff If I don't go to the competition too, she's going to reveal my identity.

Gohan-san's clothes are too ugly.

He shouldn't have worn stuff like this.

You klutz.


But taking this matter so lightly-headed shows that you're your father's son.

So what? Do you want to fix the helmet to change your voice too? Not that.

At the Tenkaichi Budoukai, you can't wear helmets or any other kind of protection.

So I was wondering what I could use in place of this helmet.

So all you need is something that won't lessen the damage you take, right? That's nothing! All you want is something to hide your identity right? Is she going to make a new helmet? Now I see! I can get away with something this simple! What do you think Trunks-kun? Don't you think it's cool? No comment.

I shouldn't have asked him to ask me.

But no matter how much you hold back, you're going to win.

Isn't that boring? I wouldn't count on that.

I'm going to that whatever it is competition.

At that time there was a big difference in our strength, but how about now? While you were caught up in peace, I've continued training.

That's right.

He doesn't work a bit.

Just like your father! Maybe Saiyajins can't work.

That's great! Are Father and Gohan-san going to fight? I'm entering too! Gohan.

Father! That's father's voice.


Kakarotto? Father, that's you isn't it? That's right.

It's been a while everyone.

Father, how have you been feeling? Who's that? I guess you could say so.

Even though I'm dead.

Are you really Are you really coming to the Tenkaichi Budoukai? Ya! I've asked the Fortune Telling Granny to make my single day back on Earth that day! I'm going to make that single day the day of the competition.

You and Vegeta are entering, aren't you? I'm entering too! Yahoo! Banzai! Who's that? I'm looking forward to it, Kakarotto.

Prepare yourself.

I've gotten a lot stronger.

Me too, Vegeta.

Okay everyone, I'll meet you at the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

This is great.

This is getting interesting.

Isn't that nice Gohan-kun? You should hurry and tell your Mother, Goten-kun, Krillin, and everybody.

Right! Hey, who was that? That's right.

Vegeta-san, if you don't want your identity known, you have to wear a costume like this.

I wouldn't wear that! I don't care who knows who I am.

Bye! I'll see you at the Tenkaichi Budoukai.

I'm off to tell everyone.

Say hello to everyone for me.

Bye bye.

So who was that voice? Father's coming back! He's really coming back! It's been a long time since I've seen him.

W-What was that? Stop her! k*ll her! Yes sir.

There she is! Get her! Stop it! You guys shouldn't do bad stuff.

W-Who are you? I'm the guardian of the oppressed, defender of the weak.

Defeater of evil.

I'm the warrior of justice.

I'm the GREAT SAIYA Ouch.

Hey you, what do you think you're doing? That take was going great too That was a show for Satan City TV.

Cut! Cut! Cut! Hey kid, if you get in front of the camera like that, how are we supposed to get this show done? Are you talking to me? Of course I'm talking to you.

Is there anyone else there? What a brat! Why are you pretending to be the Great Saiyaman like that anyway? Pretending? Oh well.

Let's start over from the beginning.

I think we should've taken that last curve a little faster.

W-W-What? This is scene 153, The Great Saiyaman Flying Action Scene! That's surprising.

I didn't know they were making a Great Saiyaman movie.


Let me down!!! I'm afraid of heights! What should we do, Director? What do you mean what should we do? We're already behind schedule.

We have to get this scene done today.

What a scaredy cat Great Saiyaman.

What? I thought if the real Great Saiyaman saw this, that is what he'd think.

That's it Director, he looks just right.

What? Him? If we change his clothes, he'll be perfect.

I didn't think this would happen.

Okay, we'll start the posing scene.

Ready to go.


Scene 312, start.

From vandalism to m*rder and kidnapping, from small things to the very large, I get indignant over even a little evil.

Cut! That's no good at all.

There's no way a real hero could take such an embarrassing pose.

But Start again.

The warrior of love and justice and freedom, the Great Saiyaman.


One more time.

Defender of the weak.

Defeater of evil No good.

The cry of the victims is calling.

No good.

Always wear your safety belts and helmets! Try again! Always rest for twenty minutes after eating before swimming.

Nope! I despise evil.

Not even close! I can't stand this any more.

I can't believe I ever thought you'd make a good Great Saiyaman.

But I really am Shut up! Enough transformation scenes! Get ready to fly! Okay.

Oops! I didn't know it was this late.

I have to tell everyone about my father.

Okay, take your pose.

You'll fly from there.

What are you afraid of? You're perfectly safe! Start flying already! Are you ready? Yes.

Fly! I have to hurry.

You're doing good! That's perfect! Okay, Cut! I don't have any time, so I'm leaving now.

I can't believe it Was that the real? Great Saiyaman? Goku too? Really? Since he doesn't fight anymore, this is a Krillin who doesn't shave his head anymore.

Goku? It's been a long time.

It's been a long time since the last Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Maybe I should enter too.

You should enter with us.

But you, Goku, and Vegeta are entering, so there's no way I could win.

And besides what would the wife say? You should enter.

There are awards up to fifth place! How much money? Let's see First place gets 100,000,000 zenni, second place gets 50,000,000 zenni, third gets 30,000,000 zenni, fourth gets 20,000,000 zenni, and fifth place get 10,000,000 zenni.

You should enter Krillin! I'll enter too.

Let's enter Krillin! Father, enter! Enter! I guess you're right.

Maybe I should enter too.

Don't tell Piccolo, or I'll lose my chance to get fifth place.

I can't do that.

By the way, why are you wearing those ugly funny clothes? What are you talking about? These are cool! Your fashion sense is old fashioned.


I see.

That's very interesting.

See? Okay, I'll enter.

Do your best.

I'll support you.

Dende, what are you going to do? I won't enter.

I'm not a fighting type Nameksei-jin.

By the way Gohan, why are you dressed up oddly like that? Not you too Piccolo-san.

Don't you think this looks good? I don't know.

Me neither.

I don't know where Tienshinhan-san is.

And I think Bulma-san will contact Yamcha-san.

Now it's just Mother and Goten.

Mother'll be overjoyed that Father will be able to come back for a whole day.

And this'll be the first time that Goten'll see Father! But will Mother allow me to enter the Tenkaichi Budoukai? If I'm going to have to enter, I'll want to win And since I've ignored my body, I'll have to take a break from school and train What!? Goku's coming back from the dead to enter the Tenkaichi Budoukai!? Why'd you wait so long to tell me this big news!? Isn't that good Goten? You'll be able to meet and see your Father for a whole day! But I've gotten older.

I bet you don't age in the afterlife, do you? I'll have to go to a beauty salon.

How long has it been? Seven years? This is too exciting! He's coming back! Uh, Mother, can I enter the Tenkaichi Budoukai too? How should I make myself pretty? First place gets 100,000,000 zenni.

Even second place gets 50,000,000 zenni.

Enter, Gohan-chan! When you and Goku-sa win, we'll get 150,000,000 zenni, won't we!? Uh, we haven't won yet.

No! One of you will win! But in order to enter, I'll have to take some time off from school and train I don't care! Train! You can catch up later! This is grace from heaven.

My Father's fortune is almost all gone.

I was beginning to wonder what we'd do.

Goten, do you want to help me train tomorrow? First off, I change into a Super Saiyajin.

Okay, let's get started! Yo! Today, since he's decided to enter the Tenkaichi Budoukai and meet his friends, Gohan's spirits have risen.
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