06x28 - New Days... Father! I'm Hanging In There

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x28 - New Days... Father! I'm Hanging In There

Post by bunniefuu »

Trunks Leaves for the Future.

Gohan Tells Chi-Chi about Goku's Death.

So what's the problem? Tell me your wish.

If it's within my power, I will grant it.

What should we wish for? I don't know.

Hurry and tell Shenron our wish.

Is there anything you want? I don't really know, but it would be nice to have a lot of money.

If that's ok Honestly Then, what's the problem? Tell me.


Can you make Android #17 and #18 turn into humans beings? That I can't do.

Changing the artificial humans into human beings is beyond my power.

That wish cannot be granted.

Fool! It's not possible after all.

Krillin, why #17? Wasn't he destroyed? No, Cell absorbed him, and since Cell died, he died at the same time.

So they can't be turned into humans Are you sure? Well Then, can you remove the expl*sive devices from their bodies? Kr-Krillin Your wish will be granted.

Great! Krillin-san.

Your wish has been granted.

Farewell until next time.

Krillin-san, why did you wish for that? Well, you see Something inside me just felt they should have a second chance.

Krillin-san is very kind, isn't he? Yamcha-san, sorry for taking the wish.

I just wanted to be able to see her again.

Don't be stupid! It was a perfectly good wish.

After all, Shenron wouldn't have done it unless he felt it was a good thing, right? Don't worry about it.

Thank you, Yamcha-san.

D-Damn him.

Moreover Krillin, what made you bring back #17? I just thought that #18 would like to see #17 back.

After all they're a couple.

So You just want her to be happy.

I really don't get what you guys are talking about.

I don't understand.

#18! Idiot! #17 is my younger brother! He's your younger brother? Well, what do you know Krillin, you might have a chance with her after all! Yeah.

You've done it this time! There's no way.

Do you take me for a fool? You piss me off! So long.

It sounded like she really digs you, Krillin! Really!? Relax, Krillin.

I just meant that it seems like she wants to see you again, that's all.

I kinda wish Kinda wish what Krillin? Why don't you say she is pretty and stop trying to make excuses? It's really nothing to be ashamed of.

I don't understand you guys.

Piccolo, it's impossible for you to follow what we are saying.

It's always been my dream to have a bride.

After all, Goku has already beat me there.


I feel like going home.

I miss Chiaotzu.

I also want to go home.

I guess I'll be leaving everyone now.

Stay healthy, everyone! You too! Goodbye.

Tell Chiaotzu I said "Hi.

" Sure, Gohan.

Give Son Goku my regards.

I'll have to come visit you sometime.

Yes! Trunks, it's time you rid the future of the artificial humans and Cell.

Do your best.

Yes! Thank you for everything.

See ya! Goodbye! Well, I guess he's off.

Trunks-san, are you going back to the future now? It's too late today, so I'll go tomorrow morning.

Ok, so tomorrow your heading back to the future? Yes.

Piccolo-san, are you going to stay here for the night? Yeah, I'll stay until the morning.

Will I see you soon too? Of course! I really want to thank you for all your trouble.

See you later, Dende.

Do you really have to go? See you later, Popo-san.

Okay, I'll beat you guys back! Goodbye! Hey! I'll see you at the Capsule Corporation tomorrow, okay? Later! You think my father is Yeah, I'm sure you'll see him again.

He's still getting over the fight with Cell.

Is that so? Father Mother So Goku is dead now.

I miss him already Goku is actually dead.

Mother, there is nothing to worry about.

Father told me not to worry.

Father will have another chance.

That's right.

Gohan is completely right.

Chi-Chi, Goku wouldn't want you to act like this.

Take care.


Goodbye! Make sure you be careful! Goodbye! Stay healthy! Have a nice trip! Father.

It's been a while since the Cell Games ended.

Now it's in the middle of another day Gohan-chan, here's your food.

He treats him like a little brother, doesn't he? Or maybe he acts as if he's the leader.

He's very much like Goku-san.

He didn't even finish his homework! It sure is a nice day for a walk.

The sky sure looks nice.

It does, doesn't it? I wonder what they're doing It looks like they've died and gone to heaven.

Yeah, okay! Hey, where are you going? To a place where Father and I used to visit.

Is it a good place? Grandpa, hurry! This looks like a nice place.

Grandpa, look at this.

We're gonna eat after all.


Gohan can catch a bigger fish than Goku can! Well, you are Goku's son after all.

Gohan, behind you! You want to eat this fish, don't you? Well, get it if you can! You're a wimp, aren't you? What don't you understand? What a big wimp.

I was scared for a minute Gohan, you sure are very strong! Come on, come on Trunks, come on! Come on, do your best Trunks! You're doing so good! Trunks, are you alright? Your pride is almost as big as your father's.

That's okay, that's okay, Trunks.

You're still young.

Way to go, Trunks! Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

Tonight we are going to show you everything about Mr.

Satan, the world's greatest martial artist! Let's go, Satan! Hello and welcome, everyone.

Oh, Mr.

Satan's going to break tiles for us, which is his most favorite thing to do.

Behold, the one who was victorious at the Cell Games.

None other than Mr.

Satan! Is he really that strong? He doesn't seem to be all that.


Satan's going to defeat the world record by breaking 19 tiles.

What? Today there are 20 tiles heaped up! This is very impressive! Mr.

Satan, before you fought with Cell, didn't you try to break 15 tiles and you couldn't do it, right? I'm not the same as I was.

I have secretly been training.

Remarkable! You heard it from Mr.

Satan himself, the best in the world! Just a sec Make sure that the good kids who are watching this TV show never try to imitate me.


Satan is such a gentleman! He never forgets about the kids.

He is not only a strong man! Ah, he was so close! However, he still broke 19 of the tiles with just his bare hand! Ouch, that really hurt my hand.

I'd better cool it down a bit.

He has won once again! Kaio-sama, isn't Mr.

Satan much weaker than he claims? I still don't know where I'll live Oh well.

I don't worry about things like that.

You're so care-free.

By the way, Goku What is it? Would you like to see a place with really strong fighters? Hmm, can you show me where a place like that is, Kaio-sama? Right in front of you.

Do you mean Bubbles? You, Kaio-sama? Of course it ain't me! Well, who then? Guess, guess! Come on Kaio-sama, where are these strong people at? I'm not telling! Here we are.

Right in front of you.

This is a great place.

Right here? Well, let's get started.

Meanwhile, Trunks is returning to the future in his time machine to save his future world.
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