06x12 - Fight Time, Goku!! The Ultra-Tense Cell Games

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x12 - Fight Time, Goku!! The Ultra-Tense Cell Games

Post by bunniefuu »

We had high hopes lying on Satan-senshu, but he has lost.

Is this really the end of the earth? It will soon begin.


Show them how good you are, Kakarotto! Should we really begin with you? I wanted to save the best for last, and you'll be my best opponent.

I've heard that you're perfect and know all of our techniques.

I do.

Oh, Mr.

Satan? How come you lost the fight? I was tripped You were tripped? That's right! But we all saw that you were blown away.

How embarrassing is it that you people don't know anything.

Even Satan-sama can be tripped.

It's easy to show you how it was done.

Is that so? Yes, it is! O-Ohh.

But don't worry.

I'll take a little rest and then I'll have a serious fight with him.

You can have him for a bit.

Doesn't that guy know he's no match for Cell!? What a pathetic World Champion.

This is strange.

Why is Goku-san acting so different now? Ladies and gentlemen, please don't worry.

I've found out that Mr.

Satan was tripped, and that's how he fell off the platform.

He will take a short rest and then continue his fight with Cell.

Until Mr.

Satan has rested, those people that did not listen to our advice, sent one of their fighters to compete with Cell.

They are really outrageous.

Those idiots want to have a taste of death.

Well, Mr.

Satan, what are your feelings about this? They think it's a big joke.

You can tell he's an amateur by his posture.

Goku is really impressive.


He's very focused.

He has perfect form.

That's not all, even in front of Cell at a time like this.

It's so natural to him.

Hmph, it looks like he's enjoying it.

Goku-san has perfect control over the Super Saiyajin state.

Well, if he was my opponent, I would beat him in two seconds.

I'll just say that that guy must be crazy.

It will only take me five seconds to take care of Cell.

Okay, I'll take a rest first.

They really don't know who they are dealing with.

He should give a very funny performance, but my match will not be funny at all.

Come! It looks like they are evenly matched.

But they haven't shown their real powers yet.

The anonymous contestant is actually really good! What are your comments, Satan-san? Hey, Satan-san What do you think of the situation now? Umm, not bad.

Better than I expected, but I can tell he's doing his best already.

He is at his limit.

He's going out! He won! Well done.

Did you start to feel the joy of victory? Hmph, don't joke around.

I know you can't be beaten like this.

Are you saying that because we didn't do our best? I'm not trying to fool you.

I know you weren't fighting at your best.

Soon I'll show you the difference between us.

I've been looking forward to it! You seem to enjoy fighting, Son Goku.

But that's expected because you're a Saiyajin.

You also enjoy fighting.

That depends on my opponent.

Same here.

Disappearing again? What on Earth is this all about? Both of them disappeared.

It's just a trick that's an illusion.

They are lying on the platform using camouflage.

Is that possible? Mr.

Satan can even see the slightest stitches on a ball when it's traveling at top speed.

He is never wrong.

But I don't understand because I cannot see any sign of them.

How are they doing it, Mr.

Satan? What!? Satan-san? Satan-san? Satan-san? Where did you go? Satan-san? This is totally shocking! Mr.

Satan has disappeared.

Ohh! Mr.

Satan is right here! Like what you've just seen, I was able to do a trick like they are doing with ease.

I did not notice you at all.

Where did that cloth come from? It's just like it came out of nowhere.

They are really stupid! Krillin-san! Sorry.

Their speeds are stunning.

It's already hard to see them.

Hmph, is this impressive? Don't make me laugh! It looks like something is happening over there.

It's nothing but a child's game.

They are right in front of us.

Oh, look.

They have revealed themselves.

That's the power I felt when I was tossed in the air.

Me too.

How can he use such force? Why don't they stop these foolish tricks and spend more time on learning martial arts? This is bad.

He has no way out.

He's totally suppressed by Cell.

Why Why doesn't my dad use his full power? I was right after all.

I knew Kakarotto was playing with Cell.

Looks like Cell was holding back as well.

That trick again? KA ME HA ME HA!!! That's the end of my warm up.


That was just a warm up? Now the real battle will begin! Son Goku, you are certainly a great fighter.

You are totally different from the others.

This guy's even more powerful than I expected.

Even the slightest mistake might make me lose to him.

Alright! The look in Goku-san's eyes has suddenly changed.

He's going to strike with full power.

Finally, Goku is going to fight at full power.

With that limitless power There will be a vicious battle.

But who will be victorious?
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