06x10 - Those Who Would Challenge Cell!! The Curtain Rises on the Battle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x10 - Those Who Would Challenge Cell!! The Curtain Rises on the Battle

Post by bunniefuu »


I'll be off now.

Be careful, Goku-sa.

Don't die.

I know.

Will Gohan-chan be fighting? Well You better promise me that Gohan-chan won't fight.

Well, I'm going! Hey you! My Gohan-chan might be fighting Daddy.

You here! The day is finally here.

Where is Vegeta? He left before us.

Is that so? Is he that confident? His skills must have improved.

What is with you? Why the long faces? Are you nervous? Goku, things have gotten bad.

The dragonballs in one wish can revive many people at once, right? Yeah.

In that case, the people that have died before cannot be revived, just like last time.


I should've told you about it.

Don't worry, Dende.

As long as we don't die, we will be fine.

How is that possible? We are fighting against Cell! Don't worry.

You better get going.

It's almost 12:00 o'clock! It is finally the day Come quickly, Son Goku.

The Cell Games that will determine the fate of earth will begin in 20 minutes.

It's very deserted here.

Maybe it's because no one dares to be implicated by being around here.

Cell is not moving at all.

He's standing still in the middle of the stage.

So far there has been no sign of the great hero, Mr.

Satan, yet.

He's been professing his determination to defeat him.

That car is Look.

It's Mr.

Satan indeed.

Our hero has finally arrived.


Satan just raised his hands towards the camera.

Almost as if in response to the worldwide gaze of his feat.


Satan has made a promise to victory.


Satan is brimming with courage.

A champion of duels indeed.

Faced with the most powerful man on earth, even Cell is showing fearful emotions.

What? That's a load of crap.


Another 20 more minutes before the match begins.

Cell versus Satan.

In my opinion, Mr.

Satan is a little more powerful than Cell.


Satan has just struck a powerful pose.

I am sure everyone is looking forward to his victory.


Satan is marching this way impatiently to the stage now.

Another 12 more minutes.

He is full of fighting spirit.

Indeed the most powerful man on earth.

Are you asking us to step down? What a surprising turn of events.

Alright, I know.

What does it matter? We're all professionals.

Now is the time to prove our courage.

There's nothing fearful anyway.

We can relax as long as Mr Satan is around.

Tensions are mounting up.

Fate will reveal itself to Earth soon.

The bravest reporter is about to approach the stage.

Excuse me.

Is it alright for us to approach the stage? Relax, I'll cover them.

How are you feeling right now? Will you please tell our audience? I sympathize with Cell's mistake to go along with his decision.

Maybe he didn't know my existence, the most powerful man on Earth.

That is his biggest blunder.

Sure He's always bragging.

It's too late for him to apologize now.


Everyone, I am sure that I will defeat this guy.

The only reason he was able to destroy the army is because he set a trick on them beforehand.

That will never work on me.

He doesn't seem to be listening.

He's obviously tongue tied.

Let's give him a real scare.

Hit me.

That's great! Everyone on Earth will be humiliated if he gets k*lled.

That's Yamcha-san and Tienshinhan-san.

We want to come along too, but we won't participate in the battle.


Come along.



Satan is brimming with confidence.

He's absolutely sure of his victory.

It is obvious that Mr.

Satan will win this match.

Umm What's wrong? What is that? Vegeta It's a shock to find him the first to arrive.

He must have improved a lot.

A strange fellow just appeared.

He seemed to have flown onto the stage from the sky.

That's a trick.

I wonder if he plans to compete in the Cell Games as well.

Let me ask him.

Excuse me, who are you? If you are here just for the show, then maybe you should step back a little.


I won't give you the pleasure of talking to me.

He's obviously a lunatic.

Even his hair is strange.

A guy like him will only ruin matters.


In another five minutes, the world's most important match, the Cell Games, will begin.

From the looks of it, only our hero, Mr.

Satan, is fit enough to compete with Cell.

This is only natural.


Satan is the world champion of duels.

His participation will be more than enough.

He also descended from flying That must be another trick.

What a surprise.

Is it Number 16? To think that he's still alive.

He seems fully repaired.

The only people who could fix that robot are Bulma and her father, no mistake.

How unnecessary.

Cell seemed to be mumbling to himself.

Did he know that guy? I don't know.

I don't think it matters much.

You have finally come, Son Goku.

I am waiting.

Hey, over there What? I can see it.

Over there.


Let's go.

Who are they? Tell them not to be in the way of Mr.


Gohan-chan! You must listen to me, Gohan! Don't fight! Gohan! -Did you hear me, Gohan-chan? -Calm down, Chi-Chi.

-Listen to me, you can't fight.

-Please calm down.

You might die! Stop it, Gohan-chan! Stop it! They're all here.

They will only ruin matters.

They all seemed to have flown down from the sky.

Seems like they all used that trick.

Number 16, you are fixed! I've been wanting to thank you.

Thank you, Krillin.

I wouldn't be standing here fixed if it wasn't for you.

Is that so? I'm glad.

We all have to work hard.

Son Goku, I was created for the sole purpose of k*lling you.

Don't forget that.

He's such a devious character.

He's taking up all the spotlight.

Has the fight started? I don't think so.


Well then, shall I be the first one to battle? Goku-san, you don't have to go first.

Is that alright, Vegeta? Do whatever you like.

I will be the only one who can finish this match anyway.

It is not up to you to decide who goes first.

Excuse me, are you all planning to fight in the Cell Games also? That's right.


What a joke.

This is not a game.

You have no idea how serious this is.

Speak for yourself.

You make me laugh.

I am the number one fighting champion in the world! Haven't you heard of Mr.

Satan? What a bottom-dweller.

Let me tell you this.


Satan has gone through many warriors.

He is the champion! He's the most powerful man on Earth.

Alright, then I will do the service of teaching you something.

How's that? Awesome.


Satan is really something.

Incredible, isn't he? He's not showing any response at all.

Goku, it's alright.

Let him go first.

That is okay, but It's time.

The terrifying match called the Cell Games is about to begin.

Will Goku and the rest be able to defeat the evil Cell?
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