06x09 - A Hard Problem for Goku!? Take Back the Dragon Balls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x09 - A Hard Problem for Goku!? Take Back the Dragon Balls

Post by bunniefuu »

Gohan, are you studying? Yeah, Mom asked me to study whenever I have time.

How I admire you In fact, I also brought along my homework.

I want to do my homework too.

You have homework on Namek too? Of course.

To become a nobel of the Dragon Race, one must study hard.

It's probably no fun on Namek.

The way you all suddenly started working on your homework made me look lazy.

I'll go to the Kame House now.

The Cell Games will begin very soon.

Can Goku collect the dragonballs in time? Our dear audience.

Martial Arts Champion, Mr.

Satan, is going to perform now! Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Our hero, Mr.

Satan, will soon enter the arena.


Satan can drag four busses on his own.

He's very, very strong! It's that man again.


Satan has brought something.

What does he plan to do this time? Those are telephone books.

He has put them all together.

What does he want to do with them? Impossible Is he trying to tear them apart? He has done it! Well done! Mr.

Satan, are you confident about winning the Cell games? I'm sure that fellow Cell is going to have regrets.

He's going to end the same way as this bus.

Good for you, Mr.


Satan is our hope.

He will definitely be able to get rid of Cell for us.

I can't take out my hand.


There are a lot of powerful people in the world.

I've found the fourth one! Dad, how did it go? What? Two dragonballs are moving together at the same time.

Who is it? It's me.

So, it's Mr.

Tao Pai Pai.

I've been waiting for you.


Tao, have you brought what you were supposed to bring? Here they are.

Are these the legendary dragonballs? I spent a lot of effort trying to get them.

I'll let you have them for 100 million each.

With the dragonballs, even if Cell destroys the earth, I, Walker King of Gangs, can still survive.


I see.

So after Cell is gone, I can make my wish to the dragonballs to build my kingdom of gangs.

There are important people in every age and era.

I mean the people with money and power.

When are you bringing the rest of the dragonballs? Relax.

I'll go get them right away.

I see.

Thank you very much Mr.


In fact, I found these two just by accident.

They should be around here.

Who is he? Dragonballs! What?! They're really here.

That duck has come to us himself.

Duck? Where? I'll go and get it right away.

Yeah, that's right! Duck? I'm coming in.

Let us teach him a good lesson.

Bingo! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! I've broken it.

I'm so sorry.

Huh? What was that all about? Do you have regular maintenance? What's the matter with it? I don't know.

Bastards! You didn't maintain it well! And it's a hiccup during emergency! Sorry! Alright, let's lure him here and cheat him of his dragonballs.

It's close now.

Coming just at the right time.

Come to this room.

Hey over here What? Here here Dragonballs! It's good that you've come.

You're really daring to come into this room.

If you don't want to get hurt just leave the dragonballs here.

Are you Tao Pai Pai? What? It's me, Son Goku.

Son Goku? Though you're a bad guy, that was way back then.

Shit! Where are you hiding? I've brought this duck Duck? Duck? Don't play dumb! He's easy to be fooled! I don't know this guy.

Anyway, give us the dragonballs! What are you doing? Aaaah! Shit! sh**t him! No, I didn't mean to hurt you.

sh**t! He's a monster! Sorry, are you okay? Leader.

Don't panic idiot! I already have the special device in case of an emergency! Leader! Hurry, Hurry! Bingo! Leader! You know what this is? It's a hard shield.

Even you can't break through it.

I've won.


Tao, I need your help! No, I feel a bit strange today.

I feel so terrible.

I really need the dragonballs, but it seems you guys tried hard to get them too.

I have nothing to give you in exchange for them.

Alright, Goku-kun, what about this? Here are three wisdom rings.

If you can untangle them by dawn, we'll let you have the dragonballs.

If you can't, the dragonballs you have will become mine.

Wisdom rings? Mr.

Tao is so clever! He's getting control over him by wisdom.

I must do the right thing at the right time.


Though I've never tried it before, I'll just have them untangled by dawn.


Someone get Son Goku a chair.


Take off your jacket.

You'll feel better.


We'll be in your way if we keep looking at you.

We'll wait for you outside.

Leave him here.

Just ask them if you need anything.

See you.

Wait! It's really difficult.

Let's run as far away as possible.

Good job, Mr.


I got it! Two more to go.

It's hard Go through that Don't talk.

I have to do it by myself.

One more Alright.

Alright! You did it! We've come this far, so Son Goku won't be able to get us.

It's all from the good work of Mr.


What? Leader is gone.

Don't worry.

Aaaaaah! Son Goku?! I've untangled all of them.

Really? I'll take the dragonballs now.

Yes, go ahead.

Thank you.

Finally Now I have all seven of them.

Ten days have just passed like that.

The earth is getting close to the date of destiny.

There's only one hour before the Cell Games start.

Let's prepare to be the victors.

Exclusive viewing of how Cell looks before the game.

Cell just stands there without any movement.

Will the monster Cell win the games? Or will it be Goku? Or will it be The w*r will begin in an hours time.
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