06x06 - Hidden Power!! When Gohan Was a Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x06 - Hidden Power!! When Gohan Was a Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

The Hidden Strength! When Gohan was a Baby.

Yajirobe did say at the time, "Sorry.

I respect you.

Can we be friends?" No, Gohan, follow me.

You must have full control over your power.

No This time I'm not kidding!!! I don't care if it's for fighting Cell or not! When we eat, I don't want you to be Super Saiyajins! Otherwise all the dishes and the whole house will be broken.

This afternoon we'll be having Gohan's birthday party.

What should we do now? Birthday party? But Mom, today is not my birthday.

I know.

But you know Gohan, when you were in the Room of Spirit and Time, you passed your 11th birthday.

Birthdays are important, so we have to celebrate.

Goku-sa, you'll go.

Go where? I have to prepare for the party.

I can't let you damage the house again.

So you'll go catch a big fish to be cooked for the party.

I see.

Then I'll go.

Me too.

Dad, me too.

Gohan-chan has to stay home to study.

Before the party begins, you have to study hard.

You're one year behind the other kids.

Today is my birthday Studying has nothing to do with your birthday! But Gohan, listen to your mom.

Stay home and study.

What? Goku? Dad? Goku-sa! Your temperature is normal.

He's so diligent.

Looks like he's working really hard at his studies.

But what is wrong with Goku-sa? He's never asked Gohan to study before.

I have a funny feeling.

I hope nothing goes wrong.

Goku is acting like a kid running around like that.

Hey, Krillin! Hey, Goku It would be really nice if Gohan was here too.

Chi-Chi-san pushes him very hard to study, and now you're like that too.

Gohan is so pitiful.

All right.

Eight Days from now, Gohan and I will have to fight with Cell.

Cell is extremely powerful.

To be honest, I don't know if I can beat him.

So I want to let Gohan spend more time with Chi-Chi.


That tablecloth should be here.

Where What's that? Oh, I've missed this.

He's grown into a big boy already, but those days were so sweet.

How cute.

But isn't he a bit too little? Babies are supposed to be little.

We need to give him a name.

I've thought of one.

What is it? Einstein.

Einstein? It's the name of a famous scholar.

It's okay, it's okay I'm sure he won't like that name.

Then let's call him Akimeters.

That's not good either.

What suggestions do you have, Father? I have a few names in mind.

Ok, let's see Gyu Mao Taro, Doctor Gyu Mao, etc Gyu Mao [Ox-King.
is his name.

Father's aren't good either.

No? Bingo! Me? Goku-sa, have you thought about it? There must be at least one! I'm I'm I'm very hungry.

Goku-sa, what kind of nonsense is that? You just had breakfast.

You're not a kid anymore.

You can wait till lunchtime.


You are always like this.

Hey, Chi-Chi.

What? Listen.





That's it! Just use Grandpa's name.


If you use Son Gohan's name, I have no objection.

You will be called Gohan.

Son Gohan.

You're happy too, Gohan.

Goku-sa Gohan.

You don't have to study today.

What's the matter with you? Go and help Goku-sa.

Right! I'm very afraid now.

Today I do it with all my courage.

I'm risking my life to cover this news! Please enjoy it.

Over there, is Cell, who is now our hottest subject.

Why do I have to do such a job? There are still eight more days left.

The whole human race may be wiped out, but it's too late to realize that now.

I wouldn't care less.

I can only go forward.

It's scary indeed.

Ladies and gentlemen, in case anything happens, let me say goodbye for now.

Hurry up! Mr.

Cell, I want to interview you.

Where did you come from? Rumors say you came here in a UFO? What's the real goal of your Cell Games? If all the contestants lose, which area will you begin your attack with? If human beings escape to outer space, will you go after them? Well What a nuisance.

Troublesome Huge.

It's incredible.

Sorry, can you let me have some of the fruits? Good job Goku.

What? Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Beautiful.

Look Gohan-chan, at the birds.

A family of three, just like ours.


You see that Gohan-chan? Oh no.

Wait! Gohan! Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan! Goku-sa, don't just stand there, do something about it! Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan! Are you hurt? Good.

Dad saved you.

Good for you.

It wasn't me.

You did save him, but you shouldn't have let go of that thing.

You'll get Gohan k*lled.

You must be more careful next time.


Hey, Gohan-chan, your dad is outrageous, so we'll leave him alone.

Hey, Chi-Chi.

Sorry about the hole.

Dad, let's go.


We must be having a great dinner.

I'm starving.

Gohan-chan, congratulations.

Happy 11th Birthday.

Happy Birthday! Thank you.

I have a lot of gifts for you, Gohan.


Thank you Grandpa Ox.

Gohan-chan, blow out the candles first.


Make a wish.


Gohan, seems like you still can't control your power.


Mother, I'm sorry.

Well, you are Goku's son The care and concern of Goku and Chi-Chi have brought up Gohan.

Gohan can also deeply feel their love.

But, can Goku and Gohan guard the era of peacefulness? There are only seven days until the Cell Games begin.
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