06x03 - Goku and Gohan... The Hero Father and Son's Ultimate Level-Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x03 - Goku and Gohan... The Hero Father and Son's Ultimate Level-Up

Post by bunniefuu »

After Cell's television broadcast the entire world went into disarray.

As such, people began their futile efforts to hide themselves, so as to avoid becoming targets, no matter how small.

W- what are you doing!? Hurry it up! That monster is going to be coming! The hell with it! You stupid punk! It was indeed a panic.

I feel like running somewhere far away myself.

But no matter where you run, it will be the same.

That's right.

Cell said if all the representative warriors were beaten, he would k*ll every human throughout the world, after all.

I- I know! What if we were to use the spaceship at Bulma's house to escape to some faraway planet? Oolong! After all, Cell might not come chasing after us into space.

You have no feelings for Yamcha-sama or Krillin-san, or the others, do you? You lousy traitor.

T- this is all my fault! If only, at that time I had destroyed No.

18 I'm going to go fight Cell! What!? It's my fault! Krillin! You must not go! He is not a foe you can fight and win.

As your master, I will not allow you to throw your life away! If you absolutely must do this, then you can wait until the Cell Games have begun.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Krillin.

Put your money on Goku and the others.

How much can those Saiyajins, with the ridiculous power they keep under wraps, power themselves up in the Room of Spirit and Time? How long will it be before Goku-san and Gohan-san come out? Still nearly three more hours before one full day.

Hmph! They won't necessarily come out after one full day.

They could get greedy and go considerably over their time.

There's no reason to be hasty.

There's still nine more days until the day of the fight.

It hasn't even been one whole day since you came out of the room, right? You'd better get a little rest.

I will go in first.

That will be an outright waste of time.

What lies ahead is a domain that only Saiyajins can set foot into.

Fine, I'll let you do as you like, but then I will take the remaining eight days.

It's too bad about that.

You can only go into the Room of Spirit and Time there for two days W- what? What will happen if you go over 48 hours? Exit from room vanishes.

Can never leave again.

Still, Dad, we can use it for about 23 more hours.

Those are Goku and Gohan's Ki.

Have they already come out of the room? What? Why would they, as early as this? Oh? Vegeta and Trunks are here too! I feel Cell's Ki too, so he's alive.

What in the world is going on? Is that Gohan? I hardly recognized him! Tell me what's going on.

Well, as it happens Say, before that, Mister Popo, would you make us something to eat? I'm unbelievably famished, and all! That's just like you, Goku.

Yum, yum! Indeed, this is sure delicious! Goku, I'd like to ask you something You guys did supposedly eat food while you were in there, didn't you? Om cosh me ane! Me nin ean, mun nee'eh me nonn No'an can coom ennyninn neshenn, shee? Sho ish minn a nonn naim shinsh me man ennynin nish nummy! Hey, don't talk until you've properly swallowed what you have in your mouth.

Be sure you chew! Of course we ate! We did eat, but neither me nor Gohan can cook anything decent, right? So it's been a long time since we had anything this yummy! S- so that's it.

What is that? Is that Super Saiyajin? No the air about them is a little different.

They're in that state as if it were natural for them! Thank you for providing this feast! Ooh, I'm full, I'm full! Sorry to keep you waiting, Trunks.

Start talking.

R- right! As it happens Hey! Hey! You're sure caught up in that.

Do you see something? Out of the way! We can't go forward, you know! That's right, that's right! Weren't you coming this way? If you're not coming, then I'll go to you.

You forgot something! I don't get any of this This part here is strange too This is really no use trying to figure out What does all this mean? I took a peek into No.

16's memory, and it's all information about Son-kun.

What, now? What, now? I see.


I'm sure No.

16 is an Artificial Human who Doctor Gero built solely to defeat Son-kun.

But right now, he doesn't show that manner at all, huh? Either that, or I wonder if somewhere even now, he's thinking that he'd like to beat Son-kun.

Nah He has a complex manner about him that I don't completely understand, but I can't bring myself to think he's that bad a guy.

In any event, there's no doubt that he possesses an unusual gentleness to him.

That's true, huh? Maybe it's a result of history being changed, but if you think about it, this may turn out to be lucky.

After all, he's become a valuable warrior, who will fight against Cell for us.

Strange things do happen, don't they? So that's how it is, then? A martial arts tournament, huh? He sure has thought up something interesting.

I- interesting, you say? Mister Popo, my gi hasn't been thrown out, right? N- no, not thrown out.

I washed and left it.

Thank you, Mister Popo.

You don't have to wear that.

If you ask Mom, she'll give you a new one.


This is still best.

I want to fight as an Earthling, as well.

Piccolo-san, I want new clothes too.

Your clothes, Piccolo-san.


I'll present you with something handsome.

Thank you, Piccolo-san! So How about it? Do you think you have what it takes to defeat Cell? I don't know! I ain't seen him since he's become that perfect form of his.

I think I'll go have a look at him right now.

Son Goku, huh? Yeah.

That's right.

What do you think? This is the ring of the Cell Games, which will determine the fate of the world nine days from now.

Do you like it? It's an awfully puny ring to determine any fate.

So, you've finally turned into it, huh? That's your perfect form, then? That is correct.

W- what's going on? S- such a ferocious Ki! Is that Cell? Yeah.

But that's not all.

There's one other, mind-boggling Ki there Goku! It's Goku's Ki! You've finally come out, haven't you, from the Room of Spirit and Time? I will be sure to come for the matches.

So until then, don't you k*ll even a single person! Got that? It looks like it will be a good match.

Son Goku, huh? It seems that this will be an even more enjoyable event than I thought.

H- how was it, Goku-san? To be honest, I didn't think he had gotten that strong.

I couldn't guess how strong he could become if he felt like it.

I won't know until I try, but the way things are, I probably can't win, I bet.

T- that can't be! Is that so? You'd better use the Room of Spirit and Time again.

There is still time.

We just made up the order.

After this, I will go in, and then I understand Vegeta will be going in alone.


But really, once I go in, none of this will be necessary.

You'll excuse me, but I'll take a pass.

He's just not the kind of opponent I can match up against.

And then, Trunks.

After that, Goku and Gohan, you two will go in again.

No, me and Gohan have had enough.

What!? We'll train in the outer world.

We have nine whole days, so something will turn out.

W- what did you say!? W- what's this? Goku says they will train in the outer world? Does Goku have some chance of winning?
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