06x01 - A Final Battle Closes In on Goku!! The Mystery of the New Tenkaichi Tournament

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x01 - A Final Battle Closes In on Goku!! The Mystery of the New Tenkaichi Tournament

Post by bunniefuu »

My biggest aim, of course, is to see the faces of humans, struck with terror! Yes, yes! That's the sort of face.

DAMMIT!! T- thank goodness! Somehow, he's still unharmed! B- but what happened? Where did Cell go? Hey! Wait for me! Dad What happened to Cell? I can't beat him I couldn't beat him.

W- what the hell happened here? I'm sorry.

I was not able to do anything.


Of course not.

There's no way the likes of you could have beaten Cell in his perfect form, right? T- that's just not so! After all, Trunks has so much more power than y Krillin-san! Ah, there, there! There, there, there, there! Hey there, you guys! Don't just stand there, hurry and go help him! Trunks is Trunks is going to die, you know! Don't worry! He got through it without being k*lled.

Really!? How's that? M- miserable Cell! What kind of guy are you? At the time, Trunks' power was indisputably higher than Cell's! How in the hell did he overcome that difference? It looks as though I, too, will have to go in there next- into the Room of Spirit and Time! M- martial arts tournament!? T- that's what he said? Damn him! He's using us to amuse himself! But who's going to participate? He's an opponent even you guys couldn't do anything against! I! I Once Goku-san comes out, I plan on going back into the Room of Spirit and Time to train again.

Neither you or Kakarotto will be necessary! Once I use that room for one more day, it will be settled.

Me too I will join the tournament too! N- No.

16! P- please, take me to the Capsule Corporation.

To the place where mom is, you say? T- that's right.

There, I will have her repair me so that I can fight again.

You'll see, I'm sure to be of some use.

Don't be ridiculous! You're one of Doctor Gero's Artificial Humans, aren't you!? Wai-! Sure thing.

I'll take you there, and ask her for you.

Krillin-san! You don't have to worry, Trunks.

I don't think this guy is bad.

But! Those other two, that were swallowed up by Cell, weren't all that bad, either.

They are indeed different from the Artificial Humans that were in your future, by their very dimension.

And besides, right now, we need all the strong allies we can get, right? Here goes I owe you one.


Hurry and come on out of there, Kakarotto! No matter what you've done, it's useless.

If I can just go into that room one more time, we'll get by without having Cell ord it over us.

I'm not about to lose I'm sorry, Father.

I fell asleep before I knew it.

You've sure worked hard, Gohan.

That's enough for today, now rest.

But then, what will you do, Father? I'm going to go try to train a little longer.

T- then I will do so too! Please, take me with you! All right, I'll finish for the day, too.

Father But then, Gohan Tomorrow we're going to have even harsher training! We have to get you to aim even higher than Super Saiyajin as soon as we can! R- right! So, should we get something to eat? Yes! Here, thanks for waiting.

Drink your fill, okay? Oh, my! Vegeta-chan, it's been so long! You're as handsome as ever! My, this gentleman over here is handsome as well! Are you a friend of Vegeta-chan? B- by all means, I'm pleased to meet you.

Pardon us.

Is Bulma-san here? Oh, what's that now? - Um, I said Bulma-san - Yo, Krillin! If you're looking for Bulma, she just contacted us.

She said she was on her way here now.

Then she's not yet back from the Heavenly Realm? I see Hey!! Muten Roshi-sama! We got a message that everyone would be returning to the Capsule Corporation.

Staying at the Kame House, there's no way of knowing what the situation is, and all.

Where's Gohan-chan!? He's, you see, still at the Heavenly Realm.

Still, huh? Let's see that's funny then this here is So that's it.

A Tenkaichi Tournament, huh? Yes.

That's what Cell said.

It will be held ten days from now.

He said he would let us know the location and everything later.

I wonder, will the matches will be held like in the tournament? No.

I'm not entirely sure about it all, but apparently, the format will be one fighter challenging Cell at a time.

Miserable Cell! Is that what he told you? I get it, then.

It must just be his arrogance, now that he's obtained the ultimate in strength.

Still, by choosing the Tenkaichi Tournament, he's being rather sharp, isn't he? I can't wait to show what I've got! It has you fired up, huh Yamcha-sama? Yeah! You can say so, but you were beaten in every single one, huh? Turtle Hermit-san, what is this Tenkaichi-whatever Tournament, anyhow? Oh, yes indeed! Well, allow me, as one who has won the Tenkaichi Tournament, to explain it to you.

Huh? Muten Roshi-sama, you've won it before too? He's talking about a long time ago.

A really long time ago.

Long ago, there was a contest held among all the masters of the martial arts, to determine who among them had risen to the highest peak, and was the Tenkaichi, the best martial artist under heaven.

The first time Goku and the others participated was during, as I recall, the 21st Tenkaichi Tournament, right? It was Goku's first appearance, and yet he managed to reach the final round! However, his opponent was too much for him.

He was unfortunately beaten by another master, named Jackie Chun.

And then, five years later, the It was at this time, you see, that Tienshinhan and Chiaotzu first appeared before my eyes.

And so, as Goku and Tienshinhan competed for victory, and by a narrow margin, Goku lost! What a lower-level fight! That's why everyone here could compete in this tournament, given your level of ability.

Now, the 23rd Tenkaichi Tournament, which was held three years afterward that was one awesome and tumultuous tournament! After all, Goku got married, Piccolo, using the name Ma Junior, entered, and Kami-sama possessed a human and entered too! It was no longer the kind of tournament that any ordinary person could enter! So then, in the final match, Goku and Piccolo put on a battle, with the fate of this world in the balance! In the end, it was Goku who won, and became the strongest man on Earth! However, the fighting ring was lost, and the Tenkaichi Tournament has not been held since then.

And that was let's see, how many years ago now? Huh, Krillin? Ah, is that so? That must have been something terrible.

Even so, why would Cell do something like this? Why, indeed? Even by winning the Tenkaichi Tournament, he can't rule the world.

Cell said he didn't have any interest in ruling the world.

The purpose of the tournament was to confirm his own strength, as well as to plunge the whole world into terror, he said.

And besides, it would serve as exercise to draw out his strength even more.


He's sure gotten full of himself! All right, then! In that case, we'll enter too, and put his nose out of joint! Yeah! You'd better give up such pointlessness.

Small fry such as yourselves will serve no purpose at all.

Well, in any case, now we can relax.

Why does Chi-Chi-san say we can relax? How should I know!? Don't you get it? If he's goin' as far as holdin' a Tenkaichi Tournament, then Cell is goin' to obey the rules! Which means that if he kills you, it'll mean him losin'! We'll get through this without anyone dyin', right? - That's right! - In that case, maybe I'll enter as well! Maybe I'll enter as well.

Don't tell me you're still clinging to your former glory! And old guy like you would-yow! However, with a rule like that, the Earth will be saved from this crisis, won't it? Piccolo-san is around and all, and pretty soon, Goku-san and Gohan-san will be coming out of the Room of Spirit and Time Yeah! That's right, huh? Just a second! Even supposin' we can't stop Goku-sa from wantin' to enter, how come you have to have Gohan-chan enterin' in too!? But, Chi-Chi-san, as you just said, there's the rule that says you can't k*ll, so there's no danger Whether there's any danger or not, I've got no mind to allow Gohan-chan to be participatin' in any tournament! B- but! The Earth has already been saved from its crisis.

Cell is settin' up his Tenkaichi Tournament so that only those who want to fight have to! T- that may be so, but That's why I'm not allowin' Gohan-chan to fight any more! When Gohan was born, Goku-sa agreed to that! Now then, it's time for your milk! Goku-sa, I'm going to make this boy into a great scholar! A scholar!? That's right.

The world's at peace now.

If he were to become a martial artist, he'd be servin' no purpose at all.

I- I suppose not It's true! I can't let my guard down to any one of you here! You'd all inspire Gohan to be one of your delinquent pals! - Delinquent, she says? - How awful! A- am I a delinquent too? Now then, as for the tournament grounds Well, this area will do, I suppose.

How about I make the ring a little larger than the Tenkaichi Tournament ring? Next As I thought, the stone here appears to be of fine quality.


It is a bit plain, but I'll think of something later.

Now then, how about I head over to the television station? Cell, and his unusual way of thinking- will the devilish Cell indeed obey the rules of the Tenkaichi Tournament? There is a sense of hell about this ultra-Tenkaichi Tournament, as it awaits its warriors.
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