05x19 - I'm So Distraught!! Kururin's Handiwork in Destroying No. 18

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x19 - I'm So Distraught!! Kururin's Handiwork in Destroying No. 18

Post by bunniefuu »

"I'm So Distraught!! Kuririn's Handiwork in Destroying No.

18" N- No.

18 is in the area! I- I can still use this controller! But where in the world is she? I- I have to find No.

18 right away! If she's found by Cell Damn it all!! Damn it all!! I- incredible I- if only I could become my perfect form! If only I could become my perfect form, t- the likes of that guy would be-! So, what? You're saying that if you could become your perfect form, you wouldn't be losing to me? That's right! I absolutely would not lose! Power, speed, techniques, brains, mental strength In all things, I will achieve a perfect existence! That's what the computer told me! Dammit! If only I could become my perfect form! Damn it all!! Incredible When he fought with me, could he have been purposely pretending to be weaker? No, there isn't any reason why he would have had to do that.

Something has happened during these last few days.

Something? What the hell could have happened where he would change that much!? T- there she is! In a place such as this? H- haven't they realized it? Either Cell or Vegeta? Or Trunks? With this, once I've shut down No.

18's functions, and then destroyed her, Cell will be unable to become his perfect form, and we'll have beaten No.

18 as well! However, you have to draw to within 10 meters, or it won't have any effect, okay? Within 10 meters! All right! I- if only I could absorb No.

18 The man, No.

17, wasn't there.

Has he alone been absorbed? That's how Cell has transformed and powered up, I'll bet.

There they are! Somehow, I have to get closer- within 10 meters of them- without them noticing If I'm seen, it's all over.

What am I thinking here, at an important time like this!? What a start! Don't scare me like that! Ah, you fool! The Artificial Humans are there! Despite the obvious gap between us, you're saying that if you became your perfect form, you would beat me? I- I would unmistakably beat you! If you're at that level, that is D- Dad, don't tell me-! H- he can't mean to-! No.

16, what's the matter? No.

18, do not worry about me, run away at any time! You seem to be considering it How about it, Vegeta? You Saiyans are a warrior race through and through! Fighting is your passion! However, the stronger your opponent, the greater the joy you take in fighting! Isn't that so? Am I wrong? You'd like to try fighting, wouldn't you against me, in my perfect form? You must want to! You are the prince of the warrior race, the Saiyans, after all! Within 10 meters within 10 meters just a bit farther All right E- even if I use this controller to stop No.

18, unless she's destroyed, she'll be absorbed by Cell I think I can destroy her No.

16 doesn't hardly seem able to move, and all T- this is the only chance there is! No.

18 was originally just a cute human girl If she hadn't been reconstructed by Doctor Gero I even feel sorry for her! I wouldn't really have to destroy her No! If she is absorbed by Cell, and then Cell becomes his perfect form, people all over the world might be k*lled! Destroy her Don't destroy her Destroy her Don't destroy her Destroy her Don't destroy her Destroy her Destroy her Destroy her Destroy her --The water's just right, huh Gohan? --Yes! My fatigue feels like it's flying away! So, I wonder how Kuririn-san and the others are doing right now.

Not knowing what's happening in the world out front sure makes you uneasy.

Don't worry about it.

More importantly, be sure you massage yourself well here in the hot water.

It takes the exhaustion away.

Right! You know something, Gohan, you're keeping up pretty good! It's been just about two months since we've come in here.

Even so, Father, in the world outside, only four hours have gone by! It really is wondrous, huh? This Room of Spirit and Time.

Yeah, it sure is.

Okay! I'm going to work hard to become a Super Saiyan soon, and become an opponent for you, Father! Now you've done it! All right, Gohan! Once we get out of the tub, we'll eat, and then it's more training! Right! Destroy her Don't destroy her Destroy her See ya! Bye! She was originally just a cute human girl You're That couldn't be an emergency shutdown controller? Why would he Don't you want to try fighting me in my perfect form, prince of the warrior race? You certainly do understand Saiyans well.

Your cells are also included within my body, after all.

That must be what it is That is indeed what it is.

Very well! I will intentionally fall into your trap! You may become your perfect form.

Go! Dad! I would not be proud of myself if I defeated you the pathetic way you are now.

Dad! You can't! If you let him do that That's you're greatest fault, Dad! Shut up, Trunks! I'm not above fixing it so that you'll never take that insolent tone with me again! You should know better than anyone how incredible the power beyond Super Saiyan that I have is! So, get going! I'm looking forward to this, Cell.

Dad may have let you go, but I will not let you escape! Bulma-san, you went to all that trouble to make this for us.

I'm sorry.

Get away safely! No matter what, don't get absorbed by Cell! Please! Why!? Why did you break the controller!? It must have been your chance, right? To destroy me? T- that's Kid, move it! If you have the time to interfere with me, why not help out in searching for No.

18? There will be no more need for you to search for No.


--What? --You are going to be defeated by me, here and now! What was that, you punk, with your ass still blue? Trunks! Do not interfere! I thought I said I was going to squeeze the life from you, right here and now! How about you just accept that and fight!? Trunks! I told you to stop! It's like Dad explained it- I also possess nearly as much power as he does! With your power now, you will not be winning against me! Give it up! H- hey, Vegeta! Do something with this guy, will you? No.

18! I- I've found you! No!! At last, No.

18 has been discovered by Cell! Will Kuririn's affections turn to their harm?
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