02x36 - Formation of the Royal Knights

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x36 - Formation of the Royal Knights

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Listening to Yami's past

and his motto,
"Blaze new trails by never giving up"

gives Asta the motivation
to defeat Yuno, a strong rival.

Okay, I'll work hard to catch up to Yuno.

And then, I'll surpass him!

At that moment…

What's going on?

Whoever that is, stop it!

This is the Magic Knights led by Yami,

the Black Bull--

What's wrong?

You are…



Is this real?

Why is the Captain of Crimson Lion here?

That's right.

What brings you here, Captain Sisgoleon?

It's Mereoleona.

Why are you all so rowdy?

I want some tranquility to…

It's bad! A beast has run into this place!

Kids, evacuate immediately!

Listen, pretend to be dead
if you can't run!

Don't catch her eye, she will eat--

You idiot, take this.

Let's see.

Is this the Booze of Hell

that makes the throat burn with one sip?

Thank you for visiting Fuegoleon.

Do you really want to die?

I don't need a thank you gift.

By the way,
why do you like this bioweapon?

It's not for humans.

-I don't want it.
-Okay, die then.

Are you not supposed to k*ll the person
you are thanking?

I'll k*ll you with my greatest gratitude.

You look serious.

I don't like jokes.

Captain, do you not want it?

Give it to me then.

I see.

You are here just to see Captain Yami.

I thought you were taking me
somewhere incredible again.

I'm only taking you on the way.

What do you mean by "on the way"?

Where are we going?

To hell?

-Is it hell?

Why do you take me as well?

Is it somewhere with strong opponents?

I have prepared some black tea.
She is leaving already?

Wait, your members are being taken away.

Do something!

I'll leave her be
as long as she is leaving.

Are we the sacrifices?

What have we done wrong?

It's the karma of you
not doing good deeds.

Especially Luck, you deserve it.

These kids have passed
the Royal Knights Selection Exam.


Royal Knights?

I'm not the champion,

but I'm still right behind Yuno.

We can compete for the place
of Magic Emperor on the same stage.



Passed! I passed!

That way, I can stick with Asta again.

Not that I actually cared about that.

Of course, I'm glad Asta passed too.

But it's just because he is my companion.

That's all!

Noelle, I'll see you
in the Royal Knights squad!

Don't mess around and give me trouble.


I've been training harder now,
so it will be fine.

I don't mean that!

I'm telling you
not to push yourself too much.


I remember there is
one more person who has passed.

-One more?
-One more?

Wait. Is it me?

It's me, right?

Where is he?

Look, I'm here.

I'm telling you, Magna Swing is here.

It's not you.

Never mind, we have made the call.

I really don't stand a chance, do I?


Magna, I'm sorry.

I will become stronger
in the Royal Knights squad.

I may not hang out with you in a while.

Wait, don't say that.

You're just boasting.

I'll get back up when I fall.

Don't be scared

when you get back and see me
become incredibly strong!

Fine, I'll start training now.

Vanessa, come train with me.

But I'm about to drink this.

I want to be stronger.

I have to become stronger.

Fine then.

I'll enjoy it later, Virgin Delinquent.

Who is the delinquent?

Luck, be aware.

You must come back safe and sound.

-So must Asta and Noelle.


Of course.

We will cheer for you too.

They have really eager faces.

Keep it up and let's go!



Silver Eagle.

-Nils Ragus.

Vice-Captain of Coral Peacock,

Kirsch Vermillion.


My name is beautiful as always.

Blue Rose,

Puli Angel.


Do you feel lonely when I'm gone?

Green Mantis,

En Ringard.

All right! Show them our spirit!


Captain of Azure Deer,

Rill Boismortier

and Fragil Tormenta.


I'm Captain Rill-The-Loser.

Captain, please hang in there.

Golden Dawn,

Hamon Caseus,

Klaus Lunettes,

Mimosa Vermillion, and Yuno.



Our squad has the highest rate of passing.


This is the golden quality
of the golden brand.

Yuno will be selected for sure.

He's the MVP of the trial.

Hey, are you listening?

Black Bull,

Luck Voltia,

Noelle Silva,

and Asta.


How's that, Yuno?

I'm not left behind.

I'll get up no matter
how many times I fall.

Then, fall again.

You are always falling then.

Yes, if I have time…


I'm telling the truth.

It's true that I'll get back up.

So you admit that you will fall?


I'm so happy we can be together again.

Yes, let's work hard together.

And I haven't introduced myself.

I've been appointed as the Captain
of the Royal Knights squad,

Mereoleona Vermillion.

Sisgoleon is the Captain
of the Royal Knights squad?

Wait, why isn't anybody surprised?

Because I expected this.

She is doing the roll call
and she brought us here.

You have a problem?

I don't dare to.

Ms. Mereoleona, who leads Crimson Lion

and is a royal,

deserves to be the captain.

You're right.

I wish my Captain Vangeance
would take the lead,

but he couldn't because he's busy
coordinating the Royal Capital's defense.

Don't hesitate if you have any opinions.
Say them.

I won't hesitate to fight back either.


Listen, of you here

have passed a strict selection trial

to become members
of the Royal Knights squad.

If you don't have any problems,

from now on until the day
we eliminate the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

your lives are in my hand.


One, two, three…

One person is missing.

Does he look down on me,
so that's why he's late?

I'm sorry, I'm late.

I'm looked down on indeed.

I want to confirm how strong my captain is

now that my life is in your hands.

Please enlighten me.

You are…

Why are you wearing that cape?

Why are you wearing the cape
of Black Bull?

Idiot, it's because I'm a Black Bull.

You are a Black Bull?

Wait, please explain yourself.

That's a bitter memory from years ago.

For some reason,

I was busy chastising the Magic Knights.

Did you say Magic Knights?

That's not okay.

-It hurts.
-Shut up.

I have my reasons, shorty.

Anyway, at that time,

I met a really strong monster

who beat me up so hard.


This is…

You are an interesting guy,
so I'll give you this.

Throw it away if you don't like it.

You crazy Magic Knight, don't fool me.

Who is going to wear this?

And it's not something
you can just give away, right?

You know things after all.

It's okay, you can wear it
when you want to.

Because of that,

Master Yami found me and let me in
with unusual means.

How can that be?

Xerx, you are too cunning!

I worked so hard to get in the squad!

And I'm not Xerx.

I'm Zora Ideale, you shorty junior.

What is Zora?

Is it your real name?

Did I just tell you, stupid shorty?

Why did you lie?

Didn't I say it?

You must lie to your friends
before lying to enemies.

Wait, who are the enemies?

So, are you my senior?

That's right, come praise me.

I refuse.

I should say, come apologize properly.

You said you are not Xerx, but Zira?

It's Zora.

I'm confused.

-This stupid shorty is noisy.

I'll have to work hard from now on.

Not just to be Supermage,
but a real Magic Knight.

Here, to commemorate our reunion,

this rainbow stink bug is for you.

A wave of stench!

But it smells quite good
after getting used to it.

That's impossible!

You're right, it smells horrible!

Hey, let's fight.

How long are you jerks
going to mess around?


Where is everyone?

They have gone on to take the cape
of the Royal Knights squad, idiots.

Cape of the Royal Knights squad?

That sounds awesome!

The capes are specially made
against the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

It's highly resistant to magical att*cks.

You guys hurry and go take the capes!

Everyone, look.


Doesn't it fit perfectly?

I'm in love with you again.

I never expected that
I'd wear the same cape as Asta's.

But catching up with me is impossible.

I will be the next Magic Emperor.


It's me.



Does everyone have the cape?


How can this outfit suit me this well?

Kirsch, your narcissism
is disgusting to me.

It gives the feeling
of great responsibility.

It fits well
with our plump bodies as well.

It's exciting.

Quite nice.

Excuse me.

Isn't mine shorter than yours?

What's wrong with that cape?

Asta, are you serious?

I am!

It's like that when I put it on.

Does the poorly-abled
have a poorly-made cape?

We ran out of materials.

I decided to have extra members.

-Extra members?
-Extra members?

These people did not join
the selection trial,

but we judged that
they are necessary for the battle.

Siren Tium

and Cob Portaport.

Siren's Stone Creation Magic
can duplicate a model of the enemy's base

and grasp the magical power
of the mages lurking there.

Cob is a convenient Spatial Magic's mage.

Since Finral Roulacase
is still hospitalized,

we have summoned him.

Another one is…

Nozel Silva.

He is willing to join as well.


The Captain of Silver Eagle?

This squad is powerful.

I didn't expect a squad member
can fight alongside him.

What a surprise.

I always thought you'd refuse.

What's wrong with you?

You're not qualified to ask me that.

I said yes because the King asked me to.

With these three,

all of you are Royal Knights.

Wait, Mr. Nozel.

How can you get on stage
as if you are supposed to?

You didn't even join the trial.
It's not fair!

I should ask why you take part in that
as a squad captain.

I can join the squad without taking it?


The Eye of the Midnight Sun
is a strong enemy.

So, the power of squad captains,

especially the royal ones, is necessary.

After all, it's the Royal Knights squad.

A royal one.

It's the King.

This is Augustus Kira Clover XIII,
His Majesty.

Her domineering aura is unbelievable.

It has been a long time since someone
called me by my full name.


Don't embarrass the Royal Knights…

I think you know it.

We only need a victory and nothing else!

The Eye of the Midnight Sun

is a t*rror1st group
that despises the Clover Kingdom.

If we don't remove them
with our own hands,

this country will forever be in turmoil.

When they att*cked the Royal Capital,

we united and drove them away

while sacrificing a great deal.

My brother, Fuegoleon,
fell into their trap

and went into a coma ever since.

The captives we held told us

that their leader is Licht,
a mage with a Clover Grimoire.

The three people named the Third Eye
are the most powerful among them.

Also, we don't know if it's true,

but they try to have a rebirth
in their true form

and get immense power.

It's confirmed that they are collecting
magic stones everywhere.

They need three more magic stones.

We took two of them

before they did.

We also defeated Vetto of the Third Eye
who uses Beast Magic

and Fana who tamed
the Fire Spirit Salamander.

The only one left is Rhya
who uses Imitation Magic.

This Rhya and Licht

will certainly be

our strongest enemies in the battle.

We will attack their last fortress

so that they will have
to fight until death.

Maybe some of us will die
before we succeed,

but victory will be ours.

Literally, fight until you die.

The idiots who can't do it

will die by my hands
before we get to the enemy's base.

Do you understand?


Your Majesty Augustus Kira Clover XIII.

What? You are so loud.

Please continue what you want to say.


You interrupted and kept rambling.

You have said everything I could,
haven't you?

So, fight on!


That's it?

By the way, where is the base
of the Eye of the Midnight Sun?

An annoying peasant asked a good question.

It is…

The base of Eye of the Midnight Sun
that we are going to,

it's in…

Floating Dungeon in the Gravito Rock Zone

within the Grand Magic Zone.

You are late.


Why do you look zoned out?

Don't say that.

Miss, let's drink next time.

I refuse.

You're not good at drinking.

Found it.

Hi, Rhya.

You're slow.

Do you feel it's annoying to wake up?

You are bad.

Leave me be.


Are you hogging the spot
next to Licht again?

Licht will belong to someone else
after the ceremony tomorrow.

You should probably stop that.

Shut up.

It's my freedom, no?

What did you say?

It's okay.

Licht still belongs to everyone
after he marries me.

The human princess is caring.

Saying these will make things complicated.

But soon after, you won't even
have the right to even step in.

You don't have to be so mean.

Patolli knows it himself.

Licht, how do you feel
about being a father soon?

I can sense the magic power
is blessing our life as well.

Everyone is expecting
the birth of our child.

I would be happy
if the child is delivered safely.

This little baby is our future.

The bridge between humans and elves.

Licht and Tetia, congratulations.


Such a fancy dream.

It's awakening.

-Petite Clover.
-Petite Clover.

-First of the Capes.
-First of the Capes.

The cape of Royal Police, you said?

It sounds awesome!

This cape can help with our investigation.

Go put it on!

It's not a cape at all.

Why is mine different anyway?


The cape of Royal School, you said?

It sounds awesome!

This cape can improve your school life.

Go put it on!

Only mine is different, right?


The cape of Royal Doctor, you said?

It sounds awesome!

This cape can improve
life-saving medical treatments.

Go put it on!

I said

that only mine is different, right?


It's time to fight
the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

We, the Royal Knights squad,
will protect the country and everyone.

Black Clover, Page ,

"Storming the Eye
of the Midnight Sun's Hideout!!!"

Sisgoleon is so powerful!
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