02x34 - Together in the Bath

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x34 - Together in the Bath

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

I must win.

I want to defeat the captain
of a Magic Knight squad.

I must win!

The Royal Knights Selection Exam was held

in order to defeat
the Eye of the Midnight Sun…

This is good. So good!

Yuno, Noelle, and En's team
became the champions

and the match concluded.

As for the mysterious mage
who called himself Xerx,

his real name is…

Your Trap Magic and knowledge
are indispensable.

So you'll pass
the Royal Knights Selection Exam.

I look forward to it.

I think it's time for you to put on
your squad's Magic Knight robe,

Zora Ideale.

Zora Ideale?

I don't know who you're talking about.

I'm just

a passer-by dabbler
who couldn't become a Supermage.

Asta is motionless, like an ornament.

Is he still breathing?

He is.

But he's an empty shell without a soul.

It seems he takes it pretty hard after
failing to become the champion.

After the match…

I'll surely catch up to you!

I'm the one who's going
to become the Magic Emperor!

He even said such a thing.

It's hard to blame him.

After all, the handsome guy
who grew up with him

showed their great gap in power.

As time goes by,

the blow of getting defeated
by a rival will increase.

So I understand how he feels.

My younger sister, Goddess Marie.

I too suffer more and more
physically and mentally,

as the time separating from you drags on.

I think the sentiment
is somewhat different.


Okay, let's initiate
a surprise attack strategy.

I think once he starts fighting,
he will recover. It's life-risking fight.

Lightning Magic,
Thunderclap Crumbling Orb!


Even if he can fight right now,
he won't pull himself together.

We won't know if we don't try.

We know even if we don't try.

He will die.

If a magic fight doesn't work,

how about hitting his head with a brick?


My dearest friend, I know how you feel.

Let me, Gordon Agrippa, take care of it.

Let me stroke your head gently
and make you feel better.


Gosh! Why are you so unenergetic?

So what if you couldn't fight
your handsome rival at the finals?

Am I right, Rouge?

You did great, didn't you?

You passed, didn't you?

You passed with flying colors.

Come, smile a bit.

Smile a bit.


What's Vanessa doing?

To make Asta feel better again,

Vanessa is forcing herself to act happy.

That's called pretending to be strong.

When I can't see Marie,

I'd pretend to be strong
and put on a happy face too.

Let's not stand here and do nothing.

Let's put on a happy attitude.

You're right. Let's cheer Idiosta up.

Great! I can charge at him, can't I?


I said no, didn't I?

Idiosta, are you still alive?

It's about time, isn't it?

I'm talking about the results of
the Royal Knights Selection Exam.

The messenger birds should be
sending over the notifications by now.

That's right.

That's right. It's about time.

Asta, if you pass,

it means you get to catch up to
the cool handsome guy.

Catch up to him and then surpass him.

But can I even pass?

After all, I forfeited midway.

No problem, you will pass.

That's right, Idiosta.
Be confident about yourself.


I'm on the champion team.

I will pass for sure.

Judging from my capability,
it's a given anyway.

Your team won because of
the cool handsome guy, isn't it?


You stupid delinquent who lost
because of your own magic.


Is that how you should speak
to your senior?

Also, I'm not a delinquent.

-I'm a royal.
-It has nothing to do with anything!

-Please stop fighting.
-It does!

Rather than worrying for Asta,

you might as well worry for yourself
if you can pass.

I'm not worried.

I'll pass, won't I?

No question about it.

Magna, you're very nervous, aren't you?

I'm not nervous.

How rude!

I understand.

Your heartbeat
and body temperature have risen.

Plus, with perspiration,
all these show that you're very nervous.

Well, I'll make an exception

and help you pull yourself together.

I'll let you look at Marie's photo
for . seconds.

Rather than doing such boring stuff,
Asta, let's have a fight.

It's time for you to recover.

It's obvious that he hasn't.

Can I attack him at full force? Can I?

Absolutely not.

Hey, Charmy.

Charmy, what's wrong?

When I think of Yuno who is super cool,

my chest feels tight.
I can't even swallow my food.

I can only finish
one-fifth of what I used to eat.

-Isn't it more than enough?
-Isn't it more than enough?

Asta didn't give any rebuttal.

It's not working, right?

Prince of Salvation,
my chest feels very uncomfortable.

You've eaten too much.

She's in bad shape too.

Exactly. What's wrong with her?

Okay, let's take a bath then.



In the bathhouse, we can sweat together,
and then we'll feel better.

Come, let's go.

No, I'll pass.

This is an order from the captain.

Stop talking nonsense. Hurry up!

The water is warm and great, isn't it?


That's painful!

You prick, stop it!

Otherwise, I'll boil the water
and cook you alive.

Seeing each other naked
has undoubtedly made us more connected.

I feel so blissful.

How's it over there?

Is your water okay?

Yes, it's just nice.

I'm actually taking a bath with everyone.

This is fantastic.

-This is embarrassing.

Why do you do that?

What's going on?
What's with the commotion over there?

A bath like this makes me
reminisce about the past.

-Don't ask. Just keep quiet and listen.

It was when I first joined
the Grey Deer squad.

The water is clear now.

But when Sir Julius was the captain,
the water was grey.

I see.

After I joined the Grey Deer squad,

to practice,

I went out to take on
martial arts training.

Somehow, it's become
a story-telling session.

One day, I went fishing
because I was hungry.

In the end…

I'm starving.

Hurry up, let's catch some fish.

Hurry up and eat my bait.

It ate my bait.

Although I'm an expert
at catching fish at the bay,

it's so troublesome that
it doesn't fit my personality.

I'm famished.

Are you going to rob me?

If you want a fight,
I have some time to spare.

But I'm very hungry,
so I'll be a bit impatient.

And I won't go easy on you.

Please accept this.

Lord Magic Knight,
we see that you seem hungry.

They are not poisoned, are they?

How can we do that?

Here, help yourself.

Thank you, then.

Lord Magic Knight,

if you can accept our request,

I can prepare more food for you.

A request?

Okay then.

We will have a harvest soon.

Thanks to you, it looks like it's going
to be a great harvest this year.

That's fantastic.


Even if we have a great harvest,
it will be destroyed by those guys.

What guys?

The bandits.

During our harvesting period,

they will come and take our crops away.

We have asked for help
from the Royal Capital,

but the bandits seem to be everywhere.

The Royal Capital has no time
to take care of remote areas like ours.

You want me to take care of the bandits?

While you stay in our village,

we will provide you food,
three meals a day.

You can't be serious!

I'm a Magic Knight after all, and you want
to hire me with three meals a day?

We have no money.

The harvest last year was taken from
us too. We hardly have any income.

The bread you ate was taken out
from a secret storage.

-You must include afternoon naps.

Not just my meals, I need afternoon naps.

These are my terms.

If you agree to them,

I'll protect this village
from the bandits.

Okay, deal.

Since I'm stuffed,

please let me take my afternoon nap.

Lord Magic Knight,

could you please tell us your name?

My name is Yami.

Yami Sukehiro.

This is troublesome.

Boss, what's wrong?

Their harvest is good this year, isn't it?

That's why it's troublesome.

Shall we take everything
without leaving anything behind?

If it's too heavy, we won't be able
to move everything, will we?

It's fine.

We have somebody who can do Spatial Magic.

Let's gather up what we can take
and send it to our cave.

In that case, I can relax then.

The villagers must be on alert now.

We will finish off
whoever dares to stop us.

You guys, just ransack the village!


Okay, where should we start ransacking?

Let's start from the barn.

Where is it?

The barn is the building
at the right in the front.

Thank you.

If I just throw them out,
they will probably come back again.

I must teach them a lesson

and make sure they won't
make the same mistake.

One guy is down.

Two guys.

Three guys.

Nineteen and twenty guys.

Honestly, how many are there?

This is taking too long.


I didn't expect to see
a Magic Knight bodyguard here.

Are you the boss of these bandits?

I didn't expect that
there would be so many small fries.

Even small fries can defeat a whale
if there are enough of us.

Like they said, "Even an ant colony can
destroy the dam.”

Guys, finish the prick off.

Whoever defeats him will get a big prize.


Although each one has no real power,

there are too many of them.

What should I do?

What else?

I've got to finish them all off.

I got you!

Shut it!

Who are you?

I'm not a suspicious character.

Weird shoes.

Weird pants.

Weird clothes.

Weird cape.

And a weird mask.

Every bit of you looks very suspicious.

Is your name Yami?

Please take care of the guys at the back.

How do you know who I am?

This guy seems to see through
what I'm thinking.

We will get along for sure.

How's that possible?

Both of them defeated so many of us.

How about the rest?

I'm left with just you, prick.

Hurry, retreat!


Here I come!

Why did you let your boss get away? Speak!

The boss of the bandits
might have escaped,

but the rest of his guys are all caught.

That way, he won't be able to ransack
the villages near here anymore.

Yes, that's right.

So? I haven't got an answer from you yet.

You heard me, didn't you?

I asked you how you knew who I was.

About that?

That's because you're famous here.

A foreigner

who got promoted and became
a mighty force in the Grey Deer squad.

Who are you then?

I'm a member of the Grey Deer squad too.

I worked on jobs in the Royal Capital
for the most part.

This is the first time we met, isn't it?

I happened to come here for a job today.

Come to think of it,

I do remember hearing about
a weird masked man joining us.

Is that you?

Calling me a weirdo is too mean.

Somebody important to me
gave me this mask.


Whether it was given to you
by somebody important or not, it's weird.

Who gave it to you?

Who do you think it is?

Lord Yami,

thank you so much.

-Thank you so much.
-Thank you so much.

Our village is safe now.

Don't mention it.

Anyway, you have been feeding me well.

I should go now.

Do you want some?

No, thank you.

The villagers hired you, not me.

I see.

What are you going to do next?

I'm going to do
more martial arts training.

Do you want to come?

It seems to be a lot of fun
hanging out with you.

But no, thank you.

I have a job to do.

I have to walk my own path.



You and I

may be walking different paths now.

But sooner or later,
we will end up on the same path.

The same path?

If so, then you'll be my rival.

I'll prove to you by becoming the captain
of a Magic Knights squad first,

before you do, that is.

Stop joking! I won't lose to you.

Let's compete and see
who will get to the position first.


Weirdo Mask Man,

I don't know your name yet.


William Vangeance.


Even his name is weird.

See you,




I will set off on my journey too.

This was

the first time I fought alongside

Weirdo Mask Man, Captain Charisma.

Then, in the next few years,

both men became rivals and fought
from time to time.

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Vangeance Is Hard to Pronounce.


Weirdo Mask Man,

I don't know your name yet.


William Vangeance.


It's Vangeance.


No dance.


It's getting worse.

Is it this?

I don't mean a fan.

This is a moon-shaped fan.

Are you looking for trouble?

I'll say it one last time. It's Vangeance.

Shampoo and conditioner?

Hair treatment is important.

Then, in the next few years,

both men became rivals--

This is so annoying!

I'm sorry.

Recounting the past to other squad members
can be embarrassing.

I was young then.

Black Clover, Page .

"Yami and Vangeance."

Actually, I'm still young now.

I'm only .
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