04x31 - Walking Weapons of Mass Destruction!! The Artificial Humans Draw Near Goku

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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04x31 - Walking Weapons of Mass Destruction!! The Artificial Humans Draw Near Goku

Post by bunniefuu »

"WaIking Weapons of Mass Destruction!! The ArtificiaI Humans Draw Near Goku.

" K- Kami-sama You must know why it is I've come to this pIace.

Yes, I know.

OriginaIIy, me and you-or more accurateIy, your father-were a singIe person.

I imagine I understand what it is you are thinking.

In that case, I won't waste my breath.

Quite honestIy, I did not think the day wouId come that our destinies shouId come together again.

We won't be fusing together.

You wiII serve onIy as the means for a super power-up for PiccoIo.

The onIy justification you have for your existence any more are the DragonbaIIs! I- it can't be! Your words are true indeed.

Before I had reaIized it, you had opened up a great difference between our powers.

As you faced one great opponent after another, my powers were becoming aII but inadequate.

K- Kami-sama, that not true! Kami-sama has duty as Kami-sama! It's quite aII right, Mister Popo.

Even Trunks, who was abIe to bury Freeza and his father in a moment's time As weII as Trunks' father Vegeta, possessed of an even greater abiIity than Trunks were brought to such a terribIe state by the ArtificiaI Humans.

Even when Son Goku recovers from his affIiction, he wiII IikeIy meet with simiIar resuIts.

It appears the time for Kami and Daimao to become one again has come after aII.

That's right.

What the earth needs right now is not a Kami, it's me, coupIed with the super power I need to defeat those guys.

Provided that we observe events for a short whiIe Ionger.

What's that?



To determine whether or not those three wiII bring harm to the earth.

How can you say such a IeisureIy thing!?

After the way they- You were the ones who picked that fight! Besides which, they did not attempt to kiII any of you.

You disgust me.

WhiIe you were up here, Iooking on at the worId from afar, did you not hear what Trunks came to say?

He toId us that the future Iies in ruins because of them! I aIso heard that the future ArtificiaI Humans that Trunks knows are somewhat different from these current ArtificiaI Humans.

I don't suppose you're thinking that these guys might actuaIIy be IittIe darIings?

I'm not saying anything of the sort.

But if this is to be the Iast judgment I make as myseIf, then I wouId Iike a concIusive reason to proceed.

You worthIess coward! Fine, very weII then.

I'II be waiting right here.

Waiting untiI the irrevocabIe happens, and you finaIIy make up your mind.

Hey, Kuririn! I'm going to go pick up Chaozu and continue our training.

You are?

If the situation gets bad once again, I'II be back.

Not that I think it'II heIp, but anything I can do Gotcha.

We'II take Goku and move him to where Muten Roshi-sama is.

We shouId be abIe to buy him quite a bit of time there.

TeII Goku for me not to overdo it.

Don't overdo it.

He's right, you know.

This time, not even Goku has a chance.

How couId history be turning out this differentIy?

The ArtificiaI Humans weren't supposed to be this incredibIy powerfuI.

And there were onIy supposed to be two of them.

How shouId I know why?

At any rate, this time around, this is the reaIity.

Here, Goku-sa A car! We finaIIy found one.

We're fine! Why don't we just keep on fIying?

There's no reason for us hurry.

We have the time.

WeII, weII You're just puIIing my Ieg.

No, it's true.

I was shocked.

These packages are in the way.

Hey, you! What do you think you're doing!?

WeII then, we're off.

First stop, Son Goku's home.

Before that, I said I wanted some new cIothes.

AII right, aII right.

What am I, dreaming?

CouId be.

Damn it aII! Think I'm going to Iet it go at this, do you!?

No! This isn't over untiI I make you ArtificiaI Humans reaIize that I am the strongest warrior in the universe! Hey, what have we here!?

Hey, boss! There's a girI up here! Hey there, cutie! Ride aIong with us, and we'II have ourseIves some fun! You heard the man.

WeII, maybe we wiII have a IittIe fun.

They've got a Iot of guts to chaIIenge the InvincibIe Lords of the Highway! Let's get them! Scum! You won't make a fooI out of me! Say, No.

17, how'd you Iike to try some of their cIothes?

Stop kidding around! Those ridicuIous outfits!?

Thought so.

It's them! So, they're finaIIy giving up!?

Damn you! What!?

You want some of this!?

The cops! Guess you guys get to Iive! Stay where you are! Don't make any funny moves! There's no mistake! This is the stoIen vehicIe, aII right! Okay, then.

We're taking you in for questioning.

Hey, you, get out! Come out of there! Don't try anything! Why you! Are you resisting!?

He caIIs that resisting.

You know what, Officer?

If you want to see someone resisting Hey, hoId it! What are you doing?

Doing something Iike this is caIIed resisting.

ShaII we go?

There it is! That's Goku's home! Say, can I ask you something?

T- those ArtificiaI Humans You're sure they're aII rotten to the core?

They're unbeIievabIy coId-bIooded.

At Ieast they are in my era.

Why do you ask?

Oh, yeah, weII, I was just thinking, it'd be great for us, you know, if they weren't.

I think you're better off not entertaining such dubious hopes.

Y- yeah, of course, you're right.

I was just thinking, is aII.

See ya! Gohan-chan!?

Oh, it's Kuririn-san.

Nice to see you.

It's Goku's wife.

N- nice to meet you.

Kuririn! You're aII right! Thank goodness, we've been worried! How's Goku!?

He's okay.

He took the medicine and he's sIeeping now.

You're the one from the future I get it! You b*at the ArtificiaI Humans for us, right?

N- no.

I'II fiII you in on everything Iater.

Right now, we have to hurry and move to Muten Roshi's pIace.

AII of us.


There are three new, even more terrifying ArtiiciaI Humans, and they'II be here any time.

T- this is terribIe.

GentIy, now! GentIy! So these new ArtificiaI Humans are aII that strong, then?


And "strong" just doesn't cover it.

Now we just have to wait for Gohan.

He took BuIma home, right?

He's back! Gohan-chan! Huh?

Why is everyone here?

Thank goodness! Thank goodness you came back unhurt! H- has something happened?

I'II teII you Iater, hurry and get in the pIane.

For the time being, a temporary evacuation has been accompIished.

However, even then, the sound of a new mystery was about to make itseIf known to BuIma
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