04x15 - Shocking Revelations for the 13 Divisions!! The Truth Buried in History

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x15 - Shocking Revelations for the 13 Divisions!! The Truth Buried in History

Post by bunniefuu »

Woke up with yawning, it's dawning

I'm still alive

Turned on my radio To start up new day

As goddamned D.J. chattered

How to survive

Amazing news got over On that air wave

Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

She's a sh**ting star

Good-night, good-night

She's a sh**ting star


Tonight, Love is rationed

Tonight, Across the nation

Tonight Love reflects world wide

Almost another day

See you some other day


What do you want?

–There –Umm, this isn't child birth.

You didn't have to boil that much water

Shut up! It may be of some use!

I'm healing them with a special method.

Hot water is not needed.


Are you stupid? Ha!

What did you say?!

Why you You're just a stuffed animal!

Wh-What are you doing?! Stop stop !

You're stinky! You're dirty all over


All right! I'll clean you right now!


Aaah That feels good

The water temperature is just right

Stop relaxing!

Stop! My stuffing is coming out!

Keep it quiet.

We have injured people in here!

Keep it quiet!



Excuse me Can you be a little more cheerful?

The air is stagnant!

Ugh it's bleak

So what's the new information from Soul Society?

There was progress at

the Department of Research and Development

What's that?

I'm in charge of the Department of Research and Development.

There shouldn't be any data I can't browse.

I removed the lock.

It took a bit of time, though

I shall explain. Nemu!

Yes. I am bringing it up on the monitor.

These are Bounts. The ones who are causing a stir in the World of the Living.

They're a tribe that, while human,

extend their life-spans by feeding off of the human souls

You dim-wit! Quickly!


And as you know, these are Quincies

In the past, these two tribes

the Bounts and the Quincies clashed.

The Stealth Force took this footage at that time

Take a look at this.

The Bounts are clearly targeting this Quincy

What happens next?

This is a pretty old record. It's all I have

A “to be continued â€

I want to know how it played out

I don't know if the Bounts of that time got that Quincy.

But according to my records

Nemu! Explain what happened afterwards.

Yes. Afterwards, it seems they continued to feed on

and absorb the souls of living humans for a while.


Originally there existed a kind of law amongst the Bounts;

where it was prohibited to absorb souls unless they're from dead humans.

But after this incident,

it apparent that the Bounts continued to absorb souls off of living bodies.

It evident in the data showing a decrease in the quantity of souls

Don't say anything unnecessary!

What happened afterwards?

I don't know

But whenever they make a large-scale movement,

they break their laws and attack living humans.

Furthermore, for some reason, they need a certain Quincy

Whether these current incidences are related to these old records

I don't know

But this much is sure

The Bounts will begin to openly attack humans.

Living humans, that is

Yoruichi Is that for real?

It might have been different if it was someone else, but

Jushiro Ukitake, of all people,

was in a panic when he came to let me know.

There's no reason to question it.

Kariya is trying to use Ishida's Quincy power to open a hole to Hueco Mundo

Is that why they need the energy from the souls of living humans?

Furthermore, why does he need Quincy abilities to do that?

Right now we only have circumstantial evidence

We can't easily make a decision.

At any rate, we've got to stop Kariya and the other Bounts

–from seriously attacking humans –Yoruichi


There's one thing I don't understand

They're sucking the souls of living humans

and trying to use the Quincy power

just to go to the Hollow World

What does he What does Kariya plan to do?

We wouldn't have any problems if we knew.


Powerful enough as he is

What does he plan to do by gaining even greater power?

Ichigo you

He's incredibly strong

He's not using cheap techniques

So why?

Kurosaki, are you afraid?

I'm not It's just

Thinking calmly In my current state

I don't think I can win


Wh-What's that sound?!


Ah, it's been a while since I last appeared!

Thank you very much!

Huh? Where's Shiba?

Umm He was around there earlier

Oh, I see! He's probably gone to the bathroom.

We can't be sure of that

No It's the bathroom, the bathroom!

Why are you limiting it to the bathroom?

You've made such a mess here

Please fix it later!

Don't worry about small details.

Why'd you come here?

You even came on a boar.

Where in the world did you find one?!

Well, there sure are unusual animals here!

You got it from the zoo?!

Well, he's nothing like my Bonnie


Oh, come to think of it, Kuchiki, you don't know my cute Bonnie, do you?

So why'd you come here?

Oh, that's right

Well, I sensed a gloomy Spiritual Pressure

coming from somewhere in the town

I'm the type to be bothered by things like that.

So I followed the scent and here I am!

So it's you! You're the gloomy bastard!

What did you say?!

It's true! I didn't notice.

Now that you mention it, this is pretty bad

Everyone, open the windows, the windows!

Don't talk as if I'm garbage!

You're the same as rotten garbage!

I'm going to freshen you a bit!

Hey, old man, do you know a good place?

Old man?!

I may look like this,

but I'm quite friendly with your older sister, you know

Well, if that's the case

Come this way, underground!

Yeah, I'm thankful for this. Let's go, Ichigo!

All right!

Ichigo, get out of your gigai!

This isn't a gigai

–This is –This is fine, isn't it?!

What are you ?


I'll come join you as well!

Thanks! Let's go, Ichigo!

Hey! Now's not the time

W-Wait a second!

Hey! Hey!

Prepare yourself!

Can we still use it?

I don't know

If we fix it, perhaps

There should be tools somewhere around here.

I'll search for them

No. That's all right.

Come on, come on, spin!

Stop it, Jinta

Shut up! He'll dry well if I do this!


Don't dry me out with clothes pins!

Especially in the middle of the night!

Keep it quiet! It's bad for the injured inside!

A-All right

I told you!

Shut up!

Does it hurt?

No It's not that bad thanks to the healing

I do feel bad for getting you involved in all of this

when you don't have anything to do with it

I am involved.

They're targeting me.

Even without my powers, I'm a Quincy.

Jin Kariya told me earlier

“I'm sorry for getting you involved.â€

But that's not what he really felt

Yes. Probably not

That's what shocked me the most

No one knows what he's really like

He's trying to go to Hueco Mundo isn't he?

But I don't know what he plans to do when he gets there

But I don't think the cause is worth

going as far as to break our tribe's laws and sacrificing humans.

Of course

I also att*cked living humans

I'm despicable.

But that

We Bounts, since long ago

since we were born in this world

No, since we appeared

Our numbers have been decided.


During a certain time, Bounts appeared among normal people.

A sudden mutation

We haven't appeared since then

And new life cannot be born from Bounts.


We are a race that just dies

Slowly, over many months and years.

That's why I'm telling you you're scared!

How sloppy! I'll straighten out your cowardliness!

Bring it on!

It seems you finally feel like doing this!

You, go!

Huh? Why me?

Are you afraid, too?

What did you say?!

Then go! Finish quickly, like the “Renji†you are.

Oh well!

Hey! What about you?

Here I go, Ichigo!

Take this!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on, come on!

My, my, how pathetic.

With the state you're in right now, even I can easily take you on!

What did you say?! Come down here, Ganju!

Don't get distracted!

Here I go, Ichigo! Seppa, turn to sand!


Senpen banka!

Take this!

This is bad! It got me, too!

Why you

The Chili Pepper Smoke b*mb is irritating my eyes!

Try and kiss my butt!

You bastard! Come down here!

Stupid! There's no way I'd come down there!

Here I go again!


Hello Oh, Hana, huh? What is it?

We're busy!

The manager thinks you've gone to the bathroom,

so come back quickly!

Oh, I see. Thanks. Then I'll head back.

He said to come back. The store's busy!


Then I'll leave the rest to you!

What's with that?!

You invite me here and leave by yourself?

Well, I was told to come back quickly so, I'm going.

Take care!

What a way to run away

Well I guess it doesn't matter!

It's as he said!

What is this pathetic state? You're full of openings!

Shut up!

Are you afraid of Kariya?!

I'm not afraid!

When did you become such a wimp?!

I didn't!



Wait just a second!

Why is it so crowded?!

Oh Would you like me to warm up your packed lunch?

–Yes. –Hey

Aren't there any other employees?

Umm well

Manager, take care of the register!

Huh? Shiba's still in the bathroom, huh?

He sure takes a long time

I'm going to check on him

Manager, could you take care of the register instead?

–Hey! –Hurry up!



Sorry to keep you waiting! I feel refreshed.

I'm going to the register!

See? He was in the bathroom!


Can I ask you something?

Do you have any pride as a Bount?


I have it

Pride as a Quincy

The Quincies are a tribe

which was given a power by God to protect people from Hollows.

Even if I'm the only one,

I will fulfill my heavenly duty with pride as a Quincy

Pride, huh?

What a nice sound

When did you start to calculate your chances of winning or losing?!

It's unsightly! That's why you're scared!

You don't think you can win?

You never thought about that when you charged into Soul Society!

It seems you've gained a little determination!

D-Don't be so mad!


I was just trying to give you a friendly shove!

Thanks, Renji

You're right

There's probably still some in me

Good bye Proud Quincy

Thank you

That woman will die this time

There are people who can't settle things without doing that

Settle things?

Yes How should I put it? To settle the score with her life.

I'm going to go to Soul Society.

I can't stand being led by vague information like this

I'm going to check out the truth with my own eyes.


Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

The flowers glow and fade away.

The sky falls silent,

as a pair of dreamy fireworks (Hanabi) lit up.

I will sing my piercing love to you.

Can you hear my voice?

Blooming in an instant are fireworks (Hanabi)

Sky blue dreams shine and flicker, dancing away into the sky.

Blossom away in full bloom, high above

Protect and keep those feelings thriving

Strongly, at least till the very end.

These flowers will glow and fade away

Honestly. So many people barging in

I don't have enough ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast.

–Jinta, I'll go shopping. –Don't worry about it.

We just have to half the freeloader portions.

Me again?!

Would you rather have only water?

Give me a break

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers Golden after these messages!

– Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers – Golden

So Ichigo, what kind of powers did Kariya have?

Who knows? I couldn't tell

Huh? You fought him and couldn't tell?!

Are you stupid?

Shut up!

You didn't see anything either, so stop blabbing!

Why didn't you come with us anyway?!

We contacted you!

I didn't know anything about it!

My soul pager never

It's batteries are dead

Tune in again!
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