04x07 - Rukia's Return! Revival of the Substitute Team!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x07 - Rukia's Return! Revival of the Substitute Team!

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



It turned out that the three mod souls were created by Mr. Urahara

in an effort to get us to reflect on our own strengths.

Meanwhile, a mysterious group called “Bounts,â€

who suck out the Souls of living people, appeared.

Lirin, Kurodo and Noba hid themselves inside stuffed toys

in order to give us their support.

With their investigative skills, they discovered the Bounts.

Damn it Where should I cut?

Goethe, finish him!


What are you doing, fool!

Have you gotten rusty, Ichigo?


More, Goethe! Destroy them!

Destroy them? All right.

What kind of power is this?!

No It too big!


Ms. Yoshino

Roaming around without permission?

Are you a Bount, too?! What was that all about?

A noisy one, aren't you?

Ichigo! Be careful!

You know, food doesn't talk.

Huh ? What do you mean?!

Now, let go home.

I guess I have no choice


You will not disobey

You'd better not fight it.

My doll, Friede, is a bit short-tempered, you see.

H-Hey! Weren't you two on the same side?

I said you're too noisy I'm getting a headache!

Soul Reaper, noisy!

What going on?

What are the Bount capabilities?

If you will excuse us now.

After all, nobility and pigs never share the same table.



What was that?

I have no clue.

– Huh? – Oh?!

Orihime! And Chad !

Ichigo, that guy

You know him?

Just a while ago he made someone

Rukia !

Oh The never-before explored great -degree great cliff,

that I have but dreamed of, is right before my eyes

This is my first climb

What do you mean, “great cliff†?!


Welcome back!

Um Yeah

I didn't think I'd be able to see you so soon


Hey! That dress looks really good on you!

Ishida love oops

No, no Let see Oh, yes!

“Umeya†near the school has started serving green tea spaghetti!

Let all go there to celebrate your return!

What do you say, Rukia?

Uh sure! I'd be delighted to join you.

Yes, that the spirit!

And then their deluxe curry frappe is pretty good, too.

If you pour it over shaved ice, it out of this world.

I suddenly received orders to rid this town of Hollows again.

I really preferred to spend more time in training,

but I couldn't disobey my orders.

Oh, man So I'm stuck with you yet again?

That my line.

Ichigo, who the hell is this?!

Wh-What with that ugly stuffed toy?!

It not my fault!

I don't look like this because I wanted to!

I have to provide support for Ichigo, so I had no choice!

Support ?

Yeah. Mr. Urahara gave her to me,

saying we had to watch out for those guys we just ran into.

I don't understand.

If you judge things by their appearance, you'll be sorry!

Lirin I think Miss Rukia is speaking of the Bounts.


Hm Are they allies, or enemies?

Really, those guys are difficult to read.

I don't even know their objective.

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know

Hello young lady

What is this?

Huh? This is Kurodo. He supporting me.

And this is Noba, who with Chad.



What? What ?!


He so cute! He looks exactly like Chappy!

J-Just a minute, Rukia! Wasn't I the one you loved best?!

I like you and all, Rukia, but I can't give you Kurodo

Oh! Are we rivals in love? In short, “lovals.â€

Hey! What about me?!

Here I was thinking I was accepted as the fluffy, healing character

Have I fallen by the wayside? Been given the hook?

Been waylaid? Made the bad guy?

Nooo way!

Come in

Beautiful, isn't it?

But, this view can only be seen because we are surrounded by darkness.


We could never become brilliant lights.

Did you eat a proper meal?

How could you have any strength, if not?

And this bruise

Did you cause Udagawa trouble again?

Did something happen that upset you?

Perhaps Yoshino doesn't understand her position here.

I find it difficult watching her actions.

My position? What do you mean?

I think you ought to think that over.

Never mind, Udagawa. Don't be so cruel to Yoshino.

Yes, sir. Forgive me.

Even so, Yoshino. I cannot forgive you completely.

There nothing for which I need your forgiveness.


I won't be ordered around by anyone!

That fine But I worry about you.

You are much too weak and foolish.

So much so, that I have no choice but to protect you.

Don't do it.

I don't want to hurt you any further.

Kurosaki Clinic

Excuse us for visiting at such an hour.

We have decided to spend the night studying for tomorrow test,

as young people tend to do

Welcome. Please make yourself at home.

Thank you!

Don't you dare try to come in!

I won't let you in

even if you try to bring us juice or cake, or anything!

Take that!

Ouch !

– There no pain! – Ichigo, are you all right?

This is a dream, after all!

Dad, what's the big--?!

That right

No way could this really be happening.

Ichigo would never bring two beauties home.

It like Bon, New Year and Christmas all came together

Shut up and get real!

Rukia don't

What with him? No cares in the world.

Yes, well, what do we do now?

Even if these things are able to sniff those creatures out,

I doubt they'll be willing to talk to us.

And whether we can capture them


The problem with them is their trickery.

Like us, our enemies' powers seem to be

various and unique to each of them.

What a headache !

True. When I att*cked that monster with my zanpakuto,

I caused it no harm at all.

And I'm not sure what sort of power that other guy has.

But if we don't do something,

someone else might get his soul sucked out.

We'll have to find some way to fight them.

– Uh-huh. – Yeah.

Doesn't Soul Society know anything about the Bounts?


Judging from the timing, isn't this why you were sent here?

Unfortunately, I wasn't told anything.

That encounter was the first I'd ever heard of Bounts.

It was a surprise.

Oh, well then

Oh !


Rukia?! Is that really you, Rukia?

I just got a message from the Captain!

You really are here? I'm coming right over!

Right over ? Renji!

Who the hell are you?! Huh?!


Get off me


Don't, I said

Uh How far did I get?

Um There are these Bounts

It is a mystery what they are and what their objectives and powers are,

but there no doubt they are dangerous, I would say.

Are you an idiot?

What do you mean, “I would say†?

Anybody who learns nothing after battling someone

can only be an idiot!

Listen, I don't want to hear that from some fool

who'd break someone window to come in!

Quit trying to dodge the subject!

I'm not dodging anything!

Yes, you're dodging it.

– Indeed, it is odd – No, I'm not.

– What is? – Idiot Ichigo!

Normally, one Soul Reaper is sent out for every , humans.

But, including the Substitute, there are three of us.

I think we should consider our being sent here

as a response to this problem.

Oh, yeah Hey, what will we do tomorrow?

If that the case, we have no other choice

Hello, everyone !

Good morning, Rukia!

You look as pretty as ever.

Good morning, my honey !

What do you mean, “honey†?!

I see them every day, but I've missed Rukia serenity.

My heart goes out to you.

I don't know what you're talking about,

but I will take them as words of praise.


J-Just a minute!


What did you do?

That ?

Why are you acting like we just parted yesterday

and are meeting again today?

It because we parted yesterday and met again this morning.

Look at this! It a Kikanshinki Delux.

It an amazing gadget that allows me to freely change memories!

So, in their memories, I am Rukia Kuchiki,

a student who transferred here not long ago,

and has started to get used to her class.

So anything goes now ?

What are you doing here, Rukia?

What the matter, Ishida?


Uh-oh I forgot to tell him.

For lunch today, we have French riceballs!

I wrapped some custard in rice!

There enough for Tatsuki and everyone!

Okay, okay. I'm on a diet, so no thanks.

Oh, this is delicious.

The custard that squishes out between the grains of chewy rice is superb.

Don Kan'onji new “Feeling Spirits vs. †?

The sh**t is open to the public? I'll go!

That great. I can't go because I have a date.

You're going, right, Chad?

We'll be two guys having a blast!

It like

Soul Society didn't exist at all

Don't be ridiculous! It here!

– Huh? – Huh?

Ichigo ?

I forgot something. I'll be back.

Huh? Huh? What is this?

Chad I can understand, but Orihime and Rukia, too?

Don't tell me

Ishida, don't exert yourself!

Well, good-bye, everyone

No! Why have we been left out?

Probably because of the way you are, Mr. Asano.

“Mr. Asano†? Why the formality, all of a sudden?


Which way?

That way!

And which is it?

The man.

Don't they become active only after nightfall?

I guess not.

After all, our detection ability is very accurate.

What this?!

Huh? It money This won't do?

Are you trying to make a fool of me?

You think you can use money like this? Get out!

Ouch How mean

He like the men in the Squad .

– Huh? – Hurry!

Oh hey!

That face seemed somehow familiar

Pay attention, will you?!

I know!

Don't worry Your body will feel no pain.

Hold it !

Damn you!

How rude

There something I want to ask you.

What is it?

First, you're a Bount, aren't you?


What happened to the girl, yesterday?

No comment.

What is your objective?

No comment.

Does that mean you have a scheme you can't talk about?

No comment on that, either.

Now, can I ask you a question?

A Soul Reaper soul and a human soul–

which tastes better?

Zeig Dih Friede!

So your ability is in that strange whip?

This is just a start.

Oh, Friede, are you ready so soon?

Yes. It was easy.

Then, go and show them your strength.

All right.

Watch your step!

Ishida !

When ?

His direct attack on you was a trick.

He made it seem like he was chasing you,

and had laid a trap around you.

I guess it changes everything it touches into snakes.

It not a matter of touching or not touching.

Anything that Ryo can imagine will turn into a snake.

For example


Oh-oh-oh What going on?!

All of a sudden there are snakes everywhere?!

Stop it! Stop! I can't stand snakes--!

Quit babbling! Just get out of here!

I hate snakes !


I reject!

Can't you do anything?

I see This is interesting. To think I'd run into you here

Leave Ishida alone!

That is impossible.


He is the most defenseless and weak among you.

Taking advantage of another weakness is an established tactic, isn't it?


I wonder what a Quincy soul tastes like

I'd like to find out.

Where does she think she going? How naïve.

This town is truly, more beautiful when it is cloaked in darkness.

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Kon pearls of wisdom.

The doll used by a Bount is like the Zanpakuto of a Soul Reaper.

Their abilities seem to differ

depending on which Bount uses them.

The doll is a stuffed animal, right?

There are all sorts of stuffed animals,

but none worth anything on our side, I'd say.


The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

– Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers! – Golden!

This is Hanataro Yamada. Let see

The reason I'm applying here is

Uh, what company is this now ?


I'm very good at

at vanishing without a trace


Hanataro is an easy name

to remember


Why won't anyone hire me?

After all, Captain Unohana sent me here

to have a look at this world Ohh

What this ?

Tune in again!
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