04x04 - Death Game! The Missing Classmate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x04 - Death Game! The Missing Classmate

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



What exactly

Karakura High School


That's you, Kurosaki

Why is my gigai here?!

Could Urahara have left it here?

At any rate, it'll be bad to leave those there!

You'll have to return to them before everyone comes


Heh! What a pain

It's hard to return! Damn it!

Damn! It's so uncomfortable!

But, from here on

All right, I'll explain the next game's rules!

You've come out again!

That's a mean way to talk!

I came all this way to tell you that there's a fake among you

A fake?!

What do you mean?!

Look at them

There's only two of them! That copying guy isn't there!

Could it be that he traded places with one of us?!

But when?

Could it be

I know! I know!

Don't you think that Inoue and Chad are suspicious?

The enemy could have switched places when they were captured.

No way!

Well I can tell if Inoue

Is real or not

If you just invite me to your godly bosom.

Shut up!

It's a trick! It's got to be!

Believe what you like,

but if you don't find the impostor quickly,

your friends at school will all disappear!

Hey, brat!

We don't have time to constantly play your

That's no good. The game has already begun.

She's fast

She's definitely not normal.

Now, I'll explain the rules!

Find out who the switched person is before the clock strikes twelve.

If you figure it out, you win!

But if you guess wrong,

we're going to make everyone in the whole school disappear!


Yes Oh, do you know what I mean by “disappear†?

It means that they'll vanish and you'll never meet them again

Oh, you can only answer once!

Let me know when you've decided!


Can they really make everyone in school disappear?

Well. They did make Inoue and Sado vanish

That's true, but

But this is a much larger number of people!

Inoue, Sado

Do you remember what happened

after you were sucked into that gate?

Well I don't really remember

We were floating in darkness

That's all.

Hey, Ishida, can't you figure it out?

I can't!

If I were to guess

The gate is probably connected to some alternate dimensional space.

An alternate dimensional space?

It's a world beyond our comprehension.

The number of people may not make any difference.

But what I'm worried about is

unlike the time with Inoue and Sado,

this time, they said they'd make everyone disappear.

Disappear? Could it be that


We can assume that they'll be k*lled

That's not funny!

I won't let them do that!

Who is it?!

Hey, Ichigo! Why the scary face?!

Good morning!

Ooh! Hey! What's with that get-up?!

You look as if you were out all night.

Did you leave me out?!

I see! So that's it!

– Look a lot happened! – No!


Oh, Tatsuki!

Where's your uniform?

– This person's still here? – Oh Well, a lot happened

Ah well

He's a relative, isn't he?

Oh yeah! Right?!

Hey, what are you

How long are you staying here?

F-For a while

Don't you have school?

No not really

Then, where do you live?

What kinds of girls do you like--?

– Shut up! – Shut up!

As I expected of relatives! You're really alike

Oh no

What was that for? What did I do?!

Out of the way! I'm going to be late--!

Hey Keigo!

Orihime, let's go too!


What are you going to do, Kurosaki?

It's obvious

We have to find the impostor among us in order to save everyone.


We should go to class

It'll be difficult to move if people are suspicious of us.

I suppose that's right

Nothing will be solved if we stay here.


Kurosaki, you should also contact Urahara's Shop.


I'm concerned about why your body was left on the school grounds.



Well then, do you understand what this question is getting at?

This question points to the fact that two contradicting factors,

logical idea and illogical idea

If there was a chance to take any of our places


How am I supposed to tell who's the impostor?!

Is it Ishida?


Or is it Chad?


That copy guy is pretty good at transforming.

Wh-Why are you sitting here?

Why? Because I'm bored.

Get out before someone finds you!

Don't be so uptight.

So this is what your textbooks look like

Just go away!

Don't come so close that you're breathing on me!

It's gross!


I was behaving myself, but you started getting cheeky!

Bring it on! Come on!

Kurosaki Brothers, if you want to fight, do it over there!

Why do I ?


You're being punished!

You too!

Is he acting a bit strange?

Was he ever this messed up?

Could it be--? Is he the impostor?

Renji take it off!


Just take it off right now!

What are you talking about?

Just take it off!

If you won't, I'll take it off for you!

W-Wait just a second!

No, I can't wait!

S-Stop it!

I'll rip it off you!


No, I can't wait!


I told you to take it off!


Forbidden love How wonderful!

Don't you think that Ichigo's acting different?

That's not it! His gigai, his gigai!

I thought I would be able to tell

if it was actually him if he could take off his gigai!

It would probably be difficult to change into a Soul Reaper!

We still don't know how powerful his copying ability is.

It's still too soon to make such assumptions.

I don't think that was a very smart method.

We should keep in mind that he might not only copy appearances,

but abilities as well.

They're doing it, they're doing it

Now then Maybe I'll push them a little more.

Aw man!

They've got to make more girls' bathrooms!

I thought I was the last one

Who is it?!

Is someone there?

Starting now, for the next few hours,

we'll temporarily stop all passage to the World of the Living!

Sentaro, give the order to close the gate!

Yes! Understood!

Close the gate!

Close the gate! Close the gate!

Close the gate! Close the gate!

That's right

I asked Ukitaki to close the Senkaimon.

Soi Fon

Sorry, but could you come here before they close the gate?

It's urgent!

Yes! Of course, Lady Yoruichi.

So Today for PE, the boys will have baseball

and the girls will be running.

– What? Running?! – That sucks!

Be quiet!

Uh, who's absent?

Umm, Arizawa isn't here

That's odd Does anyone know where she is?

Well, that's okay She'll come sooner or later.

I've already got one!

If you don't find the impersonator, they'll continue to disappear!

What? What do you mean?

Say, could it be that you

No way!

Hey, what's wrong?


Inoue! Wait!

Hm? What's wrong with you all?!

We're all feeling sick, so we're going to the infirmary!

Hey, wait! Hey!

– What's going on? – I find that hard to believe!

I don't know either.


This is Tatsuki's


Tatsuki was Tatsuki was

Calm down

We're still not sure she was taken away.



I can't stay calm! Aren't you worried about Tatsuki?!

Could it be that it was you?!

I can't take it anymore!

Why did this happen?!

I can't trust anyone!

Who's the impostor?!

Tatsuki Give Tatsuki back!

Stop it, Inoue!

Being suspicious of each other is what the enemy wants!

Tatsuki is all right! Leave it to me!


I won't let her disappear!

That's so cool

But can you do it?

It won't do you any good if you can't find the impostor.

Your other friends will continue to disappear if you hesitate!

Time's not up yet!

That's right. But now you know that we're serious!

You have an hour until time's up.

See you later.


They're good at running away.

Damn !

Really, what a pain

I'll answer it! I just have to answer, right?!

Yes? Urahara's Store

Oh, it's spiky-hair guy.

Huh?! Yoruichi?!

Come to think of it, she hasn't been here since this morning

What? I don't know where she is.

The owner is always

What a pain

All right, I'll tell them!

See you later!

It's no good!

Yoruichi and Urahara have gone off somewhere.

Renji, how was it?

I don't know why, but I can't contact the Soul Society

I can't get any information

No way

What should we do? We don't have any options left.


Let's all stay calm.

Maybe, we've sensed some small inconsistencies

about the impostor

on an unconscious level.

What do you mean?

Put simply, intuition.


If all our intuition matches, then that person is the impostor!

It all comes down to intuition, huh?

Based on my intuition the impostor is

The impostor is

You, Ishida!

M-Me?! That's impossible!

W-Watch this!

Can the impostor do this technique?!

If anyone is the impostor it would be


He's the most distant to us and

there's the least possibility he'd be discovered!

That's stupid!

In this case, the least suspicious one is most suspicious

That's the way it always is!

N-No If that's the case

Then I'll pass the suspicion to Chad!

I-I'm not him!

This is all your fault to begin with!

Why are you trying to confuse us?!

You impostor!

Damn it!

Who's the impostor?!

I can't stand this anymore!

It seems it wasn't any good

Time almost up!

Take a look outside!

It's a fly ball to the pitcher!

I got it!

What's going on?!

I'm tired. I'm going to just stop already!

Th-That's not good!

They disappeared?!

How could you?!

What are you doing?!

Hey! What are you all making a fuss about?!

Miss Ochi!

Wh-Why you !

A lot more have disappeared than I thought!

Damn you!

This isn't tag!

Give your answer soon.

You'll never know if you keep thinking forever!

O-Oh no!

They're not what you're after!

Don't involve people who have nothing to do with this!

I can't change the game's rules.

Well, you have a one in five chance to get it correct.

You've got no choice but to leave it to luck!

Or are you going to surrender?

If you do that, I'll think of a way to save everyone.

Is that true?!

What do we have to do?

It's easy!

You all must give your lives in exchange for everyone else's!


Well, of course! Can't you do it?

People who have nothing to do with this

are disappearing because of you.

This is a serious battle!

What was that for?!


Hey! Yoruichi!


Didn't they come to save us?!

Why are they in a rush?

That scared me



Do you have an idea of what they're doing?

Who knows? But she sure is tough for a lone woman.


Say, I can't wait forever, so make a choice already!

Yeah, sorry I've decided!


Chad It's obvious why you don't know.

You don't know that Yoruichi has the form of a cat

while she over here, do you?

That's because you've never set foot in the Soul Society!

You're the impostor!

You've figured it out

Very good.

But when did you notice?

I thought my transformation was perfect.

Chad would never be scared of something like that!

You amateur!

I see It seems I still need improvement.

I won't forgive you!

I'm going to make you take responsibility

for what you've done!

I'm going to beat you to a pulp!

That's a little

Shut up!

I'm sorry

I let my guard down a bit.

Well now, it's two wins and two losses.

Give Tatsuki and everyone else back!

Everyone's safe!

Let's play the last game.

You're still making us do this again?!

Cut it out!

Is it all right to say that?

Because if the big boy was the impostor,

then where's the real one?

That's right. We still have him.

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Lady Yoruichi, about the canned food you introduced me to:

I officially employed it for use in the Stealth Force.

Isn't it useful? Ichigo, do you want one?

I told you, it's cat food.

Silence! There's nothing wrong with what Lady Yoruichi is doing!

No, there's a lot wrong with it.

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!

– Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers – Golden!

Captain Hitsugaya!

Ukitaki, what's the meaning of this?!

Why are you closing the Senkaimon?!

Well, according to Yoruichi,

something happening in the World of the Living.

Oh yeah

I have snacks!

Just take them. I have candy, too!

If you'd like, come to my room afterwards!

I'll have more snacks ready!

Why does he always give this to me?

Tune in again!
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