04x01 - New School Term, Renji Has Come to the Material World?!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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04x01 - New School Term, Renji Has Come to the Material World?!

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



Oh, yeah I came home, didn't I?

Good morning Ichigo!

You've improved, Ichigo.

I'm impressed that you were able

to ward off my Congratulatory nd-Semester Wonderful Kick.

Shut up

Then, take my “Crazy--

I said, quit making such a racket first thing in the morning!

Kurosaki Clinic

Ichigo, Dad Breakfast is ready!

What in the world are they doing ?

Huh? What happened to you, Dad?

Leave me alone!

By the way, Ichigo, have you put on more muscle?


I didn't notice yesterday.

I-Is that so? Never mind that

Have you two finished your summer homework?

Uh-huh! We finished really early.

We had nothing else to do while you were on your trip, you see.

Oh By the way

That Kanonji guy came by twice.

He said he'd made you a disciple or something

That right!

No You see, uh

Your guard down!

Still can't beat your dad!

What's the big idea?!

Oh! Dad! Ichigo!

I chi go--!


Good morning, Ichigo!

Yo, Mizuiro!

Long time no see, Ichigo.

And I

Good morning, Ichigo!

Oh Tatsuki, long time no see.


But, it sure has been a while

You weren't home at all.

Good morning. Huh?

Chad and Ichigo have nice tans

Huh? Do I?

What? Don't tell me you two went off somewhere together?!


What are you doing looking at each other?!

Don't tell me something developed between you during the summer

Quit letting your imagination run wild!

By the way, Inoue.

How'd you enjoy your visit with your relatives?

Huh? Me? I had a great time. So many things happened

Oh? What sort of things?

Huh? Well We went to a weird place


Weird place?

Yeah. It looks sort of like an Edo period town

with people carrying swords

And there was this cat that could talk

Then that cat turned into a girl and

All right, all right I understand.

Just keep it up through our second semester!

‘Morning! Come on. Sit down, everyone!

What up with you?

Okay So, everyone here? Very good, very good.

Oshima and Sorimachi aren't here,

but those two are delinquents, so that okay.

Hey, should you be saying that?!

What a thing to say!

Now, then Shall we collect our summer assignments?

Thank you, Rukia.

Thank you.

Where are you? Come on out here!

That voice is

Ichigo Kurosaki! I know you're up there!

Don't hide! Come on out!

Ichigo, you know him?

That 's looking guy!

Hey, Ichigo! Don't keep me waiting!

Oh How nostalgic.

Kurosaki, is that your

He's a relative!

Oh, is that so ?

Nostalgic for her ? How he dressed?

Hurry up!

Why you--!


What do you mean, “yo†?

What're you so excited about?

What ? What the heck are you doing here?!

What it to you where I am?

There no reason for you to ge--

Sure there is! Yelling to me like that!

Man, but this gigai is pretty confining.

I'm amazed Rukia could stay in hers so long huh?

What are you doing here?

Uh drop it! I've been put in charge of this Karakura Town.

Mr. Urahara told me where you were, so I came to see you.

You got a problem with that?!

You did?


When you're only a lieutenant?

You got demoted.

That not it!

It your fault because guys like you are leaking Spiritual Pressure.

What are you talking about?!


That what I've been trying to tell you. See?

A Hollow

All right. These are all your assignments, right?

What should I do?

This is bad It getting closer!

Ichigo! What are you doing?!

There's one with no name on it!

Summer's over. Shape up!

Damn! This gigai !

What the matter?

I can't get out of it! Damn!

Hey, Ichigo, you go!

What are you talking about?!


And so

He did it!

What are you doing, Inoue?

Huh? Oh


Nice work!

Cut the crap!

Don't just leave your body lying around like that.

Hurry up and get back in it!

I finally got out. I have to go back in?

Now, don't you ever come to my school again without a good reason!


Got it?!

It still so hot !

Ow! Brain freeze!

But it so refreshing But it painful

You have to eat a little at a time.

Yeah. Tatsuki, is your injury to your right hand all right now?

It was nothing.

Besides, the championships are coming up next month.

I'm in tip-top shape.

You're really something, Tatsuki

Compared to you I'm

Orihime ?

Oh! Mm Here it comes again!

Did something happen? At your relatives' house

I-I wasn't much use at all.

To tell you the truth

I thought I might be able to be of some help.

But, I might have just been in the way


Oh, but that when I heard your voice saying

†Hang in there!â€

That why I decided to do all I could.

That good enough.

You went because you wanted to, right?

It not for you to decide if you were of help or not.

You came right back here.

Welcome home, Orihime.


I, Orihime Inoue will do my best!

Are you all right?

A hundred times fine!

Kurosaki Clinic

I'm home!

Hi! You're just in time for dinner.

You're late.

Damn you Is this payback for this morning?

Dinner in this house is at : . Have you forgotten that?

Shut up!

Come on, you two!

Leave them alone.

That the only way they can show affection.

How about seconds?

There no reason to hesitate, just because you're a freeloader.

Here, now, how about another serving, Mr. Freeloader?

Uh In that case

You're the first to get seconds

Oh, please don't hesitate, Mr. Freeloader.

What is the matter?

Uh In that case

Well, even a freeloader would like seconds! Eat up! Eat up!

Quit calling him freeloader, freeloader!

How can he ask for seconds? Right, Mr. Freeloader?

I can't ask for seconds

Hey! Clean the front of the shop tomorrow morning, will ya?


It only natural for a freeloader to do that much.

You're going to ask for seconds, right?

Come. How about it, Mr. Freeloader?

By all means

Thank you for the food.

Jinta, you're too mean !

He more sensitive than he looks.

I must say


Forget that Kisuke!

What is it?

I haven't been back in this town for a while,

but I sense something unnatural

Do you have any idea what going on?

Hmm There is some disturbance in Spiritual Pressure,

but it nothing to get excited about.


After spending time there, for the first time,

I think that I might be able to discover the reason behind my strength.

I only went because I wanted to be of some use to Ichigo.

I wanted to do what I could for him.

But, I couldn't

That why I don't know what I should do.

We can only struggle.


We received all of our powers through Ichigo.

So, if we're going to stay with him

In order to do that, we have to enhance our powers!

Chad Didn't this cause an uproar before?


Hurry, Chad! Oh! I'm sorry! Hurry! Hurry!

We've got to get out of here!

Those who have gone themselves to Soul Society

and learned the reason behind it can no longer keep their eyes closed.

They can no longer keep their ears covered.

But I

Such an ominous moon


What with that subdued reaction?!

You trying to make a fool of me?!

No uh What can I say?

You can't get away with trying to be obsequious!

This is what your sisters did to me!

I'll take you to Ishida tomorrow!

Listen, you! I'll bet you've gotten lazy!

Damn you! Don't act like a big shot

just because you got that Substitute Soul Reaper Combat Pass

and can freely turn into a Soul Reaper!

I'm not acting like a big shot!

What the matter with you complaining all the time?

How can I not complain?

Why didn't you bring Rukia back--?!

S-Stop it my cotton gonna...

I went

to stop Rukia execution. I didn't go to bring her back.

You don't know anything about what went on there.

Quit yapping about it!

Sure! I don't know anything. How could I?!

But you're sadly mistaken if you think can do everything by yourself!

What are you talking about?

Well, I'm doing the best I can too.

And yet and yet Rukia

I want to see her! I want to see her!

I want to see her! I want to see her!

Shut up and go to sleep!

All right.

There! A bunny!



Orihime, you were waiting for me again?

Welcome home! I was making a bunny. See!

It looks just like one!

Come. Let go in. You'll catch cold.

Wait! This is big brother bunny.

I have to make an Orihime bunny!

I see. Then let make it together.


Brother !

Brother !


Oh Why ?

Yes ?

I'm home

Brother ?

A Hollow ?

What in the--?

Hm A job so late at night ?


You seem to be well, Orihime.

I am

Brother Did you ?


I was able to go to Soul Society.

Don't worry I won't become a Hollow again.

I'm so glad! You got there safely?

Yes. You went too, didn't you, Orihime?

To Soul Society

How did you know?

That much I know

What is it, Brother?

I was thinking you haven't changed at all since you were little.

You were always worried about me.

Do you remember?

Making snow bunnies with your frostbitten hands

while waiting for me?


Hey, Ichigo! Wake up! Hey!


You're finally up You've let your guard down.

Shut up! What are you doing here at this hour?

What could it be, but a job? Come with me.

Huh? Why do I have to?!

Or is it that, just like Rukia, you can't handle things by yourself?

What that?!

Will you shut up?! It the middle of the night!

Wh-What that?!


After you had the nerve earlier,

to ignore my feelings for Rukia and fall fast asleep

One, two, three sheep have jumped back

into the corral, damn you!

Hey, by any chance, is this ?

I don't have any cavities

Oh, so it is a Soul Candy

You mean it'll move even when you place it into something like this?

Why are you so interested in that?

Well when I got here, I forgot all about it

So that why you had so much trouble getting out of your gigai?

So what this job you mentioned?

Oh I got a strange message on my Soul Pager.

Well, it not much Spiritual Pressure, but can't you feel it?

Oh! Inoue!

Yeah It near Orihime Inoue.

You should have told me that earlier!

Let get going!


Help me

Oh, no I wasn't worried.

When I was little,

I probably felt lonely inside an empty home.

I remember being relieved whenever you came home.

I feel the same.

When I was with you, I felt relieved.




Isn't there something that troubling you?

For you to dream about me

What ? What is this I sense?

Inoue ?

How did you know about my dream?

I told you I know, didn't I?

How about stepping out for a breather?

There it is!



What in the world is that?!

Now, let go.


There nothing to worry about. Come

Is that supposed to be the gates of Hell?!


Ishida! Chad!


It disappeared !

Inoue !

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

Time goes by, and I get left behind.

But I say, “don't forget that anxious feelingâ€

They tell me, “A reckless challenge is meaninglessâ€

But I say “don't give up.â€

(Offense!) At times when the going gets tough, I raise my voice.

(Offense!) And head toward the direction of my goal.

There is nothing to be afraid of that towering wall.

Never losing sight in this life without answers

Keep My Pace

Count one! And move on

Count two! And take a break

Count three! And think through

I'll just go at my own pace

I wonder where Inoue disappeared to.

Say, why don't we follow her scent?

Yoruichi, can we ask you to do it?

Sure. Leave it to me.

You mean cats can do that?

If you're me, it a piece of cake!

I knew you were capable of great things!

Just kidding.

The Golden Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers after these messages!



Hey! What do you mean?!

Who told you to make me look so fancy?!

I just did a little rearranging!

You went too far! Just look at me!

You made my mane out of lace

so I look more like a lace fairy than a lion!

This should make you happy.

You should've done this to begin with!


The back of his head is in Quincy style, but

I won't tell him that.

Tune in again!
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