03x17 - Unseal! The Black Blade, the Miraculous Power

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x17 - Unseal! The Black Blade, the Miraculous Power

Post by bunniefuu »

Ever since the powers of the Soul Reaper were thrust upon me,

my whole world has changed.

I'm Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki.

I wield this sword with all of my soul and strength

to protect my precious friends!

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only; now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us,

but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.



What was that light?

Is this the power of your zanpakuto?

Ichigo Kurosaki!


When I swing my sword, my zanpakuto absorbs my Spiritual Pressure.

Then it releases highly concentrated Spiritual Pressure from its blade.

In other words, it casts an amplified swing.

That's Zangetsu's ability.

At last, you are able to fire a shot at will.

Then I shall tell you, Ichigo.

There is a big difference in its power

when you know its name than when you don't.

Remember this well, Ichigo.

The name of that attack is


I'll say it once more.

Byakuya Kuchiki!

Fight me with your Bankai!

I am going to defeat you!

Tensho, Piercer of Heaven, huh? What a pretentious name

Very well

If you wish for it so strongly,

then feast your eyes on my Bankai.

He let go of his sword?

Don't worry. I won't let you regret it.

You are going to turn to dust and disappear

before you have the time to regret.


Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

Not good enough.

I won't make it!

The essence of the Senbonzakura

lies in its ability to create a relentless barrage from every direction

by billions of blades attacking simultaneously.

Your zanpakuto abilities are indeed high.


att*cks that are too broad and clumsy

will never be good enough to fend off the nimble as*ault of Senbonzakura.


I thought I could do a little better.

I guess it was impossible.

Well, of course

It's foolish of me to think

that I could beat a Bankai while only using my Shikai!

Watch what you say.

You sound as if you've already reached Bankai.


That's what I'm saying

Byakuya Kuchiki!

How is she?

She's sleeping.

A Kyomon?

Why a barrier on this room?

I can't predict who is going to move how.

This is to protect her from any enemies.


Let's go.

Could that be the Ryoka?

A clash of Spiritual Pressure like that at the Sokyoku

Who else could it be?!

Now that the situation has become this complicated,

we have to try to control the matter

by making a direct appeal to our superiors.

Do you mean to tell them about the incident with Captain Aizen?


Especially about what really happened

Let's hurry!

What did you say?

Don't make me repeat myself

You heard me

Or may be you just don't want to believe it.

I'm not gonna repeat myself over and over.

You might not believe my words,

but you'll believe your eyes, won't you?

Byakuya Kuchiki!

That's Kurosaki?

No one fights crazy like that except him.


I'm glad I didn't pick a fight with him!

That's right!

As the old saying goes,

“Even a cat won't eat a childish fight.â€

Inoue, it should be

“Even a cat won't eat a child fight.â€

Ishida, that's also wrong.

It's not “child's fight.†It's “a married couple's fight.â€

And it isn't a "cat" that “won't eat the married couple fight,â€

it a "dog."

Oh, was that it? Sorry, sorry.

I've been infected with Inoue speak

And I was even corrected by Sado!

Excuse me, but now's not the time to be playing comedy!

I know! Let's hurry!

Really Is he smart or dumb?

Be one or the other so I know what to expect from him.

Ganju, you're going to be left behind!

Huh?! Oh, w-wait for me!

A Bankai? Impossible

It's the final stage of the zanpakuto.

Only Soul Reapers of the highest level are able to attain it.

Out of the Four Great Noble Clans,

who are born with far greater Spiritual Pressure than others

Only one in several generations has the ability to reach that level.

And those who have reached that level

have all had their name etched into the history of the Soul Society.

That is the Bankai.

But what about him?

He became a Soul Reaper by absorbing Rukia's power.

He's not a noble. He wasn't even born a Soul Reaper.

So how can he talk about Bankai so casually?

How can he release such Spiritual Pressure?

This is as if he's


You're slow.

Even when you are falling.

Brother Byakuya!

Ban kai.

Ban kai.

Tensa Zangetsu.

What is that?

That little thing is your Bankai?

It's just a regular zanpakuto

I see First the execution and now the Bankai

It seems like you enjoy treading on the things we hold sacred.

I'll show you then!

I'll show you what happens when you insult our honor.

“Our honor,†you say?

It seems like your so-called “honor†has something to do with k*lling Rukia.

Then I'll tread on it just like you said.

This is why I got this power!


What should I do ?

I have to find out

There's no one guarding the front gate?

That's odd

There's no one here either

It's closed from the inside.

This is Captain Hitsugaya of Squad !

It a matter of an utmost importance!

Requesting permission to enter the Central !

The emergency defense lock is working


That's even more strange

What's going on?

It seems like this is the entrance to the execution grounds

Whoa. It so high!

We have to climb this?

Kuchiki is up these steps


Let's go!

W-Wait just one second!

Doesn't that Spiritual Pressure earlier bother you?

Who knows what'll happen if we walk into the middle of a fight

where they are fighting with such monstrous Spiritual Pressure!

I'm telling you! Don't go!

Thank you for worrying about us.

But no We have to go!

Yeah We're his friends.


Thank you for coming with us this far.

You don't have to go any further.


Yeah! I guess this is where we say goodbye, then.

Umm Mr. Mini-mustache?

Yeah! See you later, Mini-mustache!

Sorry for the trouble, Mini-mustache!


What's with these guys ?

There's something wrong with them!

I'm not Mini-mustache!

I've been in the Squad for ten years.

My name is Makizo Aramaki!

Damn! And we members of Squad

don't know the meaning of the word “run away†!

Oh yeah And try to remember my name, you guys!

For a moment

I lost sight of him.

I couldn't react



Why did you take the point of your sword away from my throat?

Are you just confident?

Arrogance destroys the footholds of victory.

I'll say this once more

That is not a Bankai.

A Bankai can never be so small and fragile.

And a lowly Ryoka could never reach Bankai.

You will regret not slitting my throat when you had the chance.

A miracle only happens once.

There is no second time, boy!

What with his speed?

My Senbonzakura can't keep up?

What's the matter?

Can't keep up?

I can go a little faster, you know.

Don't get too cocky


He got faster?

I'm twice as fast

if I control it with the palms of my hands!

There's nothing

I can't capture!

I've got him!


He knocked them all down?

A miracle only happens once, huh?

Then what do you call it the second time?

I see

By compressing all the fighting power of the Bankai

in that small blade,

that Bankai gives you maximum fighting power

at unimaginable speeds

So that's the true power of your Bankai.

Very well

Then I shall completely crush that power!

All the days gone by have made me what I am

Life not easy; that why I can go on.

To the people hurrying by,

“Have your dreams come true?â€

I'm still struggling

Forget returning to my youth; I want to live today well.

I was born timid.

Out where the sun shines I fisted my hand tight.

Break out of that place, that time, and I can change my life

But I could never express everything deep in my heart

Life not easy; that why I can go on.

Did you see that, Byakuya?! This is my--

Zenkai, full power!

No, Ganju. It's mankai, full bloom!

Oh, sorry.

Umm Was it genkai, limit?

It's Bankai!

Oh whatever. You're already at your genkai.

All right! Genkai it is!

Oh, is that so?!

It's all a manzai, comedy, now!

Jinta's Unbeatable Diary!


Wha--?! You again?

Because it's cheap here.

yen worth of snacks as usual, right?


I've always wondered, but isn't this a bit too much?

It's just your imagination! Now get out of here!

I'm busy training for a soccer match.

Wow, that's amazing.


I'll let you borrow this as a lucky charm Bostov!

You dummy! A man doesn't need a stuffed animal!

Tune in again!
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