03x06 - The Tide Suddenly Turned!! Piccolo, the Warrior Who Came Late

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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03x06 - The Tide Suddenly Turned!! Piccolo, the Warrior Who Came Late

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Tide Suddenly Turned!! Piccolo, the Warrior Who Came Late" What's wrong? Vegeta, aren't you coming to help him? Looks as though your legs are trembling, and you can't move.

Well, you just wait there patiently a little while longer.

I'm about to smother the breath of life from this one.

After which it will be your turn.

l- I don't care if the kid dies, I'm just wondering what I'm supposed to do.

Freeza's power is beyond imagination! Pic colo - San Gohan's Ki is disappearing quickly.

H- He's dying! Dammit! I can't wait until I've completely recovered from my injuries! Gohan's Ki has all but disappeared! You're the only one that ever freely associated with me.

Before I realized what had happened, you found your way into my heart, and made yourself a place there large enough that I was unable to drive you out.

Stay alive, Gohan! Is there nothing I can do? If I don't act, I'll be next! Gohan, just hang on.

I'll be right there.

Now the big finish! H- How can he be !? He was supposed to have been at least critically wounded! W- Why!? Kienzan! Kuririn Kuririn's Ki has been restored! What's going on? If you don't like it, come on over here! Come and paddle my bum! Why you How dare you make a fool of me! Th- There's no way I can stand against him.

I'll just have to keep running away.

Somehow, I've got to keep him a little bit further away from Gohan.

Oh no! All right You will not die easily.

I'll take you apart with my own hands.



Now, come on out! That was close! I don't know how it is you recovered, but you dared to clip the tail of Freeza-sama, didn't you? I'm going to knock you into so many pieces, you'll never recover again! Now I've done it! Damn! No matter how you struggle, you will not escape my grasp.

Looks like you're about out of breath.

I'll tear you to bits with my bare hands! Come on out! Die! Taiyo-ken! M- My eyes! Thank goodness! You're not dead! I'll heal you right now! R- Rotten Earthling! Calling me out here for such a vain struggle Vegeta, now! att*ck him! S- So that's what's going on! What are you doing, Vegeta!? Great! Gohan's been healed! Why did you guys keep silent about the Namekian kid having that ability!? We didn't keep silent! We didn't know about it either! If we had known, we would have him heal Goku already! It doesn't hurt at all any more! You surprised me, Dende! Thanks.

Not at all.

Good luck! sh**t! Why you ! W- What's this!? True to the Saiyan blood that he carries, now that he's recovered, his battle power has increased greatly! Gohan All right! Slight though it may be, fate has somewhat turned to our favor.

With the three of us fighting now, something may turn out.

Impossible! That runt has been revived! And he should have been on the brink of death! Now! sh**t him! You guys just don't know when you're beaten.

How many times have I told you that neither Earthlings or Saiyans are a match for me? Dammit.

Have we had it? I'm not giving up! How can I possibly give up!? Whether we've had it or not, there's nothing we can do but try! Gohan! You fool! Stop! Piccolo-san! Sorry to keep you waiting.

Thank goodness! We've been waiting for you, Piccolo-san! So that's Freeza, is it? Yes! Indeed.

He really is an incredible beast.

Well, if it isn't the guy we slaughtered back on Earth.

So, I need not wonder what you wished for with the Dragonballs.

I see you brought this good-for-nothing scum back to life with them.

That "scum" line was uncalled-for.

And I want you to remember something.

I want you to remember that after I put Freeza away, your turn comes next.

After you put Freeza away, you're coming for me? I didn't think you Namekians were capable of telling jokes.

It's no use! No matter how much Piccolo may have gained from training at Kaio-sama's place, Freeza's on a completely different dimension from the rest of us! There's still a surviving Namekian, is there? But there's something different about you from the other Namekians.

There seems to be something special about you.

And even so, you are still utterly no match for me.

Who is it? Who has arrived? I don't know.

I can't tell whose Ki that is.

Piccolo? No, can't be.

It couldn't be.

The Ki's too great to be Piccolo's.

Gohan's Ki has recovered as well.

I don't get anything that's going on! Now, to clean up the dregs of the universe.

I'll do this by myself.

You guys stay out of it.

That person they call Piccolo, he looks just like Nail-san! Take shelter somewhere, Dende! You'll get caught in our crossfire.

Do it quickly! How does he know my name? Piccolo-san! It's senseless! Not even Piccolo has a chance of winning against that guy! He may have a glib tongue, but so long as he doesn't realize his opponent's battle power, I wouldn't count on him.

Everyone has stopped moving.

Now what's going on!? Who is it that just showed up with the enormous Ki? Piccolo finally arrives at the scene of battle.

His challenge to Freeza may be thought of as reckless.

Does Piccolo indeed have a chance of winning? And what about Goku?
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