03x03 - Birth of the Mightiest Warrior!? Nail and Piccolo Merge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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03x03 - Birth of the Mightiest Warrior!? Nail and Piccolo Merge

Post by bunniefuu »

"Birth of the Mightiest Warrior? Nail and Piccolo Merge" There are no readings for the Ginyu Toksentai.

Are you the ones that k*lled them? It is unfortunate that the Dragonballs have turned to stone just before I could have used them Unfortunate for Vegeta-san, to be sure, but perhaps more so for myself.

This is the first time anyone has been stupid enough to make this big a fool out of me.

I did not expect things to come to such a result.

You're going to pay! You're going to pay for this, you puny worms!! I'm going to k*ll you all an inch at a time!! There's no escape for you! Say your prayers! So you finally show your true nature.

Do your worst! If you think I'm going to be that easy to defeat, you're greatly mistaken! Of all the things you might have said Apparently, you have forgotten how terrifying I really am.

Let me refresh your memory! Impossible! I didn't think he'd be this awful! That enormous Ki is getting a lot larger.

This Freeza is about to make his move against the others.

I feel a faint Ki.

No, it couldn't be Gohan! A Nameksei-jin, the spitting image of myself.

You're near death.

You must be the Nameksei-jin the Earthlings spoke of.

So, their wish has been granted.


You seem to have all the facts.

Then you must also know that I'm rushing to help those brats out right now.

You'll excuse me for leaving you here to die.

Surprising I don't know what discipline you've used, but you've managed to gain incredible power.

And yet, it's such a pity If you had returned as a single, complete Nameksei-jin, you might have been able to b*at Freeza.

You're saying that if I had reunited with Kami and become a single individual again, only then would I be able to overcome Freeza's power? That's right.

I may have been utterly overwhelmed by Freeza, but I know his powers quite well.

No use arguing over it now.

For that matter, I have no intention of ever reuniting with that guy.

Unite with me.

I am the last Warrior-Type Nameksei-jin left on my world.

What? With you? That's right.

Your current power will be increased several times over.

Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather be who I am.

I don't want to combine my individuality with yours.

Such a proud fellow Hurry! There's no time.

I am about to die.

Quickly, place your hand on my body.

Do not worry.

Your individuality will be yours.

I will be yours.

I offer no more than this opportunity.

You wouldn't lie to me, would you? If that's what you think, you can go on ahead and get k*lled by Freeza.

All right.

Fine, then.

I'll try you out.

But if I don't like what happens, I'll drive you out again.

What a thing to say, while I'm offering such a wonderful present to you of my own good will.

I'm in a hurry.

If we're going to do this, let's get it over.

Be sure you k*ll Freeza.

I don't need you to tell me.

If I can, I'll do it for my own sake.

Impossible How can this be? What incredible power! What an unbelievably fearsome power this is! Is this what uniting with someone is like!? I will win! Regardless of the opponent, I cannot lose now! I have now obtained the ultimate power! Gohan! At this rate, Vegeta will be beaten in no time.

We have to act now.

It's our only chance! Right! Krillin-san! Su- Such a Ki! There's no way we can win! Of course not.

Did you think that only three ants could defeat a whole dinosaur? We can win! If the three of us fight together, we'll find a way to b*at you.

What's that? You can b*at me? That's right.

That's the last thing I expected you to say.

Apparently, not even the great Freeza realizes that these two guys' battle powers have been rapidly increasing.

Especially the shorter one, he's sitting on a power reserve that not even he is fully aware of.

And as for me, I'm in the process of becoming the Super Saiyajin you've always feared.

You brag quite well, what with that talk of Super Saiyajins.

YOU IRRITATING RAT! What!? What's this? So, apparently you aren't just talk, are you? He's right If the three of us fight together, there's a definite chance of us making it through.

He's certainly very powerful, but our power has risen too.

That's right, ever since Vegeta has come here, he's managed to keep overcoming his limits and grow stronger.

So, why is Freeza still so calm? Transform yourself, Freeza! Transform? Transform? He can transform? Let's get right to it.

Why don't you transform and show us your true self? So, you knew about that, did you? How did you come to find out? That punk Zarbon let it slip.

What are you talking about? Among the universe's races, there is a very small number that have the odd ability of changing their forms when needed- - Whether for camouflage, or to conserve energy consumption when it's unnecessary.

In my case, the reason is different.

I have so much power, it's difficult for me to control it otherwise.

What was that? Don't let him scare you.

He's bluffing, he won't change all that much.

Is that so? Fine, then.

If you want to die that badly, I'll show you.

Watch very carefully.

This is not something you'll see every day.

When I att*cked the planet Vegeta, home to the Saiyajins, you realize there was utterly no reason for me to transform.

Vegeta-san, your father, the king of Planet Vegeta, was none too spectacular a warrior, you know.

Don't flatter yourself too much about that.

I had overcome the king's power way back when I was still little.

Then the Saiyajin's planet was destroyed by him? Now then, marvel at this! At last, Freeza begins to change.

However, how much terror will this account for? And will Piccolo and Goku arrive in time for this terrific battle?
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