02x17 - Lucy Takes Up Golf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Lucy Show". Aired: October 1, 1962 – March 11, 1968.*
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Widow Lucy Carmichael raises her children and shares her home with divorcee friend Vivien.
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02x17 - Lucy Takes Up Golf

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Lucille Ball.

Costarring Vivian Vance.

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Hey! Wait a minute!

Where are you going all
dressed up in that new outfit?

Now, Lucy, you know the rules.

On Saturday morning,
we both do the housework.

I have a date this morning.

With a man?!

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, well, that's different.

Around here, a man has the
right of way over everything else.

I thought you'd understand.

Who you got a date with?

Gary Stewart.

Gary Stewart, the golf bug?

I thought he always played golf

all day Saturday and Sunday.

I'm just as
surprised as you are.

I even called the golf club
to find out if it was still there.

I thought maybe
they'd plowed it up

to make way for a
housing development.

I just can't get over it.

You've been having dates
with him for three months

and have yet to see him
on Saturday or Sunday.

- I know.
- What happened?

Well, I guess he decided

I look cuter in a
sweater than his caddy.

Where's he going to take you?

Well, he didn't say.

He just called up
a few minutes ago

and asked if he could drop by.

Maybe he's going to take me
for a long drive in the country.

Gee, I know a wonderful
place we could have lunch.

It's a little inn,
it's very quaint,

it has a beautiful waterfall
and a picturesque bridge.

Oh, that sounds romantic.

- Yeah.
- Whoo!

I better get this
stuff all out of here.

- Huh?
- I'll help you.

There he is.

Oh, I better go comb my hair

- and fix my face.
- Yeah.

Unless you'd rather have me
stay around here for contrast.

- Hi, Luce.
- Hi, Gary.

Do you mind if I
turn on television?


Yeah. They're televising the
Las Vegas Golf Tournament.


I was listening to
it on the car radio.

It got so exciting, I
had to see the finish.

Sit down. This is
really something.

Boy, that Arnold
Palmer, is he hot today.

You know, on the front
nine, he had three birdies,

two eagles, and a double eagle?

Well, good for Arnold.

We're speaking from
the green of the 18th hole.

Jack Nicklaus
has an 11-foot putt.

Arnold Palmer is
away, I would gather,

for about a 30-foot putt.

All Palmer has to do to
walk off with top money

is to sink that putt.

Say, Gary, I was just thinking...
After Palmer sinks this putt,

maybe we could take
a drive into the country.


I-I was saying,
"After Palmer sinks..."


He's lining up the putt.

Sorry, Arnold.

It's in. Palmer's the winner!

He did it! He did it!

- Yeah!
- Oh! He did it!

Oh, what a game! What a game!

- Yay...
- Oh...

Boy, that's what I call golf.

Yeah, boy, that's
what I call golf, too.

I can't tell you how much
I appreciate you letting me

come here to see
the finish on television.

Oh, that's all right.
Think nothing of it.

My TV is your TV.

Well, thank you.

Say, I was just thinking, Gary.

Um, it would be fun to
drive out in the country

and maybe have lunch

at a cute little place
that I heard about.

Well, that sounds
like a good idea.

Why don't you do that?

- Oh! But, Gary, I, uh...
- Oh, I have to go.

My foursome tees off
in about ten minutes.

You're playing golf today?

Well, it's Saturday, isn't it?

Yeah, it's Saturday, all right.

Oh, listen, don't forget
about our date tonight.

I'll pick you up at 7:30.


Here I come, ready or not.

Where's Gary?

Gone to play golf. Where else?

I thought he was
going to take you

for a ride in the country.

So did I.

Well, I just can't
understand it.

I started downstairs
a few minutes ago,

and he was hugging
and kissing you.

Only because Arnold
Palmer sank a 30-foot putt.


Gary only came by so
that he could see the finish

of a golf tournament
on television.

Some romance this is.

Oh, well, you're all right

as long as Arnold
keeps sinking those putts.


How can a grown man care so
much about taking a little stick

and hitting a little
ball into a little hole?

I'm so sick of golf, golf, golf.

Hey. You're really upset.

Well, I got a right to be upset!

I'm very fond of Gary! And
I could grow a lot fonder

if I could just get him
off the golf course.

Oh, well, you'll never do that.

Listen, did you happen to notice

what the weatherman
predicts for tomorrow?

By any chance, are we going
to have a nice, lovely monsoon?


I'm afraid it's going to
be sunny and warm again.

Oh, boy. This is one of the
worst winters we've ever had.

Say, Lucy...


Have you ever
considered taking up golf?

Have you ever considered

washing your
mouth out with soap?

Now, I mean it.

Gary's never gonna
give up the game,

so you may as
well learn to play.

Oh, Viv.

Now, Lucy, at least, that way,

you could spend
some time with him.

Well, now, that's a thought.


You could, uh, join the club
and take lessons from the pro.

Viv, I wonder how long it
takes to learn how to play golf.

Now, you said yourself,

all you have to do
is take a little stick

and hit a little ball
into a little hole.

Yeah. Can't be too tough,

or Arnold Palmer couldn't
have done it from 30 feet away.

That's right.

All right, I'll do it!

Good girl!

Good morning, Mrs. Carmichael.

Oh, good morning, Mr. Carter.

How was your game?

Well, I'm very happy

that Mrs. Bagley is
here as a witness,

or you wouldn't believe me.

Really? What did you sh**t?


- 153?
- Yes.

And-And that's
better than yesterday.

Yesterday I got
165. I'm improving.

Well, this being
your sixth round,

I guess we can give
you your official handicap.

Oh, good!

I'm gonna get a handicap.

What's that?

Uh, well, it's a...

You see, Mrs. Bagley, a handicap

gives a lesser golfer a break,

so that he can compete
with a better golfer.

You see, Viv?

Your handicap, Mrs.
Carmichael, is 36.

That's... Is that good?

Well, let me put it this way:

It's the highest we give.

Oh, you see, Viv?

I got the highest,
and I just started.

Come on. Let's freshen up.

I want to go over and
watch Gary tee off.

- Okay.
- Well, you'd better hurry up.

He tees off in a few minutes.

Okay, okay.



Did you tell Gary you
were taking lessons?

Yes. And he was so thrilled,

he said someday I can
play in a foursome with him.

He did!

Uh-huh. Soon as I break 100.

That'll probably take
me a couple weeks.

Girl, I have an idea.

By the time you break
100, you'll be too old

to remember why you
took up golf in the first place.

Hi, Tom.

Hi, Gary.

Say, this is going to
be some tournament.

Practically every big name
golfer in the country is here.

Yeah. We're going to
make a bundle for charity.

Boy, it's going to be great

to see some real golf on
this course, for a change.

Hey, what do you think I've been
doing out there every weekend,

playing "Kick the Can"?

Oh, come on, Gary.
You know what I mean.

Ah, you're right, Tom.
The way those guys play,

I am playing "Kick the Can."

You do okay.

Oh, this is going to
be quite an experience.

Just think, I'm
going to play golf

with Jimmy Demaret
and Bo Wininger.

Hi, boys.

Hi, Jimmy. How are
you? Nice to see you.

Nice to see you.

This is Gary Stewart.
Jimmy Demaret.

Hi, Gary. I understand
we're playing together.

That's right, and it's
quite a thrill for me, Jimmy.

I've followed your
career for years.

I've seen you play at the
National Open, the PGA,

and at Pebble Beach and
the Masters in Augusta.

I can't wait to see you get
up there and hit that ball.

Well, uh, I would hit the ball

if the feeling ever
comes back to my hand.

Oh, sorry.

Hi, Jimmy.

Hi, Bo.

How you been?

This is Tom Carter,
the pro at the club.

- Tom, how are you?
- Hello, Bo.

How are you?

And Gary Stewart, a
member of our foursome.

And, uh, I wouldn't
shake hands with him,

if you know what's good for you.

Glad to know you.

It's going to be quite an
honor to play with you.

- Who's your partner today, Gary?
- A friend of mine, Duke Niles.

He's an eight handicap. Not bad.

Excuse me a minute, fellas.


You're not a betting
man, are you, Gary?

Betting man? The
way you guys play?

You must be kidding.

I'll tell you what we'll do.

We'll give you a stroke a
hole, plus your handicap.

Is that all right
with you, Jimmy?

If my hand heals.

A stroke a hole,
plus our handicap?

Oh, boy! Christmas
came early this year.

Five dollars a hole all right?

It's a bet.

And the winner gives
all the money to charity.


- Say, Gary?
- Yeah?

You just got a call.

Duke Niles has a virus, and
the doctor won't let him play.

Oh, no. Just when I had a
couple of pigeons lined up.

Look, I'll check the clubhouse.

Maybe I can get
you a substitute.


Call the bet off, huh, Gary?

Call a bet off?
Not on your life.

With a stroke a hole,
plus our handicap?

Why, with a setup like that, Bo,

I can play with
anybody and beat you.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

The first person that walks

around the corner
of that caddy house

I'll take as a partner.


Oh, no...

Hey. We're playing with a lady.

That's no lady. That's Lucy.

Gary, I came to see you tee off.

Hey, miss, are you a
member of the club?

- Oh, yes.
- Do you play golf?

Yes, sir.

Oh, now, just a minute, fellas.

She doesn't really play.

I do so!

I've had six whole lessons.

Welcome to our foursome.

You mean you want
me to play with you three

- in the tournament?
- That's right.

Oh, I'd love to!

Gary, the bet is on.

Oh, now, just a minute, fellas.

Chickening out?

Lucy, this is Jimmy
Demaret and Bo Wininger.

Nice to know you.

Uh, you must be new at the club.

- Well, we've never played here before.
- Oh...

Well, uh, I-I'm a beginner, too.

I hope Gary doesn't mind
playing with three duffers.

Lucy, this is Jimmy
Demaret and...

- Bo Wininger.
- Bo Wininger. Yes, I know, dear.

It's going to be very
nice playing with you.

Uh, what's your handicap?

Well, uh, we don't
have a handicap.

Aw. That's too bad.

Well, maybe you'll
get one later on.

I've only been
playing five days,

and I have a handicap of 36.

So, you see, fellas,
she couldn't possib...

- 36?!
- Uh-huh.

And my handicap is seven,

and you're giving
us a stroke a hole?

That gives us a
handicap of... 61.

Gentlemen, shall we tee off?

Now, just a moment, Gary.

Chickening out?

Gary, I hope I play well
enough to make you proud of me.

Lucy, you're my kind of woman.

A perfect 36.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the Danfield Open.

As you know, the proceeds
from this tournament

are donated to several
worthwhile charities,

and Danfield wishes
to thank you all

for your very
enthusiastic support.

And now, teeing off
in the first foursome

are Jimmy Demaret, Bo
Wininger, Gary Stewart

and... Lucy Carmichael?!

Well, fellas, ladies first.

Shall we have Lucy
Carmichael show us the way?

- Good idea, Gary.
- By all means.

Okay, honey, you're up.

Oh, good. I'm up.

Firm grip.

Firm grip.

A-Arm straight.

Eye on the ball.

And warm up a little.



Gary, I've never played

with a lot of people
watching me before.

Forget it... don't pay
any attention to them.

Could you ask them
to all close their eyes?

Lucy, just... loosen up.

Come on, relax.


Firm grip.

Keep your left arm straight.



Warm up...

Say, maybe one of you
gentlemen would like to go first.

I don't think it's fair of a
lady to take advantage

of being a lady in
a golf tournament.

Okay, Jimmy, how about
you showing us the way?

Fine, Gary, if I
still remember how.

- Oh, beautiful!
- Oh!

Oh, the grip, speed...

Beautiful shot.

Great shot.

- Oh!
- Oh!

What a shot!


Is he married?


Uh, Gary?

You're doing it backwards.

You should stand the way
Mr. Demaret and Mr. Wininger do.

- Lucy.
- What?

I'm standing this way
because I play left-handed.




That's marvelous.

Okay, go ahead,
Lucy, it's your turn.

Come on, partner.


Okay. Thank you.


I'm trying to see where my...

How long we been
on this first hole?

I don't know, but
I've got a feeling

we should have
brought sleeping bags.

Well, don't worry, fellas,

Lucy'll be along pretty soon.

What makes you so sure?

We haven't even
seen her for hours.

To save time, why
don't we putt out?

Isn't that against the rules?

Who knows? We've
been out here for so long,

the rules have probably changed.

Look, Gary...

why don't you just pay off now?

No chance.

The game isn't over until
the last snake is k*lled.

Hi, Gary. Hi, Mr. Wininger.

Hi, Mr. Demaret.

How about that!

She still remembers us.

Hey, what happened
to the gallery?

They were here so long,
they demanded a coffee break.


Where's Viv?

She went on home...
But she told me to tell you

she'll leave a
light in the window.

Oh... Oh, okay.

Well, what do we do now?

You're away, Lucy.

Putt out.

Oh, I'm away.

Would you step back
just a little, please?


Oh, I'm terribly
sorry, Mr. Demaret.

Oh, that's all right...
It's very interesting.

I haven't sliced in years.

Well, I guess it's
like swimming...

Once you learn to
slice, you never forget.

Jimmy, I'll bet you a buck

that my hook went
farther than your slice.


- Lucy.
- Yeah?

- You're up.
- Oh!


Which club do I use?

This one.

Oh, okay.

All right...

How about that!

Right down the middle!

Come on, boys!

Hey, fellas, where you been?

You'll never believe this,

but I got on the green in one.

Oh, that's marvy.

Say, I forgot to ask
what your scores were

- on that last hole.
- Do we have to tell?

Well, of course
you have to tell...

This is a tournament.




- Twelve.
- Twelve.



I got a seven.

Well, gentlemen,
shall we putt out?

Oh, I'm away.


who are you kidding?

That's at least a 20-foot putt.

Will you just hit it?

I did it! I did it!

Isn't that great?

I got a two!


Hi, Lucy!

Your ball's here!

Gary, look out!

Look out, Gary!

This thing is stuck!


Well, stop it!

Look out! I can't stop it!

- Look out!
- Do something!

Well, you can't keep
going around like that

all day long, Lucy!

You hit the ball, Lucy!

- Yeah!
- You really got it!

Lucy, look out!

Here, you win the bet.

What's that for?

We haven't finished
the game yet.

We don't need to.

Lucy's polo shot
went right into the cup.

We won?!

We won! Lucy!

We beat Jimmy
Demaret and Bo Wininger!

I know!

Lucy, I love you!

The Lucy Show has
been brought to you by...

Dream Whip...

The whipped topping
with country-fresh flavor.

From General Foods.
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