03x12 - Gin Ichimaru's Temptation, Resolution Shattered

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x12 - Gin Ichimaru's Temptation, Resolution Shattered

Post by bunniefuu »

You are my one and only.

No one can take your place.

Never fade, my only flower.

The sun never blinds you.

You are like a flower that blooms in shade.

Exhale those feelings you hold inside.

You are my one and only, now and forever.

The day may come when all will rise against us, but I will protect you.

Never give up, my only flower.

Renji? Why? Why did you Renji! Good morning.

How are you, Rukia? Gin Ichimaru Now, now You have a rude mouth as always.

You must always address me as Captain Ichimaru.

If you don't change your attitude, you'll get a scolding from your brother.

I apologize, Captain Ichimaru.

Oh no.

Did you think I was serious? Don't worry.

I won't turn you in.

I don't mind it coming from you.

Why? Why have you come to a place like this, Captain Ichimaru? Oh no particular reason.

I was out taking a walk and thought I'd visit just to tease you a little bit.

I've always hated this man.

Shortly before I joined the 13 Court Guard Squads, my Elder Brother became the Captain of Squad 6.

This man became the Captain of Squad 3 around the same time.

I remember him chatting with my Elder Brother whenever they happened to meet It didn't look like anything other than two captains exchanging pleasantries.

There was never anything of any substance said.

However, it didn't look that way to me.

From the first time I laid eyes on this man, I broke out into a cold sweat all over my body.

His fingertips his lips Even the slight movement of his eyes reminded me of a hungry snake.

And although he was speaking to my Elder Brother, It felt as though he had his hands around my throat and I was frozen, unable even to blink.

I've always hated this man.

Into the small cracks of everyday life his venom seeped Before I knew it, the poison had penetrated deep inside That's the kind of fear I felt.

I don't know why Something inside me was repulsed by everything about him.

Despite the many times we've spoken over the years, those feelings never changed Even now Those feelings persist.

What's the matter? You seem distracted.

It's nothing Oh, by the way, it seems he isn't actually dead yet Abarai, that is.

It's true I can vaguely sense something like Renji's Spirit Energy But if he's left like that He will die soon.

Poor thing.

All he did was try to save you, Rukia.

Don't speak so lightly of him! Are you afraid? What did you say? You don't want Abarai and the others to die, do you? Thinking about not wanting them dead Doesn't the thought of death suddenly become more terrifying? Want me to save you? C-Captain Ichimaru! What What are you saying, Sir?! Well? I could save you this instant if I wanted to.

You and Abarai and the others.

Is he serious? What would he gain from saving me?! And there's even less reason for him to want to save Ichigo and Renji! But does he really mean it? Just kidding! Bye-bye, Rukia.

I'll see you next at the Sokyoku.

I thought I had abandoned all hope.

I thought I lost my reasons for living I had no regrets.

I had no fear of death Yet he was able to shake my resolve! By holding out that small sliver of hope, he managed to make me yearn just a bit He made me want to live again! He shattered my resolve! Stop fretting over something like this! Tosen! What are you looking around for, idiot?! This is ridiculous! How can you call yourselves captains with that level of strength! Come on and stand up.

You don't look dead to me yet.

At least die after releasing your Bankai.

Don't be so full of yourself! A traitor like you isn't worthy of Bankai! Hold it, Komamura.

I'll do it.

There are three ways to become a captain in the 13 Court Guard Squads The first is to pass the Captain's Exam, presided over by three other captains, including the Head Captain himself.

The second way is to receive the recommendation of six or more captains, and be acknowledged by at least three of the remaining seven captains.

The third way is to defeat the previous captain in a one-on-one battle, which must be witnessed by two hundred or more squad members.

So what's your point? Kenpachi Zaraki Ever since the moment you k*lled the former captain of Squad 11 and replaced him, I've felt a deep unease about you, unease that has become a certainty A certainty that you're a monster spreading carnage and thirsting for blood, that you're different from the rest of us.

And that you were bound someday to destroy the peace.

And sure enough.

Now you've saved the Ryoka and here you fight against us, threatening to bring even more chaos to the Seireitei.

All because of your insatiable bloodlust and your love of fighting for its own sake.

Am I wrong? Enough babbling.

So you're claiming to be a hero of justice? Get to the point.

If you hate me so much, just attack! No hatred.

I never actually said that I hated you.

I'm saying you're beyond redemption! Everything that you say and do threatens the very peace we have established! I do not hate you.

However, I must eliminate you to restore the peace! Tosen! Bankai! Suzumushi Tsuishiki, Enmakorogi.

This is my Bankai.

This entire space is my Bankai.

Well Zaraki? I doubt even you could have expected this.

But you probably can't see anything.

What the hell is this? I can't see a thing.

I can't hear a thing.

What do you think of a world without light or sound? Isn't it frightening? The Enmakorogi steals all Spiritual Pressure, all perceptions and senses of those within it and creates a dark, silent hell.

Only one can escape this hell is the one who wields this Suzumushi.

It's useless! You cannot catch me.

No matter how skilled one is, when deprived of light so suddenly, it is the end.

In total darkness, a twinge of fear is born.

The slightest fear slows one down by half a step.

But I was born into a world without light.

You are a monster, after all.

You have no fear to begin with.

Fine! Then, I will not give you any chance to feel fear! It ain't over yet! Ichigo, there's no time left.

I can't believe my resolve was so weak.

How pathetic.

That's Captain Tosen's Enmakorogi He must be in trouble Or maybe Either way, I'd better get over there fast.

Not so fast! I haven't lost yet.

Don't kid yourself.

You've lost.

Sorry to disappoint you.

In Squad 11, losing means death.

It's not like that in Squad 9.

Like heaven and earth.

That's why we're fighting.

Fighting, huh? But you really should put down your sword.

There's no way a 5th Seat can defeat a lieutenant.

Shall I tell you a secret? The reason why I'm a 5th seat is simply because I don't like the way the number four looks.

What? To me the number "three" is the prettiest.

But that belongs to Ikkaku.

So I chose the 5th Seat, "five" being the closest in resemblance to the number "three.

" And one more thing In Squad 11, we have an unspoken rule Our Zanpakuto can only be used for physical att*cks.

Because we're just a bunch of guys who live to fight.

So we look down on Kido-type Zapuakuto because they're uncool.

Anyway, the secret begins from here What is the true power of my Zanpakuto? Now, don't tell Ikkaku and the Captain, okay? I don't want them to dislike me.

Why you--! Am I still alive? H-Hello Why are you tending to me? I brought him here.

Rikichi, you ! Hanataro was captured trying to save Rukia So I thought he would help you with your injuries.

He waited for a chance to unlock the cell.

I see.

Thank you.

Oh no Actually Someone had tended to your wound before I came.

The only one who could've done this is Lieutenant Abarai! Please don't give up! Ichigo will save Rukia.

So Yeah, please don't give up! I couldn't believe it.

That you had lost to the Ryoka, or that you had broken out of jail.

And I couldn't believe you would raise your sword against members of your own Squad.

But, I I joined Squad 6 because you were my hero! No matter what happens, I want you to live! And I want you to be cool and fight for what you believe in! Rikichi How? Right now, he can't use his eyes, ears or nose.

He can't even sense Spiritual Pressure! So how is he able to counter me?! Again! He dodges a fatal blow at the last second! Every time he parries, his counterattacks get more accurate too! Is he really a monster, after all? I got a hit in this time.

Just a graze but still A Bankai that deprives the senses is a nuisance.

But at least I still have my sense of touch.

And as long as I have that I can feel the moment his blade makes contact, then dodge and counterattack.

At least that way, I won't die.

My blade is starting to make little hits but this is getting boring.

It's more fun when you can cut and slash.

Now then I can't see and I can't hear.

As for the Spiritual Pressure, I never felt much of it to begin with.

Damn it! Why do I have to waste time thinking like this?! So stupid! You should use your instincts and swing! That's what I'm doing! Maybe you should try using that thing you know, your mind's eye to see? If I could do that I wouldn't be having this problem! What would I do? Let's see I'd give up, in a beautiful way.

Just die.

Hold it That's it! An easy way to see his position.

He's smiling again.

After all this, he still enjoys the fight? You're dangerous, Kenpachi Zaraki! You're too dangerous to be allowed to live! He didn't dodge Or was it that he couldn't dodge? Hey! Long time no see! Impossible! I can see now.

I can hear, too.

Is it because I'm holding you? Or is it because I'm touching your sword? Either way it doesn't matter.

Bring on the next attack.

I've got the hang of it now.

Next time, I'll grab your arm before your blade sinks into me.

Damn it! I won't lose I won't lose to you! I wish I could gather all the clouds so they can't obscure the light that shines from the stars ever again.

That's beautiful I'm going to become a Soul Reaper If justice is what's lacking I will become justice incarnate.

And all of the evil in this world shall be blown away like the clouds, with all the justice in my being! Tosen! Not yet! It's not over yet! I quit.

This is boring.

I have no interest in fighting a man with one foot already in the grave.

I'm out of here.

Dying is futile.

If you die, you can't fight anymore.

I swear it! In the name of justice, I will stop you! What an idiot! If you wanna die so badly, then die! Komamura! That's enough.

This man will never understand you.

So stop.

Komamura, I I know.

This is a surprise So that's what you looked like You don't seem surprised.

Outward appearances have nothing to do with fighting abilities.

The only question is if your beastly appearance means you fight with a beast's strength.

That's what matters.

You see only what's on the surface.

You have no respect for an opponent's inner strength.

That is your weakness, Zaraki.

I am not kind like Tosen.

Bankai! Kokujo Tengen Myo-oh.

Come, Kenpachi Zaraki! A fight to the death, just the kind you love! A fight to the death, huh? Great! That means I can come at you with everything I've got! If you die come back as a ghost and come at me again! And now Let the execution begin.

Not much of a turnout.

Huh? The squads with both the Captain and Lieutenant in attendance are the Head Captain's Squad 1, our Squad 2 plus Kyoraku's Squad 8.

It's no surprise that Squads 5, 11 and 12 are missing But what are the others thinking? Even Unohana of Squad 4 is missing.

Elder Brother Rukia Kuchiki Do you have any last words? Yes Just one thing All the days gone by have made me what I am Life's not easy; that's why I can go on.

To the people hurrying by, "Have your dreams come true?" I'm still struggling Forget returning to my youth; I want to live today well.

I was born timid.

Out where the sun shines I fisted my hand tight.

Break out of that place, that time, and I can change my life But I could never express everything deep in my heart All the days gone by have made me what I am How does the Sokyoku work? I think it transforms into something.

What if it becomes a giant robot?! Sokyoku Transformation! Come on bad guys, bring it on! Wow! That's pretty cool! You look like you're having fun, Ikkaku.

Lieutenant of Squad 10, Rangiku Matsumoto! Divine cleavage! Captain of Squad 4, Retsu Unohana! Mom! Lieutenant of Squad 5, Momo Hinamori! You're gonna be my kid sister starting from today! Lieutenant of Squad 8, Nanao Ise! Please, scold me! Captain of Squad 2, Soi Fon! What are you? A zashiki-warashi?! Former Commander of the Stealth Force, Yoruichi Shihoin! She turns into a cat! February 2017
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