01x18 - Sudden Death

Episode transcripts for the TV show "m*rder, She Wrote". Aired: September 30, 1984 – May 19, 1996.*
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Mystery writer and amateur detective Jessica is a down-to-earth, middle-aged widow who ferrets out the criminals in idyllic Cabot Cove, Maine, which apparently is the m*rder capital of the United States.
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01x18 - Sudden Death

Post by bunniefuu »

- That's quite a battle.
- No. It's w*r, Mrs. Fletcher.

[Woman] Tonight on
m*rder, She Wrote.

I don't intend to let
Kreuger move this franchise.

That wimp of a commissioner is not
gonna tell me how to run my business!

Hey, lady, you can't be in here.

Oh, that's all right.
I'm one of the owners.

- Kreuger's behind this. I know it.
- Phil died intestate.

- I never knew that about Phil.
- You, uh, left the party
kind of early yourself, Commissioner.

- Mr. Mason.
- I didn't expect to see you
in the shower room.

Football's a very dangerous game,
and sometimes people get hurt.

♪ [Organ: Hymn]

[Man] Mrs. Fletcher.

[Car Door Closes]
[Engine Starts]

Hello. I'm Bradford Lockwood.

Please let me express
my condolences.

Your Uncle Cyrus spoke
of you so very often.

That's very kind, Mr. Lockwood.

We were very close... [Chuckles]
when I was a good deal younger.

But, well, the
last few years, I...

I just felt that somebody from
the family ought to be here.

Are you his friend? Uh,
yes, and his attorney.

I drafted his will. Really? I
had no idea he left an estate.

Well, I'd hardly call it that.

He, uh... He didn't
tell you, then?

Tell me what? You're the
sole beneficiary, Mrs. Fletcher.

I am? Of course,
he didn't leave much.

Only a few shares of
a Jackdaw Corporation.

Uncle Cyrus investing in stocks.

Usually his blue chips
were in a poker pot.

Well, I'm afraid that this is a company
that has not paid a dividend in many years.

It's not publicly traded.

But I'm sure there's more than
enough to cover his funeral expenses.

If, uh, you would be good enough
to sign this power of attorney,

I could dispose of
that stock for you...

and then send you a
check to Cabot Cove.

Uh... [Chuckles] Excuse
me, Mr. Lockwood,

but what exactly is the
Jackdaw Corporation?

It's a holding company.
And what does it hold?

Its only asset is the
Leopard football team.

[Gasps] Now I remember.

Uncle Cyrus used to work for some
team or other. Oh, but that was years ago.

I hate to trouble you with
details at a time like this,

but I will need your
signature on those proxies...

before you leave for Cabot Cove.

Oh, I couldn't sign anything
without reading it very carefully.

Well, I'd be glad to handle all that
paperwork for you, Mrs. Fletcher.

Uh, as a favor, of course.

I'm sure you would,
Mr. Lockwood. But there's no hurry.

I've decided to stay over
a couple of days. Oh, I see.

Well, in that case, can I give
you a lift back to your hotel?

Oh, no. No, thanks. I have
a taxi waiting. [Chuckles]

A football team?

Wow. You know, that's
very exciting, Mr. Lockwood.

I think I'll just take a look.

[Whistle Blows]
[Man] Three! Hut!

Hut, two! Hut! Hut!

[Whistle Blows]

[Man] I've seen better hitting
at a Camp Fire girls pillow fight!

[All Grunting]

[Whistle Blows] [Man] Come on!
I know we got a lot on our minds.

There's an important game on Sunday.
Well, come on! I want to see some hitting!

[Whistle Blows]

[Man] On one. Set. Hut.

[Whistle Blows]

[Whistle Blows]

Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.

But I may dream tonight about being
swallowed up by an enormous hat.

[Man] I'm really sorry. [Jessica]
No, no, no. No, really. It was my fault.

I had no business standing in
the middle of the street gawking.

I'm Jessica Fletcher.
Hi. Zak Farrell.

Hello. And, uh, this
is my daughter Jill.

Well, my goodness, Jill, you're rather
young to be riding around in a big hat.

[No Audible Dialogue]

Uh, "helmet." She
reads lips very well.

Helmet. Oh, yes, of course.

How silly of me. You know,
Jill, you're way ahead of me.

I never learned to drive. You
should be very proud of yourself.

That means "You're very nice."

Well, you're very nice too.

This is my wife,
Cathy. Jessica Fletcher.

Hello, Cathy. It's
very nice to meet you.

I see you two are
friends already.

Yes. We... hit
it off right away.

Come on. Let's go home.

[Whistle Blows]

Jill, would you teach
me some words in sign...

in case I get laryngitis?

[Whistle Blows]

[Men Shouting]

- [Whistle Blows]
- Where are the proxies, Lockwood?

Well, it was a little awkward
right there at the funeral.

But I can promise
you that they'll be

definitely handled by
tomorrow morning, Phil.

Well, it better be,
because otherwise,

that fat retainer of yours is gonna
be terminated tomorrow afternoon.

And you. You, Pattillo,
you're supposed to

be the coach of this
bumbling band of idiots.

What in the hell do I have
to do to get some offense?

Come on, Phil. You know we have
five starters on the injured reserve.

I don't want to hear
about injuries. I pay

these clowns to play,
not collect Medicare.

We'll have it together for
Sunday. You can count on it.

I'm gonna put somethin' right
up front to you too, Pattillo.

One more loss, and you are out.

Morale is pretty
low on this team.

Listen, you just take
care of the equipment,

okay, Dillon? I will
worry about morale.

Mr. Kreuger, as defensive
captain, I've gotta speak for the guys.

There's a lot of talk about
the team leaving town.

I pay you to make sure the
opposition doesn't put points

on the scoreboard, which
you don't seem able to do.

So, where this team plays
is none of your business.

Well, the commissioner
says the team's staying here.

The commissioner... That
wimp of a commissioner...

is not gonna tell me
how to run my business!

And if he doesn't stay out of my way, he's
gonna have cleat marks all over his face.

Excuse me. Is there
a Mr. Kreuger here?

- This is a private meeting, lady.
- [Lockwood] Mrs. Fletcher.

Jessica Fletcher, Cyrus's niece.

Oh, oh. I'm sorry.

Mrs. Fletcher. I'm Phil Kreuger.

How do you do? Nice to meet you.

I think you already know
Mr. Lockwood. Yes, indeed.

This is Mr. Pattillo, our
coach, How do you do?

Grover Dillon and t*nk Mason, our
defensive captain. Nice to meet you.

I think this concludes the,
uh, meeting, gentlemen.

[Whistle Blows] Very nice of you
to show me around, Mr. Kreuger.

Call me Phil.

Hey, listen, Web McCord's
going to be throwing a party

for the team tonight. Why
don't you come as my guest?

Have I met
Mr. McCord? Not yet. No.

He's a real estate
developer. Big fan.

Likes to hang around
with the players. [Chuckles]

It should be a great bash and give
you a chance to meet some of the guys.

Ah, I'd be delighted. Good.

Listen, Mrs. Fletcher, I don't
want to play games with you.

I want to buy you out.

Really? Well, I have no idea
what my shares are worth.

Well, the last time any of your
stock traded it was six dollars a pop.

You got 4,000 shares. That's
24 grand. I'll give you 30.

That's very generous.

Well, I'll think it over. Oh.

There's my taxi.

Thank you, Mr. Kreuger. Phil.

Uh, why don’t you give me your
answer tonight? I'll pick you up at 7:30.

Bye. Thanks.

[Whistle Blows]

[Man On Phone] No, Mrs. Farrell, this
isn't a threat, just some friendly advice.

Tell your husband to quit the team
before it comes out about your little girl.

Who are you?

You have no right to
interfere in our lives.

If you don't stop phoning,
I'm going to contact the police.

We just want to know when,
uh, dinner's gonna be ready.



It's going to be a while.
Have an apple, sweetheart.

You shouldn't carry her, Zak.
Your shoulder's not healed yet.

Ah, what difference does it make?
My passing career's finished anyway.

Darling, it is not
the end of the world.


Who called?

Wrong number.

- It was another one of those
anonymous phone calls, wasn't it?
- No, Zak.

Kreuger's behind
this. I know it!

We don't know
that... not for sure.

Well, I know it, and I'm
gonna put an end to it.

Zak, please.

Don't do anything foolish.

Room 317, please. Fletcher.

Mrs. Fletcher. Oh, Mr. Pattillo.
Or should I say Coach Pattillo?

May I talk to you? Of course.

Uh... Uh, are we
hiding from someone?

Uh, look, ma'am. I
want to buy your stock.

I talked to the bank today, and they're
gonna give me a second mortgage.

It's gonna be a stretch,
but I can give you 60,000.

How interesting.

Twice as much as
I was just offered.

Tell me, Mr. Pattillo, why is
everyone so anxious to buy me out?

Well, that's no big secret.

Kreuger owns 48%, and a rival
group of investors owns 48%.

Your Uncle Cyrus owns
the other four percent.

Apparently he
wouldn't sell. Right.

Except that Lockwood had
the old man's voting proxies...

and threw the balance
of power to Kreuger.

That's quite a battle. No.

It's w*r, Mrs. Fletcher.

You see, Kreuger wants to
move the franchise to a bigger city.

And you're for keeping
the team right here.

I love this town. It's my home.

I want the Leopards here.

[Kreuger] All right, look. This
club actually lost money last year,

but if I've got
majority ownership, I'm

willing to put some
big bucks into this team.

This club could go places.

Like a bigger city?


I've already been
offered more than that.

All right, lady. From here
on I take the gloves off.

150,000, and
that's my final offer.

Mr. Kreuger, my Uncle Cyrus
entrusted those shares to me...

rather than sell them to you.

I intend to find out the reason.

The reason?

Lady, the last few years, your uncle's
elevator didn't go all the way to the top.

Besides which,
he didn't like me.

Well, I'm sorry, but I haven't
made any decision yet.

I hope you understand.

I hope you understand
something, Mrs. Fletcher.

Football's a very dangerous game,
and sometimes people get hurt.

Shall we join the party?

♪ [Jazz]

Oh, Web. This is Jessica Fletcher.
This is Web McCord, my associate.

He's the one that collects Leopards.
Oh, not the wild variety, I hope.

No, but, uh, some of these
animals belong in cages.

Mrs. Fletcher, I'm very glad you
could come. Thank you so much.

Hello, Mr. Mason.
Oh, hi, Mrs. Fletcher.

Thought I'd better get some pictures before
everybody's face gets blurred. [Laughter]

Excuse me. There's...
Mm-hmm. You're leaving?

Yes, I'm gonna go home
and make some phone calls.

Talmadge won't stay very long.
All this drinking makes him nervous.

He's the commissioner. Oh.

Do me a favor, will ya?
Slip him a Mickey Finn.

He'll be back. He
only lives a block away.

I think it's time to
get you a drink. You

know, I've never been
to a team party before.

Well, the important thing is, uh,
not to let any of these guys fall on ya.




[Cheering, Yelling]


Where's Kreuger? Oh,
he went to his place.

He'll be back.
Have a drink, Zak.

Excuse me.

Kreuger. Yeah, I
want to talk to you now.

You know what it's about. I'm
gonna settle this thing tonight.

Hey, that's fine with
me. I'll be there at 9:00.

Take it easy, Zak. This
is supposed to be a party.

I'm Harris Talmadge,
commissioner of football.

How nice to meet you. I understand
you now have an ownership position.

I'm afraid if you want to buy my
shares, you'll have to get in line.

My responsibilities
don't permit ownership.

But I'd just like you to know I don't
intend to let Kreuger move this franchise.

Well, I was under the impression that
his mind was made up. And so is mine.

I'll fight him all the way to the
Supreme Court if necessary.

Well, if you'll excuse
me, I want... Mrs. Fletcher,

we really should have
a little talk sometime.

Uh, excuse me, Mr. Baxter. Did
you happen to see Zak Farrell?

Oh, he left, ma'am...
A few moments ago.


♪ [Disco]

Mason. Mason.
Can I cut in, please?


Having a good time? Oh, I'm
just having a wonderful time.

It's a great party. [Chuckles]

Ohhh! Here we are.

Great party, McCord.

Hey, uh, where's Kreuger?

He's missing a great party.

- I'm gonna go over and get him.
- Well, you wait. I'll go with you.

Mrs. Fletcher, will
you please excuse me?

Oh, yes. Yes. Of course.

Oh, where are you going, Mr. Dillon?
Oh, I, uh, got work to do in the morning.

Oh, it's a wonderful party.


[Water Running]

[Water Running]

Uh, yeah, Barney. Somebody
got Phil Kreuger for keeps.

Drowned. I'd say
sometime last evening.

No, I haven't got
any suspects yet.

Barney, I know this is gonna
change the line on the Leopards.

Whatever it is,
give me 500 against.

Where's that security guard?

What time did Kreuger come in here
last night? I never saw him come in.

He's got his own private entrance in
the back, his own key. I'm out in front.

Well, did ya hear anything? A
fight? I heard Zak Farrell yelling.


Was he here?

I really hate to
have to tell you this,

Lieutenant, but Zak
came in last night smokin'.

I mean, he really had a head of
steam up. He was callin' for Kreuger.

- What time was that?
- 9:00.

I made a note in the
register. A few minutes

later, he blew back
out past me again.

And he looked like
10 miles of bad road.

[Lieutenant] But you never saw
Kreuger? No, I never come back here.

I'm not supposed
to leave the desk.

All right. Stick around.

Sure. Uh, Lieutenant.

Hey, lady, you can't be in here.

Oh, that's all right. I'm Jessica
Fletcher. I'm one of the owners.

Oh. Lieutenant Clyde Pace.

Pleased to meet you, ma'am.
Uh, what can I do for ya?

Well, I was wondering
if you noticed

there's something in
the bottom of the t*nk.

Hmm. Hold this.



Well, lookee here.

A watch.

Smashed crystal, reads 9:04.

Wait a minute.
Engraved on the back,

"All-American, 1973."

Zak Farrell.

That nice man with the adorable
child? Oh, that's not possible.

Well, everybody loves him,
but facts are facts, ma'am.


Pick him up.
Suspicion m*rder one.

[Clyde]Zak, why don’t you
admit it. If you two had a fight,

we might be able to negotiate
down to second-degree m*rder.

Clyde, I didn't k*ll Kreuger.

I figure it'll be okay for Mrs.
Fletcher to talk to you since

she's one of the owners. She
seems to think you didn't do it.

Thank you, Mrs. Fletcher.

Zak, what happened
after you left the party?

I went over to Kreuger's
house. There was nobody home.

He leaves me a typed note on the
door, says to meet him at the stadium.

- A typed note.
- Yeah, we found it on the steps.

I figured it was another stall.

But I was determined
to have it out with him.

So I went over to the
stadium. [Clyde] About 9:00?

Right. He wasn't there.

I called for him.

He didn't answer.

I left. Went home and got drunk.

So how did your watch
wind up in the whirlpool?

I don't know.

Last time I saw it
was in my locker.

Zak, what exactly were you
going to "have out" with Kreuger?

Well, everybody knows that one.

Zak bummed up his
shoulder, can't play anymore.

But he's got a
four-year no-cut contract.

Kreuger's trying to
negotiate him out.

- Is that right, Zak?
- No.

It's something personal. But
it's lucky Kreuger wasn't there,

or I might've k*lled him.

Is it true?

[Lockwood On Phone]
m*rder*d by Zak Farrell.

Where does that leave me?

Possibly a very wealthy woman.

Phil died intestate.

How awful. I never
knew that about Phil.

Mavis. That means
he didn't leave a will.

Oh. Now listen to me carefully.

You've only been in
residence 20 days in Las Vegas.

That means the
divorce isn't final yet.

What should I do?
Catch the first plane.

Start making like
a grieving widow.

You mean I get Phil's
share of the club?

I'll have the papers
ready for you to sign.

How would you like to
be a football star, honey?

[Phone Rings]

Cathy. Mrs. Fletcher.

Zak told me you
went to see him...

That you think he's innocent.

And what do you think?
Well, I... I know Zak.

He has a temper, but
he couldn't k*ll anybody.

He's too gentle. Well, they've got
an awfully strong case against him.

Mrs. Fletcher, I've read about
you. I know you can help people.

Well, a couple of times
I've been... able to sort

of sort things out... you
know, help the police...

But I'm not sure what
I could do for Zak.

This whole football
thing is a riddle to me.

Please help him.

It would destroy Jill
if Zak went to prison...

for something he didn't do.

Yes, I'm sure it would
be very, very difficult for...

For Jill.

[Man] Hut! [All Grunting]

[Whistle Blows] I've seen better
hitting at a Camp Fire girls pillow fight!

Come on! I know we've got a lot on our
minds. There's an important game on Sunday.

Now come on! I want
to see some hitting!

On three.


Hut, hut, hut.

Hi, Mrs. Fletcher.

[Whistle Blowing]

Gee, what...

[Whistle Blowing]
[Jessica] Stop!

All right. Knock it off! Please. Oh. I feel
as if I've been responsible for all this.

Uh, Mrs. Fletcher, I think you just put my
defensive captain on the injured reserve.

Does that mean he's not dead?

Not quite. Uh, are
you here to see me?

Have you decided
to sell me your stock?

No, I'm still thinking it over, but
I did want to ask you a question.

Now, someone said that Zak
Farrell had a no-cut contract.

Now what exactly
does "no-cut" mean?

Well, it means that even though
Zak can't play he still gets paid.

All he has to do is stay with
the team and just show up.

Ah. Then he's in
breach of contract.

Yes. You see, if he's
doing 20-to-life for m*rder,

the club can get out
from under his deal.

I thought it might be
something like that.

All right, you dumb
clods! Get over here!

What the hell is wrong
with you? [Muttering]

Oh, Mr. Dillon.

Didn't I see you at
Uncle Cyrus's funeral?

Oh, yeah. Cyrus and me
went back a long way together.

- But you're not
supposed to be in here, lady.
- Oh, that's all right, Mr. Dillon.

I'm one of the owners
now. [Chuckles]

Okay. Well, then, suit yourself.


Cyrus and me first worked for the Leopards
way back when they first got a franchise.

Ah. He was equipment
manager. I was a player.

When I was a little
girl, I remember Uncle

Cyrus throwing the ball
back and forth with me.

Things were pretty lean then. Sometimes
they didn't make enough to pay us.

They gave us stock instead.

Oh, you... you own
stock? Not anymore I don't.

Kreuger bought me out
10 years ago for $500.

Cyrus... Cyrus was
too ornery to sell.

Tell me, Mr. Dillon. Do you have
the combinations for all these lockers?

Sure. Why? Well, Zak Farrell said that
his wristwatch was taken from his locker.

In 20 years, nobody has ever accused
me of theft. [Shower Water Running]

Any fool could open one of
these things with a coat hanger.

Mr. Mason. I'm so glad
you’re feeling better.

Uh, they don't call
me t*nk for nothin'.

You're sure you're
feeling all right? You've

got a... a strange
expression on your face.

Well, it's just that, well, uh,

I... I didn't expect
to see you here...

in the shower room... now.

Oh. Uh, yes.

Um... Oh, would
you look at the time?

Um, I'll have to
be running along.

Don't you know why
you ever bet against me?

Well, five says you miss. You
know I can't wager, Web. Come on.

- Uh, pull.
- Lieutenant Pace.

[Chuckling] Pardon me,
Lieutenant. I'm sorry to interrupt you.

Oh, still trying to clear Zak
Farrell, ma'am? Well, if I can.

Lieutenant, about that medical
report. Did they fix the time of death?

Well, Doc puts it right around 9:00. Says
there was a small bruise in the forehead,

might have been a struggle, but
cause of death was definitely drowning.

Mmm. Well, that's
what I was afraid of.

Thanks to McCord here,
Zak made bail this afternoon.

Oh, that was very kind
of you, Mr. McCord.

He's a good man. Innocent
until proven otherwise.

Mrs. Fletcher, may I ask why
you’re so interested in Zak Farrell?

Look on it as
concerned management.

Mrs. Fletcher is something
of an amateur detective.

No, I'm just trying
to help out a friend.

Is there any doubt that it
was Zak who k*lled him?

Well, he's certainly not
the only one with a motive.

If Clyde arrested everybody
who's glad Kreuger's

dead, he'd have
to build a bigger jail.

Mm-hmm. But supposing somebody
else had gotten in and k*lled Kreuger.

I mean, no one actually
saw Zak Farrell do it.

No, no. I checked with the
locksmith. He only made one key

to the back entrance, and
we found it in Kreuger's pocket.

Maybe there's another way in?

Mrs. Fletcher, we
all like Zak a lot,

but with his temper, we'll have to accept
the fact that he m*rder*d Phil Kreuger.

Well, you may
accept it, but... I don't.

Baxter, would you be kind
enough to take me back?

Yes, Mrs. Fletcher. Thank you.

Web, I, uh, think I
deserve another shot.

Come to think of it, you, uh, left the
party kind of early yourself, Commissioner.

[Chuckles] Pull.

[Banging In Distance]


Is someone there?

Open the door! [Banging On Door]

Is anybody there?


Hello. Open the door.

Is anybody here?

Let me out. Is anybody there?

Oh, thank you.
The door stuck. I...

Oh, I couldn't breathe.

That door wasn't
stuck, Mrs. Fletcher.

Somebody was tryin'
to cook your goose.

[Dillon] Mrs.
Fletcher, be careful.

People get hurt in football...
And not always on the field.

I think someone was
just trying to scare me off.

Looks like you
don't scare easily.

Oh, I scare, all right. But at least
it proves that I'm on the right track.

Mr. Dillon, excuse
me for asking,

but I noticed your
leg gives you trouble.

- Is that an old football injury?
- Well, that's how it started.

Years ago, Kreuger was
coach of the team, and he put

me back in before it was
healed. I'm lucky I can walk.

Then you didn't like
Mr. Kreuger very much, did you?

I hated his guts,
but I didn't k*ll him.

Zak Farrell's injury has jeopardized
his career too. It's depressing.

Yeah. Of course, that
makes your stock worth more.

Well, how can that be?

I understood he's
very good. He was.

But he's also the highest
paid man on the team.

Right now he's dead weight.
It's a matter of pure economics.

[Whistle Blows]

[Man] Hut. Hut.

[Laughing] What are you, tryin'
out for the team, Mrs. Fletcher?

Oh, just getting
my daily exercise.

You know, I've been
watching you, and you've

got pretty good
wind for an old broad.

Uh, I'm sorry. I meant
you're very well preserved.

Ooh, uh... No, no.
What I mean is is that...

I know what you mean, t*nk.
And thanks for the compliment.

- Too bad about Zak.
- Yeah, I can't hardly believe it.

I understand you
two are friends.

Well, on the road, you know, we room
together. He's really been down lately.

Discouraged about his career?

Ah, he won't talk about it.

But I think there's something
going on in that home.

About the kid. Yeah.

Well, I think I've done enough
self-preserving for one day. Yeah.

Good-bye. Bye-bye. [Chuckles]

I... love... horses... too.

You're going to play now?

I'm learning.

Oh, what a lovely child.

She's very lucky to
have you two as parents.

Maybe now that Kreuger's dead,
this nightmare will stop. Cathy.

I'm sorry, but
that's how I feel.

Look, I know this is
none of my business, but...

was there more going
on with Mr. Kreuger...

than just the football contract?

I guess you have the
right to know, Jessica.

Jill is adopted.

We wanted a child so badly that when
the chance came along we jumped at it.

It was a private adoption,
arranged by an attorney.

Uh, we had to pay the
natural mother a lot of money.

It was a shortcut.
But we didn't care.

It also may not have
been exactly legal.

Anyway, Cathy's been getting
these anonymous phone calls.

Threatening to take
Jill away from you.

I can't prove it, but I'm convinced
Kreuger found out about Jill...

and was gonna use it
to force me off the team.

- That's why I went to see him.
- You mentioned that an attorney
arranged the adoption.

- Was that, by any chance,
Brad Lockwood?
- Yes.

How did you know that?

[Jessica] Oh, Amos,
thanks so much for checking.

I was so afraid I'd left
the back door unlocked.

[Water Running] Is that right?

Well, I don't care what
Jonathan's paper says.

Uh-uh. Zak Farrell
did not k*ll Mr. Kreuger.

Well, I could be home
Saturday, maybe Sunday.

It depends.

Ooh, the tub.
Amos, I've got to run.

No, I'll see you
when I get home.

Oh! I wondered what had
happened to that earring.

[Knocking On Door] I'm coming.

I hope I haven't come
at an inconvenient time.

Uh, well, as a matter... I tried
to call, but the line was busy.

Oh, yeah. I... I was calling
home. Uh, please come inside.

Forgive me for dropping
by unannounced,

but I'm flying to New York
tomorrow and I... I wanted to talk.

As commissioner,
it's part of my job to get

to know the owners.
Keep out the riffraff?

Well, professional sports
sometimes attracts the wrong element.

Oh, so I've noticed.

Mrs. Fletcher... [Clears
Throat] I've heard

that you might be
willing to sell your stock.

I must have a sign on my back.

There's an investor
who's very interested in

the club and who'd
keep the franchise here.

Would his name be Web McCord?

I'm not so sure
he'd want me to say.

Well, let's say you didn't
say. I suppose anything

would be an improvement
over Phil Kreuger.

Kreuger was a boor and a liar.

He seemed to take a perverse
pleasure in publicly humiliating me.

Well, you won't have
that problem anymore.

Well, I didn't k*ll him, if
that's what you mean.

Remember, I was
at McCord's party.

It's 45 minutes from McCord's
house to the stadium and back.

And no one at that party could
have k*lled Kreuger except Farrell...

because he left early.

But as I remember, didn't you
also leave early, Commissioner?

[Chuckles] Well, if you'll excuse
me, I'd like to take my bath.

Will you, um... Ah, of course.

You know, it's strange. I mean,
first one woman owner, then two...

in less than a week.

Two? Mrs. Kreuger. I
assume she'll inherit.

I didn't know there
was a Mrs. Kreuger.

Thanks for stopping by. Sure.

[Jessica] Hello.

Anyone here?


Uh, the doorbell doesn't
seem to be working.

It's wet.

Of course.

Hold it right there, honey.

Don't move an eyelash.

You must be Mrs. Kreuger.

We haven't met.

I'm Jessica Fletcher.

I told you not to move.

- How did you get in here?
- The door was ajar.

I called, uh, but
you didn't answer.

You weren't, by any chance,
taking a bath, were you?

Bath? I just got in from
Las Vegas two minutes ago.

Look, I don't know
who you are, honey,

but I don't like finding
you in my bathroom.

I'm gonna call the police.

Good idea. I was
gonna call them myself.

Ask for Lieutenant Pace.

Yeah. It's wet all right.

You need a plumber,
not a police officer.

Would somebody tell
me what is going on here?

Lieutenant, this is
only a theory, but...

what if Phil Kreuger wasn't
drowned in the training room?

What if he was drowned
right here in his own tub?

Phil drowned in this room?

But they found his
body in the whirlpool.

The party was only
half a block from here.

Anybody could have
slipped out, come over here,

hit Kreuger over the head
and held him under the water.

- I was in Las Vegas. I can prove it.
- Whoever it was wouldn't be missed
for a few minutes.

They could've come
back here after the party

and moved the body.
I'm getting out of here.

Where are you going? Phil
was m*rder*d in this room.

It gives me the creeps.
I'm checking into a motel.


Interesting theory,
Mrs. Fletcher.

It opens up the field.

So, who did it?

Well, that part may be
very difficult to prove.

[Man Announcing] Can the
tragedy-struck Leopards overcome

the odds and break their
four-game losing streak?

Smart money says no.

Stay tuned for the pregame show
right after these commercial messages.

All right, you guys.

Listen up.

I'm gonna make this short.

You all know what
happened this week,

but that doesn't mean a damn
thing once we get on that field.

Everybody's figurin'
us for a bunch of losers.

Maybe we are.

You guys are gonna have
to decide that for yourselves.

That's all I got to say.


Clyde Pace.

What's my limit?

I'd give my left arm to
be out there with the guys.

Oh, I think Coach Pattillo
was using reverse psychology.

[Clyde] I just hope
it isn't a laugher.

Oh, good luck. Don't you worry, Mrs.
Fletcher. We're gonna win this one for you.


[Announcer] The Leopards
needed a first down

almost as much as
they needed Zak Farrell.

They're having one of those days
when nothing seems to go right.

Now that they've got the ball,
let's see what they can do with it.

So far they've fumbled it twice, lost it
to interception and missed a field goal.

[Phone Rings]

[Announcer] It's airborne!

And the pass is complete.

Telephone for you, Mr. McCord.
I'm watching the game here.

They said it was an emergency.
[Announcer] Hacklier is

on his way. He goes out of
bounds on the 20 yard line.

This better be good.

McCord. [Woman With Nasally Voice]
Mr. McCord, this is Sylvia at the cleaners.

Who? The cleaners. The boss
won't let me go home until I tell you.

Tell me what? That jacket you
brought in has one brass button missing.

What? The boss was
very insistent that I tell

you it was missing
when you brought it in.

So's you won't
think that we lost it.

I understand. Thank you
for the call. You're welcome.

[Announcer] And it's
sack time. We'll never

know what Rhodes
intended to do with the ball.

It looked like he couldn't make
up his mind and simply held onto it.

[Nasally Voice]
Looking for this?

The lady from the cleaners.

I had a chat with your butler.

With a little encouragement, he told
me he'd taken your blazer to the cleaners.

And the cleaners told
you a button was missing?

Actually, no.

This one belongs to me.

You never lost one at all.

That part I made up.

- To see if I'd take the bait?
- Only one place you'd come looking for it.

Where you m*rder*d Mr. Kreuger.

I am very impressed,
Mrs. Fletcher. Oh, don't be.

This really wasn't
an original idea.

When I was in Los Angeles, a
button actually did trip up a k*ller.

I thought it might work again.

Well, it seems I've
underestimated your tenacity.

[Chuckles] It takes more than locking
me in a steam room to scare me off.

I'll remember
that in the future.

Still want to buy my
shares? [Chuckles]

So I wanted a football team.

Every man should have a hobby.

I had managed quietly to buy up the
other 48%, but Kreuger wouldn't sell.

Fundamental. Eliminate
the competition.

That was very clever getting rid of
Zak Farrell's contract in the same stroke.

Well, Lockwood told me about the pressure
Kreuger was putting on Zak about the kid.

So I knew he'd start a fight at
the party. I already had the watch.

I was going to do
it after the party.

But the game plan changed
when Kreuger went home.

You have to take
advantage of the turnovers.

Left me with a tighter alibi.

Kreuger was already dead when you typed
that note and left it on the door for Zak.

I had to type it twice.
The first one got wet.

I'm curious about one thing.

How did you figure it out?

Partly luck, partly deduction.

I realized you couldn't drown a
man like Kreuger without getting wet...

Even if he were unconscious.

Suddenly it came to me.

You changed your blazer.

I didn't think it would
be that noticeable.

Blame it on t*nk Mason's camera.

He tacked these up
on the bulletin board.

You were wearing a
single-breasted blazer when I arrived...

and a double-breasted
blazer later on in the party.

Conclusion: You
got the first one wet.

I suppose you waited until
after the party to move the body.

The key to his private
entrance was in his pocket.

We made quite a mess here.
Had a devil of a time cleaning it up.

Yes. The carpet is
wet. No plan is perfect.

One has to keep improvising.

Are you planning
to drown me too?

No. I think they'll find you in the
ashes when this house burns down.

Well, time does fly, and I
want to get back to the game.

Hold it right there, McCord.

I have nothing to
say till I've seen my

attorney. Seems like
you already said it all.

Book him. m*rder one.

I think the price of my
stock just hit bottom.

Mrs. Fletcher, did you have
to stand there and keep talkin'?

We've missed most of the second half.
Now there's no time to get back there now.

[Announcer] You'll never see
another ending like that, fans.

With the Leopards down 21-7,

a minute and 30
seconds left on the clock,

the Leopards score
on a 72-yard b*mb.

On the kickoff t*nk Mason
knocks the ball loose... They won.

That's wonderful. Yeah.

Then the Leopards recover
their own onside kickoff

and score a field goal...
Yeah, that's just wonderful.

Take it easy.

She drives just like you.

Naturally. If she's
gonna be the first female

quarterback, she's
gonna have to be fast.


Well, that was a
very exciting ride.

Zak, I understand you're gonna
try your hand at management.

Well, I've decided to
throw in with Pattillo

and some others
and buy Mavis's stock.

It isn't gonna be like playing,
but I'm still in the game.

Uh, we're gonna be
sort of partners, Jessica.

I'm afraid not, Zak.

I really have to concentrate
on my writing in Cabot Cove.

And, you know, I don't think I'll ever
understand the finer points of football.

You're not selling your
stock. Oh, no, no, no, no.

No. I've arranged to
put my stock in trust...

for Jill.

Oh. I... I don't
know what to say.

How can we thank you?

Well, there's no time for that,
and I have to catch my plane.

Now you and your father
are going to be partners,

so will you write to me
and tell me how he's doing?
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