01x03 - Lucy Is a Referee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Lucy Show". Aired: October 1, 1962 – March 11, 1968.*
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Widow Lucy Carmichael raises her children and shares her home with divorcee friend Vivien.
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01x03 - Lucy Is a Referee

Post by bunniefuu »


Have you seen Johnny Unitas?


You know, those cards

with the football stars on them

that Jerry and Sherman
get from their bubble gum?

Jerry's lost Johnny
Unitas, whoever he is.

You don't have him, do you?

Listen, if I had a big,
strong football player,

would I be sitting
here darning socks?!

Hi, Mom! Hi, Aunt Viv!

Hello, Chris. Oh, hi, Chris.

Chris, did you take Jerry's
picture of Johnny Unitas?

Why would I want
a picture of him?

Well, I thought
maybe he'd replaced

Frankie Avalon
in your affections.

Mother, please!

How can you even
think of such a thing?

I'll be true to Frankie
as long as I live.

That's what you said
about Ricky Nelson.

But that was last month.

Oh, I forgot.

Are Frankie Avalon

and Ricky Nelson
football players, too?

Oh, no.

No, they're singers.

The teenagers are
crazy about them.

They each sold
over a million records.

No kidding? Yeah.

And I never even heard of them.

Viv, do you ever get the feeling

the world is passing us by?

Who cares?

I'll bet Chris never heard
of Skinny Ennis either.

Oh, there they are.

Hi, fellas!

Well, hi, there.

How was school today?

Oh, that's a shame. Why?

Oh, what a pity!

Well, I'm sure
you'll find somebody.

Now, wait just a minute!

I can't understand a
word they're saying.

Their football game
is called off Friday

because they can't
find anyone to referee.

Oh, that's too bad.

How did you understand
what they were saying

through all that chewing?

Well, you forget
I have a daughter

who went through that stage.

I broke the bubble
gum code years ago.

Honey, why don't you get

one of the fathers to referee?

I already told you.

Sherman, I don't
understand "bubblegum-ese."

Come on now, take that gum
out of your mouth and tell me

why don't you get one
of the fathers to referee?

All the fathers are working!

Or chicken!

Oh, the poor kids.

They were counting
on that football game.

Yeah, and it isn't just
having the game cancelled,

but the winning team got
to go to Yankee Stadium

to see the professional
game Sunday.

Oh, dear!

Gee, it sure is rough on our
boys growing up without fathers.

It sure is.

Hey, why couldn't I referee?

Lucy, are you
chewing bubble gum?

No, why?

It sounded just
exactly like you said,

"Why couldn't I referee?"

That's what I said.

You don't know
anything about football.

How could you referee?

Well, I've watched
them on television.

All they do is run around,

wave their arms and
blow their whistles.

I have a feeling that there's

a little more to it than that.

Well, why can't I
learn about football

the same way the kids do?

Where are those cards
Jerry always carries with him?

I'll bet they're right...
here. Here they are.

Look at this.

"Jimmy Brown: fullback,
Cleveland Browns.

"Height, 6'2", weight 228.

Jimmy was the last
rookie to lead in the League

in total yards gained
by rushing. 942 yards.

Say, these are marvelous!

I think they're terrible. Why?

They give all the
statistics except

how old they are
and if they're married.

Viv, this is not the right time

to be thinking about men.

There's a wrong time?

"Red Phillips, end,
Los Angeles Rams.

"Height, 6'1", weight, 199.

"Last season Red
caught more passes

"than any other man in the
National Football League".

Let me see him.

Oh, he's cute!

No wonder he had so
many passes thrown at him.

Hey, kids, guess what?

I, uh, I got a referee
for your game.

No kidding?! Who?!

It's me.

Whose father is Mr. Itsme?

Don't swallow your gum,
but I think she means her!

She's teasing us.

No, I'm serious.

What do moms
know about football?

Especially you.

All right, now, just
give me a chance.

Last season who
caught the most passes

in the National Football League?

Gee, I don't know.

Do you?

Yeah, do you?

Red Phillips of the
Los Angeles Rams.

Good old 199-pound,
six-foot-one Red.

Hey, she's right!

Go ahead, ask me
some more questions.

Ask me, for example,

who was the last rookie
to lead the National League

in total yards
gained by rushing?

All right, who was?

Jimmy Brown, the
Cleveland fullback, 942 yards.

Gee, Mom, that's neat!

I'll say!

And do you know
all the referee's

hand signals and everything?

Oh, sure!

Come on, let's go tell
the g*ng the game's on!

Viv, what are hand signals?

Call Harry. Call Harry.

Well, if you don't know them
by now, you'll never know them.

Let's get started.

All right.

Uh, give me the
signal for, uh, offside.


Hey, very good.

Thank you. Any questions?

Uh, just one.

What's "offside" mean?

Offside is when
one of the players

crosses the line of scrimmage

before the ball
has been snapped.

You got that?

Yes, sir. Okay, now,

the next signal... What's
the line of scrimmage?

That's an imaginary line

between the offensive
and defensive linemen.

Oh. Got it? Mm.

Now give me the signal
for... What's a lineman?

Wouldn't it be easier if you got
married again before next Friday

and let your new
husband referee?

Well, I'm sorry now, Harry.

I only got as far as the
hand signals in the book.

All right, I'll teach you
the fundamentals later.

Now, give me the
signal for clipping.

Clipping? Clipping.

Very good!

Now, the penalty for
clipping is 15 yards.

So, you march off 15 yards.

Okay. Right.

Lucy, what are you doing?

You give the signal and
then you pace off the yardage.

Oh, well, that's good news.

Boy, that was m*rder.

All right, now,
give me the signal

for backfield in motion.

Backfield in motion. Yeah.

Backfield in motion.


Now, give me the signal
for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Unsportsmanlike conduct. Right.


Uh, is it, uh...


Could it be, uh...

I know it's gonna
sound silly to you,

but this is it.

Oh, yes, yes.

conduct, that's right.

Lu, why don't you
forget the whole thing?

Maybe I can get one of my
fellas to take the flight for me,

and I'll do it for you.

No, now I want
to be the referee.

This is very important to Jerry.

But you're never going
to learn the signals.

Oh, come on, of course I will.

Give me another chance!
Start from the beginning.

Oh, all right.

Ready? Yeah.

Okay, offside!

Illegal motion!

Unsportsmanlike conduct!

Illegal forward pass!


Backfield in motion!

Personal foul!


Roughing the kicker!

Penalty refused!



- Backfield in motion!
- Holding!

Unsportsmanlike conduct!

Roughing the kicker!

Personal foul! Clipping!


Illegal motion!

Unsportsmanlike conduct!

That's it, touchdown!

Hold it! Hold it!

I just want to know one thing.

What's the signal for
"Time out for the Referee"?

Two, three, four!

One, two, three, four!

Hi there, everybody!

Gee, Mom, you took
swell, like a real referee.

Well, thank you.

Okay, will the two captains

please step forward?

All ready for the toss.

Here we go, now, you
two fellas want to shake?

Okay, here we go.

And heads it is!

Now, which team kicks
and which team receives?

Aunt Lucy? What?

You're supposed
to tell one of us

to call heads or tails.

Oh, well, okay, here we go now.

Call it, Tony.


Where'd it go?

Anybody see where that went?

Come on, fellas, help
me find the penny.

Must be in here someplace.

I didn't see it...

Well, never mind, I got
another penny in my purse.

Viv, can I have
my purse, please?

Oh, boy!

A referee with a purse!

Go over there, small fry.

I got some change
in here someplace.

Oh, boy, these bags, I tell you.

You can get an
awful lot in them,

but you just never can find
anything when you need it.

You want to hang on
to that for me, please?

Oh, picture of the kids.

Here we are...

Just hang on to
that for a minute.

I got some change
down in the bottom here.

Help me with this.

Here it is!

I got it.

Okay, put it all back.

Thanks a lot. There we go.

Thank you.

Would you get
off the field, lady?

No one's allowed on the field.

Okay, fellas, here we go now.

You call it.


Tails it is!

We'll receive.

We'll take that
goal and kickoff.


They're gonna receive
and they're gonna kick.


Are you ready?

Everybody ready?

Oh, that's a beauty!

That is a beauty!

Are you all right, Mom?

Yeah, I'm all right.

Aunt Lucy, the referee is
supposed to keep out of the way.


Okay, I'll try to remember that.

Ready, break!

Is something wrong, Aunt Lucy?

My whistle's broken.

Oh, good grief.

Well, all right, all right,
I'll whistle this way.

Three, down, set...

One, two...


That's no touchdown!
He stepped out of bounds!

Did not. Did, too. Ask the ref.

How about it, Mom?

Did Jimmy step out of
bounds or was it a touchdown?

I don't know. I wasn't watching.

You weren't watching?!

Well, I'm sorry. I
broke my whistle.

I was fixing my whistle.

I didn't see it.

There, now it's fixed.

All right, so play
it over again.

This time I'll watch.

Set, one, two...

Attaboy, Jerry!

All right, Jerry, run it back!

That's the way!

Come on, Jerry!

Come on! Yeah!

Attaboy, Jerry! Attaboy!

That's my Jerry. My son...

This is the most embarrassing
day in my entire life.

Well, I'm sorry, honey.

Imagine... having
to forfeit a game

because of a crooked referee.

This may be the end
of my football career.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

Why don't we all
move to another town

and start a new life?

Fellas, can you ever forgive me?

I doubt it.

I'm with Jerry.

On account of you, nobody gets
to go to the pro game Sunday.

Oh, Viv, did you
see their faces?

What can I do?

Maybe you should move to a
new town and start a new life.

Oh, Viv!

I know how I can
make it up to them.


I'll take all the
kids, both teams,

to the game at Yankee
Stadium Sunday.

Well, now, that's very
noble of you, dear,

but where are you
going to get the money

for 25 tickets to
a football game?

I can do it if you help me.

Now, Lucy, you know I'm broke.

I don't want your money.

All I want you to do is
promise not to complain

if I serve spaghetti
for a month.

Spaghetti for a whole month?!

Aw, come on,
Viv, it's for the kids.

Well, all right.

But only if you agree

to throw in a
meatball on Sundays.

Oh, thanks, Viv.

Jerry, Sherman.

You sure have a big heart.

Uh-huh. And after
a month of spaghetti,

I'll have hips to match.


Hey, kids, I got a great idea.

Is it anything
like the last one?

No, Jerry, it's a lot better.

Just to make up for
all my bad refereeing,

I'm going to take all the kids,

both teams, to the
game at Yankee Stadium

next Sunday.

Oh boy! Now look,
you go upstairs

and call everybody
and tell them to be here

9:00 Sunday morning ready to go.

Okay. Okay?

Yay! We get to go to the game!


You know something, Lucy?

For a crooked referee,
you're a pretty nice mother.




This is turning into a blizzard.

It's been snowing steadily
since yesterday morning.

Well, we'll have fun.

We'll be all wrapped
up in blankets.

We'll have hot
chocolate to drink.

They'll have a ball.


Is that the phone? Yeah.

I'll get it in the
kitchen. Okay.

Mom, are we going to
be leaving pretty soon?

Yes, honey, just as
soon as Harry gets here

with the station wagon.

I sure wish he'd hurry.

Yeah, me, too.

We're gonna have
a lot of fun though.

We're going to be all wrapped
up in nice warm blankets

and we're gonna be drinking
gallons of hot chocolate.

Lucy! We're gonna have a ball...


Can I see you for a minute?


We'll be going soon, kids.

It's all off.

What are you talking about?

That was Harry calling.

He was down at
the filling station

having chains put on his tires,

and they told him all the
roads to New York are closed

on account of the
blizzard. Oh, no!

What are the boys going to say?

I haven't any idea.

Well, you go on
in and tell them,

and let me know.

Okay, I'll...

Why should I tell them?

Well, it's only fair.

I got us into this...
You get us out.


You guys are so
lucky I gave them...

Kids, fellas, fellas,
be quiet just a minute.

I have some wonderful news.

We're not going to have to
sit out in this awful blizzard,

getting soaked to the
skin, fighting off pneumonia

by drinking ice-cold
hot chocolate.

All the roads to
New York are closed,

so we're going to stay here
in this nice, warm living room

and watch the
game on television.

How's that sound, g*ng?

He's got the football now,

and he's fading back, back.

He sh**t it,
and it looks like...

Yes, Phillips has it.

He starts the run and
he's tackled now on the 35.

And it's a first down!

Coming out of the huddle now...

Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!

Get out, lady!

Come on.

He moves down to the 40, the 30,

and is pulled down
around the 25-yard line...

Yankee Stadium is going wild.

Well, it seems to
be going pretty well.

They seem to be
having as much fun

as if they were at the game.

The way they're eating,

I'm sure their stomachs
don't know the difference.

Well, the game
will be over soon.

Well, I should
think it would be.

It seems to me that
game's been on so long

they must be playing
two out of three.

Well, cheer up.

They'll be going home soon.


Oh, hi, Chris.




Yeah, well I'll
talk to you later.

Okay, dear.

Oh, dear!

What's the matter with Chris?

She's staying over
at Cynthia's all night.

What's so unusual about that?

She can't get home.

Because of the blizzard,
the roads are impassable.

Nobody's going anywhere.

Nobody's going anywhere?

That's right.

At all?

That's right.

Not you, not me, and not one

of those 25 dear little
chaps in the living room.


I have a feeling

that before this
weekend is over,

we're gonna wish that
angry mob had caught us.

Well, they're all bedded down,

and believe it or
not, they're asleep.

Where'd you put them all?

All over the place.

The house looks like
there's been a leak

at Boys Town.

We'd better get
to bed ourselves.

We've got to get up
early and feed the troops.

Yeah, I'm beat.

So am I.

Come on.

I just forgot.

I put four of 'em in your bed

and four of 'em in mine.

Oh, Lucy!

I'm so tired, I could
sleep standing up.

Hey, there's a couch
in the basement.

Ah... come here!

Where're you going?
How come you get it?

I thought of it.
Besides, you said

you could sleep standing up.

That's before I knew there
was a couch in the basement.



Come downstairs. Quick!

What do you mean come down...

Stop it! Stop it!

Stop it. Oh, fellas, please.

Stop it! Stop that.

I don't think that's
very nice of you guys...

Are you crazy or something?

Stop it!

Jerry, stop it!

Stop it!
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