02x15 - Aizen Assassinated! The Darkness which Approaches

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x15 - Aizen Assassinated! The Darkness which Approaches

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday Hinamori!
I-It can't be!
Captain Aizen!
Captain Aizen No No Captain Aizen!
What's all this racket, so early in the morning?
Oh my This is a terrible situation, isn't it?
Be careful Be careful of Squad 3.

Especially when Aizen goes out walking alone.

Did you do this?
Kira Why?
I'm the lieutenant of Squad 3.

No matter what the reason, I cannot allow anyone to raise a sword against the captain.

Please get out of my way Kira!
I cannot.

Get out of my way!
Can't you hear me?
I said to move!
Did you hear me say "no"?
Releasing your Zanpakuto here How thoughtless!
Do you realize what you are doing?
Do not confuse public matters with private ones, Lieutenant Hinamori!
I see Then I have no choice.

I shall dispose of you as an enemy.

Raise your head, Wabisuke!
Don't move, both of you.

Hitsugaya Arrest the both of them!
ls this any time to be clashing swords with each other?
Shouldn't your first priority be to lower Captain Aizen down from there?
I will make the report to the Head Captain.

Put those two under detention.

Take them away.

Sorry, that you had to waste your time on one of mine Captain of Squad 10 Ichimaru You were about to k*ll Hinamori, weren't you?
Now, now What are you talking about?
I'll tell you this now If you spill any of Hinamori's blood I Will k*ll you!
That's scary I'd better keep a close eye on her to make sure no bad guys get to her.

What's going on?
Captain Ichimaru!
Captain Hitsugaya!
What's this?
Captain Aizen is What in the-?
Get Captain Aizen down.

Y-Yes, sir.

What the-?
What are you doing, you fell asleep on my knee!
How disgusting!
My only good pair of pants is slimy with your drool!
Damn it!
He's exhausted.

Don't give him a hard time over a little drool.

I-Ichigo A-Are you all right now?

Thanks to Hanataro.

Your aches and pains are gone too, right?
Oh now that you mention it It looked like he was up treating your wounds early this morning, even though he was tired.

I see I guess he was helping me out before I even knew it.

What is it?
Things are gonna get even harder than it's been, from here on out.

The enemy's probably getting very irritated about now.

You're serious about doing this, aren't you?
I hope your heart is set on it.

She's waiting.

I didn't come here to take a tour of the sewers, after all.

Please stop it!
Please stop!
You shouldn't come on to me like this.

I-I'm sorry Oh!
G-Good morning What the heck were you dreaming about?
I-I can't say SADO Chad?

It's Sado.

You're huge!
Isn't that our uniform?
I've never seen you before.

I'm scheduled to transfer to Mashiba Junior High today.

I'm in class 2-F.

We're the same age?
I mean, we're in the same class?
What the hell?
Why didn't you hit back?
Well, in any case, thanks for helping me out.

Hey, should you be standing up?
Y-Yeah no problem.

You sure?
You really got pounded.

You're bleeding.

Don't be ridiculous.

If not for the rocks and stuff they used, I would've won.

So, these guys are third-year students.

Did you do something to them?
Nope Upperclassmen just don't like my hair.

They don't like anybody who stands out.

That's all it is.

Isn't it the same with you?
I mean, you must really stand out.

Well, shall we get going, Chad?
It's Sado.

You're wobbly, you know You don't like being called Chad?
It's cool, don't you think?
Like Dominic Chad Never heard of him.

Who is he?
You've never heard of him?
Then, how about Chad Smith?
Never heard of him.

But I have heard of Eugene Chadbourne.

Who's that?
It was a dream.

Dreaming of the past just like an old man.

Where is he?
Is he there?
No Okay, this warehouse next.

Group Three, go 'round the back!
But, thank goodness If I'd been woken by these knocks it would've turned into the worst day ever.

And just what is that?
In order not to get tired and to continue working like workhorses, every member of Squad 4 is supplied with this special nutritional tonic.

There's a picture of a skull on it.

Are you sure you weren't tricked?
Take one tablet, and amazingly gulp.

Up we go.

Well, shall we be on our way?
- Hold on, hold on, hold on, hey!
- Hold on, hold on, hold on, hey!
What is it?
What do you mean, "What is it?
Did that pill do anything?
It didn't, did it?
What are you talking about?
Doesn't my face look like I'm full of energy?
It looks the same as a minute ago.

I think you were tricked, after all.


There's no one around.

We just fought here yesterday.

It seems weird that there aren't any guards around.

The enemy probably wouldn't think we'd still be hanging around here a day later.

I suppose so Boy, I'm full of energy now!
Well, you don't look it.

Hey, by the way, you think the others are okay?
Like the guy with the glasses and white cape, and the cutie with walnut-colored hair The "cutie"?
That word's not in anymore.

I don't think "in" is the word anymore, either.

I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Ishida and Inoue are a hundred times smarter than me.

So does that mean you're a hundred times dumber than they are.

That's what it means.

I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Those two wouldn't take on enemies they know they can't beat.

They're fine, I'm sure What about the other one Chad?
There's even less cause to worry about him.

Why's that?
I can sense it Huh?
I can sense it.

I can sense his Spiritual Pressure.

Ever since we got here.

Besides I can't imagine Chad ever losing.

Damn Y-You're a monster Where is the Senzaikyu?
When I asked where Rukia Kuchiki was, the last guy just said that and fainted.

I don't know where it is.

Please tell me.

U-Uh Th-Thataway It's way over there.

That white tower-like thing.

That's the Senzaikyu.

Oh Please spare me I got it Thank you.

Uh, you're welcome.

Turning your back on your enemy You're a fool!
I-I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
D-Don't k*ll me!
Spare me!
Forgive me!
I'll forget I ever saw you!
Don't come after me again Huh?
N-No I won't do it again.

He's not going to k*ll me?
For real?
Now then We're finally here Let's go to the Senzaikyu!
He's here!
It's the Ryoka!
It appears he broke through the station gate.

Captain Kyoraku Huh?
What, he's here already?
Oh, well I guess I'll head out, then.

Are you really going?
It's just one Ryoka.

I'm your lieutenant.

I should be able to handle it.

Listen, Nanao It's Old Man Yemen's orders, so it can't be helped.

He doesn't want anyone thinking we're still having problems with the Ryoka.

Grown-ups hate losing face, you know.

Besides it would be awful if my dear Nanao went out to fight and ended up being injured.

Since when am I "your dear Nanao"?
Oh You're even more heartless than usual.

That's what's so wonderful about you!
I got it!
I got it, so hurry up and go!
Yes, ma'am.

Don't look so worried.

It'll be over before you know it.

I'll just have some fun.

Damn it!
This sure is a long staircase!
How many steps are there anyway?
Just shut up!
I'll see you later!
Didn't I tell you?
That tonic really works.

- No way!
- No way!
All right, we made it!
No one's around.

Security's lax here, too.


Okay, let's head straight inside!
W-What's with this impossibly powerful Spiritual Pressure?
Wha What's doing this?
I looked up into the night sky and saw a comet!
I want to see you right now, but I can't fly If I could become a comet I would fly across the sky I'm sure With this instantaneous light that will definitely reach you I would circle the skies and shine over you If I could become a comet I'm sure I'll always stay close to you Now and forever By the way, have we eaten anything lately?
I'm hungry.

Then let's go to the cafeteria.

Okay, let's go eat some fried rice.

Not that way, this way!
Funny I've been waiting for so long, but they still aren't here.

Did Kenny get stood up?
Here it is!
Here it is!
Squad 4, 7th Seat, Hanataro Yamada!
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