01x02 - A Shinigami's Work

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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01x02 - A Shinigami's Work

Post by bunniefuu »



Good morning, Ichigo!




You nuts?

What kind of sick, twisted
freak att*cks his own son

while he's just
lying there sleeping?

You are getting good!

It looks like
there's nothing left

for me to teach you, my son.


Wait a minute!

What about Kagine and Yuzu's
injuries from last night?

Huh? Injuries?

What are you talking about?


It's a miracle!

A truck plows right into
our house and none of us

even get so much as
a single scratch!

What's more miraculous is
the fact that none of us

even woke up when it happened.

I don't get it.

Their wounds are
completely gone.

They think that a
truck did all this?

Could this have been
the work of that soul reaper?


You better hurry up
and eat breakfast,

or you're going to be late!


I wonder if she went
back to that place

she was talking about.

The Soul Society.

Orihime! Did you bring lunch


Leftover taiyaki-style
ramen with wasabi and honey.

Would you like some, Tatsuki?

That's okay.

But it's really good!


Oh, it's you.
Hey, Orihime.

Oh no, I'm sorry!


You knock her down,
and that's all you can say?

What the heck's
the matter with you?

Sorry about that.

You going to be all right?





Oh no!

That's all right, really!

I-- I-- have v--
v-- v-- volleyball!

That's right! Volleyball!


What's the matter with her?

What could it be?

Maybe it was your ugly mug!

By the way,
why are you so late?

I mean, it's time
for lunch already.

Yeah, don't worry about it.

I'll tell you later.

Hey, Ichigo!

I heard a truck crashed into
your house last night, dude!

Pretty much.

So, did you clean
it all up yet?

What are you, kidding?

It's going to take forever.

Need any help?


That's okay.

Yeah, Chad. I mean,
you could end up

bringing the whole house down,
you know?

Hey, what have we got next?

Language lab.

Hello. You're Ichigo,
aren't you?



I'll be sitting next
to you from now on.

My name is Rukia.

Ah! It's-- it's you!

Hey, Ichigo!
What's wrong with you?

You two know each-other?

Course not!
We've never met before!

Isn't that right,


Rukia's a brand new
transfer student.

Nice to meet you!

It's a pleasure!

I'LL k*ll YOU!



All right, you
freaky little nut job.

What the hell do you
think you're doing?

How scary, you big brute.

Jeepers, you're not going
to hurt me, are you?

First of all, you can
knock it off with that

goody two shoes act, okay?

Well, I think it's
pretty good, considering

I learned it overnight.

All right, forget it.

So tell me just what you're
doing here now, anyway.

Weren't you supposed
to be heading back to

your Soul Society
or whatever it was?

I can't.

Only soul reapers can go
back to the Soul Society.

I haven't the power
to return anymore.

What you mean?

Last night, I lost almost all
of my powers as a soul reaper.

I'm afraid they were all
absorbed into you, Ichigo.

Huh? I wouldn't know
anything about that.

Thanks to you, for
the time being,

I'm stuck in this
ridiculous Gigai form.

What do you mean by Gigai?

It's a temporary
body that serves

as a vessel in an emergency.

If the soul reaper
is drastically weakened,

they reside inside of a Gigai
until their powers come back.

Oh, now I get it.

So that's why the others were
able to see you before, right?


And so, until all
of my powers come back,

it's up to you,
Ichigo, to perform

the duties of a soul reaper.

It's only natural.

You now possess
the strength of a soul reaper.

You do not have the right
to refuse your calling.

No way!

My monster fighting
days are over.

That was a one-time deal.

Don't be ridiculous Ichigo.

You did just fine yesterday.

That was only because
my family was in danger.

But it's not like
I'm ready to go and fight

for complete
strangers or anything.

Sorry to disappoint you.

I see.

Guess there's
no other choice, then.





Ah, crap!
What happened to my body?

What in the world
did you do to me?

Follow me.

Hey, you going

to tell me where
we're going, here?

We're getting close.

Close to what?

Our latest orders
from the soul society.

It looks like a spirit of a boy
that dwells here in this park

is likely to come
under attack soon.




Help me!

Wait! Hold on!
What is it?

Just where are you going?

That boy's a complete
stranger, isn't he?

So what?

I can't just stand by
and let this happen.

You expect me to watch him die?

Don't be such a fool.

In the eyes of a soul reaper,

all the spirits
of this world are equal.

Getting involved simply
because spirits are nearby

or they need help
isn't how it works.

RUKIO: Leave him be.

If you intend
to help this child,

then commit yourself
to saving every spirit.

You must be willing
to go to any length,

even to sacrifice your life.



Have you made your
decision, Ichigo?

Like hell, I have.

I haven't decided to do squat.

I saved this kid
because I wanted to.

You hear me?

What about you?


I seem to remember you
putting your life on the line

to save me last night.

Tell me,

were you really
thinking about your duty

when you rushed to help me?

Of course not. That's
the last thing on your mind

when you save someone.


At the very least,
I choose...


...to be different!

You okay?

Hey, kid.

If you don't want to
go through that again,

you better hurry up
and pass on already.


You did that
quite beautifully.

I'm gone.





What are you doing?




What's happening?
Where am I? I don't understand.

What are you going to
do to me?


You are a lost little spirit.

Now, let's devour this soul.


Get him!





"Hear my voice, oh Lord.

"Help your humble child
understand why she was born.

"And if your divine
will wishes it,

"summon her back to your side.

I await your--"

Jeez, would you
shut up already?

What is your problem?

I am studying
contemporary language.

You're off
by a couple centuries.

So tell me. How long do you
plan on following me around?

Until you answer
your calling as a soul reaper.

Yeah, right. Whatever.




Uh, Ichigo!

Did you just get
hit by that car?

Oh! Maybe.

What do you mean, maybe?

Are you going to be okay?

Mm-hm! It was just a little bump
on my head.

Don't worry! I'm fine. I swear!

You sure you're okay?

Where did that car
go that hit you?

Hm? It drove away.


Huh? Oh, sorry.


Well, all right.

I guess as long as
you're okay, then.


That's right,
and just who are you?

Hello! She's in
the same class as you!

Her name is Orihime!

Get your head
out of your butt!


Oh, of course!
Orihime! How are you?

Oh, I'm great,
thank you!

Well now, it appears that
you've been shopping.

Oh, that's right! Dinner!

My leeks, bananas, butter,
and bean jam

seem to have made it, too!

Ugh. I don't want to know what
she's going to make with that.


How did you get that
bruise on your leg?

What bruise? Oh, I guess
that happened just now

when that car ran into me.

Jeez! Does it hurt?

A little bit! But I'm okay.

You sure?

Um, what's
the matter, Rukio?

Is anything wrong?

Uh, right, well...

you take care!


So you want me
to walk you home?

Uh, I'm okay, really.

See ya!

Man, she needs to
be more careful.


So then, that girl.

Huh? Oh, do you mean

Are you close to her?
Nah, I'm not really.

I barely know her,
and we don't really talk much.

But she's friends with a buddy
of mine from the neighborhood,

so I see her around.


Around three years back or so,
her older brother Sora

was in this terrible accent
and died at our clinic.


He was in a car wreck.

He was the only family she had.

Big brother!

Big brother!

You can't die! Please!

Don't leave me all alone!

I'd never realized that she was
the girl I saw crying that day.

I only found that out
just recently.

How in tune to the
spirit realm were you?


Not as much as I am now.

I mean, it's really
only recently

I've been able to fully
see and communicate

with the spirit realm.

Just as I thought.

Why? What's up?
What are you thinking?


See you later.

Huh? Hey!

Where are you going?

Back home.

Where's that?

You really want to know?

I guess not.

Then don't ask me.


Yeah, right.



Hi, Tatsuke!

My mom thought that I should
bring this over for you.

It's stewed beef
and potatoes.



Home-made beef and potatoes!

Oh, boy!
This is delicious!

I swear, if I bring
meals over for you to eat,

you always end up cooking
the weirdest stuff.

I never thought about it.

You really think so?

Um, yeah.

I mean, what is this stuff?

Hey, Ichigo?

You haven't seen my pajamas,
have you?

Yuzu, come on!

Knock before
you come in here!

Well, I'm sorry I asked.

You've been so mean since
you started high school!

Have not, and I don't know
where your pajamas are.

That is just so odd.

One of my dresses
has gone missing too.

Why do you feel the need to
ask me about every little thing?

Do I look like I care?

Okay, goodnight.


Hm. An order?

What the? Huh? Huh?


Hey, Ichigo!

What the heck?
What are you doing in there?

Are those my sister's
P.J.s you've got on?

I'll explain later.

We got orders.

We're not alone.

Wait, what are you saying?

Get down!



Why are you standing
there? Do something!

You have to aim for its head!






You need to focus! Don't just
swing your sword around!

Shut up!

Who cares, as long as I k*ll it?



You're mine!


Too shallow.







It's getting away.
Let's go.

Ichigo, what's the matter?

Something's not right.


I got a look
at that thing's face.

And it was Orihime's
dead brother!

Are you certain?




Here's a word of advice.


When attacking hollows,
come from behind

and cleave their
heads with one blow.

Don't forget.

It's basic theory
for any soul reaper.

Why? What do you mean?

It will keep your
injuries to a minimum.

Also, with any luck,
it will keep you

from learning
the hollow's identity.

Wait a minute.

What do you mean,
the identity?

You just saw for yourself.

Do you understand?

The hollows were once
souls of human beings,

no different from anyone else.


You-- you never told me that!

So that thing I saw was
just a monster, wasn't it?

It was some beast
from the underworld

that needed
to be wiped out.

That is correct.
He is just a monster now.

And he must be destroyed.

But it was human once.

It can't be helped.

Souls that hold onto feelings
of resentment or regret

will sometimes resist konso

and linger on
alone in this world.

Should that happen, they either
become hollows on their own,

or they're devoured
by other hollows

and become one of the fold.

But that's--

They were together?

Mm-hm. But they were just
walking home together, Tatsuke.

What's the matter?
Oh man.

I never knew Ichigo was
such a smooth operator.

I mean, honestly.

He didn't even walk you
home when you were hurt!

Well, no.

I mean, he did ask me
if I wanted him to walk me home.

But I--

I'm warning, you!

You better watch out, champ.

Because I'm winning
this match!

Yeah, hey, wake up!
You're daydreaming again!

I'll give you a right,
and another!

Bam! Ah! Look out!
He's got a g*n!



Hey, what was that?







♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


Greetings, viewers!

It is I, the century's premiere
spiritualist and messenger

from hell, Don Kanonji!

Remember, the spirits
are always with you!


It's not even your cue yet!

Ah, we're out of time again!
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