01x49 - Beyond Limits

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x49 - Beyond Limits

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Working together with his friends,
Asta continued his battle with Vetto.


Vetto was able to overcome
those att*cks, too.

Not bad for insects!

If even one of you makes the
smallest mistake, you'll die instantly!

In this life-or-death situation,

Asta continued to swing his sword,

believing in his friends
and in their victory.


It's not just them.

Guess we got here in time.

Mirror Magic: Reflect Refrain!

Cotton Creation Magic:

Sleeping Sheep's...

One Hit

One Hit!

Two Hit

Two Hit!

Mega Hit!

Mega Hit!!

What's going on?

It's my transformation magic!

You pesky insects! Despair already!


We don't have time for that!

We're being led far away

Until we shatter the road
between light and darkness

Yo Guess who's back

Everybody get down

Guess who's back

Hey step up step up!

Beyond Limits

I'm falling down because of a twist of fate

The harmony we had is in the past

Still left behind

The scent of you is stuck in my head

Can't shake it

Waiting just isn't enough anymore, Yai yah!

Hey Guess Who is back!?

As I hold on to my wish

Hey Guess Who is back!?

The roulette points to tomorrow

Hey Guess Who is back!?

Let the light shine

Hey Guess Who is back!?

In the dark maze

Hey Guess Who is back!?

Hey Guess Who is back!?

Until we seize the hope in front of us


We did it!



We won!

Is that what you thought?

Did you think your puny strengths
combined would actually work against me?

Well? Did you?

I let you hit me on purpose, in a non-vital
spot, so I could steal your w*apon!


I know that once you lose all hope,
the most unmistakable despair is created!

Fall into the darkness of despair!



That's right! That's the way I wanted
to hear you humans scream!

Now, fall fully into despair!

Despair! Despair! Despair!

Despair! Despair! Despair!

Despair! Despair!

Despair! Despair!

Despair! Despair! Despair!



How do you like that, insect?!
I'd like to see you try to stand again now!


Not yet!

Not yet...

I'm not...

giving up yet!

Asta... You're so...

He's right. We're not...

...giving up yet!

Curse you!


You're not getting away!

How'd you like that, you despair freak?!

That's the last of our magic!


We'll never give up.

We'll never lose

to someone like you!

Asta, are you all right?!

He's different from us.

He was born without magic into this
world where magic is everything.

But... Perhaps the gods of fate didn't
give him magic because he's like this.

He's someone who's going to make
it to the top in this world.

We need to let him fight and guide him!

Little boy, I'll support your broken arm!

Thanks, Miss Vanessa!

Now I... can still fight!

We're doing this again, Finral!


I'm going to do this! No matter
how many times it takes!

I still have one sword left!


Why won't you despair?

I told you! I don't have time for that!

There's someone I can't lose to!

You and despair... are in
the way of our promise!

Silence! You insects can be swatted away!

I've already seen through your movements—

My eyes can't keep up with his movements.

Because the Demon-Dweller Sword
is still embedded in me,

the magic I was using to increase
my physical abilities has weakened!

I thought that I had stolen his w*apon.

But are you saying it was my
w*apon that was actually stolen?!

There is no way that I would
lose... against you humans!

You haven't won against anyone!

Did any of them actually give up before you?

No one has despaired!

Shut your mouth!


My magic... But...

This time I'll end you for good—

Not yet...

Not yet...

I'm not giving up yet!

He's the same as me... No...

He's no beast.

The three leaves of the clover
represent faith, hope, and love.

Within a fourth leaf dwells good luck.

Within a fifth leaf...

He's... a demon who devours even despair.

Grey words can't make anything happen

I know, yeah I know

Wishing to fly freely across the sky

I dreamed it all my life

Step by step I go, though
it's a doubtful world

Don't care how much I fall

Instinct is my guide, I never give up

To faraway future, I burst out running

Go beyond even the unseen fears

The vision I had, so I can be myself


Someday I will write the next page

You've lost!

You are my hope

Like that page from someday

I was able to meet you

I call this a miracle

His magic disappeared.

Th-There's no question this time!

We won!

How do you like that, you bastard?!


Little boy!

Well done! I'm so proud of you!

I knew you could win, little boy!

You're so amazing, la!

Thank goodness you didn't despair!

Damn... That shrimp is full of guts.


That hurts! I'm injured all over, remember?!

Oh... Sorry.

He did it! He defeated that beast!

What was the power that
came from the kid earlier?

That kid's amazing!

I thought we were done for!

Thank you, Magic Knights!

Thank you so much!

Miss Vanessa, how are their wounds?

They're deep, but none of
them are life-threatening.

Finral, do you think you can transport
them with your spatial magic?

I'm exhausted. I think it'll take a
little longer for my magic to recover.

You're so useless, you coward.

Useless?! I have seniority, damn it!

I hope Kiato and Kahono will be
able to dance and sing again.

Jeez. Do you really have time
to worry about other people?

Look at how beat up you are.
And to think you actually believed in us.

There's something seriously
wrong with you, Asta.

Yeah. You never know when that
coward Finral will run away.

Yup, yup...

Hey, that's mean. Though it's true
that I did want to run away.

But when I saw Asta,
my body moved on its own.

Little boy, because you didn't give up...

Because you believed in us,
we were able to win.

Thank you.

What are you talking about?

You're my seniors, who Captain Yami
accepted into the Black Bulls.

Of course I believe in you!

You sure know how to make a girl smile.

Stop making your seniors cry.

You've got some great seniors, la.

I'd expect nothing less from the
juniors that Captain Yami accepted.

Well, I'm pretty sure he's the
only one who'd ever accept

someone who has no magic.

Hey, I'm one of your juniors too, you know.

Noelle! I heard you did great, too!

You learned some insane
new attack spell, right?

That's right! The Sea Dragon's Roar!

It was seriously amazing!

Y-Yeah! You'd better compliment me more!

And she's cute to boot!

This royal's basically a celebrity!

Y-Yeah! That has nothing to do with the
battle, but keep the compliments coming!

And just once more...

D-D-Don't get any weird ideas!

I wasn't even thinking!

Oh, sorry.

All right! Let's have a drink
to celebrate our victory!

Now's not the time to drink!

We need to figure out a way to tie up
that guy and haul him outta here.

He has an eyeball in his forehead and
said something about my sword...

But most of all, he's one of the
leaders of the Eye of the Midnight Sun!

There's a lot we have to ask him!

Vetto... Vetto...

Stop crying, Vetto.

Those damn humans...
hurting this tiny little bird...

I can't forgive them.

I chased them away. Let's go
home and tend to its wounds.

I'm sorry that you always
have to save me, Licht.

What are you talking about?
We're friends, aren't we?

I'll always save you.

We're just like this bird.

Because it can fly,
like we can use special magic,

they envy and want to hurt us.

But I believe that one day, we and the humans
will be able to understand each other.

Licht... I'm sure if you
say so, it'll come true.

Hope, eh?

It's a very sweet notion.

To me, Licht was... yes,
he was hope personified.

But the ones who stole
that hope away from me...

were you humans!

This magic...

You're kidding, right?

I'm taking you all down with me... No...

I'll blow this whole temple to smithereens!


That bastard!

Even they won't be able to stop that.

Let me the hell out of here!

It's no use.

It's the same as last time!

Even the captains could barely stop it!

It's the same as him...
No, this magic's even stronger!

Don't tell me he's planning to self-destruct!

My threads are being erased...
It's growing even bigger!

I can't get any closer like this!

Guys, we're not going to be
doing anything different!

We'll just kick his ass again!

No, no, no, that's not—

What the heck am I saying?

I almost gave up again!

We've come this far! I'm not
giving up until the end!

Well said, Finral!

If you figure this out,
I'll go on a date with you.

Seriously?! I'll do it!

There must be something we can still do!

I won't forgive anyone who gets
in the way of my seeing Marie!

I'm going to defeat him and eat seafood
I haven't even discovered yet!

I'm scared, but I'll do my best!

All right! Bring it on!

Right, consider it brought.

Hey, you dumbasses. You good?

Captain Yami!

Yami! You finally came!

B-But I thought you were trapped...

As you can see, I broke through
the spatial magic and got out.

Though I might've been
a bit forceful about it.


Couldn't you have done that a bit sooner?

Shut it! I have my reasons!

If I'm not wanted here,
I can go home, you know.


He's sulking!

Kiato! Kahono!

All because I wanted to
play this stupid game...

Gio... I'm sorry to drag you into
this old fool's mess, too.

B-But to think this man
could use magic like that...

He's truly a monster.

I was right not to let him
participate in the game.

Looks like we don't have much time,
so let's get this over with.

All right! Now that Captain Yami's here,

we've basically got a whole
cavalry... no, a whole army!

Let's beat the snot outta that guy!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...

What? Who do you think you're talking to?

Did your head swell because you
thought you took the enemy down?

Ow, ow, ow... What do you mean?!

I'm saying that I can take him on my own.

You guys risked your lives fighting him.

I'm the captain, so I've gotta go all-out.







Who are you again?

I'm Grey!

And Magna and Luck...

You guys did good.

Yami complimented me!

I'll be nice and take care of the cleanup.

Or rather, I'm taking all the glory.

Seriously... You guys did well.

The reason I was able to surpass my limits...

is because of all of you, you dumbasses!

Getting trapped and pushed
against a wall was worth it.

This spell reminds me a bit of
a certain stretched-out weirdo,

and that bothers me, but still...

It's no use...

You humans shall taste despair... Despair!

Shut up with the despair this, despair
that already, you three-eyed goon!

It doesn't matter how strong your magic is!

This spell cuts through dimensions!

Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash!

Consider that my thanks for
looking after my squad.

See ya, Mister Despair.

4 AM in the morning

Why can't I sleep?

On such a bad day, whispering
"Bye Bye Black Birds"

Won't make my anxiety go away

for hours, lately

I've been crying for hours Baby

I wish you were here

All those letters that you gave to me

Every time I read them again, the pain's gone

We're not alone, cause we're perfect as four

Even though we're far apart,
we're connected, believing you

I always feel you next to me

closer to me and a "clover" for you

I wish you the best of luck

You know you're not alone,
cause we're perfect as four

Even though we're far apart,
we're connected, you live in me

I'll always be by your side

closer to me and a "clover" for you

I wish you the best of luck

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Captain of the Black Bulls

The Professional
The Way of the Toilet

The Professional
The Way of the Toilet

Yami Sukehiro.

As the captain who leads
the rest of the Black Bulls,

he does most of his thinking on the toilet.

Our investigative team
asked him one question.

Why the toilet...?

Why else? It's because the toilet is there.

But let me just say one thing.

Before going in, you need to
make sure there's toilet paper.

Those who enter a bathroom
without toilet paper

are like birds who've had
their wings torn off.

They'll never be able to
fly out to the blue sky

that lies beyond the bathroom ever again.

By the way, the one in charge of the toilet
paper here is the brat, but he always forgets.

I've seen hell many times because of him,
but I showed him an even worse hell.

Captain Yami! I'm going to fall!

After that, his remarks about the
toilet continued for hours.

But there was one thing we wanted to ask
him before we finished this interview.

How long are you going to stay on the toilet...?

Hey! Hey! Captain Yami!

How long are you going to stay in there?!

Shut up! I can't come out because
you didn't restock the toilet paper!

Let me out of here, damn it!

Damn it... I can't just fool around
after you guys worked so hard.

Black Clover, Page 50:
"End of the Battle, End of Despair."

Page 50
End of the Battle, End of Despair

See ya, Mister Despair.
That's important, so I said it twice!
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