01x36 - Three Eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x36 - Three Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Asta and Yami face off with the leader
of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, Licht,

and end up in a life or death situation.

Farewell, Yami Sukehiro.

Light Magic: Ray of Divine Punishment.

He came.

But at that moment, Finral and Gauche arrived!


Mirror Magic: Full Reflection!

Gauche used a miraculous spell, and Licht's
own spell was reflected right back at him.

No matter how big it is...

Mirrors reflect light!

Though just barely,

they were finally able to defeat the leader
of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, Licht.

Three Eyes

That was really something, Gauche.

I'm alive!

Finral! Gauche! What just happened?!

I couldn't see it, but...

It's the speed of light. There's
no way he could've dodged all of it.

Take that, you bastard!

Glad you came back, Gauche!
Way to steal all the glory, jerk!


I'm only here because you picked
me up that one day, Captain.

I see. So I guess it's basically my glory.

Captain Yami, you didn't even do
anything! Gauche did all the work!

Shut up.

Ow, that hurts, Captain Yami...

Don't get cocky just because
you beat the scrawny dude, kid.

Now, now. Captain Yami, Gauche,
Asta, we all worked hard.

Ow, ow, ow...

Yeah, except for you.

What?! Wait, wait, wait!

None of this would've happened
without my spatial magic!

Hurry up and get me back to Marie.

Again, I have seniority over you!

Ow, ow, ow...

Ah, Marie... Your big brother did it.

I bet you'll hug me and
tell me how great I am.

I can't wait! Ah, Marie!

Hurry it up.

Again, I'm your senior...

And I told you I could only
use my magic one more time.

I have to recover my
magic first. Just wait a sec.


Did you really just do that?!
You, too, Captain?!

Don't make Marie wait!

Honestly... You're so useless.

You're too cruel!

Looks like his own ultimate
spell did a number on him, too.

Guess he had another archenemy
besides me. Don't worry 'bout it.

I couldn't...

risk hurting you...

What are you talking about?

What? You know him?
Sorry I beat the crap out of him.

Of course I don't know this bastard.

You'll understand eventually...

Yeah, I don't get it at all,

but we're going to take you back
to Magic Knights Headquarters.

You'll spill everything there is to know
about the Eye of the Midnight Sun there.

Now that Hot-Blooded King of
Hardnoses has been avenged.

May he rest in peace.

But he's not dead yet!

Oh, quit sweatin' the minor details.


Now, then. Let's see, Dark Binding Magic...

Where was it again?

Oh, there it is.

Dark Restraints.

Hey, when are those
reinforcements getting here?

Where are the Magic Knights?

Bah-ha! Black Bulls girl, I already
contacted your captain quite a while ago.

Captain Yami?

And what a bah-hassle it was.
He wouldn't listen to a word I said.

So where's Captain Yami?

He should've left a while bah-hack. Bah-ha!

What? Where'd he go?

He hasn't come here!


Luca, Marco...

Bah-ha... My shift's about over.

Guess I'll head home and go to bed.

I wonder if my captain's awake yet.
Guess I should report this to him.

"Why didn't you report this to me?
Do you want to get sliced in half? Skree!"

Yeah, I definitely don't want that.

Man, talk about scary.


Thank goodness!

I was so scared!

Are you hurt? Do you feel okay?

Uh-huh. I'm fine.

There, there. You're safe now.

The kids from the town!

They're all safe.

The Magic Knights came to save us!

Thank you! We owe you everything!

Y-Yes, we just fulfilled our
duty as Magic Knights.

I mean, all I did was contact them, but...

But why did he go straight over
there without stopping here first?

I got left behind.

Sister Theresa also used these
amazing spells and saved us!

There was a really scary man.
He was covered in mud.

Where are Luca and Marco? They're not here.

Asta, Gauche... Say, what
happened to the Magic Knights?


Luca! Marco!


Thank goodness. You're safe.

I was so scared!

There, there...

Sister Theresa... A-Are you all right?

Don't worry about me. I've still
got at least a hundred years to go.

Thank you so much for saving these kids!

It wasn't just me. Those brats...

Sister, please don't talk any more.

That robe...

Asta lent it to me. He said I
wouldn't be scared if I wore it.

And he was right! I felt so
much braver. I didn't cry at all!

Well done, Marco.

Wait, where's Asta? What happened to Asta?

He's still in the cave.


Well... The battle's not over.

Reinforcements showed up.



The leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.
He called himself Licht.

So Asta's fighting him?

Along with some captain named Yami and...

My brother went to help them, along
with someone who uses spatial magic.

I'm sure everything will be okay!
I believe in my brother!

Yes, you're right. Everything will be okay.

They won't lose. I'm sure
they'll come back victorious.


Finral and Gauche

should've taken me with them if they
came all the way back to town.

No, that's not it! It's not
that I'm worried about Asta!

Magic Knights! It's because
I'm one of the Magic Knights!

Oh, jeez. Anyway...

Who are you?

U-Um, well.. It's a long story.

Hey, you ready yet?

Please wait a little longer.

I used a lot of magic. It's not
going to recover that quickly.


You did it again!

Tch, tch, tch, tch! Don't let it bother you.

Of course it does!

Stop making Marie wait.

I didn't get any extra magic, unlike you!

Hang on... The longer we wait,
the happier she might be to see me.

I guess I wouldn't mind that, either.

Wouldn't mind what?

I'm not telling you a single thing about Marie!


Anyone who gets close to Marie is my enemy!


Man, I'm starving.

Can't you at least bring me some
breakfast with your spatial magic?

I'm not a delivery service.


What's the matter?

This mana...

Who the heck are those guys?

Looks like reinforcements.

Spatial magic?

But that guy's passed out... So why?

Well, this definitely doesn't look good.

Looks like Licht and Val
are in a bit of trouble.

I'm usually pretty lazy, but...

I gotta save my friends.

Hey, that's a unique design.

Not that it really matters...

Tch! He can move at light speed, too!

Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash!

Ow! Man, you're annoying.

But this should be easy to fix, so whatever.

Light Magic: Healing Light Particles.

That magic... It's the
same as Round Eyebrows's!

You came...

I apologize. My strength alone wasn't enough.

Licht, does it hurt?

Fana, now that you're here...

It's okay now.

Flame Recovery Magic: Phoenix Robe.

I have nothing to worry about,
now that you're here.

Huh? Who do you think you are?

Licht... It's a pain in the butt if you
try to shoulder everything yourself.

How dare you insects do
that to my comrades?


I'll stomp you like ants and rip you apart,
like I'm ripping the wings off a butterfly!

I hate those who have hurt Licht.

Who are these guys?

Allow me to introduce them.

They are the strongest three
in the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

The strongest?

Yes... In combat, they surpass me.

Third Eye

The Third Eye!

They're more powerful than you?

Third Eye, eh?

He has to be bluffing when he says
they're stronger than him.

It's too much trouble to bluff.

Just as the name suggests, your kingdom
takes the clover as its symbol.

Within the clover's leaves are
pleasant words that do not suit you.

Namely: faith, hope, and love.

I've given them names that
mean the opposite of those.

With a name meaning the opposite
of faith, Raia the Disloyal.

Raia the Disloyal

With a name meaning the opposite
of hope, Vetto the Despair.

Vetto the Despair

And with a name meaning the opposite
of love, Fana the Hateful.

Fana the Hateful

I will k*ll those who have
hurt Licht. I will k*ll you.

"Disloyal," "Despair," and "Hateful."

Those names sound grand and all,

but your names aren't enough
to tell us how strong you are.

Well, I guess we'll just
have to prove it to you,

even though it's a pain in the butt.



The same as Captain Yami's!

Copy Magic: Dark Cloaked Lightless Slash.

Raia the Disloyal, was it?

Don't go ripping off people's magic!

I'm gonna sue you for copyright infringement!


Pay attention!

Beast Magic: Bear Claw!

Damn it. My magic hasn't recovered yet.

Stupid mosquitoes and dragonflies!

He dodged!

The jerk read my ki?!

Beast Magic: Bear Claw!

Now... Let me see the despair
in your faces, little mice.

That makes you taste best!

You bastard! This katana was
custom-made and crazy expensive!

You better pay for that!


Tch... I haven't even finished
paying this thing off.

I hate you... I'll never forgive you.

I'll k*ll you.

Salamander... That must be spirit magic.

Spirit magic?

The same as... Yuno?

Fana the Hateful, was it? Nobody likes
hysterical chicks, you know.

Looks like it's not fully
developed yet, but...

The fire spirit, one of
the four great attributes?

You can't be serious.

Now, then...

Hope you're ready.

I'll return Licht's pain
hundreds of times over.

You guys stay put.

C-Captain Yami?

Here we go.

Now... Burn them to death.

Well, aren't you working hard? I wonder
how long you can keep it up, though.

It's futile!


Not good. Because we're here, Yami is...

But I haven't recovered enough
to use my spatial magic.

They're on a completely different level!

Captain Yami, I'll—

I told you to stay put!

What? Are you worried about me?

You're thousands... No, a million
years too early for that!

Just sit tight and watch!

Watch me surpass my limits,
right here and now!

As expected, you won't go down easily.

But you're wasting your time.

Each of them is stronger
than a Magic Knight Captain.

I think it's about time we end this.


Spirit Magic: Salamander's Breath.


What just...

Looks like you're having fun, Yami.

Let us play, too.

Stronger than a Magic Knight Captain?

Why don't we test out that theory?

Aw, man... Another second or two,
and something would've awakened in me.

What're you gonna do about this,
you lousy so-called friends?

I'm amazed you can even say those
words when you look like that.

I'm going to execute you myself someday,
so be ready and wait, foreigner.

Look who's talking.
You and your stupid haircut.

Honestly, how pathetic are you that
you actually have to rely on us?

Man, harsh as always, I see.

It can't be...

Who are those guys?

What?! They're Magic Knight Captains!


You need to show more interest
if you're a Magic Knight!

I only care about Marie.

I'm surprised you even know my name, then.

Captain of the Green Praying Mantises
Jack the Ripper

The captain of the Green Praying Mantises,
Jack the Ripper, who uses severing magic.

He's super sadistic, has a destruction fetish,

and likes to brag whenever he
cuts anything and everything.

Apparently he cut down a mountain
after a squabble with Yami.


Captain of the Silver Eagles
Nozel Silva

The warhorse, the royal captain
of the Silver Eagles, Nozel Silva.

Just look at his sparkly aura.
Man, is he hot!


Captain of the Blue Rose Knights
Charlotte Roselei

The captain of the Blue Rose Knights,
the cool and beautiful Charlotte Roselei!

You're excited all of a sudden?!

She's so beautiful! I want
to get closer to her!

So, three Magic Knight Captains...

Hmph. It doesn't matter how many people...
no, vermin show up. They're no match for us.

I will k*ll those who
harm Licht... All of them.

Now, then, let's get things started.
I'll chop you all up.

The Eye of the Midnight Sun...

We have plenty of questions for you.

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

So Tired

So Tired.

So tired. Spring is nice and warm,
and I can sleep well.

Sleeping on the beach
in summer is the best.

Autumn is for food, autumn is for art...

And winter is for hibernation.

He's just sleeping all year round.

I have trouble falling asleep, so I
hate everyone who can sleep so easily.

Just wish these voices would shut up...

Man, I'm tired.

But I'm slightly awake now.

Three Magic Knight Captains
showed up, after all.

Black Clover, Page 37:
"The One With No Magic."

Page 37
The One With No Magic

I get to fight the prickly lady.
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