01x33 - To Help Somebody, Someday

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x33 - To Help Somebody, Someday

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

To Help Somebody Someday

What the heck's going on?!

We can't handle something that big!

First of all, we have to
get the kids out of here.

Kids, take turns riding out of here on that!


This is cool!

It's so warm!

It'll take at least ten or twenty
minutes to get them all out of here.

We have to hold this thing back until then.

I won't let you get near them!

Die... All of you...

B-Baro? What's wrong?

Y-You don't know who I am?

Why... did you save me?

You haven't taken responsibility
for any of this yet!

I'm not letting you die until you do!

Also, what's your problem?
You're trying to k*ll your own brother?!

You moron!

Looks like my sword's working,
so I'm just gonna quickly take care of—

Now your anti-magic won't be
able to defeat him so easily!

The dark magic item I just injected
him with eats the subject's life force

and produces an expl*si*n of magical power!

How could you do that?!

There's no end to this!

You're wide open, Asta!

Take that!



Aw, you got in the way again!
Quit butting in, would ya?

I'm not interested in an old
lady whose magic's all dried up.

Looks like you've got a mouth
on you, whippersnapper.

It's true that as you get older, the magic
you can generate internally weakens.

But the power to work with
the mana that dwells

in nature can be increased at any age.

I have years of experience and technique.
I won't lose to a youngster like you!

Don't you dare underestimate us old hags!

Jeez, you're an annoying
old lady, aren't you?

Don't blame me if you kick the bucket today.

Go ahead and try it!

That being said,

I can't fight well while protecting
the kids as they escape.

Damn it. This is only going to get worse.

Curse that Gauche! How could
he run off like that?!

That fool!

Brother, go back!

No! I'm taking you back into town.

Please, go back!

No! Not only does my magic
not work on that woman,

but an insanely powerful
magical monster appeared, too.

You'll be in danger if I fight that thing!

But everyone else...

I don't care what happens to the others,
as long as you're all right.

Yeah... Who cares about anyone else?

The House of Adlai is a distinguished
noble family that anyone would envy.

Little Gauche looks as
dignified as his father!

And little Marie is as
beautiful as her mother!

So, about you helping me with my business...

What? Mother and Father are dead?

Yes. They were att*cked by some
robbers after leaving my office.

It's written in their will that they left

their fortune and everything
they owned to me.

Every last thing.

You're lying!

Wait, did you guys—


What's that look for?

What an impudent brat.

Get out.


Don't worry, Marie.

I'll protect Marie, no matter what it takes!

So as I was saying...

Hey! You again?!

Marie is everything to me!

Is it good?


As long as Marie is smiling,
I don't need anything else.

Give me all the cash you have.

I-I'm a noble!

And? Nobles should help out the needy.

Only Marie...

Stop right there!

You'll be paying for all of your crimes!

You think I care?!

You punk!


Like I care about other people!


I hate having a big brother who's so pathetic!


It's true that a lot of people
did some awful things to us.

But Sister and the kids at
the church are different!

The only reason I wasn't lonely when you
weren't with me was because of them!

That's how you became a Magic Knight, too!

Everyone's lives are connected!

We're who we are because they're here!


Besides, it's your job as a
Magic Knight to protect everyone.

I'm really proud that you're a Magic Knight!

Please just be the cool
big brother I'm proud of!


Hey! Over here!


Thank goodness! You're okay!

Sister and Asta saved me.

That's so like them!

Brat, that robe...

Asta lent it to me so I wouldn't feel lonely
while he went to go save everyone else.

He said it had the courage
of a Magic Knight in it.

Brother, I'll wait here with Marco.
Please go save everyone else!

I'll protect Marie! Leave it to me!

You'd better mean that,
you stupid little brat.

I'll make you pay if anything happens to Marie.






I'm so glad you're safe!


We managed to get away with Sister's magic.

Asta protected us, but that
monster's really strong!

It'll be okay! My brother's
going to fight with them.

My brother's a Magic Knight
just like Asta, after all.

Just like Asta?

So he must be really strong!


Marie, make sure you stay hidden.


Brother, do your best!

Do your best!

Asta this, Asta that...

What's so great about that shrimp, anyway?

The captain and the other squad
members wouldn't shut up about him,

but he immediately got caught by that woman!

Whatever. I'm sure he and that
old hag gave up and ran away.

When you get down to it,
people only care about themselves!

Not yet... I'm not done yet!

Jeez, you're so stubborn.

Why don't you stop protecting them
and let me catch you already?

Stop protecting them? I'm a Magic Knight!

Not a chance! Even if it kills me!

Is he... actually that stupid?

Stop protecting them? I'm a Magic Knight!

Not a chance! Even if it kills me!

And I'm not going to die until
I become the Wizard King!

Asta! On your right!


You yelled something stupid
like "I'm not going to die,"

and then you actually almost died.

Gauche! Why'd you run off like that?

Shut up!

I didn't run. I only helped Marie escape.

He finally came back, that fool.

I'll deal with you myself!


You joining in isn't going to help!

Whatever. I'm going to fight...
for the sake of Marie's love!

And so she'll say I'm cool!

Real Double!

Double Refrain!

Whoa, cool!

This monster... Magic keeps bubbling up
from it, and it regenerates immediately.

It's no use!

My magic isn't even touching that woman.

I haven't been this incompatible
with an opponent since the captain.

Should I use my trump card?

No... No matter how strong my
mirror magic becomes, it won't help.


How lame...

I thought you came to help! What are
you doing charging in all by yourself?!

We're supposed to be a team!

I protect you! You protect me!

Then we'll be able to fight forever!

An epic strategy, if I do say so myself!

What kind of half-baked strategy is that?

This guy really is an idiot.

Come to think of it, he was
pretty half-baked, too.

You really want to keep going?
You're not gonna be able to run.

My sister's waiting for me...

Oh, yeah?

Well, if she's that important,
join my squad and support her.

What are you talking about?

I'm an escaped convict!

Yeah? And?

And? I don't trust others,
and I only think about my sister.

That's fine.

You just protect what you want to protect.

Someday, that'll help somebody out.

Captain, did you know this
would happen someday?

Take that!

Granny, how many kids are left?

Just a few more!

I guess I don't have a choice.

Marie will be sad if you all die.

I'll protect you.

Did Gauche just...

What are you acting all tough for?

We're teammates! What else would we do?

You stupid little brat! You need to
learn how to talk to your seniors!

And something's shining over there.


This is...

Just like that one time!

There it is!

Aw, man! Even that didn't work?

Wait, what was that? A flying
anti-magic slash attack?

How did you do it? How did you do it?

The only way to defeat that monster

is to hit it with so many att*cks at once
that it doesn't have time to regenerate.

The most effective strike was
the slash Asta just hit it with,

but he can't launch enough of them.

What would happen if I used
my magic on someone else?

Because Gauche had always preferred
to act alone and didn't trust others,

he'd never thought of using his
magic to support someone else.

But due to his past failures and his
reluctant acknowledgment of Asta,

he was able to create a spell that was

fundamentally similar,
yet completely different,

and engraved a new page in his grimoire.

But I won't be able to activate this
spell with the magic I have now.

Hey, old hag!

Buy me a little time!


You need to learn how to treat old hags.

I'll only last a minute, so make it fast!

Leftover magic like that
isn't going to work at all.

Anyway, Asta! Do that thing again!

You don't have to tell me!
If I could, I would!

Aw. How boring.

I have no choice. I've been hiding
this, but I'll have to use it now.



Look at me!

I'll use the magic accumulated in
the mirror magic item in my left eye

to activate the new spell.

Mirror Magic:

Mirage Brigade!


Mirror Slash!

Not yet! Not yet!

Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!

Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!

Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!

I'm not done yet!

All right!

Wh-What a spell...

It appears that he had all
of his life force sucked out.


Jeez, you're so annoying.

How long are you gonna keep crying, Neige?

Here, you can have this.

Thanks, Baro.

Baro, I won't forgive her for
turning you into this monster.

But the one I can't forgive most of all

is myself for leaving everything to
him and just doing what he said!

Just as you said, I haven't taken
responsibility for anything.

So I'm going to pay for both of our crimes.

Yeah. And when you're done
with that, let's be buddies.

You can use really cool magic,
so you'd be really popular!


That light...

What is this immense magic?

I've never felt something this huge—

I didn't... see a thing...


A new enemy? Are they attacking
everything in sight?


Old hag!


They hurt my comrade.

They got what they deserved.

He's the one that appeared
at the enemy's hideout.

I guess I haven't introduced myself yet.

I am the leader of the Eye
of the Midnight Sun...

Leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun


No way...

A four-leaf clover grimoire...
Just like Yuno's?

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Marie's in Danger

Marie's in Danger.

All right, one, two, three!

Marie! Are you an angel?!

I can do anything when Marie's around!

But there are times where I must steel
my heart and decline Marie's wishes.

For example!

Brother, go back and save
Asta and the others!

No! Going back would put you in danger!

Brother! I want to eat some
hot, extra-cheesy doria!

No! Eating that would put
your tongue in danger!

You'll burn it.

Brother, doesn't lying
out in the sun feel nice?

No! If you're in the sun too long,
your skin will be in danger!

UV rays are a fearsome enemy!

Brother, show me a really cool spell!

No... Just kidding.

Marie, look at me.

Mirage Brigade!

You're amazing, Brother!

No... Now I'm... in danger.

Brother? Brother? Brother?

That's the guy who was at the
Eye of the Midnight Sun hideout!

You're the one who att*cked the Clover
Kingdom and did that to Captain Fuegoleon...

I'll make you regret that!

Black Clover, Page 34:
"Light Magic vs. Dark Magic."

Page 34
Light Magic VS Dark Magic

Captain Yami!
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