01x31 - Pursuit Over the Snow

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x31 - Pursuit Over the Snow

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Asta visited Nean, the town where
Rebecca and her siblings lived,

but it turned out to be where Gauche's
beloved little sister Marie lived, as well.

All right! Are you read—

Huh? What?

Get away from her this instant, you trash!

That night, a certain incident struck Nean.

Die, Asta.

That's not even your house!

Snow? When did it pile up so much?

It's not even the season for that yet.

Hey! What do you two think you're doing?!

The kids are gone!

Starting today,

you're all my friends.

Pursuit Over the Snow

Luca, Marco, where could
you have gone at this hour?


Helen, where are you?

Guess they didn't just go out to pee—


I'll never let you marry my sister.

Now's not the time for that!

There's nothing more important
than Marie, damn it!

I'll k*ll you!

Hey, what the heck's going on in this town?

Why is it snowing this time
of year? This is absurd!

Noelle? What are you doing here?

I-I just happened to be in the area.
It's just a coincidence.

Who's this, Asta?

She's one of my Magic Knight buddies.

And Noelle, this is my friend Rebecca.




What's wrong?


More importantly,

I saw a whole bunch of kids go
up to the mountains earlier.

What's that about?

Do you guys have some
festival this late at night?

That must be...

I'm going to make you bleed.

Stop it.

Old hag...

The old Sister!

I feel magical power in this snow.

There is magic at work here.

Magic that can control others...

and that only affects children
whose magic hasn't matured.


A number of ours were taken, too.

What do they mean to do,
taking all these children?

Hey, old hag, what do you mean, "taken"?

Don't tell me Marie was, too!

Sadly, that is what I'm saying.

You old hag!

Sister Theresa!

How could you let that happen,
you stupid old hag?!

Please stop!

So quick to resort to v*olence...
You really are a failure.

If you want to hit me, go ahead.

But that won't bring back the children.
It won't bring back Marie.

You're right.

But I won't feel better until I do!

Asta! Are you all right?!

Asta, you bastard.

Oh, come on now, Gauche.

Just cool down a little, okay?

A Magic Knight needs to
stay calm at all times.

Well, listen to you.

Calm, eh? You're right.

So you finally understand?

I'll calmly k*ll you.

I went too far!

That hurt, you stupid little brat!

Wait, wait, wait!
Now's not the time for this!

We need to find some clues!

What? As if it'll be that easy!

The magic mirror that I have Marie
keep with her at all times...

I wouldn't be able to transmit
to it because of this snow,

but if I search for the
mana in that mirror...

I should be able to figure out where she is.

That's it!

All right! I may have figured
that out, but I'm still k*lling you.

I'll k*ll you while giving thanks.

I'm going, as well. I'm going to get the
kids from the church and the town back.

Old Sister, leave this to us.

No. As much as it pains me to
say it, this old hag will be useful.

Huh? She's not just an ordinary old lady?

I'm not going to lose to
you young'uns just yet.

Asta... Marco's an idiot and Luca's too
headstrong, so I'm worried about them...

What should I do? If something
were to happen to them...

Get a hold of yourself, Rebecca!

Take that!

It'll be fine! I'll get them
back, no matter what!

They'll laugh at you if you're
all panicky when we get back.

Y-You're right.

Let's go.

Hey, I'm going, too!

You can't fly on your own either, can you?
Do you want to dangle, like him?

The town might be att*cked again.

Would you mind staying behind?

And could you report back
to the Magic Knights?

I'm counting on you, Asta!

I have to stay behind with her?

I'm so happy I made so many friends.

L-Let's all get along.

Where am I?

This isn't the church. What am I doing here?

Everyone seems out of it. What's wrong?

Who is that?

Make sure you stay good boys and
girls with the spell I'm using.

Did he put a spell on everyone?

Come to think of it, Brother did say that

the mirror he gave me would
protect me from magic a little.

Hang on to this mirror as if it were me.

So that's why I...

Looks like my spell on you has been broken.

I wonder why. You bad little girl...

We can't be friends if you won't be
a good girl and stay under my spell.

But you're wrong. Putting someone under
a spell and making them do what you say

doesn't make them a real friend.

How could you say something so cruel?

A friend would never say that!


I told you not to damage the goods.

Honestly, you're so hopeless.

I'm sorry, Baro!

She's the prize this time. Imagine
having that much magic at her age!

Having this many brats means a big payday!

That brat barely has any magic.

I told you to only bring ones
with a lot of magic, Neige!

Sorry, Baro.

Just gonna have to throw
trash like this away.

Sheesh. Stop wasting my time.

Now, then... Let's draw the magic out of you.

We're close. The mana's getting stronger.


These enemies must possess
powerful magic. Be on your guard.

Wait for me, Marie.

Please be safe, everyone!

Everyone, please stay calm.
We, the Magic Knights, will find all the kids.

The Magic Knights!

Please get my son back!

What's going on?

Where are Luca and Marco?


Don't worry. Asta and Gauche
will bring them all back soon.

Y-Yeah! So don't you worry.


Why's our house broken?

S-Stupidsta and Gauche will fix
that when they get back, too.

We should do what we can
to fix it up for now.

There's snow everywhere inside.

Oh, I need to contact
the other Magic Knights.

Magic Knights' Headquarters here, bah-ha!

Haven't I seen you before?

A-Are you really from headquarters?

Bah-ha! It's not my main job, but
Captain Jack ordered me to help out here.

I've been doing so good lately that they're
letting me take a break from all the battles.

Or something like that, bah-ha!

I don't care! We have an emergency!

There's snow! There's snow in Nean!

Snow? How romantic!

Are you stupid?!

Someone made this snow fall
on the town using magic

so they could kidnap all the kids here!

What? You should hurry up and
contact the Magic Knights.

That's what I'm doing right now!


There's nothing to worry
about anymore! Bah-ha!

Somehow, I'm even more worried now.

I sense mana in there.

A cave. That must be where
all the abducted children are!


Gauche, could you let me down a sec?

Not my problem. I don't care
about anyone besides Marie.

If you want to go, then jump off.


Asta! How can you call
yourself a Magic Knight?!

I don't care what happens to the others,
as long as I can protect Marie.

On the day that I, a former prisoner,
joined the Black Bulls, the captain told me...

You can just protect whoever
you want to protect.

And that's exactly what I'll be doing.


Wake up.

This is awful. He's covered in
wounds, and he's frostbitten.


It's no use. He's under a spell
and still unconscious.

All right... Leave it to me!

What are you—

Huh? Asta... Sister...

Are you all right, Marco?

What was that just now? He erased the magic?

It hurts...

Just a second...

Flame Recovery Magic: Sacred Healing Light.

It's so warm...

You're amazing, old lady!
You can even heal wounds?

What in the world happened?

I... don't know.

He's so hurt.


We have to go save your
sister and the other kids.

Can you wait in that cave by yourself?

Huh? No! I'm scared, Asta.

Stay with me, please.

What are you talking about?
You're a man, too, aren't you?

Just this once, I'll let you
borrow my Black Bulls robe!

As long as you have this on, you'll be fine!

It's got Magic Knight
courage in it, after all!

You can wait until we get back, right?


But don't forget! I'm only
letting you borrow it!

You're going to give it back to me later!

You'll give it back, right?
And don't get any snot on it!


All right, we have to hurry.
I'm worried about the others.

It's like a damn maze in here.

But the mana's getting stronger and stronger.

Just wait a little longer, Marie.

Good, good. More, more!

I'm going to squeeze every last
drop of magic out of you brats!

And done.

Now, then... Are we going
to use our prize next?

N-No! S-Stop!

Please! Let me go!

You can't defy Baro.

Just give it up. I'm gonna make
a fortune off of your magic.



Thank goodness! You're sa—

What did you do to Marie, you bastards?!

I-It's an enemy, Baro! He has
a Magic Knight robe on!

Damn it! How'd they find us so quickly?

Do something! Use your magic, Neige!


Snow Magic: Snow Cry!

Mirror Magic: Mirror Shift.

Wh-What the heck is that spell?!

I-I can't hit him at all!


H-Hurry up and use a
different spell, you oaf!

S-Snow Creation Magic: Snow Friends!

Go, my friends!

Damn it!

Defeating one or two won't make a difference!

Neige can keep creating an
infinite number of these guys!


Give me a break!

Mirror Magic:

Reflect Refrain!

Time for a m*ssacre.

All of my friends...

That guy's too strong. And he's scary!

Damn it... This isn't what we were told about.

I only accepted this job
because we were told that

it'd just be draining brats of their magic!

What's the deal with this guy's magic?!

What should we do, Baro?

Shut up, you moron!

Th-Think! There has to be some way! Something...

Move an inch, and see what happens to her!

You bastard!

What's with that look?

What are you going to do

if I get annoyed and put a little
too much strength into my grip?

Neige, beat him to a pulp—



Everything's okay now!

Thank you, Asta!

Are you okay, Marie?



You bastard! How dare you
throw something so dangerous?!

What if it had hit Marie?!

Wait, wait, wait. This was to save Marie.

More importantly, what if you had hit Marie?!

There's no way I'd ever hit her.

My love for Marie is too great.


Brother, please stop!

Stay away, Marie!


These children have had their
magic sucked out of them.

If left like this, they may never
be able to use magic again.

Th-Their magic...

That man was saying how it'd
be worth a lot of money.

How could you do something so cruel?

Crap. This is not good. Not good at all.


We had enough on our hands
with that monster of a guy,

but now that his friends have
shown up, we don't stand a chance!

This boy...

What the heck? He doesn't
have any magic at all!

Unbelievable! I've never
seen trash like you!

Now that I take a closer look,

you're just some peon that doesn't
even have a Magic Knight's robe!

Neige, you take care of
that sister complex freak.


I guess I'll just have to take
care of this peon myself.

I won't...

forgive you!

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Staying Behind

Staying Behind.

Luca... Marco...

It'll be okay. I'm sure Asta and the
others will bring them back safely.

Why don't we do a quiz to lighten the mood?


Then... Where is Asta from?

H-Hage Village.


I'll go next.

How old is Asta?

Fifteen, right?

Then when is Asta's birthday?

October 4th.

What is Asta's dream?

Becoming the Wizard King someday... I think.

You're pretty knowledgeable.

You, too.

I really don't want to lose!

Hey, everyone, bah-ha!

Oh, I can't hear you. Ready, and... bah-ha!

Next time, I get to be the star again!

Bah-ha Bah-ha-ho-ha, Page 32:
"Three-Leaf Sprouts."

Page 32
Three-Leaf Sprouts

I'll show you the true bah-ha!
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