01x25 - Adversity

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x25 - Adversity

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

The mysterious enemy,

controlling an army of the dead
to attack the royal capital,

was restrained by Fuegoleon,
along with Asta's help.

Couldn't you think of any other way to get
people to acknowledge your power?


Well done, Magic Knights.


Most of the Magic Knights were sent

far away from the royal
capital with spatial magic.

I figured they must've had a rather
skilled spatial magic user, but...

To think they were able
to send us all this far.

This is spatial magic.

Very well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The captain of the Crimson Lion Kings,

Fuegoleon Vermillion, was also
sent away somewhere.


Meanwhile, Yuno was able to escape
the spatial magic attack,

but while battling a witch who
used ash curse magic,

he ended up losing his sight,
hearing, and other senses.


Not yet!

Let me just tell you one thing about me.


hate losing more than anything else!

Wind Spirit Magic: Sylph's Breath!

I would always close my eyes

And cower at reality

I can't stand the idea

Of just making excuses to give up

Stand right there

I don't want to be near you

Any minute now

Just wait right there

(The decisive battle is still a long way off)

Black and blue

I'll give up on giving up

And get the world on my side

I'm looking for the reason I'm alive

Every time somewhere under this sky

Break through the tearful nights

And head where the light shines

I want to keep my promise

I'll deliver it to you

shape of love


Castle Town Kikka

Munchy, munchy, munchy, munchy...

Munchy, munchy, munchy, munchy...

Munchy, munchy, munchy, munchy...

So good!

The way you eat is fantastic,

you shrimp!

All right! Eat, eat, and eat some more!


The country's in danger!
What the heck are these two doing?

If it's not enough, I'll make
as much as you want!



A witch?

We're being att*cked!

That's why we told you we should run!

Sir, hurry!

Come on, shrimp, we gotta go!

I need... mana.

I need to steal some!

She's overflowing with mana...

It's glistening on her skin!

I need to steal it!

Give it to me!

Give it to me!

Give it to you? You can't mean...

My food?!


Give it to me!


This mana... That woman must still be alive.

I'm reaching my limit.

What is this overflowing magic?

Give it to me!


I told you...

I told you no.


Cotton Creation Magic:
Strike of the Sleeping Sheep.

Th-That's amazing!

How'd you like that?!

The food that I cooked with all my soul
powered up the shrimp's magic!

Seriously?! We'll follow you forever, sir!

Thank you so much!

Glad ya liked it!

None shall ever lay a finger on my food.

And don't you ever come back!

Am I pretty?


I'll love you no matter how you look.

I love you, too.


My love!



My food!

My noms!

A kid?

That tremendous magical power
I felt earlier... was from her?

A Black Bulls robe... So it was her.

M-My noms?

Noms? Oh, here. I'm not sure
what's going on, but...

Thank y—


My meal-saving prince has arrived!

Meal-Saving Prince

Th-Thank you...




Short ribs?

Oh, yeah. They're delicious! Try some!

No, I mean... Wh-What is your name?

Um, I mean, I like meat, too, but...

As you'd expect...

That spell wears out my body
and uses a ton of mana...

But what I was wondering
about is your name...

I need to learn how to use it better.

Look out!

La... La! Got it!

La la la...

Well, I guess I might as well eat...

Munchy, munchy, munchy...

It's rather noisy out there.

King's Quarters

Could you shut them up?

It's time for my royal nap.

I'll look into it.

He should be back any moment now.

The "He" in Question

You're the best shrimp ever!


Come see me whenever you're hungry.
I'll let you eat all you want.


North District

You bastard! What have you
done with my brother?!

Leopold! He's not the spatial magic user.

That spell pinpointed him,

so there's no way the spellcaster
could've cast it from far away.

Where could they be?

Huh? Asta?

You're right there!

He was hiding among the corpses?!

I'm impressed you found me.

I figured I'd be found if
I used magic to transform,

so I went to the trouble of
making this filthy disguise.

What are you, an animal?

But it appears that it's over now.


What's over?



But he's so strong.

That's... impossible...

H-His arm...


Fuegoleon... Fuegoleon!

That's impossible... There's
no way Fuegoleon would lose.

My brother wouldn't...

Captain Fuegoleon's grimoire...

It's still intact, which means... he's still alive!

We have to stop the bleeding!

Impossible... That's impossible...

If only Mimosa were here...

Oh, no... His grimoire is breaking apart!

Leopold, help me!


Leopold! Your captain is...

That's what you get for
talking down to me earlier!


A magic blast...

What you lacked to overcome adversity...

was a righteous heart.

A righteous heart?! I've always
been true to myself!

Keep yappin' in the next world,
Fuegoleon Vermillion!

We've completed our mission.

We're leaving before the other
Magic Knights come back, Rades.

Hold it... right there.

Asta, wasn't it?

I'll eventually k*ll you and make
you into one of my toys.

Look forward to that, you little brat!


This distance... I'm not gonna make it.


If you move any more while
you're bleeding that much...

Not yet!

The captain of the Crimson
Lion Kings just taught me...

I need to think calmly.

How can I stop him?

That spatial magic...

Not giving up is my magic!

And my sword can...

Cut through magic!


Ow! What the hell are
you doing, you little shit?!

Not good...

You have the nerve to say that
after hurting all those people?!


is pain!

This is what you did to innocent people
as you laughed about it!


Getting hurt and bleeding
are signs of being weak!

Those who lack magic should just
get their asses beat by those

who are more powerful!

Especially... pieces of trash like
you who don't have any magic!

I'm here to make sure...

that doesn't happen!


Even those without magic
can become the best!

I'm going to prove that by
becoming the Wizard King!

Valtos! Do something!

If I could, I would've by now.

That anti-magic is more
troublesome than I'd imagined.

Looks like we're going to have
to take care of him first.

He's gathering magic? What's he—

Is he going to attack using spatial magic?

Asta, look out!

Too late!

How can I be panicking?

I always need to remain calm...

Right, Fuegoleon?!


This isn't good... We can't
afford to lose Rades, too.

D-Damn you all! Get away! Stay back!


We received orders from Master
to come here, and look at you...

You're struggling against
this lot. How pathetic.

Such piercingly cold magic...

There are five new enemies!

I was only scratched... but thanks to
that curse, the bleeding won't stop.

If I lose any more blood, I'm in trouble.

No one asked for your help!

Aw, you should be thanking us.

If we hadn't arrived,

you definitely would've been
captured and dissected alive.

And if you're gonna be dissected,
I want to be the one to do it.

Shut up!

Anyway, it looks like the tables have turned!



Now I can keep fighting!

Please watch me, sir!

This brat... He struck himself with his
own swords to get rid of the curse?

Unbelievable... He's so stupid!

Wow, he's fun. Can I dissect him later?


Boo. You're such a spoilsport.

All I've ever faced since
I was born... was adversity.

No matter how many come at me,
no matter what happens,

I'll blast them all away!

All right! Come at me!

My dry emotions gaze at the me from that day

And push me forward

(I can't find a place to go)

Even the faintest light can
still break through the darkness

And change the flow of time

(I will keep believing in you)

In this ever-vivid place

(Break free yourself)

In order to grasp my endless dream

If there is a path that I should choose

(Do you wanna try? Do you wanna try?)

Wherever it may lead us

Until my life comes to an end

I will accept any pain that comes my way

(We can try again, we can try again)

Even if we can't see tomorrow

Holding onto feelings too intense to voice

I'll keep screaming them in my heart

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

They Won't Find Me

They Won't Find Me.

Leopold! He's not the spatial magic user.

That spell pinpointed him,

so there's no way the spellcaster
could've cast it from far away.

Where could they be?

They won't find me.

I can't find him!


I'll k*ll you.

Nowhere to be found!

It's about time...

I'll make my grand entrance
and surprise them!

I'm pretty sure they're not here.
Let's go look over there.


Let's see who can find them first!



Magic Knights, eat my cooking and fight!

I'm going to fight my battle in the kitchen!

Black Clover, Page 26: "Wounded Beasts."

Page 26
Wounded Beasts

Cooking food with magic is my job!
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