01x14 - Dungeon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x14 - Dungeon

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

In a certain world,
where magic is everything...

Asta and Yuno were abandoned
on the same day at

a church in the village of Hage,
which lies in the boonies.

They both dreamed of becoming the Wizard
King, the highest rank among mages,

and worked hard every day.

In the year they turned fifteen,

they both received grimoires,
which enhance the owner's magical powers.

They then took the Magic Knights
Entrance Exam to join

the Magic Knights, which are
led by the Wizard King.

Let's see who can become the Wizard King!

As a result, because Yuno possesses
immense magical powers,

out of the nine squads, he chose
the elite Golden Dawn to join.

As for Asta, who had no magical powers,

he ended up joining the squad
of rogues, the Black Bulls.

I'm still going to become
the Wizard King someday!

Thus the two finally took the first step
toward becoming the Wizard King.

Wh-What's going on?

Wh-What the heck is this?!

Sir, there's trouble. An anomaly—

An anomaly has occurred, right?

Well... Let's have them work on this mission.


I would always close my eyes

And cower at reality

I can't stand the idea

Of just making excuses to give up

Stand right there

I don't want to be near you

Any minute now

Just wait right there

(The decisive battle is still a long way off)

Black and blue

I'll give up on giving up

And get the world on my side

I'm looking for the reason I'm alive

Every time somewhere under this sky

Break through the tearful nights

And head where the light shines

I want to keep my promise

I'll deliver it to you

shape of love


Black Bulls' Base

Hey, Magna. Let's fight. No holding back.

Nine hundred eighty-two...

Nine hundred eighty-three...

No way, you battle-obsessed freak.

Nine hundred eighty-four...

Oh, come on. Let's do it.

Nine hundred eighty-five...

I'm gonna eat your pudding.

Nine hundred eighty-six...

If you do that, I'll—

Nine hundred eighty-seven...

Will you fight me?!

Will you?!


Nine hundred eighty-eight...


Nine hundred eighty-nine...

Silvantus Schnauzer.

Nine hundred ninety...

I think something else would be better.

Nine hundred ninety-one...

Let's see... Like "Wine"!

Nine hundred ninety-two...

Nine hundred ninety-three...


Nine hundred ninety-four...

I will allow you to borrow a single letter

Nine hundred ninety-five...

from the name of my little sister,
the goddess Marie.

Nine hundred ninety-six...

I will let you take the "M." Be grateful.

Nine hundred ninety-seven...

Make it something cooler!

Nine hundred ninety-eight...

Like, let's see...

Nine hundred ninety-nine...

Magnam Fire!

One thousand...


One thousand and one...

You have no taste, Lady Noe.

More like you don't.

One thousand and two...

Thinking of names looks like fun.

One thousand and three...

I thought of one, too. I wonder if
they'll ask. I think it's a good name.

One thousand and four...

Munchy, munchy, munchy...

One thousand and five...

Can I fatten that bird up?
He looks really yummy.

One thousand and six...

One thousand and seven...

Absolutely not!

One thousand and eight...

Does he lay eggs?


Definitely Toritaro!

No, it's Silvantus Schnauzer.


Silvantus Schnauzer!


Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

The heck was that for, Toritaro?!

There, you see?

You prefer Silvantus Schnauzer, don't you?

Right? Right?

Magnam Fire!



Why not Nero?


Looks like he approves.

"Nero" means "black."


All right, listen up.

Mister Yami! Hello!

We're back, everyone.

Welcome back.

What did they want at the castle?

If it's a mission, I want
to go with everyone, too.

Mission? Is it a mission?

I have an announcement for you all.

A new dungeon has been discovered.

A dungeon?!

Are you serious, Mister Yami?!

What the heck is a dungeon?!


Are you serious? You were surprised,
and you didn't even know what it is?

I just went with the flow!

Talk about predictable!

Listen up. Dungeons are...

Kind of like ancient tombs that contain
relics made by the people from back then.

Sometimes they have info
about powerful ancient magic

or super rare magical items.

They're absolutely amazing!

But you know...

The people back then set
insane magical traps in them

so that they wouldn't get misused by anyone.

They're super dangerous and really fun!

The Magic Knights always investigate them
since they're so dangerous,

and to make sure none of
the treasures get stolen.

Oh, okay!

I see.

Which means the Black Bulls are
supposed to investigate this

newly discovered dungeon?



Particularly because this dungeon
popped up near our enemy's border.




The Diamond Kingdom.

We need to take care of this mission fast
so Diamond's people won't steal anything.

By the way, there have been instances
in which someone found a magical item

that could change civilization
itself in a dungeon,

and someone even learned how
to use the ultimate magic there.

Me! Me! Please let me go!

I might be able to use
the ultimate magic, too!

You don't have any magic,
so that's not happening.

You never know!

Actually, you can go, kid.

In fact, the Wizard King chose you himself.



The Wizard King?! Why?!

That's awesome, Asta!

What the heck? Did you bump
into the Wizard King somewhere?

No, never!

The Wizard King chose me!

I don't know why, but...

Great Wizard King!

Asta the Unworthy will give
his all on this mission!

Noelle, you're also going with him.


Everything counts as experience.

Oh, and Luck.

You're the leader.

I'm leaving those two to you.



You'll lose your touch if you
stay cooped up all the time.


Listen up. Make sure you
look after the newbies.

Leave it to me!

I want to go, too. I wish
they'd take me with them.

Be careful.

Asta! Lady Noe! Give it your all!

Got it!

I guess I don't have a choice.

I think I'll go find some cute girls, then.


May I go see my sister?

If you're prepared to die.

The sunset is beautiful from here.

I recommend this location for dates.

I'll have some nummies ready
for you when you get back!

We're counting on you.

Got it.


Let's see... It's this way.

They could've just dropped us off
right in front of the dungeon.

Finral's only able to go to
places he's been to before.

But thankfully, it was
still near the dungeon.

Let's go!

Why the heck did you come?

I wonder how the Wizard
King even knew about Asta.

That guy...

is able to see things we can't.

He's also a weirdo.

It's so dark.

Don't cling to me. It's hard to walk.

Wh-Who's clinging?

I can't see anything!


Hey, could you not step on my foot?

I can't help it! It's pitch black in here!

Stop being so pissy.

It's all because you broke the lamp!

Honestly, you have some nerve.

It's your fault for tripping
and running into me!

How dare you? I'm royalty!

So what?!


Is this it?


What the heck's going on with this place?

What is this?

Looks like the space is
warped because of magic.

There's even stronger mana floating
around here than outside.

Yes. I've never been anywhere
this full of mana before.


Are you saying you can't feel all this mana?

Not at all.

Amazing. I guess people who don't
have magic really are different.

Shut up!

I want to feel mana, too!

I want mana!

Must be nice being one of you royals!

You have a ridiculous amount of mana!

In my body, I don't have even an ounce

of the foundation of magic... Mana!

God damn!


T-Trap magic?

That was dangerous. Be more careful.

My bad.

Here it is, Asta.




What was that for?!

That was amazing!

Listen, you!

Oh, there's another one.



And another one!

This is so much fun!

Isn't this exciting?

We're going to die if we stay with this guy.

I wonder if those kids are okay.

The more dangerous the mission, the more
newbies will surpass their limits and grow.

I think.

You think?

Well, Luck's with them,
so they should be fine.

His ability to detect mana is off the charts.
It's even greater than a noble's.

If his personality wasn't so messed up,
any other squad would've taken him.

I think it's that personality
we're worried about.


Man... Your anti-magic w*apon is amazing.

I wonder if that's why the
Wizard King chose you.

I'd love to fight you for real
in about two to three years!

If you're prepared to keep swinging
your sword around like that,

this dungeon won't be any problem.

Got it!

Now, then...

I think I'm about to reach my limit.

I knew it.

There are others here.

The strongest looking one is...

Lightning Creation Magic:

Holy Lightning Boots.

Something important just came up.

So I'm leaving the dungeon
exploration to you guys!

Hey, where are you—

Wh-What in the world is he thinking?!

S-So cool!

This is insane!

Left turn next...

I can't wait to see how
strong this person is!

Honestly... He's unbelievable.

Captain Yami clearly told him to
keep an eye on us, and he just left!

Don't worry.

No matter what kind of traps might spring up,
I'll slice through them with my sword.

Must be nice being as carefree as you.

This dungeon ain't nothin'!

I'm going to become the
Wizard King, after all.

Again with that?

I'm gonna become the Wizard King before Yuno.


Yeah. I haven't told you about him before?

He's a childhood friend
I grew up with in Hage Village.

We took the Magic Knights
Entrance Exam together,

and he got into the Golden Dawn.

That's amazing, isn't it?

He got into the Golden Dawn
without being a noble.

Yeah! He's amazing!

But I'm not gonna lose to him!

I guess even he has his own goal.

Come on. Let's go.

Looks like we can cross over there.

Let's hurry!

We're alone right now.

Silvantus... I mean, Nero's with us, but...

Something wrong?

It's nothing! Nothing at all!

Let's hurry.

A trap! Oh, no!


S-Such powerful magic...



Oh, no!


What the heck?

Such precise and powerful magic...

Who could it be?

Oh, come to think of it...

Apparently, a few from the Golden Dawn
have also been assigned to that dungeon.

Huh? The Golden Dawn?!

I wonder if they'll be able to get along.


I've repaid my debt,



My dry emotions gaze at the me from that day

And push me forward

(I can't find a place to go)

Even the faintest light can
still break through the darkness

And change the flow of time

(I will keep believing in you)

In this ever-vivid place

(Break free yourself)

In order to grasp my endless dream

If there is a path that I should choose

(Do you wanna try? Do you wanna try?)

Wherever it may lead us

Until my life comes to an end

I will accept any pain that comes my way

(We can try again, we can try again)

Even if we can't see tomorrow

Holding onto feelings too intense to voice

I'll keep screaming them in my heart

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

What's Mana?

What's Mana?

Asta, do you know what mana is?



It's written like this!


It's written with the same
character for "magic"!


These both mean "serious"!

Yes. Mana is a powerful energy
that exists in this world.

Yup! And everyone has it...

Except me!

Mages use up their mana to use magic.

That's why if they run out of it,

they might not be able to use
magic again until they recover.

Do you understand?


What a lovely flower!

Perfect for giving to a girl.


Wow, you're so aggressive!

I've never met a flower like you!

You've got really powerful magic, mister.

Let's fight with everything
we have, to the death.

Black Clover, Page 15:
"The Diamond Mage."

Page 15
The Diamond Mage

Not giving up is my magic.
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