01x07 - Another New Member

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x07 - Another New Member

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.


This is yours, Asta!

You don't want it?

I do! I do!

This is mine...

Go ahead, try it on.

And while we're at it...

Looks good on you.
Don't you think so, Mister Yami?

He looks pretty bland.

And now, you're officially a member of
the Magic Knights Squad, the Black Bulls!

You better work hard not to shame
Mister Yami or the Black Bulls!

Thanks! It's a pleasure
to work with all of you!

Shut up.


I'll be more careful next time!

The captain just told you to shut up!

That's the other new recruit?

What an insect.

The Other New Recruit

Grey words can't make anything happen

I know, yeah I know

Wishing to fly freely across the sky

I dreamed it all my life

Step by step I go, though
it's a doubtful world

Don't care how much I fall

Instinct is my guide, I never give up

To faraway future, I burst out running

Go beyond even the unseen fears

The vision I had, so I can be myself

Someday I will write the next page

You are my hope

Like that page from someday

I was able to meet you

I call this a miracle

Black Bulls' Base

This is your room.


Well? Isn't it depressing
how small and filthy it is?

By the way, my room is twice as big—

My own room!

He's actually moved?!

I-I've never had my own room!

At the church, we all shared a room,
so we'd sleep lined up next to each other.


I'm gonna get you so clean!

Until you're all sparkly and shiny!

Better get scrubbin'.

You're free to do whatever
until we get a mission.

Oh, by the way, Asta.


Make sure you write letters.


To everyone at that church of yours.

They're your family, right? I'm sure they're
worried about how things turned out.


Don't make anyone worry about you.

That's how to be a real man. See ya!

If you need anything, come see me.

Right! Thanks!

This is my first castle.

I'm going to climb my way up
to Wizard King from here.

I'm not going to lose. Got it, Yuno?

How unfortunate.

This room is wasted on you.

Tomorrow, I'll be lecturing you
on your duties as a Magic Knight.

I'd rather not be your instructor,

but the captain ordered me to do so,
and as such, I have no choice.

Are you listening?

It's Yuno.

I have a name, and it's Yuno, Klaus.

I'm your senior.

You'll address me with respect.


Don't be late.


Well done, Yuno!

He made it into the Magic Knights!
He's truly our pride!

Yuno's so cool!

So cool!

I have to let the whole village know!

So, Sister, what does the
letter from Asta say?

Man, his handwriting sucks.
When's he coming home?

We'll have to cheer him up
when he comes back.

I'm sure even Asta would
be depressed about that.

We'll have a super tato party.

He says he passed.


Asta passed, too.



Wow... He really passed.

Th-Then I guess he won't be coming home.

I see... So they both passed.

All right, I'm going to tell the whole village!

This is the first bit of good news we've
gotten since Hage Village was founded!


I see. So Asta passed, too... I see.

Asta, Yuno, congratulations.

Keep doing your best.

It wasn't a dream!

All right! Let's do thi—


Was this pillar here yesterday?

Hey, newbie. Did you sleep well?

Ah, g-good morning!
Um, sir, about this pillar...

What about it?

I don't think it was here yesterday.

Don't worry about a pillar. The base
itself changes its shape all the time.


Don't worry. You'll get used to it.


All right, let's go.


You're in for a treat.

I'll personally show you around
the Black Bulls' super cool base!

Follow me, Shrimpsta!

Got it, Mr. Sunglasses!

Moron! You mean the Great Magna!

Moron! The Great Magna!

You don't need the "moron" part!

This is the cafeteria!

What do you think? It's stupidly huge!

Yeah! It's really big!

This is the bath.

It's hot!

This kind of heat is nothing to
a member of the Black Bulls!

What? You're getting out already?

N-No, not yet! I'm not done yet!

It's hot. I want to add cold water.
Hanging out naked is nice, though.

Over there are all the girls' rooms.

If any of us guys go in,
you'll be k*lled by trap magic.


And this is... the toilet!

I'll k*ll you.


This is the beasts' room!


This is Mister Yami's hobby.



I'll let you have the duty of
taking care of all the animals.


It's a very honorable role. I really don't
want to let you have it, but I will.

Feed 'em twice a day,
in the morning and at night.

Go on, give it a try.


There, there... Here, eat.

This is the library.


This is the playroom.
You can have plenty of fun here.


Come on! Try to keep up!

Wait up!

I'm not gonna lose!



A Black Bulls robe. Which means...

Hey, Asta. That's your colleague.

She's the other new recruit this year!

Huh? My colleague?

I love the sound of that!

Hey! I'm Asta, from Hage Village!

Let's do our best together!
It's nice to meet you!

I didn't give you permission to speak to me.

I barely sense any mana
from you, you lowly insect.



My name is Noelle Silva. I belong
to the royal family of this kingdom.


R-R-R-Royal family?!

I do beg your pardon.

I'm but a puny insect that someone
could blow away just by breathing.

As long as you understand.


Who're you calling an insect, huh?!

We're supposed to be
colleagues as Magic Knights!

Who cares if you're royalty?!

That's right, Asta! You tell her!
Status means nothing!

Of course it does.

How do you figure?!

Are foolish peasants unable to
understand this with words alone?

I guess I'll have to show you with the
difference between our magical powers.


Know your place.

I won't make it in ti—


You little bitch!

You've got some nerve! What do you
think you're doing to your senior?!

You were just standing in the wrong spot.

Who gave you permission to stand there?


Why, you little...

I'm your senior!

And I'm royalty!


I don't care if you're royalty or the
Silver Eagles' captain's little sister!


I mean, the only person who'd accept
a spoiled brat like you is Mister Yami!

Be more thankful, you moron!

I held back because you're a girl, but now
I'm gonna have to initiate you, too, damn it!

Like I want to be in this pathetic squad.

You little...

Hey! What the hell do
you think you're doing?!

Who cares about the Black Bulls?
I don't need that filthy thing.

This is the absolute
worst Magic Knights Squad,

and it's not where royalty
like myself belongs!

You bastard! Apologize to
the robe and Mister Yami!

Apologize! Apologize! Apologize,
damn it! You moron!

The robe I worked so hard
to get... She just...

What the heck was her problem?

I couldn't find the toilet
and ended up outside.


What? What? What?!



Why won't it go the way...

I want it to?!

I guess I'm just...

Apparently, the youngest of the Silva family
can't even control her magical powers.

Who would have thought someone like that
would be born into the royal family?

What's with that flimsy little grimoire?

Are you really royalty?

It's just pathetic that you can't
even control your powers.

It disgusts me that you're my little sister.

I will not have someone as shameful
as you in the Silver Eagles.

Why couldn't you have died
instead of our mother?

You're a complete failure.

I'm not a failure!
I'll make them acknowledge me!

I guess she's got it rough, too.



H-How long have you...

I'm going to be mocked again...


I will not have someone as shameful
as you in the Silver Eagles.

It's just pathetic that you can't
even control your powers.

Are you really royalty?




All done taking a dump.
Guess I'll go back to bed now.

What the heck is that?

Oh, dear...


This is insane.

Someone's magic is out of control.

Such immense magical power...

This is gonna get bad if
we don't do something.

If we attack it with magic,
she might not make it out alive.

Could you use your spatial magic
to scoop just her up?

Please don't be ridiculous.
I can't get near that.

Right. If only we had someone who
could nullify magical powers...

Oh, no!

You came flying by at the perfect time.


Could you go take care of that?

Take care of that?!


Wait. How am I supposed to get
over there, though? I can't fly...

Quit yer yapping.

Now is the time when you need
to go beyond your limits!

I'm done for!

All right! I'm alive!

That was so much fun, wasn't it?

Jeez. Now I'm all wet.

Thanks for that spatial magic!

You're welcome!

Well done, brat.


Hey, you!

You failure...

They're going to mock me again.


...have some insane magical powers!
That's so awesome!


I don't have any magical powers,
so I'm jealous, damn it!

If you train so you can learn to control them,

you'll be invincible, Noelle!



I'm gonna keep doing my
best so I won't lose, either!

Really? You just couldn't
control your magical powers?

You should've told me earlier,
you royal failure.

We're the Black Bulls.
We're a whole group of failures!

No one cares if you have
a flaw or two, you idiot.

Anyway, thank goodness you're safe.

By the way, I know a great pasta place.
Want to go sometime?

Before that, you should try this. 'Kay?

That was amazing.

If anything, the one thing I'm great
at is controlling magical powers,

so I'll help you out.

I'll show you some womanly techniques, too.

I'll tell you how much of an
angel my little sister Marie is.

Let's start out as friends.


Let's do our best together.

It's a pleasure to work with you.

No one can escape from here

Once again in the small closed off classroom

The star of the class was shining yet again

They shine so bright that I close my eyes

I've thought many times

That the revolution was within my hands

Isn't it strange? If you want
to laugh, go ahead and laugh

The rest of us who were left
behind wanted to become something

We repeat the same morning over and over

You're the only one who
can choose your tomorrow

Let's go beyond our current selves

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

Honor Me

Honor Me.

I am Noelle Silva, and I am a royal (ouzoku).

A bandit (touzoku)?

Who are you calling a bandit?

I'm a royal.

A pirate (kaizoku)?

Who are you calling a pirate?

I'm a royal!

Family (Kazoku)?

Y-You idiot...

Our first mission as Magic Knights!

All right! I'll kick ass and go
straight to being Wizard King!

Huh? The mission is to hunt boars?

Black Clover, Page 8:
"Go! Go! First Mission."

Page 8
Go! Go! First Mission

Not giving up is my magic!
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