01x04 - The Magic Knights Entrance Exam

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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01x04 - The Magic Knights Entrance Exam

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as though humanity
would be destroyed by the demons.

But a single mage saved them all.

He was called the Wizard King,
and he became a legend.

Asta and Yuno arrived at the royal
capital of the Clover Kingdom.

Everyone in the kingdom dreams
of becoming a Magic Knight.

The Magic Knights Entrance Exam
was about to begin.

The Magic Knights Entrance Exam

Grey words can't make anything happen

I know, yeah I know

Wishing to fly freely across the sky

I dreamed it all my life

Step by step I go, though
it's a doubtful world

Don't care how much I fall

Instinct is my guide, I never give up

To faraway future, I burst out running

Go beyond even the unseen fears

The vision I had, so I can be myself

Someday I will write the next page

You are my hope

Like that page from someday

I was able to meet you

I call this a miracle

The Clover Kingdom

Castle Town Kikka

Whoa, this is awesome!


They're fresh!

One sec. It's almost done roasting.

That looks so good!

Wow! They have so many different
kinds of staves and items!

But they're so expensive!

It's so different from our village.

Is that where the Wizard King is?

And probably the king, too.

So that means that'll be my castle someday.

You mean mine.

Don't worry. I'll let you live there, too.

That's my line.

There, there. Don't cry. Let's hurry
back and get ready to open up the shop.

Reminds me of everyone back at the church.

I'm sure Sister and the others
are lonely now that I'm gone.

Not a chance.

Hey, Yuno!


Ah, it's so nice and quiet.
What a relief to have Asta gone.

Oh, there you go again.

I-I really mean it!

They've probably reached
the royal capital by now.

I hope the Magic Knights Exam goes well.

Me, too.



Asta, Yuno...

Do your best.

So where do they hold the
Entrance Exam, anyway?

Probably over there.

What is that?

Grilled purple snake. It was super cheap.

Anyone want some grilled purple snakes

that I just happened to
catch somewhere or other?

Want some?


It's super nutritious and will
give you lots of energy!

Not a chance. Let's go. This way.

Do your best on the exam!

You are the Clover Kingdom's hope!

The future of the kingdom is in your hands!

Stay focused!

I'll do my best!

You don't know him...
You don't know him...

You're #163. All right, next.

I'm Yuno from Hage Village.

Yuno from Hage...
Could I see your grimoire?

A f-four-leaf clover...

So that's who everyone's talking about.

Hey, that grimoire...

Is it really a four-leaf clover?!


You're #164. All right, next.

I'm Asta, also from Hage Village!
Here's my grimoire!

This is pretty filthy.

Is this really a grimoire?

Huh? Of course it is! Take a good look!

See? See?

All right, all right...

You're #165.

Got it!

All right!

Bah-ha! He must be a real go-getter if he
came here all the way from the boonies.

Man, I'm getting really nervous.

Hey, ow! What the heck are these birds?!

The infamous anti-birds of the exam venue.

Really? These things?

The weaker your magical powers,
the more these guys flock to you.

Little pests...

Hey, look at that guy.

None of the birds are going to him.

Hey! It's the guy from earlier.

From earlier?

He's from some remote village called Hage,
yet he's got a four-leaf grimoire!

Wha... A four-leaf? Seriously?

One of us is going to become the Wizard King.
Our legend's beginning now, Yuno!


Become the Wizard King?

I'm gonna show you just how much
I've grown in six months...

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

What the heck are these birds?!

What's with that kid?

Talk about a loser!

That's pretty bad, even for
someone from the boonies.

Get away from me, you stupid birds!

They finally flew off somewhere.
Hey, sorry for bumping into you.

I'll k*ll you, brat.

What the heck's his problem?!

Oh, crap. He's got the eyes of a k*ller.

His neck's so thick! No mage looks like that!

Talk about an intimidating presence!
Is he really my age?!

No, wait, wait... You shouldn't
judge a book by its cover!

Be friendly. Just be friendly.

Man, you look old!
You must've had a hard life!

It appears you're ready to die.

His looks weren't a lie at all!

Oh, there he is!
What are you doing down here?

I'm about to end this little twerp's life.

H-Hey... Isn't that...

Is that the great Finral Roulacase?

The user of rare spatial magic?

Hey, you're cute.

He's famous for being so girl-crazy
that it gets in the way of his duties!

And that's... Gordon Agrippa!
The expert on incantation magic!

I heard that he's impossible
to talk to... and also scary.

Whoa, cut it out! A Magic Knights Squad
Captain shouldn't k*ll an exam candidate.

Why did you even come down here, anyway?

I went to take a dump and got lost.

Squad Captain? You mean he's...

The Lord of Destruction, Yami Sukehiro?!

Ten... Nine... Eight...

What're you counting down to?!

The end of your life.

Yami?! The Captain of the Black Bulls?

The Black Bulls...

The cost they incur in damages exceeds
the successes they're credited for, right?

Apparently, there isn't a single
decent Magic Knight on that squad.

A playboy and a guy who
can't communicate... I see.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to join that squad.

I picked the wrong guy to mess with!

My head's seriously going to explode!


Come on, the exam is about to start!

Guess you get to live a little longer, brat.

Better take good care of
the life you just got back.

Or I'll k*ll you.



I wish the captain would k*ll me, too.

Man, that sucked.

Bah-ha! You okay?


Must've been rough, having Captain Yami
of the Black Bulls in your face like that.

Oh, I'm Sekke. Sekke Bronzazza.

Nice to meet you. Bah-ha!

I'm Asta! Nice to meet you!

Captain of the Silver Eagles
Nozel Silva

That's the Captain of the
Silver Eagles, Nozel Silva!


...one of the captains of
the Magic Knights Squads.

That's some hairstyle! Isn't it hard
to see with that thing in his face?

Captain of the Crimson Lion Kings
Fuegoleon Vermillion

The Captain of the Crimson Lion Kings,
Fuegoleon Vermillion.

As the name "Crimson" suggests,

he's a user of flame creation magic.


Captain of the Green Praying Mantises
Jack the Ripper

The Captain of the Green Praying Mantises,
Jack the Ripper.

What's a praying mantis?

You know, a mantis. Like, the bug.

Apparently, Captain Jack's severing
magic can split the earth in two.

Whoa, that's awesome.

But I don't want to be a mantis.
Bugs are super lame.

Captain of the Blue Rose Knights
Charlotte Roselei

The Captain of the Blue Rose Knights,
Charlotte Roselei.

She's so beautiful.

Yeah, but Sister Lily's prettier.

Captain of the Purple Orcas
Gueldre Poizot

The Captain of the Purple Orcas,
Gueldre Poizot.

That's all?

I have no interest in seamy guys like him.

Captain of the Coral Peacocks
Dorothy Unsworth

The Captain of the Coral Peacocks,
Dorothy Unsworth.

Is she walking in her sleep?!

Apparently, all she does is sleep.

Then how'd she become a captain?

She probably has an amazing power
you'd never expect her to possess.

Captain of the Aqua Deer
Rill Boismortier

The Captain of the Aqua Deer,
Rill Boismortier.

Isn't he pretty young?

Captain Rill is nineteen, I heard.

Nineteen?! He's only four
years older than me?

The path to becoming the Wizard King
might be shorter than I thought!

Bah-ha! Wizard King, eh?
That's a pretty big dream.

But for the next Wizard King...

They say he's the most promising candidate.

The Captain of the most powerful
Magic Knights Squad, the Golden Dawn,

Captain of the Golden Dawn
William Vangeance

William Vangeance.

The members of his squad
have utmost faith in him,

and it's said that in the last battle,

it was Captain William who
took the enemy general's head.

If only I could get into the Golden Dawn...

The Silver Eagles would be great, too!

You idiot. Only royal and noble elites make
it into the Golden Dawn and Silver Eagles.

Captain of the Black Bulls
Yami Sukehiro

Pain in the ass... Can't we
just get this over with?

This is an important exam that will
decide the futures of these youths.

We need you to take
this a bit more seriously.

Yeah, yeah, Mr. Serious.

The captains are all gathered in one place.


It is said that each of the Magic Knights

Captains has the strength
of a hundred mages.

One of these individuals will
become the next Wizard King.

Where's the Wizard King?

Bah-ha! The Wizard King wouldn't
bother coming down to the exam.

It's a miracle in itself that all the
captains have gathered in one place.


Sorry to keep you waiting.
I will be conducting this exam.

Magic tree, descend!

That's still amazing.

So this is the man who's
closest to the Wizard King.

We will now begin the Magic
Knights Entrance Exam.

We will now have you all take several tests.

The nine of us will evaluate
your performance,

and then we will select the candidates
that we would like to add to our squads.

If chosen, you will join that squad.

If you're chosen by more than one squad,

you may choose the squad
you would like to join.

On the other hand, those who
are not chosen by any captain

are not qualified to join the Magic Knights.

I'm gonna get into the Magic
Knights, no matter what!

For the first exam, we will have
you get on those brooms and fly.

But that's...

I've never done that before.

Mages who can control their magical powers
should be able to this instinctively.

It is the most basic way for mages to travel.

If you cannot fly on a broom,
you shouldn't even be here.

All right, begin.

Just by observing this, we can get a good
idea of what kind of mages they are.

There are quite a few candidates this year.

For a kid from the boonies,
he's really amazing.

The genius chosen by the four-leaf...

What's the meaning of this?

No matter how much one might be lacking
in talent, they should at least float.

If you'll excuse me for a moment.

Talk about pathetic.

Guess we're down one rival already.

What is he even doing here?

Come on, this should be easy.

Loosen up a little bit. Just like this.

That's amazing, damn it!

Loosen up, all right?

Hey, you're a decent guy.

I still can't float...


What are you doing?

Oh, I'm... um...

I told you. There's no need for royalty
to take the same exam as the peasants.


Your destination has already been decided.

Do not take unnecessary action.

Yes, Brother Nozel.

Your existence itself is unnecessary.

Magical Ability Exam


It's okay. Just relax!


Magical Ability Control Exam

Don't worry about it. Just do your best.

Creation Magic Exam


I'm not done yet!

Next, next...

Developmental Magic Exam


Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!

All right. The next exam
shall be the last one.

You will engage in actual combat.

You'll be battling!

You will pair off and fight with your partner.
You may use your grimoires to attack.

If we lose, it'll severely
affect our evaluations.

Picking the right opponent will be key.

Fighting is our duty.
Show us your true abilities!

As soon as one of you yields or becomes
unable to fight, the exam will be over.

There will be mages who can use
healing magic on standby.

So fight to your heart's content!

C-Crap! All I've been doing so far is yelling.

I have to stand out by fighting
someone who looks strong.

Come on... I need to find
someone to fight me.

Bah-ha! Fight me, Asta.

Sekke! You're willing to
fight a loser like me?

But of course! Bah-ha!

You're such a great guy!

First combatants, come forward.

Yes, sir!


Let's both give it our all and fight fair,
so we can achieve our goals!

You don't have to try so hard anymore,

you filthy little rat that
wandered into the wrong place.

Thank you for making me
look even better so far.

I'll get into the Magic Knights and
do my best for the both of us,

and have a great time.

Got it, you miserable peasant?

Hurry back to your village in the boonies

and continue enjoying your crappy little life.


Sekke chose the weakest-looking guy.



No holding back, all right?

Let's do this, Asta! Bah-ha!

Bronze Creation Magic:
Sekke Magnum Cannonball!

How do you like my magic?

It's bronzified and protects me
as it sh**t out magical b*ll*ts.

It's offense and defense all in one!

It'll block all of your lame att*cks,
which will show off my defensive powers,

and then I'll finish you off
once you've worn yourself out.

That's pretty decent for an exam candidate.

Doesn't he look like that spiky bug
from the Mimo Amazon?

There's no need to hold back.
Come at me! Bah-ha!

Now... Make sure you struggle as much
as you can to make things exciting!

Sure thing.

Here I go.





I'm not joining

the Magic Knights so I can have a
good time and avoid working hard.

I'm here to work my butt off
and become the Wizard King!

No one can escape from here

Once again in the small closed off classroom

The star of the class was shining yet again

They shine so bright that I close my eyes

I've thought many times

That the revolution was within my hands

Isn't it strange? If you want
to laugh, go ahead and laugh

The rest of us who were left
behind wanted to become something

We repeat the same morning over and over

You're the only one who
can choose your tomorrow

Let's go beyond our current selves

Petit Clover

Petit Clover!

The Anti-Birds!

Asta vs. the Anti-Birds.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Hey! Get away from me! Buzz off!

Whoa! Hey! What the heck are you guys doing?!


Hey, Yuno! Ow, ow, ow! Help me!

Oh, crap! I haven't really
done much up to this point!

But I'm not done yet! I can still do this!

I'm going to pass, no matter what!

Black Clover, Page 5:
"The Path to the Wizard King."

Page 5
The Path to the Wizard King

Not giving up is my magic!
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