03x03 - Gathering × Of × Heroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hunter x Hunter". Aired: October 2, 2011 - September 24, 2014.*
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Gon Freecs searches for the father he doesn't remember.
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03x03 - Gathering × Of × Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »


You'll find footage of today's entire meeting—
the entire meeting—on the Hunter site,

so tell everyone who wasn't present!

Tell them they absolutely have to watch it!

Magician x And x Butler

I will announce the results of the fourth vote
for the election of the 13th chairman.

Out of 661 Hunters,

there were 642 valid votes

and 19 absentees.

6) Ickshonpe — 26
7) Teradein — 21
8) Morel — 20
9) Saccho — 15
10) Biscuit — 14
11) Sanbica, Linne — 13
13) Loupe, Bushidora — 12
15) Cutie — 10
16) Ging — 8
17) Tsezguerra — 5
18) Knov, Kite, Gon — 4
21) Kanzai, 3 others — 3
25) Hanzo, 5 others — 2
28) Saiyu, 8 others — 1

The turnout was 97.1%.

4th Election for the 13th Chairman
1) Pariston — 258
2) Cheadle — 57
3) Leorio — 55
4) Botobai — 31
5) Mizaistom — 27

As the conditions were not met,
the vote must be redone.

1) Pariston
2) Cheadle
3) Leorio
4) Botobai

Voter turnout for the most recent vote in
the 13th chairman election exceeded 95%.

Which means that for the fifth vote,

we will have a runoff with the top sixteen
candidates, so keep that in mind.

I will now introduce the top sixteen
candidates in the order of votes received.

Please use this information when voting.

Pariston Hill, a Triple Star Hunter.

The current Association vice chairman,

his motto is the promotion of
a kinder Hunter Association.

Cheadle Yorkshire, a Triple Star Hunter.

The brains of the Zodiacs, she keeps the
organization clean and free of toxicity.

Leorio Paradinight, a rookie.

A rising star after punching Ging,

he's currently studying to become a doctor.

Botobai Gigante, a Triple Star Hunter.

Advisor to the Zodiacs,

he was the closest to the chairman
in both reputation and reality.

Mizaistom Nana, a Double Star Crime Hunter.

The conscience of the Zodiacs,

his practical nature has earned the respect
of the anti-chairman faction.

Ickshonpe Katocha, a Single Star Hacker Hunter.

Living in the digital world, he has
yet to cast any votes himself.

Teradein Neutral, a Double Star Headhunter.

Specializing in discovering talent,
he seeks to reform the Hunter Exam.

Morel Mackernasey, a Single Star Sea Hunter.

After defeating the Ants,
will he jump to Triple Star?

His focus is preparation for the
arrival of more alien species.

Saccho Kobayakawa, a Double
Star Counseling Hunter.

Counselor of the Zodiacs,

he seeks to reform the Association
from behind the scenes.

Biscuit Krueger, a Double Star Gemstone Hunter.

The Association's mother figure...

Sorry, older sister.

More and more people want her to scold them.

Sanbica Norton, a Single Star Virus Hunter.

The Association's doctor,

she has asked that no one vote for her.

Linne Hors-d'oeuvre, a Double Star Gourmet Hunter.

The oldest Association Hunter,

it's been five years since anyone
has heard her speak.

Bushidora Ambitious, a Single Star Blacklist Hunter.

The Association's disciplinary officer,

he advocates amending the Ten Commandments.

Loupe Highland, a Lost Hunter.

He can find anything from missing
contacts to missing persons.

He's tackling the issue of missing Hunters.

Cutie Beauty, a Single Star Cutiful Hunter.

Recognized as the leader of
the Vice Chairman's fan club.

She seeks to create a cutiful Association.

Ging Freecss, a Double Star
Archaeological Hunter.

The vagabond of the Zodiacs.

Is he back in the election
after receiving pity votes?

Leorio's in third?

That's incredible.

You can go to hell!

I guess this clip had a big impact...

And he has no problem using
his Nen in front of a crowd.

You can go to hell!

Looks like he's an Emitter.

So do people dislike Gon's dad?

That was a standing ovation.


You'll find footage of today's entire meeting...

Master Illumi...

Yes, at once.

Please wait one moment.

Thanks to Gotoh,

I can see it now...

Our family's correlation chart surrounding Alluka.

Despite what he says, my father trusts me.

That's why Gotoh was allowed to accompany us,

and he won't force me to stop.

However, he's wary of Alluka's power.

Which makes sense, given that one wrong move

is all it takes for the entire family to die.

But on the other hand,
he wishes to control Alluka's power.

That dilemma shows in his decision to
lock her up in a room filled with toys.

That's why he had Tsubone and Amane,
his most trusted butlers, accompany us.

If something happens, they can
take us back immediately.

And he hopes they'll glean some hint
to help him control Alluka.

Tsubone and Amane understand their role,

and they're being very cautious.

Gotoh and Canary are being subtle,

but they're on our side and helping us.

And then,

there's Illumi.

The moment his name was spoken,
Amane's tension spiked.

This means Amane and Tsubone,

and Father and Grandpa by extension,

disagree with Illumi.

I'd guess that Illumi's plans for Alluka are...

That was a fine play, Gotoh.

You threw out his name to see Amane's reaction.

If Tsubone were here,

she would have noticed Gotoh's reaction
when he answered the phone,

and she'd have distracted me or signaled
Amane to shut off her emotions.

This is an internal family struggle,

an inner mission.

When family members differ
in opinion or objective,

they're each encouraged to do things their
own way, rather than unite in the same goal.

This is a contest!

Father and Grandpa want Alluka
near, so they can control her,

and they don't want me hurt by her power.

I want

to save Gon

and to set Alluka free.


Illumi wants

to k*ll Alluka!

Is this Killua?


You removed the needle, didn't you?


I feel a lot better.

Then I won't have to hold back when I k*ll you.



You can't k*ll family members
during an inner mission.

Family is off limits.

Hey, hey, Amane...

Isn't this part great?

Why is this story so mysterious?

Is that what

Father meant?

You shouldn't consider that thing
to be a member of the family.

They're all thinking

the same thing!


I'll beat you at your own game.

Then, let's begin.

Master Killua!

Don't let go of Master Alluka!

Yeah, I got her.

If you two are more than a meter apart,

Amane will capture Master Alluka,

and Tsubone will take you home by force!

Oh, dear.

That was excessive.

I thought you were going to ask him first.

I have a little bird who brings me information.

And after examining that information,

there's something that bothers me.

Killua is hiding rules from us.

If there are rules I don't know about,

trying to negotiate with him is pointless.

He might accede to my demands
because they favor him.

So I'll dispose of Alluka before he has
a chance to use that advantage.

I just need you to eliminate the butlers

while you look for a chance
to take Alluka from Killua.

For now.


By the way,

am I allowed to k*ll Killua?

I will

k*ll you.

Right here.

Right now.

I was kidding.

You're oozing bloodlust.

Is that all right?

Illumi's bloodlust!

Oh, damn.

Was that on purpose?

Certainly not.

If at all possible, I'd like Gon to live.

Having more toys is always more amusing.


only if it's possible.

It's okay. Brother's got you.

Keep your eyes closed and hold on tight.


Try to stay away from Master Illumi.

If he knows the route we're taking,
it's best to change directions.

I concur, but...

It's hard for me to agree with you.

My grandmother and I are not your enemies.

Not right now.

But that could change if my
father's mood changes.

Master Silva and Master Zeno
are not your enemies.

Our mission is to bring you home safely.

If that doesn't include Alluka,

you're all enemies.


Speed of Lightning!

It's me. The situation's changed.

We've been separated from Master Killua.

We'll need four vehicles now.

We'll follow the same route.

If Master Killua contacts you,

follow his instructions, but avoid
any sensitive information.

Master Illumi is aware of our movements.

One of the butlers or a family
member is helping him.

Be sure to stay alert.



You've grown, Master.

If I hadn't known about that
technique beforehand,

I wouldn't have had time to react.

He will become an excellent assassin.

Oh, dear. These days, it doesn't
take much for me to tear up.

In that case, he won't let Master
Illumi get the better of him.

I shouldn't say that.

But I find it difficult to like Master Illumi

and Master Milluki, who resemble their mother.

Now, then...

Time to set aside personal emotion.

If he breaks the rules, everything changes.

I need to devise a way to subdue Master Killua,

taking his speed into account.

Okay! We should be far enough
away to take a break.

I'd like to use Speed of Lightning to keep going,

but to be safe, I should save my
energy for getting into town.


Am I a nuisance?

If I were gone, would everyone get along better?



I were the only person in the
world who really loved you,

would you be sad?

I'm so happy, I can't stop smiling.


I'll always be with you!

You don't need to worry about anyone else.

Someone's there.

Is it Tsubone?

Is it Illumi?

I guess this won't be easy.

That's fine!

Let's go.

Who are you?

A magician who wishes to stay anonymous.

You two

shouldn't be trying to fight back.

Just evade his att*cks.

Save your energy for the mission at hand.

You should follow Master Killua.

I'll play with you.

A power that lets you rapidly fire coins
with more power than b*ll*ts...

Your power is strong enough to explain why
you'd send your subordinates away.

My coins pack enough power that you
can't escape unscathed if they hit.

He must have used his power.

My aura possesses the qualities
of both gum and rubber.

Elastic Love
Bungee Gum

You've said too much.

I hope you don't regret it, you hack magician!

Telling my name to someone
about to die is pointless.

It doesn't matter that you
know what my power is.

Hisoka and Gotoh

are about to engage in battle.

A barrage of coins.

A net of gum.

While a furious battle takes place,

Illumi pursues the fleeing Killua.

Next time: Needles x And x Debt.
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