27x13 - Grid Connectio

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x13 - Grid Connectio

Post by bunniefuu »

and ER what's so urgent please tell me

this is just a drill Cruz was about to

take me to a videogame tournament

I got a championship to defend it's not

a drill

oh hey keeper what are you doing back


Rangers I've come to warn you that I've

had a vision a vision of many Power

Rangers in a mighty battle and what

happens to the Power Rangers they were


perhaps destroyed where we the Power

Rangers you saw as you know there are

many ranger teams across space and time

I cannot know for sure which Rangers

were fighting the vision was not clear

but I saw you Devin you were hit by a

meteor a meteor from outer space are you

sure yes that part of the vision was

clear I do not know when or how these

things will come to pass but I have a

strong connection to the morphing grid

you must be ready hold on a battle

against Rangers that may or may not be

us and a meteor with all due respect

keeper this vision from the morphing

grid it's a little far-fetched

so you doubt the existence of the

morphing grid no I get the grid we tap

into it in the towers which is how we

get more effects but these visions and

seeing the future sounds sketchy I don't

know I've studied ranger history there's

some pretty amazing stories about the

grid either way we need to be prepared

hey I'm always prepared if there's

trouble but right now I have to get this

competition if you need me Cruz can

bring me back it's less than hour away

okay but stay alert great see you Devin

you should not doubt the power of the

morphing grid

don't worry I'll look out for any

meteors come on Cruz oh are you saying

we took the wrong turn

sorry Devin I'm pretty sure this is the

correct Lord pretty sure or very short

put it on the main monitor yes ma'am

where's the transmission from another

dimension Tyler what's happening runner

attack keeper your vision is coming true

there are too many of them

was that a dinosaur yes a Velociraptor

Turing the dimension that has dinosaurs

we have a trans portal device I'm

opening a portal for you now that


now what about Devin he'll have to

follow you later let's go Rangers the


all right let's stick together good luck

there's Tyler

hey we're here to help


give me



you humans have always been pathetic

now I build our Maximus energem not


is that the best you've got


come on GB come here do you read me

Talgo rages



please meet me in the command me okay

I've been trying to call you my race

calm is busted

you aren't gonna believe what happened

Cruz and I were seven in the Dino

charger agents were att*cked the others

went through a portal to help them they

did when are they okay play the message

come on Jimmy diamond do you read me

come in gold ores back and he's calling

himself gold our Maximus they're just

too powerful or more versed weapons

transporters everything's been destroyed

they stole for energy we can't open up

another portal we'll try to hold

they're helpless hold on Exodus Devin I

should have listened to you

keeper the morphing great tried to warn

me but I left anyway I needed to help my

friends somehow even if you could get

there you need help the forces against

them are too powerful like you said

there's lots of Rangers out there and

they're all connected through the

morphing grid wait what if we use the

grid to send a call for help someone

might hear it is possible but my staff

was taken without it I can't access the

grid every more fixed our taps into the

morphing grid if I could go there

impossible the energy flow is too

intense sorry it took so long but I had

to find a leg case to shield a meteor

meteor what meteor that's why we were

late the media are not this right off

the road so on okay check this out emit

some sort of weird magnetic field see

what I mean it's like it's disrupting

energy I've never seen anything like it

that's it the morphing grid sent the

media for a reason it might be able to

sh**t me from the energy in the tower

just long enough for me to send an SOS


wresting idea let's try it


this is where the tower tops into the

morphing green Devon to succeed you must

trust the morphine drip

okay keeper




with Ingrid has the power connect all

Power Rangers

so I hope you can hear me there are

Rangers that need our help



Jason Thor Jason the Mighty Morphin Red

Ranger I'm Devin I know who you are but

why didn't you call for help my team

traveled to help some Rangers in another

dimension they battled an army of

monsters led by Goldar Maximus I think

they're in bad shape

Goldar Maximus he must be related to the

Goldar that I once fought

I thought Sauron destroyed him years ago

whoever it is they'll meet the same fate

as long as we work together

but show them something they've never

seen before the strength of grid battle

force combined

Dairy Dino power


sounds good


there you are finally this one's a good

shape yeah you're taking prolong do you

even know what you're doing of course

this is exactly what peeper said to do

and how exactly do we create a dinosaur

sort first you must place the powerful

crystals and dinosaur DNA into a geode

keeper was under mind control so

obviously he was telling the truth we've

got six kinds of dinosaur DNA and just

enough antigens

we could have gotten more if the Rangers

hadn't escaped who cares

this geode is perfect we just need to

find a way to crack it open

what's taking so long I need this new

sword to crush the Rangers once and for


it's almost ready master

what's happening they're gonna make us


what guy you did once but he used normal

crystals using our energems when we get

much more powerful and why would they

use DNA from six dinosaurs good question

maybe we'd like to see same here aren't


I'm Jason and we don't have time for

introductions Eve ox is making an evil

sword we have to stop them

you need these Thanks and here Dino

charges from our bow fully charged or


spectacular Devin you take your team

around the back I'll lead the rest of us

on a frontal attack old-school I like it

let's go we're gonna need to scale that




the power rangers have done to meet

their end so your cold are Maximus huh

I hope you're a lot tougher than the

last one we defeated I brought an army

to army that's not an army power coin



now this this is an army it won't be

when we're done Jason

it's morphin time

Fraser's forever



it's about to get wild

no chats milady

robot vanquished

Oh Tara Tara see rice blaster ray

ah snide - I better go warn ebooks is

history in the making master no one has

ever used energize to create a sword and

I'm the genius who ditched my mean I did

some of the work by right finally on

mechanical beast worthy of me I'll call

it that time aerosol step away from the

CEO your floor it's too late to stop me


battery box the Rangers have taken out

Roxy and snide to winning not for long

time for this so that's final ingredient

my home warrior spirit


the process is almost complete this

phase fools when I handle the rest temp

it be my greatest honor oh really


never surrender to Rangers


gosh good job box

oh you naive Rangers the real fight

hasn't yet begun prepare to meet your


which yours yes

the morphine great Serpentor was bad but

that's or that's six ads so that's why

they use six types of dinosaur DNA

lots of sword definitely we gotta do


guys you're in no shape to fight but I

think I might have an idea

commander I'm gonna need you to

transport a sword I think we're gonna

need some major firepower summon Zords


x-ray you think Jamaica swords are a

match for this



I'm untouchable stay go save a lightning


Devon the sword is ready thanks

commander deploy three stacks team sword

Inquisition your

damnit let's join forces I was about to

say the same thing


charge megazord beast next inflammation


I'm waiting for this moment let's take

you now

virus eliminated


thanks for responding to my call

no problem that evokes who's tough I

don't think you've seen the last of

Hamlet's we can handle you box we're

taking out that army today we appreciate

all of your help

we sure do including helping us get our

energons back and my staff the Ranger

legacy only gets stronger with time the

grid battle force team is proof of that


rages forever


well reef site awaits bye everybody

struggles take care awesome working with

you today tomorrow or decades from now

there will always be Rangers like you to

stand up for what is right


thanks for teaching me to trust them

morphing grid I'll never doubt his power


a wise person never stops learning today

learn to live


oh we go bye guys see ya

see you guys

this adventure is better than any video


so long


up next on part it's Pokemon Sun and




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