27x03 - Game On!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x03 - Game On!

Post by bunniefuu »


Welcome, everyone!
In a few minutes,

we will start the final round of the annual championship
Harbor esports store!

The next fight will decide

who will be the champion of Backstreet Brawler!

Hi son.

Congratulations to our finalists, Devon Daniels...

Can you believe?
I'm in the finals, Dad!


...and Kerry Dixon!

This trophy is yours, sis.

These consoles use augmented reality.

Each player controls one
holographic fighter.

Players ready!

Player one, fighter:
Sensei Bones.

Player two, fighter:
Sinister Sasha.

Fighters ready!

- Good luck.
- Youre gonna need it.

And now, the moment everyone has been waiting for.

Ready, aim... fight!



The hologram has just
bump into the judge?

Affirmative. The game uses technology
of intense light,

able to physically interact
with real objects.

Cutting edge technology.

Go Devon!

Excuse me.
I need to make a call.

Which...? I'm frozen!

- Come on, Devon!
- Now you're gone.

It can not be!

Blaze and Roxy, I thought that
we destroy the robots.

- Give me that!
- Hey, that's mine!

- Not anymore.
- Come on, Louie.

- Wait!
- Will soon!


Pff! What is it now?

Do you two want to play?

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!

Thanks, but we made it
what we wanted.

Tronics! Take care of them.

I think we're safe here.

Maybe not. Fast! Hide!

What do you think about leveling up?

Game on!

There, players - one and two!

Great. you are exactly
what we need.

Hey idiots!
Your Tronics have been toasted!

You are also about to be.

Don't be so sure 'cause we're about to
testing the Gamertron beta, with you!

You take Blaze and Roxy,

let's shut down Robotron!


Let's Play!

Welcome players.
You chose multiplayer mode,

Difficulty level: hardcore.

Do not play!

Oh man. It's like... twice as many of us!

Copies of you will protect me!

The robot just created holo-clones,
just like the video game!

Gamertron wants us to fight
against ourselves!


The real street fight
is about to start!

Power Rangers

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers!

♪ Go!

♪ Go!

♪ It's time to morph!

♪ For justice we fight
With a mighty fierce morph

♪ Together we will win

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go)!

Power Rangers Fierce Morph

The real street fight
is about to start!

Get them!

May the best player win!

I have to show Blaze and Roxy.

- Stay here, okay?
- Sister? Where are you going?

This is the best game ever!

Do not you think?

Fierce Shot!

I have to be quick.

Your health bars are
about to zero, Rangers.

Not yet!

Urrull!! That's right!

Let's balance the game,
and everyone will have a g*n.

Well done, my Ranger clones!

There is?

Beast Striker Detonator!

Everyone is well?

Yes, but these clones are strong.

We need to retreat and regroup.

Transport Beast-X Detonator!

Fierce Shot!

Let's go!


- Cowards!
- But the match is not over!

You did well.
We will report to Evox.

You will have your chance to
crush them soon.

There you are.
What happened?

The Rangers barely managed to escape.

That robot is an evil version
from my game console.

Those Ranger clones
are your fighters.

So what are you thinking?

- I found my spare console.
- Excellent.

Taking a look inside might help us
to find a way to defeat

that Robotron and his clones.

If anyone can find out, it's you.

It's from the gaming tournament.

Devon Daniels.

Okay, I'll be right there.

I have to go to Riptide.

Is there some kind of ad
about the tournament.

- We'll call if we need you.
- It cost.

What? I was so close to beating him!

But the fact is, you didn't beat him.

- This is not fair!
- Sorry I'm late.

Is it time for rematch?
I brought my console.

This will not be necessary.

As I just explained, unless Kerry
have a console for the rematch,

I'm afraid she will be disqualified.

But mine was stolen, and I ain't got no money
enough to buy a new one.

Sorry. I don't make the rules.

Devon, looks like you're the champion.


Here, you can use mine.

- Serious?
- Clear.

I don't want to win because you lost.

All right, I have a reservation.

That's very kind of you.

It's the right thing to do.

And you better watch out 'cause I
I won't throw my punches at

Me neither.

Excellent. Be here at night.

See you later.

Hey, that's awesome, you have a console!

Yes I have.

We will.

Man, people left
many things on the way out.

Dance Fiesta!

I heard the dancer is handsome.

Let's see if it works.

Hello player one.

He is handsome.

Choose your music and
skill level.

- Go Go!
- Oh! I got it!

How do I change settings?

Oh, the tango.

Let's get started!

You dance like a gazelle.

This is wonderful!

How does it work?

Sorry, sis! I take care of it!

Thanks for the dance, my dear.

Full round.

Hey, are you okay?

I'm more than fine.

- I'm in love.
- There is?

I really thought there would be something,

but we study every inch of it,

no clue about defeating Gamertron.

And no sign of him, or Blaze and Roxy.

- We need some kind of strategy.
- Rangers.

There's a young woman here,

she says it's important,
she wants to meet them now.


She claims to have information
about Robotron,

but she will only talk to the Rangers.

You will morph since she can't
know their identities.

- Hello.
- Hey! I'm Kerry.

- You?!
- How it is?


So... the Commander said that
she wanted to talk to us.

Yup. I was in the video game final
when the academy was att*cked.

My console was stolen and
transformed into Robotron,

the one who created the holo-clones
of the Rangers.

We know, they are difficult customers.

I saw your fight,

and the clones seem to be using
the game schedule.

But I think I know how
we can beat them.

Do you know? As?

I discovered a secret scam,
who can beat any fighter.

I think you can beat the
holo-clones too.

How a hit in a game can
help in a real battle?

If the fight is based on the same game,

so it is logical that it can have
the same weaknesses.

Exactly, it's a certain combination
of fighting blows.

When you do this,
your opponent will freeze.

You hit your opponent fast,
twice on the left shoulder,

twice on the right shoulder,
then a cut on the chest.

When you do this,
your opponent must freeze in place.

Wait one moment.

Twice on the left shoulder,
twice on the right,

so a cut in the chest?

Which is...?!

- And your opponent freezes?
- That's right.

It's a bug in the game.
Found it by accident.

I didn't tell anyone...
except you.

Wait. So if it's a bug,

so you're not winning
the game fighting.

You are winning by cheating.

I didn't want to cheat.
It's for my little brother, Louie,

he loves football,
and he was seriously injured.

If we can't afford the surgery,
he will never play again.

Then the winner's cash prize
would you pay for the surgery?


Listen Kerry, I'm sure you tried hard
to become a great player.

With your skills, you have a
chance to win the final.

But if you cheat to win,
so it's not a winner.

What's the problem?

Gamertron is attacking a truck
game consoles, in the Zulu Sector - .

If she gets the consoles,

Evox will have everything you need to build
an army of Gamertrons.

Kerry you have to show us
those blows again.



Quiet there!

Good good! many consoles
to make an army of...

- ...me!
- No way!

Game over, Gamertron.

So they came back for a rematch?

Yes, to finish you off!

You two escort the truck back to base.
We'll take care of this noob.

Good luck.

Game over, Robotron.

First, you have to win...
the boss phase.

Come on, team.

Okay, clones. Ready, aim, fight!

Get them! That!

They fight like us!

- It's time for us to try Kerry's coup.
- Go ahead!

It worked!

There is? What is it?!
My clones are frozen!

Beast-X Detonator!

No!!! Critical hit!

I think we beat your record.

X-Beast Cannon, ready!

Thanks for the match, Gamertron.
X-Beast Cannon, fire!

Gamertron is over!

- Got! Good job!
- That's right!

Good move, team.

What is it, Commander?

Gigadrone arriving at
Foxtrot Sector - .

We are on our way.

Come on.

- What is this dome?
- We're about to find out!

Oops, it's powerful!

Our Morph-X levels are dropping!

My sensors say the dome is
sucking Morph-X from this area

and our Ultrazord!

So let's finish off the Gigadrone.
Ready? Now!

Ultra Shot!

- That! We got it right!
- End it, Devon!

Transport Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Ultra Beast-X Attack!

Virus eliminated.

Okay, folks. The final round of the championship
of esports is about to begin.

Ah Juan, there are so many things that
I want to do with you

romantic dinners, traveling the world!

- Let's dance!
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

What I'm trying to say is...

that I want to meet you,
what are your hopes?

Your dreams?
What's your favorite cookie?

You make my heart skip a beat...
like a rabbit.

Will you grant me this dance?

No! Enough dancing. Stop!
I don't want to dance anymore.

Of course you do! How about the balance?

The flamenco!

The waltz!


Did you hear the lady,
she doesn't want to dance.

So leave her alone.

What are you going to do,
little man?

I have a thousand dance steps.

You messed with my sister...

and I only need one step.

My only weakness!

you can do much better
than Juan, trust me.

Thank you, Ben. You are my hero.

The game is starting!

Okay, players.
Ready, aim... fight!!!

It's on, boy!
It's in the chat!

Kerry, use your move.

No, I will not cheat.

Sensei Bones wins!

She didn't cheat!

That's right!

You won, fairly.

Yes, but you didn't make it easy.

Congratulations, Devon.

You are the great champion of
Backstreet Brawler !

That's it! Beauty!

We will.


This cash prize is for you.

To me? I just lost.

There's more to the game than just winning.

And you are a great player.

Honestly I'm happy with
the trophy. Furthermore...

...someone told me that you need
of money more than me.

I'm very grateful, Devon.

- No problem, bro.
- Thanks.

So, see you in the champions
next year?

I'll take the trophy home.

Congratulations son.

I know you're busy.
Thanks for coming to support me.

With pleasure.

Sorry, I'm feeling
a little bad.

See you later.

See you later, father.

There's the champion!


So who wants to take a picture
with my trophy?

Hello Mr. Mayor.

Need help?

Pretend to be the Red Ranger's father
disgusts me!

Let's get out of here!
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