27x02 - Save Our Shores

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x02 - Save Our Shores

Post by bunniefuu »





Good job guys.
See you next Wednesday.

Hey! Sit down.

Sorry for the wait, guys.

sometimes i get excited
teaching karate and forget about time.


- Where's Roxy?
- Still in the new job, I think.

- What new job?
- Didn't she tell you?

- Mm-mm.
- No.

Her aunt has a company
huge and hired her.

I think it's called...
Collins something.

You mean Collins Industries?

The CEO of Collins Industries,
Regina Collins, declined to comment.

Wow! Yes, that's Roxy's aunt.

The transport accident threw
tons of trash on Coral Harbor Beach.

This looks really bad.
I bet Roxy is there.

We have to go help.

We will.

Oh man.

What a mess.

All this from a transport accident?

This is madness.

Hey, guys!

what are you doing here?

We saw the leak on TV.
We're here to help.

That would be good.
Come here.

We will.

I have a lot to do.

- Here it is.
- Nice.


- How are you, Rox?
- Well, just busy.

Aunt Regina put me in
command of all cleaning.


Hey, guys! The Commander told us
to meet them on the beach.

We thought we were going to swim,

but i think we have something
most important to do.

Yeah, well, we put on sunscreen,
so we are ready to help.

That's an interesting sunscreen.

Course is!

Now, these bags go up on the truck, right?

- Just take them.
- Excellent!

Leaves! Why aren't you leaving?!


Wait. Which...?

This sunscreen for sure
it's sticky!

That's not sunscreen.
It's glue.

I must have taken the wrong vial.


Hey! The sunscreen catches
very good garbage!

- Oh here! Try a little.
- Oh! Oh no.

- Definitely not.
- No, Ben.

- Come on, Ben. Let's work.
- You are a genius, big sister.


Look how much trash we picked up, Ben.

Let's get him to the truck.

That's one way to clean the beach.

Roxy, we have a problem.

There's a sea turtle back there.
It's in bad shape.

What? Show me.

Oh no!

Poor little thing.

'Poor condition' is an understatement.

Turtles can easily swallow
small pieces of garbage.

What will we do?

Have you ever heard of the Marine Center?
from Coral Harbor?

That was my summer job
before entering the Grid Battleforce.

They rescue injured marine animals.

Let's get the turtle there, quick.

Roxy, wait.

- This garbage dump is huge.
- It won't just be that turtle.

This beach is fertile ground
for dozens of species.

Many more sea creatures
can be injured.

Okay, don't worry. We will
find and save each of them.

I promise.

Beauty, let's go.

Oh! Master, you must be careful.

This body -
it's not good for you.

It's corrupting your virus.

And if you somehow
run out of Morph-X

you can transform
in front of the Rangers!

Don't question my plan, Scrozzle.

After the Rangers found
our base in the Cyber ​​Dimension,

it was necessary to move it here,

but using this human body -
it's the key to everything.

Sorry. Sorry!


Ah, g*dd*mn crystals.
They are everywhere!

Forget the crystals, you fool!

Where are the generals
you promised me?

I just need to collect some data
of two annoying teenagers.

Do it! And do it fast.

Right now.

Now, where did I put that thing?

Aha! This will please them.

The old Scrozzle still does it!

Now, who is my target? Why
I'm ready to attack the cage!

Patience, Trappertron.
You will have your turn soon.

All these animals came
of the garbage dump.

It started as just one
turtle but

the problem is much bigger
than we thought.

- Thanks for helping, Dr. Walsh.
- That's why we're here.

Over here, please.

We'll do everything we can
until the environment is clean.

But this place is run
by volunteers and donations.

we will need money
for food and medicine.

I'm sure that
will not be a problem.

my aunt put me in charge
to take care of everything.

I'll warn you about the animals.

- I'll go with you.
- Me too.


The Marine Center wants to help,
but medical care is expensive.

Collins Industries will cover everything, right?

But we are already paying
to clean the beach.

Yes, but it's ours -

Roxy, a bunch of sea creatures
it's not our problem.

Mrs. Collins, I offered
at the rescue center,

and saw what happens to
the trash
or in the ocean.

These animals are in trouble,

and they will die if we don't help them.

Being a good business is like
be a good citizen -

you have to take responsibility
for your mistakes.

These animals could already be sick.

We can't take care of all animals
sick in the ocean or we'd be broke.

Now, I'm late.

I'll think about it.

She won't think about it.
Her answer is no.

She is not a bad person.

She just doesn't believe it
it's her responsibility

and there is no time to convince her.

I'll be right back.

I just have something I need to take care of.


Hello? Dr. Walsh?

Hi, I'm calling from Collins Industries.

I have good news for you.

We will pay for the treatment of animals.

Yes, that's right, everything.

Do whatever it takes.

Thank you, Doctor.

Hey, are you okay?

Don't worry about your aunt.
We'll find a way to-

What is it?

We are stuck.

Guys, I need help.

Two teenagers behind bars.

♪ Power Rangers.

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers!

♪ Go!

♪ Go!

♪ It's time to morph

♪ For justice we fight
With a mighty fierce morph

♪ Together we will win

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

Power Rangers Fierce Morph - T


What you want?

How about we fight a little?

Get out!

Are you okay?

Yes, but this monster trapped the
Blaze and Roxy in some kind of cage.

I'll try to get them out of there.
You will.


Activate fierce power!


- There is no escape for you now.
- That scary! No!

Tronics, arrest them!

Can you get us out of here?

I'm working on it.

- Scrozzle.
- Which?

Don't worry about me!

I think he... scanned us.

Do not worry.
I'll get them out of here soon.

Nice hits. Very scary!

- Break is over.
- He spoke and said!

Now catch me if you can!

We're not done with you!

Ravi, I need your gorilla strength.


- I'll help Nate.
- Beauty.

We have to get rid of this guy.
We will!

Why don't I raise the bar...

...so you never leave!

That's what we're going to see.

What were you saying?

It was a good try.

Now Devon!

Cape Attack!

This can't be good.

You are right.
X-Beast Cut!

Oh no! I'm gone forever!

That Robotron is gone.

Okay, back off.

That should fix it.

- Thank you, Ravi.
- I'm glad that you are well.

Scrozzle scanned them.
Who knows why.

We'll have to be on high alert.

Don't wait any longer, Master.
I sent their DNA to our systems,

and now we have everything we need.

Tronics, you know what to do.

I expect great things, Scrozzle.

Trust me, Master.
You won't be disappointed.



Master Evox.

Welcome back, faithful generals.

How is this possible?
The Blue Ranger destroyed me.

Are you paired with your
old memory backups,

some spare parts and some
razzmatazz from the old Scrozzle!

So what's the mission?

We have a lot to do.
You better be ready.

So is everything resolved?

Yes, the animals will be fine.

Collins Industries agreed
to pay for everything.

I can't believe Regina
changed his mind.

Yes, she looked very determined.
not to pay.

Well, she did the right thing.

Hey, your aunt really made it, huh?

Yes, she did.

Get out of my way.
It's very important.

I want to speak to the person in charge now.

That would be me.
I'm Dr. Walsh.

I'm Regina Collins.

Yes, I recognize you from the news.

I want to thank you for agreeing to

pay to care for these animals.

There it is, Doctor -

I didn't agree with any of this.

Well, someone from Collins Industries called.

It was me. I authorized the donation.


Why did you do that?

Because what Zoey said before is true.

Each of us needs to take charge
responsibility for our mistakes.

Our garbage dump hurt
those poor animals.

Now, Roxy, you can't have
sure of that.

Fish and turtles get sick
every day.

- It's nobody's fault.
- But...

Doctor, we found one more
sea ​​turtle in the garbage dump.

- It's wrapped in plastic.
- Oh no.

He looks very sick.

Not breathing well.

He probably tried to eat
a little garbage,

or he could have been caught swimming
through him.

That plastic...
It's from the garbage dump, isn't it?

, Lady.

And he won't survive unless
that receives immediate attention.

And, well, that costs money.


Please save this guy.
Save them all.

Collins Industries will pay,
no matter what it takes.

Let's take care of that.
We will.

Thank you, Aunt Regina!

Thanks. You two.

Who knew that garbage would cause
so many problems?

MS. Collins,

we'll show you some more of the creatures
that you helped save.

- Clear.
- Yea.

- What happened?
- We have to go.

Emotion has no end.


No! Go back!

No sign of a Robotron.

It is because...
we don't need one.

What? Blaze and Roxy?

I destroyed you, avatar.

Wrong again, honey.
That was old Roxy.

We are brand new.

- You are still no match for us.
- There is! Do not bet on it.

Hey, take this!

Scrozzle has committed a
big mistake bringing them back.

Are you a robot?

In fact, we are both robots.

And that's not all.

News - violet and amber are the colors
this year's fashion.

It's better to send both of
back to the scrap pile.

It's time to morph!

Activate fierce power!

Unleash the beast!

Transport Cheetah Claws!

Okay, team, don't hold back.

Destroy them!

You're getting sloppy, Ranger.

These ghastly robots can be strong,

but we also have upgrades.

Transport Ultra Beast-X Detonator!

Okay, team, time to take out the trash...

...for the last time.

Fierce Shot!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- That's right!

- Phenomenal.
- Guys, look!

Watch out for that Morph-X,
defective guts!

Stop right there!

Those Blaze and Roxy robots
they were a distraction.

He can talk.

Gigadrone detected,
Tango sector - .

We are on our way.
We have to go.

In position. Beauty, team.
Ultrazord Beast-X...


It's approaching the Morph-X tower!

This won't take long.

Transport Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Ultra Beast-X Attack!

Virus eliminated.

No, wait, wait! Master, please!
I can explain.

His 'masterpieces' were
destroyed in the first fight!

- Now I will destroy you!
- A moment, please!

There's something you need to see.

Just... just take a look.

We come back!


But the Rangers destroyed us.

How do we get back? Explain.

If somehow destroyed,

this machine can do the
download on new robot bodies.

Oh, I enjoyed hearing that.

Me too.

My master plan cannot be stopped.

The Morphing Net will be mine!

- Is everything ready?
- Yes that's right.

The beach is clean as
a whistle. And we too.

Good job guys.
I'll let the others know.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome!

You know, we should produce less waste.

I agree.

It's still a little sticky.

Oh no! Oh no!

Where's my -
where is my communicator?

I must have lost while
we were cleaning.

Don't worry.
I'll help you find him.

Call Ben's communicator.


It's in the trailer... somewhere.

Ooh, yes.
This will take a while.

- Driver!
- Come back!

Do not play.
They made robots... of us?

It's scary.

Do not worry.
We defeated them.

Knowing Scrozzle,
this will not be the end.

Hey guys. We will!

Oh, look at him!

He'll be fine.
Soon he will be back at sea.

thank you so much for showing me
that we are all responsible

for the protection of the environment.

Now, I have to go to a meeting,

but see you tomorrow morning.

All right, looks good.


- Thanks.
- I love you!

- Bye!
- Thank you very much.

- Congratulations for the good work.
- And to you.
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