27x01 - Believe It or Not

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x01 - Believe It or Not

Post by bunniefuu »


You got me this time.
Your avatar could never have done that.

Man these fighting tips
worked very well.

- You're a good teacher, Devon.
- And you're a good friend.

Due to its success
in Coral Harbor,

the whole world is
adopting Morph-X technology.

France's new Morph-X turret
will bring unlimited energy to Paris.

It's just the latest
addition to our growing network

that will soon circle the globe.

Another tower.
It's really happening.

All thanks to your team.

With the threat of Evox gone,

it is an honor to help the
world to obtain clean energy

one tower at a time.

The Earth will be greener
and peaceful than ever

thanks to Grid Battleforce
and the Power Rangers.

Sorry Roxy, but I
I have Ranger training.

Oh, no problem.
See you later.

OK, time to practice sh**ting.

X-Beast Fire!

- Everyone is exercising.
- Yea. What can we do?

- Punching bag. - Right.


- Fine.
- Hold tight.

Okay, give it all you've got.

Are you okay?

Yup. Jump rope.

Jump rope.

You know, Ben, that
doesn't seem that difficult.

Yes I was
thinking the same thing.

- Ready?
- We will!

- Oh no!
- Sorry!


Are you ok?

- Yea.
- Yea. we better...

Come on, Ben.

- Hey guys.
- Hi, Nate.

Where is Steel? He no
often miss training.

I didn't see him today. Have
been very busy.

Zoey has helped me to
work on this project. Look.

I decided to call it
Ultra Beast-X Detonator.

- Do you want to try it?
- Clear.

It's not just more powerful
that your Beast-X Detonators,

but it also has rapid fire -

in case someone tries to come back
of our Morph-X again.

We will try.



Sorry. just a little
stabilizer defect.

- Small?!
- What?

That's an understatement.

It has the power we want!

Yup. I would hate to be that wall.


I have an urgent announcement!
It's very bad news.

Evox is back.

- What!?
- He is?

How do you know?

After analysing
the evidence is obvious.

listen, I'm
searching for weeks.

I found some
very worrying things.

Look, I know it's
much to absorb.

Even I was lost for words.

So this is your evidence?

Annex one -

Remember that the Morph-X tower
spilled in the Lima sector- - ?

It's all clean!

I checked the logs. None
cleaning team has been assigned.

There are a hundred tons of
Morph-X not accounted for.

It must have been stolen.

No, no, no. My dad
said it was resolved.

He's the mayor, he would know.

Even mayors can commit
mistakes, Devon. We have to investigate!

Steel, Evox is gone.
We destroyed it.

You were there.

Underground lizard?
Earthquake machines?

These are ridiculous.

I don't know. some of these
things seem kind of legit.

But you can't be obsessed.

I'm not. I'm sure
that I'm sure.

You need to have proof.

Enough with the conspiracy theories.

- You're kidding, right?
- No, I'm not.

My father returned to the city.

It's been a long time, and bad
I can't wait to see you.

Enough training for today.

Try it, huh?

I think I know
exactly what to do.

You will. I have to
fix this stabilizer.

It will take a while.

I have a suggestion
for tomorrow's training.

How about a
run through the forest?

Looks good.

yes, a little
fresh air would be nice.

Fantastic! I see
you in the morning then.

- Bye, Steel.
- Yea.

I go to the bottom of this.

Hello, dad. Welcome back!

I saw you on TV earlier.
How was Paris?

Well my French is a
a little rusty but...

everyone was very excited

when they found out that my son
it was the Red Ranger!


Relax. I'm kidding.
I know how to keep a secret.

Very funny!

So, ready for dinner?
I was thinking tacos.

Oh sorry son,

but I have another meeting
that i need to go

I'm afraid it's late at night

until we put the net
global Morph-X online.

It's okay, dad.
We can go out when you have time.

See you later.

What an incredible morning!

Isn't it the Lima tower- - that leaked?

Indeed it is. Much
observer, Devon.

We will!

Let's go friend!


Hold on, folks! Think
it's time for a break.

Looks good.

Dude, look at this scenario.

Guys, check this out.
Does this person look familiar?

Hmm, not really.

Okay, Devon. It's for you?

What person? Do you want
say that blurry shape?

Seriously? Clearly, it's the
right arm d
and Evox, Scrozzle.

Not again.

It was taken here two days ago.

I found 'online',
then it must be true!

Why brought us here?


Stop it now.
Scrozzle is gone.

I think this is your Scrozzle.

Just grew up.


listen, you have to
there are other clues.

Um, like, like...

A-ha! Footprints!

you can't deny
that a robot did it.

These are your footprints, Steel.

There is?

Well there might be some
resemblance but...

No excuses.

You can't go around doing
crazy claims without any proof.

I will do this alone.

Come on, Steel,
where are you going?

Find evidence!

since you
seems to love so much.

Steel, don't go!

I think we hurt
his feelings.

Yeah, better go after him.


The trail disappeared.

- Steel!
- Steel!

What is it?

Robot footprints!

He must have gone... this way.

We will!


Steel was really
on the right path.

Hurry up with the Morph-X.

Otherwise, Evox will
detonate them in screws.

Steel was right.
Evox is back.

Hurry up, Tronics!

Another Drilling Robotron.

Oh no. It looks like the leak
of the Morph-X turret was no accident.

And it wasn't clean.

Was stolen.

Answer, Commander.

Devon, how's the training going?

Scrozzle and a Robotron
are in the forest.

they are stealing
Morph-X for Evox.


- Are you sure?
- Positive.

We will get more information
and we will contact you.

- Put the Zords on hold.
- Understood.

Morph-X is ready
for teleportation.

This day is going to be great!

And even?

There is?

Well, we're about to ruin it.

It's time to morph!

Activate fierce power!

Unleash the beast!

And that's my cue
to get out of here.

No! The Morph-X!

This is the smallest of
your worries!

Let's get them!

Come back here!

Wow! it's so strong
as the last Drilltron.

I'm just getting started.

Now arrest them!

You know how it is, Rangers.

It's time for destruction.

No way!

- Drop!
- And now to finish you off!

- Hey, drill head!
- There is?

Activate fierce power!

Beast Striker Fire!

Get down!


I heard the forest fight and
I came as fast as I could!

- You arrived just in time.
- Steel, we have to talk.

We need to say that...

- There is?
- What is it, Commander?

A Gigadrone detector
just activated.

The Zords are on their way,
but it's about to land...

- exactly where they are.
- What? Right here?

Arriving! Watch out!

Oops! That was close.

- No way!
- Let's take a look. We will.

The Leaked Morph-X
it's still underground.

This Gigadrone must be
drilling to steal it.

We have to stop it!

I knew something like this
would happen.

You should mind your own business, Rangers,

because they won't be able
to get out of this fight.

Zoey and I can
deal with Robotron.

You stop the Gigadrone!

- Good decision.
- We will!

I think I have an idea.

Nate, it is possible that the
Destroyer Zord's crane

take my Zord in the hole?

Yup. Theoretically.

Commander, we have
a crazy plan.

Okay Ravi, you stand guard
while we do this.

- Understood.
- Here we go.

Extending the Destroyer crane arm.

- Ready for this, Cruise?
- Of course yes!

Activating the winch.

All systems still functional.

Any sign of the Gigadrone?

Nothing yet.

Wait a second.

Devon, I'm detecting
two unidentified objects

approaching from below.

Oops! something is going
to the surface! Heads up!

- They are Gigatronics!
- We have to stop them.

I cannot defend myself.
Not with Devon still on my hook.

- Ravi?
- Yeah, let's go.

Not on my shift!

Keep it up, Ravi!

Devon, what's your status?

we are getting to the bottom
of this thing. Ready for landing.

Wow, that's very Morph-X.

It's everywhere. We can not
let the Gigadrone take it.

But where is he?

I think we just found it.

Wait, more Gigatronics?

Devon, can we fight down here?

I don't know, friend, but
we're about to find out.

- Fierce Court!
- We're not done with you.

I can't let
they get to Nate.

- I can hold them.
- Excellent.


It might take a while, folks.

Say goodbye!

No thank you!

Oh no! our levels
of Morph-X are falling.

Don't worry.
I have a plan.

Nate, drop the hook again!


- I caught!
- What are we doing

You will see!

- You hooked him!
- Nate, collect!

Nice! Going up!

And then there were two!

See you later, Drilldrone!

Transport Beast-X Detonator!

- Cannon ready!
- Saber loaded!

X-Beast Cannon Fire!

Fierce Striker Cut!


There is! Very well done, Steel.

now we better go
help others.

They need air support.
Time to go to heaven.

Commander, send the Zords
Jet and Helicopter.

Perfect. Let's fly!

Oh no!

They passed me!

I'm still connected to Gigadrone!


Thank you, Zoey.

- Phenomenal moment!
- Thought I'd make an entrance.

- Ready, Jake?
- Finally, some action!

- Let's go!
- There is! Excellent!

Bunny Mode!

Fierce Kick!

Take that!

m*ssile storm.

Transport Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Runner Zord, Cheetah Attack!

It's two less.

Oops! looks like i got it
A big problem.

I will help you.

I'm right behind you.

Special delivery!

let's put it
back on the floor!

Look at this.

In sight.
Daredevil Zord, Bazooka Shot!

Virus eliminated! We achieved.

Urrull! That!

Great job, guys!

The team took care of the
Morph-X leak.

I am happy to know.
Did you find the Evox base?

No, ma'am. I made one
scan of the Cyber ​​Dimension.

As far as I know, it's deserted,
no sign of the Evox.

they are hiding
somewhere else.

So we don't even know where
came the Gigadrone.

Now we can only assume

that today will not be
the last attack.

We have to be ready to
anything. I'll inform the mayor.

well you all thought
that I had a screw loose.

And in fact, I had.


Fortunately, Nate fixed it.

But really, I just
I wanted to get to the truth.

The truth is that your evidence was
right, like the tower leak.

And I think I could have
been a Scrozzle photo.

It's been so good don't
worry about Robotrons,

I don't think we wanted
believe they were back.

We're sorry we don't believe you.
Will you forgive us?

Sure, but on one condition.

Which is?

You join my expedition!

I have evidence that
Coral Harbor is home

of the one and only...

Lake ness monster!

Like the one in Scotland?

He's here on vacation!
I know that!

Ben and Betty performing
for service, Ranger Steel!

we have everything
we need, Steel,

but these glasses
make vision difficult.

You know, a boat trip
it can be fun.

Yes why not?

Let's find Nessie!

Come on, Ben and Betty!

Hey! Wait for us!
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