26x18 - Rewriting History

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x18 - Rewriting History

Post by bunniefuu »

oh just so fluffy look at that bird

animals are truly amazed there you are

we've been looking all over for you

honey what's so fascinating I was

wondering is having a pet a common thing

for humans

totally they're great companions raised

to have a pet hamster named Luna mom

gave me a turtle named Napoleon when I

was six we used to swim in the bathtub

together we have a cat named Sadie

sleeps on my legs every night then

that's it it's time I really explore my

human side I'm getting a pet you are

gonna look after a pet sure why not

Karen for an animal is a big

responsibility you're an awesome Ranger

but not exactly pet owner material give

me some credit

I can totally take care of a pet on my

own remember I have animal DNA on me

I'll be a natural tell you what bro if

you can take care of a potted plant for

a whole week

I'll take you past shopping a piece of

cake but where do I get a flag come on

to the flower shop great you won't

regret this

know what the plant might Sarova Tron

maker is now updated to activate the

memory pulsator generator where a your

Oh trust me it will the memory pod seder

is already in position welcome to Phase


masterplan I've hacked into the network

signal that broadcasts to the entire

city at this very moment the memory

pulsator is stopping everyone in their

tracks including all those pests at

great battle horse


with the press of a button no one in

Karl Harbor will remember you or your

att*cks and how exactly will the help

because I'm gonna replace their memories

right now great battle force remembers

blaze and Roxy becoming evil avatars


but that is about to change now my

memory pulsator is beaming a new memory

directly into the minds of everyone in

great battle force


soon they will believe a very different

sequence of events instead of blaze and

Roxie turning into evil avatars they

will be tricked into thinking blaze and

Roxie have become a heroes


we are the Power Rangers the team that

you can trust they'll all go about their

days with no idea that their memories

are false

oh hi Nate um what am i doing in the lab

I work in laundry you're so adorable all

green and leafy I really want a puppy

named spot so I think I'll make do spot

what do you think Devon Devon what's

wrong with you and what's this weird

energy whoa

a robot where did you come from it's me

steel Nate's brother

the mighty silver Power Ranger Goodwin

that energy it did something to you you

know you're the Red Ranger right I'm

what leave me alone okay huh is it just

me or is there something wrong with his


you're right spot let's find out as long

as that pulsator waves are working no

one will suspect that anything has ever

been different

now buckle up for phase three stop

following me Robo do but wordfriends

think spot

what'll convince him haha how would you

like to try out grid battle forces

simulator wait you can get me into there

simulator sure I can just follow me this

place is pretty epic

wait Deb it's tough it's blazing Roxy

we're heading inside creep we're gonna

take cover what exactly are we hiding

from I've seen those guys at the gym

wondering if like but who are the others

that's the rest of our team you were all

there when a Vox turned blaze and Roxy

evil we fought them dozens of times

Yeah right cool story bro if that's true

then why are they acting like friends

this is a mystery to me too first you

don't remember being a ranger and now

this wait that's gotta be their evil

plan Eve Ops has done something to mess

with everyone's memories then how come

you remember stuff well I guess because

I'm one of a kind the bad guys always

forget that I'm half human half robot

their mind tricks don't pull my circuits

you two are trespassing Bennett Betty

must be affected too those are combative

horse communicators who just do those

from hand them over

where did this come from Oh sir take it

no Devon wait yours too buster sorry

guys but this is mine let me leave us no


grab him



okay good I think we're in the clear

ah there you are detachable limbs sure

are handy but now they've got both our

risk comms we need them to access our

more furs well what's the more fur

it's what turns us into powering no way

me again

geez who is that cowboy Regis



No we meet again

geez who is that Fargo he boxes newest

it's sneakiest recruit so you remember

me huh

then screw souls memory pulse didn't

work on everyone after all I should rip

that pulsator off the broadcast tower

and make I made it

broadcast our there's one at the TV

station which meets it's perfectly

positioned to send a signal over the

whole city look at you both head getting

up clever too bad you won't be able to

tell anyone old spot for me will you I

got this what's the matter

Jen morph hey leave my new robot buddy

alone here nice safe Thanks

don't worry I got you back careful Devin

wait here spot

it's okay bud

I got you hey what's with that plant


whoa great touch how did I do that you

have super speed powers I do then I am a

Power Ranger I've been trying to tell

you let's go a lot more you got to get

our wrist comps back come right up oh


that's what is he done to you same thing

out till to you unless you stay out of

my way

Steele yep just over here oh are you


I was lucky bar girl left me for scrap

but poor spot he's gone sorry about your

plan if I could take care of spot for a

week my brother was going to give me a

pet but not anymore

and I don't deserve one I couldn't save

spot or this city one thing I've heard

about Power Rangers is that they never

give up


you're right Devin we never give up

I'll miss you spot alright we gotta get

to that TV station and destroy the

device that's messing with everyone's

memories Thanks now I'll teach you a

thing or two about being a ranger

I'm ready let's do this

and then we're gonna do some special

tests yeah so if you guys can pack up

the spare mega transporters that would

be small happy to help okay

I guess laundry can wait


I'll make this quick hello gorgeous

here's a surprise for later

it'll be our little secret


let's take them outside man these things

are happy it's crap I'm sure it'll be

fine right

come on up there that's gonna be poor

coils home Seder once again my intuition

is flawless let's take it out it's got

some kind of blast shield we'll have to

go up there easy careful the whole

towers electrified what do we do if I

find the power shut off how disconnect

electricity if you're gonna do that do

it fast

we don't have time to wait I've gotta

start climbing now I'm half robot so I

might make it

okay good luck Steele

and what are you doing where's the

mainland let's go shut down it's an

emergency down there you can run but you

can't hide you can run but you can't


get everybody out you should've stayed

away kid

your robot friend will shuck himself

into oblivion

as I destroy you well my friend taught

me a few tricks


my beast powers

Starzl my morphix is low looks like

you've already got enough for your

cheetah speed I'll send more if you say

please I don't think so

what are you doing farm girl needs time

off X or he could be destroyed oh no oh

oh nothing really

you traitors fortunately I'm still more

than a match for you transport I might

not remember being a ranger but I can

still handle a fight

bring it kid I'll beat you in your own

beast power

tired yet no way

almost there


I remember everything now he didn't

steal my memories are back still


come and steal your strong red ranger

but not strong enough to beat me that's

the last one

great so what's the plan for these mega

transporters oh well King something's

wrong with the memory pulse is going on

hey you were just leaving

they just stole our mega transporters

and I think we help them


these skin

your time is up Fargo oil I I don't and

that's for messing with my friend what

happened to him he climbed up the

electrified tower to destroy the

pulsator is he gonna be okay

I don't know Rangers we have an incoming

gate control

deploying Zords Roger that hey if anyone

can fix your brother it's you I believe

in you we all did



least X Megazord combine



charging main weapons

transport seen a bass doctor

please X hyper-strike

virus eliminated

initiate reboot sequence please work

Oh Nate you really scared me buddy I'm

sorry bro

hey did all your memories get fixed you

aced it

the memory post later is history your

true hero steel are you feeling I'm fine

oh but my plant didn't make it I

couldn't take care of little spot yes

Stefan told me but steel you saved the

entire city on your own while saving me

I did really I'm sorry I didn't think

that you could look after a pet I was

wrong so does that mean I can have one


come on spot

whoops sorry Devon I forgot the dogs

make you freeze up my bad whoa slow down

spot and he sure is energetic can I pet

your puppy of course we went to the dog

shelter but they didn't have any puppies


Wow spot really likes you Lacy's loved

dogs ever since he was a baby oh really

well then lacy would you like to keep

spot really what oh my

are you sure I don't think I really have

the time to give him all the love he

needs but if you do he's yours thank you

thanks mr. robot you're very welcome

come on spotty

see you buddy

you mean that little girl very happy I

guess so the spot looks happy to Betty


the transporter must have finally run

out of morphix crazy you wouldn't

believe the places we've been no way the

mission was a success

three mega transporters delivered to you

by us your favorite avatars stealing

them from the heart of grid battle force

was risky but hey it's what we do

did you sabotage the stasis pod yes the

next phase of our plan is ready

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