26x13 - Tuba Triumph

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x13 - Tuba Triumph

Post by bunniefuu »


nice man heads up sewing mates over here

I got it

oh no I don't honey

ah hey can I come play with us no thanks

I'm just uh brushing up on emergency

procedures oh this sounds fun

go on hey check out this a loser you

like playing that fart machine it's

called a tuba oh yeah your tuba needs to

be fine-tuned they're fixed it for you

kid my bro let's go guys



okay I saw what happened back there sure

you don't want that tuba I don't need it

anymore I wanted to quit playing anyway

it's stupid stupid hey my grandfather

you play to been a jazz man freely

he was as cool as they come he played in

a band yeah that would be cool

Ravi what's your name Joey senior

teaching karate at the riptides gym

right maybe you could teach me some

moves okay meet me there this afternoon

three o'clock freely totally cool see



time for a change of two concert

get your tickets yeah keep your volume

down brass head now when the Rangers

show up I need you to collect data on

the red Rangers beast power cheetah

speed I'll go make some noise

where did that come

way off-key sumatra time


phased out

unless the base my music is gonna fool



let's make this a duet



I'm ready to face the music Rangers


miss me

transport striker saber

watch it blowhard

way to go Robbie this audience doesn't

appreciate my musical genius yeah we're

out of here

that Robotron will be back better get to

base let's go

those fools totally messed out

there you are the Rangers nearly beat

you without even using their beasts

powers blame clunky over here a snail

could dodge a sonic blast hmm maybe I

could jazz him up a bit with a little

tinkering I could amplify his sonic

w*apon it'll scroll sometime and I

promise to Bertrand will be more

powerful than what's your plan nate I'm

reprogramming the Giga Joe detectors

audio sensors to detect tuba blasts now

if two patron shows up and uses its

w*apon we'll know when and where


good work Nate monitor your comms and

stay ready for action just in case yes




oh hey bud good to see you ready to

Train I was born ready when we're done

no one will dare to pick on me again

look Joey the first thing you have to

learn about martial arts is that it can

only be used to defend yourself you cool

with that sure I get it okay let's do

this nice job






okay not quite try to rotate try you can

do this


hey you okay I'll never get that tornado

kick right

maybe you just need a break you know

something that makes you happy like what

it used to be my to bow but maybe I

shouldn't have thrown it in the trash

plane was really fun huh the best

okay let's train again tomorrow

Oh Scrabble you're a genius I've

increased the blast radius and strength

by I'll fine whatever

how about a little demonstration don't

you dig this won't hurt Mott's

no stay back Regis



why'd afraid a little music no no I said


great shot to be soon the Power Rangers

will dance to a different tune a little

song I call destruction hey Ravi

whoa these are so cool

trumpet hey hey Ben we should play music

together yeah form a band go on tours oh


it looks like they're a little dirty hey

Ravi can we borrow these sure go for it

they belonged to my grandma what in the

is that my father's old tuba yes ma'am

it's it's grandpa's it was in the Attic

you're not thinking of playing that

thing are you

you know a Power Ranger can't afford any

silly distractions absolutely I agree

but it's not for me it's I was just

giving it to a friend

is that okay and go right ahead we have

much more important things to worry

about we need to be ready when we find

that Robotron right


catch you guys later


we need to unclog that sax alrighty

how to loosen things up now to get some

air through


try again Joey

nice one let's finish off with something

tough how about trying to turn eight

okay Kadena ready yep I'll never get

that kick don't be so hard on yourself

you'll get it come on

write you something here let me get that

whoa sis you and your girlfriend oh

those aren't very good really I think

they're great


I didn't know you're an artist yeah well

I'm not ready to show people my work yet

anyway I don't really draw it's too much

of a distraction but wait till you see

what I have for you no way for me yeah

this is beyond cool but I'm still gonna

get teased for playing it here's the

deal whether it's karate or the tuba

life is about standing up and being true

to yourself when you're afraid I'm sure

you might get teased don't worry about

what other people think

stand up for who you are and what you

believe in

okay I'll try

thanks Ravi you're the best




come later

what's going on one of the detectors

picked up tuba sounds insect to Sierra

six three it could be two but Ron we'll

check it out see anything nope but I'm

picking up cells from over there what a

grand instrument hey maybe I should

somebody asked for an encore can't say

that we did that tubas horn is different

his blaster bigger they want to pop up

the volume let's go all the way


come on




we can't dodge those huge blasts music

to my ears the Rangers are no match for

the maestro love misery

guys what do we do about those blasts if

we could produce a similar sound wave

it might just cancel his out similar

sound wave

here comes the personal


Joey no

we got your little ma'am now's our

chance aim for the horn


what happened somebody hit your mute

button go we'll protect the kid turn for

your school

you said

Thanks that's exactly what I need

Rangers genius speed is mine not so fast

the data chip has been blasted the

circuits are fried you failed

yes the writers are busy dealing with

toobut Ron send one of your digit rows

fill us no way to defend the city fine

but I'm only doing this for Eva

he made a bottle into to the drop

hey kid you did awesome

but we gotta get you out of here like a

drug has been detected we're on it

commander I have an idea

mind if I record the sound of your tuba

buddy no problem when you're ready


you're rusty my brass sonnet this

classical is just for you

ready let's go

requesting a pickup vehicle commander

nate has a brilliant plan to deal with a

Giga drone copy dispatch an SUV


oh you're really getting on my nerves

- muchas guests are you on the road

take a bow Ranger I'm drawing the

curtain on you for God oh yeah

try me


let's finish on a high note transport


just like your music

silence has never sounded so sweet let's

get to our swords commander we're

heading back to base

let's roll Rangers are enroute deploy

Zords as soon as they're in place

let's go all systems go

guys I have a recording of Joey's tuba

maybe we can use it to cancel out the

Giga drone sonic attack just like in the

park before uploading the audio file to

the wheeler Zord sound system nice bro

now let's crank it up data soon received

guerilla mode here we go

back away from the tower

it's working yeah the sound waves are

cancel each other out



ready to wrap this show up yeah

these steps where design unleashed

furry beasts X blink charging main



transport sheet a bass blaster


I will strike

virus eliminated


they were about to crush the Robotron

and then the gold ranger asked me to

play the tuba

he was so awesome I bet I wish you could

have been there me to chant whoa okay

Ben time for our band's first practice


you got that Scott it got the - drop it

- ready all right clear the area

no.1 Anna - Anna Wow seriously nobody

wants to listen to you two weirdos

making noise what this band needs is a

cool front man give me that hey check me


you did that on purpose no we did it

we swear but we should have you regret

that Eva Malone or what dweebus wait


come on let's go no problem you're


really nice work standing up to those


plus he finally nailed that tornado kick

I'm proud of you Joey Thanks

oh I have something for you


this is yours it fell out of your

sketchbook the other day I think it's

really good

as a thank you and a reminder of what

you taught me life's about being

yourself no matter what other people

think this is

very special thanks Joey


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