26x11 - Tools of the Betrayed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x11 - Tools of the Betrayed

Post by bunniefuu »

all right David now we're ready where

are you


try to feel your beasts instincts and

it's always rely on your sight


that was cool with the Bulls and I could

really feel my these instincts kicking

in that's exactly the point

delivery for Devon Daniels you know

you've been waiting for it so we thought

we'd surprise you

my first reality headset it came this

took forever to show up this is the best

vr gaming gear ever made all those

months of saving I thought the payoff I

can't wait to try it out go ahead blaze

has been spotted in Sector echo 6-8

Layton's still responding I'm

transmitting coordinates to you Roger


do me a favor take this back to base but

please don't let anything happen to it

okay of course you can count on us Devon

we promise what are you doing relax I

just want to get out





battle your breeze it's broken


get lost please should have stayed in

your lab nerve trunks finish them

sorry we're late glad to see you guys



soon I'll collect the Rangers beast

power data and that upgrade will be mine

the first things first



what have you done you'll pay for that


that's universe hey Chuck come on dude

please get away yeah

rats he always does don't worry he left

with his Robotron maker in pieces let's

tell the commander the good news

the Tronics just kept coming and blaze

was about to create a Robotron but i

smashed the computer that makes them

it should take a while to fix which

takes the pressure off of us it'll be

good to have more time to devote to my

projects the Giga John detectors are

almost ready and I'm working on a new

Megazord combination - good any

advantage we can get over you box will

help you're dismissed

oh you guys okay not really

we gotta find Devon to show him this we

broke it Oh My yes I promised to take

care of it don't worry accidents happen

I'll handle it he'll be less mad if he

thinks that I did oh thanks oh there you


I'm dying to catch some virtual waves

where's my goods I'm so sorry Devon Zoe

I tried on your headset and couldn't see

where I was going and whack could hit my


can you ever forgive me you hit your

head are you okay oh yeah you don't need

a car dad and what happened to you guys

pimples both of you uh it runs in the

family even our dog terrible pimples


but mastery bucks I didn't break the

Robotron maker the Rangers did no

excuses two minutes and scatter you

across this dimension

yes master how sad which means I haven't

had a chance to impress me Vox

Recker sabotage without my technology we

wouldn't stand a chance against those

w*apon rangers nice tricks grazi Wi-Fi


rude I have an idea your computer has a

program that fixes things gonna do the

opposite you mean take things apart

I suppose so great load that virus into

the Robotron maker I'll make a bot with

it once the rangers precious w*apon is

for the pieces they'll be easy pickings



insert the final piece

and that is how you assemble a Giga John

detector right on so what's it for

well these detectors will warn us when a

Giga zone is about to arrive

so no more surprise att*cks like that

drilling gigatron who snuck up on us

underground hated that guy name is

genius we need to set up at echos all

around the city make sure to choose a

location where the public won't notice

the devices and you'll need to assemble

them on-site since each location will

require a different configuration each

Ranger takes a unit bin and Betty you

guys build one together as a team it's

good to work those Giga drones won't

know what hit him


pass me a screwdriver sure thing those

to know the real Rangers are bound to

show up

there we go

it's tool time

wider than that simple clip this

separation show me what you can do you

mean what I can excellent next targets

the Rangers weapons are but first

scratches chip to collect data on the

Rangers beast powers hey you do huh nice

work guys

thanks Sully I'll help you bring this

stuff back tool Tron take apart the

Rangers wrist communicator

without it she can't morph yes man I'll

give it a shot

I got a new tool but you mom

should we follow them no okay Zoey Ben

and Betty are on their way

let's get started yes ma'am activating

all Gigaton detectors huh

station six isn't working that spread in

Betty's unit let me know when you get it


weird can we take a look at it there's a

security camera I can access here it is

what that looks like Ben and Betty

didn't even build their detector you see

really I just thought we deserved a

little tree mm-hmm did you really get

ice cream instead of setting up the Giga

drone detector wait we did set it up

yeah just that you wanted well that's

hard to believe since your detector is

still in pieces what but I saw it was

fully installed I don't get it

and there's something I don't get

earlier when my VR headset got smashed

you said you were the one wearing it

thing is you were just fine but it was

pretty banged up just like Ben and Betty

you're right we broke your headset I

just covered for them because I didn't

want them to get in trouble but they did

set up the detector you lie throughout

the headset so why should I believe you

about the detector why because we're

friends friends are supposed to be

honest with each other Zoe and you were


excuse me don't we wait

it's a little harsh

maybe she was just trying to help Ben

and Betty she's right you would have

been really angry at them whatever let's

go we gotta finish setting up that last

caper drum detector

let's see you guys


hold on Joey

look I believe you but maybe Devon as a

point I thought you were supposed to be

on my side

why where were you go away

I hate supposed to think good up there

Devon one sec it's linked to the network

right next time scars all sense one of

his Giga drones will be ready ready to

be destroyed

robotruck looks like they put their

machine back together only one way to

fix that piss me off in time


unleash the beast beast and blaster so


what masters he just took them apart

looks like my robots rods who are

inching your plans

we could just call in new weapons we've

got nothing to fight with

this will be tougher than we thought and

for my next trick I'll disassemble an

entire Ranger



nice try but you missed wait look

the detector and duck go find the yellow

ranger I take apart her weapons - I'll

take care of these for what happened

that blast completely dismantled it then

Ben and Betty really did build their

detector oh man so he was telling the


darn missed where did that Robotron go

he's after Zoe come in Zoe there's a

Robotron heading your way

Zoe do you copy why does he answer him

maybe tools run Thunder Zacks any idea

where Zoey might be she's probably

forged the park okay right let's go I'll

let booth know what to bring with him

my Morpher just a little trick of the

trade and there's more dreaded putting

you back in the toolbox without your

more fur or your friends though


I knew it cheers our jackrabbit power


yeah Zoe you okay I'm fine

crews heard you need one of these and

transporters nice thanks Cruz time to

give that creep a taste of his own


let's do this


laughter I got it Krisha thanks our gear

safe but we're not done yet

pay for that I don't think so try me

I'll break your wits myself

ready to drop this guy affirmative

transport blaster don't be a bucket of

bolts now

yes I missed it but good job bro

the Sonics are toast then let's head

back to base all right trusted Rangers

now roxy is leaving me to clean up her

mess too


never leave a data chip behind never

leave a dated ship from it oh whatever

quiet you it's time to make a Giga drone

with a new data model surprise inside

fortune gamma into tool drones

sensors detected incoming Giga drone

Rangers one of the detectors was

triggered there's a Giga drone on the

way deploy all those words


Recker sword battle mode



do you control on radar here we go we're

ready for it


unreal did you guys see that looks like

a new kind of Giga drone and it came out

in the other ones back nasty good thing

our Giga door detective system is up and

running otherwise we would have been too

late yeah let's get them

this top


is crushing my gourd

I've got your back brother thanks steel


let's use that new Megazord combination

like we practiced



striker Megazord unleashed rapid blast

now's our chance hey guys let's finish



Piper kick striker hunger blast




over here hey Zoe

this is for you well what's this it's a

cinnamon carrot frizzy and also an


you're a good friend and actually it was

pretty nice of you and try and cover for

being and Betty I'm really sorry I

doubted you

I'm sorry too I guess being dishonest

even just once makes it hard for your

friends to believe you the next time

ends again friends always delivery for

dead of Daniels

you fix my headset yep go on give it a

try I'll be careful there's a

mean-looking shark in the surf game oh

no worries

and Surf's Up dude


I fell off the board wait for it


that shark was mean no that's a wipeout



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