26x02 - Evox’s Revenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x02 - Evox’s Revenge

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Beast Morphers...

They are creating Power Rangers!

The system is detecting a strange virus.

The virus duplicated them, creating their evil twins.

Start morphing sequence.

Even though I sent your avatars to another dimension,

they will find a way back.

We created the Power Rangers.

You must protect the Morphing Grid.


Where are we?

We're where Nate teleported us.

You are in the Cyber ​​Dimension!

I am the mighty Scrozzle, and this is my kingdom.

So, you are the idiot avatars.


I'm in charge here, bow down.

Have mercy!

Bow before me, understand?

Spare me! Please!


I need to get out of this dimension now.

I can help you, I have a teleporter right here.

Only, it's out of power, sorry!

Not for long.

Heard of Morph-X?

Oh! It's pure morph energy!

How did you get this?

Where we come from is full of it.

That's not enough energy

to move someone your size between dimensions,

but it might be enough for robots, or avatars.

I need to go back!

Go to your Earth dimension with this creature,

and bring me plenty of Morph-X.

Don't fail.

As you wish... Evox.

So Devon, what do you think of the battle simulator?

It's surreal, it's definitely the best video game ever.

Thanks! I'm very proud of it.

Did you make it? Play here!

Come on, the commander wants you to come to my lab for an announcement.

Do you know anything?

It is not obvious!?

I bet the commander will announce me as team leader.

Just because the commander is her mother doesn't mean she'll choose you.

I mean, what if I get it?

You? Seriously?

Looks like there will be competition, Ravi.

Good morning, Rangers.

It's time to meet your new tactical companions.


Do we have our own robots?

I prefer the term Beast Bots,

as its circuitry is infused with animal DNA.

Did you build these too?


This one is yours.

Oh Zoey, I'm Jax.

I'm here to make sure you're fast and efficient.

Great, thank you.

Own, you are so cute!

I hate when people call me cute.


Ravi, my name is Smash!

Come here!

Sorry, I don't need to, I'm not tired.

Oh, but I like hugs.

Hi Devon, my name is...

Wait, what is this again?

His name is Cruise.

He's a little forgetful.

That's right, I'm Cruise.

Would you like to go for a walk?

This is so cool!

These Beast Bots are awesome.

I did one thing to help them.

I just hope it works this time.

Hey, I thought you guys were bouncers.

Ben and Betty help in all areas of security,

and in some areas I don't see anything.

We offer you,

the latest defense technology,

the Neutralizer.


You should aim for him first... like this.

Are you ok?

And then, commander...

Was this your big announcement?

Not exactly, there's something else.

Follow me.

So you're hiding here from a robot named... Vargoyle?

Trust me, if Vargoyle was after you, he'd hide too.

I built the Tronics to protect myself.

I don't need protection.

Yeah, you're so tough, boy.

Without Scrozzle, you would be stuck here forever.

I updated these keys I found in the wreckage,

put them in your morphers, and boom, they will teleport.

Think you can do that, smart-ass?

Now, it's best not to keep Evox waiting.

Come on!

Good luck.

Beast Bots will not only help you in training,

but they will also function as the control consoles for your Zords.

Check it out.


My life is suddenly like a big video game.

With all this new hardware,

It is critical that the team has the right leader.

I'm happy to accept that responsibility, Commander.


Excuse me, I'm not sure she had you in mind.

Who else?

Remember, I'm the only one who actually trained to be a Ranger.

I have more experience.

I have experience.

I reorganized the entire Grid Battleforce laundry department.

As if it were difficult.

How would you know?

You've never washed a piece of clothing in your life.

Devon, what do you think?

I think... that's an amazing detonator.

The Cheetah Beast Detonator.

He interacts with the Red Ranger's Zord, super charging on att*cks.


There was an attack in the security area.

And there's a Morph-X distribution in that area.

I got it!

They might need help, so will we.

We will?

Oh yes! We will.

Keep sucking, avatar.

We need all the Morph-X we can get!

Wants to know?

Let's try this.

What is that thing over there?

You will soon know.

In your...

It's Blaze.

Nate said they would find a way to get back to this dimension.

You must stay here safely.

- He is sure? - Yeah, he's sure.

We have company.

They are your friends


No, we're not friends anymore.

Hey newbies, meet my new friends,

Scrozzle, and the Tronics!


What are those things?

Power Rangers!

Go Go Power Rangers



It's Morphin Time!

For Justice We Fight

With Beast Morpher Light

Together We Rise

Go Go Power Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers

They go!

They go!

It's time to morph!

For justice we fight

With a fierce morph

together we will win

Go Go Power Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers

Power Rangers Beast Morphers

Get them!

How about another karate class, Devon?

Oh yes, there's a lot I can teach you.

Good try!

And this is how a true leader kicks the robot's ass.

Get down!

And this is how a true leader protects his team.

Seriously, I hate these guys.

Seriously? It didn't look like it.

Well, yes!

Ah come on, just admit that I'm the best leader.

I even trained to be a Ranger.

Well, I was a cadet too!

Oh, so you got cut?

It's because I was juggling a job at the same time.

People! Stop fighting and start fighting them!


Scrozzle, is there another way?

Of course yes!

I will upload a small Evox virus to this key.

I just need to load it with Morph-X.

Here it is!

Now we are ready to make a robot.

Look at this!

Not bad.

Cycletron is ready to drive.

This will be fun.

Where did that come from?

Does not matter. Let's send him back.

It's time to morph!

Activate fierce power!

Unleash the beast!

Rangers!? I didn't agree with this!


Scrozzle and I will take the Morph-X.

You deal with the Rangers.

Let's shake!

We will!

Transport, Saber Beast-X!

Take this, Tronics.


Beast-X, fire!

- Yea! Whoops! - That! That!

That worked.

Hey champ, where did you come from?

- Devon froze. - Oh no!

That thing will attack you.

What do we do?

Come on, Ben.

Hey rusty bucket, look behind you.

Damn, I froze.

Great job, little brother.


Thank you guys.

Watch out!

I'll leave tire marks on you, Ranger.

Let's check your tire pressure.

This heat... what is happening to me?


It's time for you to eat my dust.

My tires are drying up.

Not dry enough.

Vish, someone needs to improve their marksmanship.

My aim is great!

Hey, what are you doing?

Please stop!

No, I'm losing energy.

I hope you don't want pity.


Goodbye, Zoey.

- Spray it! - Stop!

Fierce Shot!

That was close.

There's something strange here.

Ravi, that's not you.

You have to pay for dealing with me.

Let me go, you beast.

He warmed up.

Somebody help Zoey.

He's in a bad condition.

Zoey, are you okay?


Get away from...

calm down.

Nate, something weird happened to us.

Yes, I know, let's go back to the lab.

Now it's time to work,

that still isn't enough to restore master Evox back to his world.


this is enough to power up a giant Giga Drone.

Yes, I'll put it in the center, for more Morph-X power.

Well, commander, no danger detected.

There must be something causing this weakness.

To be honest, I have no idea, yet.

I'm sure Blaze will be back later.

The next time...

I will finish him.

Not if I do this... first.

Friends, you have to stop competing.

- But... - No buts.

Listen, Ben and Betty saved me from a Tronic today,

they're great because they work together as a team.

We are also supposed to be a team, but you keep arguing.

Blaze departed with part of Morph-X.

We have to do this together.

He is right.

Sorry, Devon.

The next time...

I will do better.

Commander... we must immediately discover the cause of this weakness.

I want to go back to the distribution site...

to investigate.


My giant Giga Drone will do a better job than the two of you.

Now, let's get started.

If you've never seen the Giga Drone before,

see the real now.

One of the favorite models.

I have hundreds of such things, right below us.

They take shapes like Robotron when they are teleported.

Why did I freeze when the dog is digging?

Oops! It must not be good.

Devon, a new giant robot has appeared in town,

Zoey and Ravi still can't fight.

You must use the Runner Zord to try to stop that thing.

Understood, leave it to me.

Activate fierce power!

Send Zord Runner, remote mode.

Sending Zord Runner.

Beauty Cruise, let's go!

Ready systems.

In position.

Cruise, connected!

Let's activate the battle mode.

Do you have a battle mode? Nice!

Enemy giant in sight.

Jeez! It's very giant.

It looks like that robot we fought.

I'll pretend it's another video game and kick a robot ass.

Bring it on!

Take that!

Oh no, I'm freezing again.

Devon, partner!

You have to get out of this.

Nate, we have the giant heading straight for the Morph-X tower,

and Devon froze again,

i need the rangers

s, now.

I understand, but...

The dog,

as well as in the city.

Devon has the Cheetah DNA in him.

Cheetahs are felines,

and felines are afraid of dogs.

When you became Rangers,

quickly made contact with the Evox virus.

It looks like it corrupted your animal DNA causing these weird weaknesses.

It is clear!

Zoey, eat this.


It's like a wave of energy.

I suddenly feel great!

Because of your Rabbit DNA.

Carrots will replenish your energy levels.

What about me?

All your muscles activated when you fought as hard as a gorilla,

and the corrupted DNA drove you wild.

Just try not to overheat, and you should be fine.

Now go! They go! They go!

And remember,

as long as Devon sees a dog, he will remain frozen.

Good luck!

Right behind you, Zoey.

Let's get that piece of junk!

I should have paid more attention to training.

Don't worry, I'll have you covered.


Jax, connected!

Ravi, I think my Zord is faster, I'll try to slow down the big robot.

Understood, Zoey.

Systems ready!

In position.

Smash, connected!

Smash and I are on our way.

I'm seeing the giant robot.

I will intercept you!

It's sh**ting at us.

We've been hit!

We're falling!

Ravi, where are you?

Right under you.

I caught!

Nice rescue!

Yes...thanks Ravi!

I hope this makes up for the craziness in you before.

Let's kick a robot ass!

Show what we got, fast fire!

Let's show!

Bunny Mode.

Looks great, let's go!

Fierce Kick!

Down the rabbit hole!

Underground Attack.


That should unfreeze Devon.

Fierce Kick!

Attention guys.

I still can't move.

Come someone!

Let's go down!

That's it, I'm back!

Let's finish this monster.

I'm going to try that awesome detonator Nate showed me.

Transport, Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Runner Zord, Cheetah Attack!

- That's right! - Well done, folks!

Come on team!

Virus eliminated.


I'm sure Evox's other dangerous friends will return,

and his objective is the Morph-X.

But after seeing your work today,

I'm sure we'll be ready to fight them.

His first official mission was a success.

Good job, Rangers.

And about who leads the team...

Sorry, Commander, but...

Ravi and I thought,

because Devon saved us today,

when our weaknesses emerged.

And he reminded us to work together...

... as a team.

We think, you should be the leader.

I do not know what to say.

Just say "I love you too".

I love you too.

As a new leader,

I want to thank you for your help.

No need to thank.

You do not have to thank me. Much!

Team hug.

Sorry, forgot the Neutralizer was in my pocket.
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